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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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I'm enjoying the AI2 talk. There is something very special about this look back in time - quite interesting for taking perspective. How cute was Clay? So earnest. And that voice! I liked Ruben's warm tone, and still have a fondness for him, but found him a bit dull. Kim Locke's voice was very appealing and her performances just got better and better over time. Too bad I really don't like any of the music she put out after AI. I never quite got Rickey. Hercules aside, his voice was grating to me. He had some good moments, but overall, I didn't look forward to hearing him. I really liked Julia early on, and was thrilled by her last note on that Burt Bacharach piece. She just couldn't do the stage thing. I would have liked to hear more from Vanessa. I agree that Frenchie's appeal might have worn off quickly. Many of the contestants got a career out of the show which is nice to see. You don't have to reach popstar status to make a living and love it. I will always be grateful to AI for bringing Clay to us, no matter what. I often think about how this might never have happened. There were so many points at which he could have disappeared. Shudder.

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I'm late to the party because I've been out shoppin' an' eatin' - I lurve bank holidays! I don't think you can have a discussion of breath control issues without including Kim[gasp]ber[wheeze]ley[huff] Locke[puff]. Great smoky tone, but huge, audible gasps that drove me up a wall.


:hubbahubba: Know what I mean?

Okay, there is not one single ounce of CUTE in that picture. That vaults straight to DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS. :dead-1:

Venue approval has been received for the Birthday Books collection.

In fact they were quite taken with the idea and very supportive! Yay!

Now if I could just get the post office to open and give me a box number!!! Arrrrggh.

:7: :woohoo::da_best::clap:

(It's Veterans' Day today, so the post office won't be open until tomorrow...)

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OH, yeah, that is the one I found a couple of years ago cleaning out my files. I sure wish I had access to more in that vault. I never could contact the owner to see if there were more or to get permission to share, so eventually, I just put it out there. Linda is an alter ego, hget bounced enough from youtube and you develope a lot of them. There are lots of what were the lost videos that were not in the CH vault at the time, although they are all at CH and CU now. I understand they were already in Gonzos, so they were in CV, but a lot of people didn't know it.

That video was done just before Hollywood. At one time Clay said that AI told them to contact their local news media and that is how he met Linda Loveland and she followed his career. I wonder if anyone would contact WRAL if they would have a better copy and some more video perhaps?

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Sorry to interrupt....but Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Venue approval has been received for the Birthday Books collection.

In fact they were quite taken with the idea and very supportive! Yay!

Now if I could just get the post office to open and give me a box number!!! Arrrrggh.

:clap: You're on your way rohdy! Whoot!

I just found this interesting interview about the Atlanta audition. Video Quality is crappy, but sound is OK.

I hadn't happened to see it before. It's labelled 11/2002 early interview of Clay Aiken.

That clip was fun!...but I also enjoyed watching the Jaded Journalist's interview that was linked on the side. Cracked me up. I wonder who was in Clay's posse off camera, whooping and chiming in with remarks now and then. Funny stuff.

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Gibby, I am finding myself strangely hypnotized by your avi. Can't imagine why.

Me too! :hubbahubba:

I think Simon's - and for that matter everyone at AI's - conundrum with Clay - was just what do you do with a guy who obviously has oodles of talent but whose image goes against everything that sells in the pop music world. Let's face it - the entertainment industry is a very visual industry. Looks sell and Clay did not have the look that sells for a young white male pop star.

His talent was undeniable. I think they also recognized his charisma. But how do you market someone like that, someone that goes against everything that traditionally sells in pop music?

Ultimately they decided to leave it up to America. It sure seems, though, that the powers that be still haven't quite figured out how to market Clay.

What was it that Gladys Knight said about Clay? That he was a mystery and she didn't know what would become of him in the music world?

I think that's one thing I love about this ride we're on. So much about where Clay is going is still a mystery, still unpredictable, still surprising.

Keeps things interesting.

I think this is what I was trying to say earlier (but very, very badly). I do think that Simon thought there would be women who would be attracted to Clay....but in his mind, those aren't the kinds of people TBTB wanted watching their show, or buying albums.

Perma, I really like your style around here. You stop by, write something, and then end with a pretty that we all go "GUH" over. Thank you for your pictures. And darn you, I keep wanting to change my avatar every time you post a new picture. Oh, and have fun at the wedding!

But...but...but even in Hollywood the other contestants were screaming in the audience when Clay sang. The judges had to notice that.

As for Perma... :iagree:

I'm enjoying the AI2 talk. There is something very special about this look back in time - quite interesting for taking perspective. How cute was Clay? So earnest. And that voice! I liked Ruben's warm tone, and still have a fondness for him, but found him a bit dull. Kim Locke's voice was very appealing and her performances just got better and better over time.

I like Ruben but only with Clay. I think they sound great together and are such a hoot!

As for Kim, I never liked her attitude. She got better at the end of the competition but to me that attitude is showing again.

But Clay, always has been CUTE, always will be CUTE!! :wub:

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OK, this is just weird. I had ATDW on the iPod at lunch when I was walking. I mean, I've listened to it eleventy million times before. I just tried to put it back on, and it refuses to play. Skips over every song except IYDKMBN (the only one not d/l from iTunes). WTF?

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Y'all will be relieved to know that I found something to wear for the wedding at Hilo Hatties in Orange. I have no idea what that store is doing there, but I'm very grateful.

AND......because I don't WANT to describe the statistical analysis methods for this study I'm working on, I edited another picture........


:hubbahubba: Know what I mean?

Perma.... you did it again... woman, you take AWESOME pictures!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Glad you found Hilo Hattie's. I live in North OC. Maybe we can get together some time!

Sorry to interrupt....but Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Venue approval has been received for the Birthday Books collection.

In fact they were quite taken with the idea and very supportive! Yay!

rohdy... Congrats! I think this is the bestest idea eveh for Clay's Birthday and can see it becoming a yearly event for his birthday! SUCH a good idea! They are going to be swamped with books, I bet! :clap:

I just found this interesting interview about the Atlanta audition. Video Quality is crappy, but sound is OK.

I hadn't happened to see it before. It's labelled 11/2002 early interview of Clay Aiken.

lilyshine... thanks! I enjoyed that and watched a couple of other while I was there.

I am enamored of AIW from Vegas... I keep playing it over and over. So, last night I pulled up AIW from Long Island (the definition of courage and determination), West Point (LOVED that suit and that hair) and Charlotte (feisty Clay). It was as I remembered... Vegas was the BEST version of AIW he has ever sung, IMO! And, it's going to be on national TV! Wheeeeee!!!!

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I love AI2 talk...

I do remember Clay saying something about keeping back from the camera during Hollywood...well now he says he was there to work and not to party and I believe he also said something about not wanting to get into the drama early on. I believe he recognized that the camera was looking for controversies and he wasn't going to get into that. So as much as he recognizes the power of the medium, he also knows it can work against a person.

I do believe that more than just the singing talent...Clay definitely has that extra something...that star power...that sets him apart from other people. Unfortunately...this X factor is very hard to define...some people think it is brought about by good looks...or flashy personality. But its really more than that. It really is very rare to find model like beauty combined with great talent making it in the industry. BUT...these record executives who keep wanting to recreate the careers of big stars are looking for formulas...at times the formula works, like in the case of Carrie Underwood. But more often than not...it is artists that set trends or that have something unique to offer who really end up with long lasting and significant careers.

I do believe that Clay was in the maybe group because he was so unique that they saw it as a big risk. That is why Randy called it weird. I think even if Clay didn't go this route he would always be a star with whatever he does. That is why in his audition he had all those people waiting and cheering for him...why in that clip about his sleeping butt...that girl couldn't take her eyes away from him, he just had that strong charisma that was undeniable.

The world is really full of great and talented singers...but not all of them have that star power. Most of them will make a living with their music singing in bars and amusement parks, and cruise ships. I would put the Kim C. and the Corey C. in that category. They can make an impression in first few times you listen to them but that is what the AI format does...it pushes these performers so that they have to go beyond their repertoire of songs they can do really really well. Once their arsenal is done, most of them simply fail to keep the interest of their audience so they bow out pretty early. I also don;t think that every season has a star...winning AI does not mean you are a star...it just means that you lasted longest.

YAY rohdy so how will this work???

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Sorry to interrupt....but Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Venue approval has been received for the Birthday Books collection.

In fact they were quite taken with the idea and very supportive! Yay!

Now if I could just get the post office to open and give me a box number!!! Arrrrggh.

Yipeee rohdy! Now I'm over to the Book thread to figure out what I want to do...I like the idea of a gift card but also like the idea of just buying some of the books recommended by our wonderful librarians and non-librarians who contributed so many good ideas. Such smart people we have here! :3:

GOOD JOB ROHDY :F_05BL17blowkiss: GOOD JOB FCA :clap:

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I do believe that more than just the singing talent...Clay definitely has that extra something...that star power...that sets him apart from other people. Unfortunately...this X factor is very hard to define...some people think it is brought about by good looks...or flashy personality. But its really more than that. It really is very rare to find model like beauty combined with great talent making it in the industry. BUT...these record executives who keep wanting to recreate the careers of big stars are looking for formulas...at times the formula works, like in the case of Carrie Underwood. But more often than not...it is artists that set trends or that have something unique to offer who really end up with long lasting and significant careers.

I do believe that Clay was in the maybe group because he was so unique that they saw it as a big risk. That is why Randy called it weird. I think even if Clay didn't go this route he would always be a star with whatever he does. That is why in his audition he had all those people waiting and cheering for him...why in that clip about his sleeping butt...that girl couldn't take her eyes away from him, he just had that strong charisma that was undeniable.

The world is really full of great and talented singers...but not all of them have that star power. Most of them will make a living with their music singing in bars and amusement parks, and cruise ships. I would put the Kim C. and the Corey C. in that category. They can make an impression in first few times you listen to them but that is what the AI format does...it pushes these performers so that they have to go beyond their repertoire of songs they can do really really well. Once their arsenal is done, most of them simply fail to keep the interest of their audience so they bow out pretty early. I also don;t think that every season has a star...winning AI does not mean you are a star...it just means that you lasted longest.

Ansa... I agree with so much you said here, that I just quoted most of it... LOL. One thing for sure... the man has never been and will never be boring.... eveh!!! His voice is outstanding, but it is his personality and character that make him so unique and lovable and interesting/fascinating/compelling! :Thud:

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I may be pulling this out of my nether regions, but I vaguely remember Clay talking disparagingly about contestants who were always playing to the cameras while off-stage. He said something to the effect that it was about singing, not being a camera-whore.

Actually, I do remember him saying something about how he realized that the competition started before the voting, in that he knew that how you presented yourself to the cameras off-stage was important because it affected how the audience perceived you. I do recall him expressing some disdain for those who were mouthy or displayed attitude during Hollywood Week. Maybe it's in "Learning to Sing"?

Rhody, great job with the book drive! I think it's a fantastic idea.

Couchie, terrific posts, as always.

The world is really full of great and talented singers...but not all of them have that star power.

Excellent point, Ansa. There really are a lot of exceptional voices out there. Many, many back-up singers are far more gifted and technically skilled than the people they stand behind. Church and school choirs across the nation are filled with voices who are far more talented than the majority of artists on the charts. I dare to say that many karaoke singers are far better than Britney Spears ever was. However, very few have that intangible "star quality" that sets them apart from everyone else. A lot of fantastic singers will cross the idol stage, but not all of them have what it takes to make people remember them.

Clay was memorable from the very beginning. It wasn't just the voice. There was something about him, even at his geekiest, that made people want to root for him. He was and continues to be a very unique individual, which I think makes him a bit of a challenge for some in the music industry (like Simon). However, what makes him different is also what makes him special.

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Being that Luther Vandross was my absolute favorite artist before Clay, and the only artist I have seen multiple times in concert (well MJ before he went totally bananas), and that I probably have 80% of every Luther album ever made I thought the similarities were only surface but so are most of the comparisons. Luther had a warmth to his voice that is unmatched IMO with any of these up and coming R&B singers. Luther had a strong


A Luther Vandross fan here, I can attest that while there may be similarities in the tone, Ruben could only wish to be the singer that Luther was. Not to say that Ruben doesn't have talent but he's a long ways from being the talent that Luther was with his dulcet tones and smoothness of his transition. He was a master.

I do believe there was talk about him being a guest judge, but I seem to recall he was sick with his diabetes before he had the stroke, so it was always iffy. His father died of diabetes at a young age as well.

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Um...I've been looking for a forum that sells concert tickets. Do we have such a forum in FCA? I think I may be able to fly into Chicago and catch the last show of the tour and would like a couple of decent tickets for the show before booking flights, hotels, etc. Thanks for any help.

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Corey Clark? From what I saw in Rewind this weekend, that guy should not have made the first cut. That screaming falsetto was WORSE than fingernails on a chalkboard for me. I've seen Simon go off on stuff way better than that. If it was all image and style, then I missed that too. I saw nothing about him that was a keeper.

I must add that I have nothing against pretty boys. I've known some super hot guys in my time who were first class human beings and seemed to be completely unconscious of their looks. Here's one ...


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Did we see this? I swear I read everything, but didn't see this.

Posted by GBB at the CH:

Found at CB. Two interesting blog entries from a guy named Josh Auer:

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tonight's project.

Well, it's 10:30pm and my wife Amanda and I are in the studio tracking some vocals for a song written by the uber talented and fabulous Eve Nelson. She's sending the song over to Clay Aiken for consideration for his new album and his team wanted to hear a male vocal on it... so it came my way.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Approval and getting towed.

Today, Josh got the OK on the vocals he sang for the Clay Aiken demo. Yes! We're thrilled. :)

We also got his car towed, because his key stopped working. That means 2+ weeks of one car for the two of us until his truck can get re-keyed. Yikes. At least it's on it's way to being fixed. It'd been acting up for quite some time.

We'll keep you posted on Clay Aiken.

Here's a link she posted to some of this Eve Nelson's music: http://www.evenelson.com/listen/index.htm

Anyone ever hear of her??

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The world is really full of great and talented singers...but not all of them have that star power.

Now I love Quiana and think she has a fabulous voice....but I don't think she has any Star Power. I think she is much better now than she was when she first started touring with Clay. As I remember it she was pretty withdrawn back then and she looked pretty dowdy the first few appearances with Clay. (Tonight Show and SNL) I think she dresses great now...but I think it has been a learning process for her. Perhaps when she was auditioning for AI, she wasn't outgoing and her appearance didn't impress the judges...then it wouldn't have mattered how great a singer she was. They were looking for people with "IT" or people that looked good and fit the image of a Pop Star. I think they probably had an abundance of R&B Diva Singers to chose from. I don't know if they even wanted Kim. I think they expected the Winners of Group 2 to be Clay and Ruben. Kim showed a lot of personality during that Show...and I think Clay was a bit nervous and sang the wrong song.

I think Season 2 they had to decide if they wanted Talent over Style. Lucky for us they chose talent.

Corey Clark was horrible in so many ways. What were the judges thinking? Yeah he looked the part.


From CV

Clay spoke at the NC EC Conference this morning about the BAF. It is posted at the OFC.

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I think they took talent over style....Clay wouldn't have made the cut with his "style", even though I thought he looked like a typical college guy. *shrug*

Sorry need to proofread better, of course I meant talent...although I thought he looked good in Hollywood. Well, except for the sideburns, hate long sideburns.

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I think they took talent over style....Clay wouldn't have made the cut with his "style", even though I thought he looked like a typical college guy. *shrug*

Sorry need to proofread better, of course I meant talent...although I thought he looked good in Hollywood. Well, except for the sideburns, hate long sideburns.

I thought maybe you did but wasn't sure...

Not fond of the sideburns, either.

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