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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Well, adding in the new WFI total and the additional figures that were provided by Poshpenny and from other sites, we have a new total. Sorry if this is too repetitve,there just seems to be moreand more money


6 Degree's of Separation - $43,731.00 + $10,000 for being in the top 6


Valentine Gifts: CH, CV, CB - $17,0289


BAF gala - $333,238

To Unicef - $181,783 for Afghanastan


Kimberley Locke & Idol Friends - Clay's Shirt $4,020.00


AYSTA5thG - $300,000 + $78,000 in matching pledges to the BAF

Ticketmaster BAF Auctions - $54,560.00


WFI - $102,167

This unknown entry? Not-A-Gala $15,912

UNICEF Mexico - $110,000

Good Search - 4735

Empties for Cash (through May) - $2,428<-- need updated figure on this!


Fan initiatives:

Scrapping 4 Inclusion - 10,325.00

the Kalamazoo book drive for Clay's Birthday that raised over $8,000 worth of books and credits

Clayboard birthday gift $12,000 for BAF

LemonAID Stand (minimum) - $1000

Cruise'n 4 Inclusion - $2,107.00

The Inclusion Bracelet - $4,326.00

Jesse's baton/Classics Medley sheet music auction $3,231.00

346 Our Friend Mikayla Books

Striped Socks $1200

Fan Pre-concert parties (2) - $8200 and probably a lot more = let me know if you raised money at a gala in 2007.

Final Total over $1,307992

Not counting all the other gifts through the year,

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I posted on CH what I read on Wikipedia about a dance belt since the discussion was about Clay in tights and the consequent specialty clothing item that he would need to wear...ahem.

ETA: This from Wikipedia:

A dance belt is a functional name for a thong jock, an undergarment which is often worn by male ballet dancers because various choreographic moves would otherwise produce unfortunate visual distractions, discomfort or even injury.

Injury? Clay? Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

Oh! Wow! Ow!!

Oh, KAndre! Where are you, woman? You want bling? Hey, here's your bling! A protective rhinestone eyepatch for those up-close and personal Sir Robin encounters...

heh. :whistling-1:


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So, last night I was thinking a bit about Clay's look during the ATDW promo appearances, with the expensive suits and the monochromatic shirts and ties. I wonder if whomever (Jamie?) is styling him for this round of Spamalot promo will be working a similar, consistent theme. That's assuming there will be additional TV appearances beside The View. There has to be, right? :praying:

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So, last night I was thinking a bit about Clay's look during the ATDW promo appearances, with the expensive suits and the monochromatic shirts and ties. I wonder if whomever (Jamie?) is styling him for this round of Spamalot promo will be working a similar, consistent theme. That's assuming there will be additional TV appearances beside The View. There has to be, right? :praying:

I kinda doubt. I think we'll have something totally different going on.

ETA- Yes, I'm praying for lots of TV, too.

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Hee, I was hoping he'd go on the View dressed as Sir Robin. ;)

This is a recap of Quiana's dress rehearsal last night for Dream Girls, from cesperry at CH.

I was so lucky to be able to attend the dress rehearsal for Dream Girls in Raleigh last night. Since it’s late and real slow right now, I hope its okay to post a small recap. There is some Clay content in here. Whoever is planning to go is in for a real treat. There is some great talent in this production. Quiana was just amazing and so beautiful.

Normally the dress rehearsals have only a small number of people in the audience. Backers Club members and their guests, and family of the cast. last night there was a rather large crowd. The center section was full all the way to the first rails. This play has a huge cast, so I guess that’s way it was so full. We didn’t get to sit as close as we thought we would, but still had a great view.

The CEO of the NC Theater came out and talked to us a bit about the play and the dress rehearsal process. This was the first time they were to run through the whole play from start to finish with all the costume changes and lighting and sound. He said the real challenge tonight would be getting the process of the costume and wig changes down. This play is all about costumes and wigs, and costumes and wigs, and costumes and wigs. And he was right. There were lots of beautiful dresses, and some very interesting hair up there.

He also gave a short description intro of the main cast members. When he got to Quiana, he said they were happy to find her in an interesting way. Then he talked about Clay, about how Clay Aiken is a friend of the NC Theater. They had known him from years ago as a youth working with them, and from recent years being in touch with him. He talked about how Clay met Quiana, (we all know that story) and how he recommender her for the part. She auditioned for the part, and they were blown away by her talent. He seemed very proud of Clay too.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I have seen video of Jennifer Hudson and Jennifer Holiday singing “And I’m Telling You”. And I’m telling you, they have Nothing on our Quiana Parler. She got a wonderful, much deserved, standing ovation. My friend tells me that it’s something you usually don’t see in a dress rehearsal. She was awesome!!!! I so wish we could get audio of that performance. Maybe Clay will let her sing it on tour sometime. Just a thought.

During intermission the director came by and talked to my friend’s brother for a few minutes. He told us that this was Quiana’s first time ever being in a theatrical production. He said she had no idea how much work was involved and this would probably be her last time. Now, he was laughing when he said that last part, so who knows if she or even he was kidding. Anyway he said he loved her, and was so happy to have her there.

Anyway the whole play was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. Overall the dress rehearsal went smooth. (To my eye anyway) There were a few audio glitches. A few lighting glitches. Twice they had to stop and restart a scene because someone or something didn’t happen just right. At one point I think Quiana came out too early and someone else said her lines, and they all got mixed up. When they started that part over, it was totally different then the first try. Once in a while I could see people scurrying around and hear the director giving instructions to the lighting and sound people behind us. It was really cool to be there to see the process of all the work and all the people involved. It made me feel like I was part of it.

As we were leaving, we stopped to talked to the woman who was responsible for the starting the NC Theater in Raleigh. She was excited about Quiana being there, and was so in awe of her talent. Then the staff said they would be rehearsing for several more hours and wanted us to clear out. At that point it was after 11:00pm, so I know they were putting in some long, long hours.

After that experience of somewhat seeing how much work is involved, I think about Clay and wonder, what the heck he got himself into!?!?!?!? :-) Oh I hope I get to see him in Spamalot. I’m not sure yet if I’m going to get to go. I sure want to. I am going to see Dream Girls again next week. I can’t wait. I wonder if Clay will be able to sneak away to see it one time. Probably not. I'm sure he would be so very proud of his friend.

Okay, you can all wake up now. My small recap is over.

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Good Morning Everyone,

7 Days, 1 week! until Clay is on Broadway!

11 Days until Clay is on The View!

Everyone have a great day!


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How cool is that that Clay recommended Quiana for her part in DGs?!

I'm off to go to downtown St. Louis to kill time while my daughter is working and the kids in school.

Claygasm--my heart is with you.

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More from CV, via CH:

I just saw on the WRAL website that they are going to be interviewing a cast member from Dreamgirls during their noon news. It didn't say who it is, but I'm assuming that it will probably be Quiana. I won't be able to watch it because I will be in class, but I thought I would give everyone a heads up. I think you can stream the newscast on their website.

WRAL early morning news is over at 7:00, but it is continued on Fox 50 from 7 - 9 a.m. I was watching that and saw the interview!! Linda Loveland interviews Quiana. Linda said that she talked to Clay over the holidays and she showed a short blip of Clay talking about what a wonderful voice Quiana has!! I would think this will probably be shown on WRAL on the noon news!! I don't know how to cap it, but I hope somebody can!! I was so shocked that I can't even tell you what color his hair was. I can tell you he looked mighty good, though!
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I think I have a permanent crick in my neck. Why? Because I've been agreeing with so damn many of you!

Cuz when he's happy and smiling that dynamic smile from within, I'm happy!

Cotton, your whole list was amazing, but this sentence was the icing on the cake. Especially for me, the smile lover.....

We know only too well how charismatic and talented he is. Every appearance he's had has been a success; he's a natural entertainer. I'm really excited about Spamalot because I think it's going to be lots of fun for him, as well as opening some new doors.

jmh, the whole post was beautiful. I totally agree that Spamalot will be good for him, as well as a bunch of fun. I'm at the point, for me personally, where I can't stop grinning about him being in this show, tempered with some bittersweet because I'm not going to be able to see him. (It's all about ME, you know....)

A word about "reviews". Given past history, I think we can count on some immediate negative responses, from people who just don't like him, from fan critics who get a kick out of harsh judgments, and the like. My fantasy would be for the fandom to just let those roll off and focus on the good. We really won't know how well he's received until after he's been in the role for awhile, and I think the people who count in the long run will be willing to give him a chance to get comfortable on the stage before judging him.


jmh123, I want to word your entire post especially what I've bolded which is why I maintain that Clay is building a very solid foundation in the world of entertainment and he is doing it his way. He is unique and determined to be true to himself, IMO. I see great things for Clay because his talent can't be denied and talent always trumps the naysayers. I think he is also flexible in his view of how he wants to proceed. Clay said, a while ago, that he has learned to let go and let God, paraphrasing here. I believe he has done that. So many possibilites exist for him. If I look at what he has accomplished in the short time he's been in the public eye, I can't help but see the potential.

I basically agree with this as well, although I do think that Clay's a combination of "planning for the future" and "let go and let God." As jmh suggested, I really think he's got some long term goals out there regarding his career -- but he also knows that sometimes to get those goals, he's just got to roll with the punches.

But about his talent, and the solid foundation? I'm so there.

As I'm Methuselah's cousin, I probably remember her from earlier in her career than many of you.

LOL! And I've met you, you're not THAT old! I thought maybe you were Abraham Lincoln's cousin, though.

Don't hurt me....

Welcome back merrieeee!

Which has me thinking...(yeah, I know...something's burning and whatnot :imgtongue: )...what other famous person/singer has had the type of career we'd hope for Clay? Any ideas? :lilredani:

I've always wanted him to have a career like either Bono, Sting, or Don Henley. All three are men who are passionate about causes, never have claimed to be perfect, seem to be smart as whips, fantastic senses of humor, and most importantly, still making music and appearing after mumbledymumbledy years. Also, all of them tend to be a bit polarizing, IMO. Honestly, I think Clay fits quite well with that group. (And I've loved that he's covered two of the three in concert. If I could hear Clay singing "Taking You Home," I could die a happy woman....)


OK, I'm going to have a hard time explaining the drool pool under the reference desk here.

So, last night I was thinking a bit about Clay's look during the ATDW promo appearances, with the expensive suits and the monochromatic shirts and ties. I wonder if whomever (Jamie?) is styling him for this round of Spamalot promo will be working a similar, consistent theme. That's assuming there will be additional TV appearances beside The View. There has to be, right? :praying:

I would be very happy if he keeps that look, because I thought the monochrome look was sharp on him. However, with the new hair -- that might make a difference. All I know is that I'm totally excited about everything that's going to come up shortly. I'm expecting lots of media pictures over the weekend, and then more than a few interviews and such in the coming weeks. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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I think Clay could still wear dark colors either monochromatic or mixed. His hair is dark blonde, fan joking aside, he does not look like Johnny Winter. He will probably always need stage makeup, like so many other people, but washed out or not, all eyes are always on the Clay, he just draws the eye like a magnet to metal.

I wandered off and visited some boards from the web page here and some were normal and others showed me that conspiracy theories are alive and thriving and encouraged by some fans. Allthis reminded me of a conversation with Fear about leaders and followers. It also reminded me of a heated exchange with someone about the responsibilities of having adoring followers while spewing what we both knew was crap. And that reminded me that we have not heard much about World Domination lately by someone who knows the responisbilities of leadership and how to properly train minions. Talk about the train of thought going off the track!rcoaster.gif

Back on track - whoo whoo3a471623.gif

I am starting to dread anything that Clay does because what ever it is, expectations are always set so damn high, that there is no possible way he can match it. I honestly don't know how the Sedaka thing was pulled off with him only singing one song, instead of half the show At least one appearance seemed to escape, but at least some fans got to complain about 4 other fans who shouted I love you Clay, not during the song, but before it.

Sorry I should not have gone outside my normal boards. It can be depressing.

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All peeps who will be in Houston on the 14th - let me know if you can make dinner! Also let me know if we wanna go cheap, medium, or frou-frou; experimental or comfort food; parking will be a bitch anywhere downtown.

I'm thinking either Birraporetti's (we like Birra's); Massa's (really convenient for moi and classic seafood place and a great bar and bartender); Zula (medium, a little experimental but sweet); or Arista (artsy-fartsy but the parking is good and cheap), Cabo's (fish tacos, party place), Mia Bella (love the place)....

I am enjoying myself burning DVDs for Claytonic...my boyfriend's freakishly talented, y'all!

Chick, I am a lazy World Dominatrix - minions are quite capable of running their own lives until I need something...

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Those who don't like the new teeth (which are actually about a year old at this point, heh) might want to skip this article:

Carolina Newswire

Clay Aiken Premieres His New Smile on Broadway

Clay Aiken Premiers His New Smile On Broadway


CARY, NC ― When Clay Aiken makes his Broadway debut in Monty Python's Spamalot he will be wearing a new smile created by Dr. Bobbi Stanley, a nationally acclaimed cosmetic dentist practicing in Cary, a suburb of Clay's hometown of Raleigh, NC. Clay will join the cast of the award winning play in the role of Sir Robin on January 18 and continue through May 4.

“Clay contacted me right after he landed a booking on the Jimmy Kimmel show,” said Dr. Stanley. “It was only five days before his appearance and he really wanted a new smile before the show.” Typically, the procedure would have taken up to three weeks to complete. But, having an office equipped with cutting-edge technology and a patient list that includes other celebrities, athletes and busy business professionals, Dr. Stanley is used to working under such tight deadlines.

“We only had three days from start to finish, but we are set-up to accommodate busy patients in Clay's situation, whether they are local or from out-of-town” said Dr. Stanley. “So, our lab in California was not surprised to hear my request and agreed to go on 24-hour call to help me help Clay.”

High-tech advantages included: ceramic reconstruction (CEREC), an in-office 3-dimensional, computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (3D/CAD/CAM) system for creating all-ceramic restorations in the course of a single treatment session; digital x-rays; computer guided, painless injections; dental laser technology; and the services of the top-rated dental lab in the U.S.

“It was a great experience. Dr. Stanley fit me in at the very last-minute and provided me with a wonderful new smile,” said Clay. “It was really more of a spa experience than a dental appointment. Although I live in Raleigh, I know that Dr. Stanley has a program for out-of-town patients who want to come in for a long weekend and go home with a beautiful new smile.”

A variety of services are available for out-of-town guests, including: travel services, accommodations at a new four-star hotel, and a concierge service to help with arranging leisure activities, such as golf, shopping, fine dining, beach and mountain day-trips.

About Dr. Bobbi Stanley and Stanley Dentistry

Stanley Dentistry is a relaxing and innovative dental practice in Cary, N.C. that concentrates on cosmetic, restorative and general dentistry. Dr. Bobbi Stanley and her team are committed to continued education, to offer the best dental services, using the highest dental technology and the most gentle care. To learn more, call 919.460.9665 or visit www.smilecary.com.

About Clay Aiken

Aiken, a native of Raleigh, N.C., came in second place to Ruben Studdard in 2003 during the second season of the long-running, hit reality-show, "American Idol.” Since that time he has sold more than 6 million albums, co-authored the best selling book, "Learning to Sing: Hearing the Music in Your Life," and sold-out six concert tours. He was a focus of the Off-Broadway musical, Idol: The Musical, and has appeared on "Ed," "Saturday Night Live," Scrubs” and the “Jimmy Kimmel! Live. “

About Monty Python's Spamalot

Lovingly ripped-off from the classic film-comedy, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” Spamalot is a musical play directed by Mike Nichols with a new score composed by Jon Du Prez and former Month Python's Flying Circus cast member, Eric Idle.

The played earned the 2005 Tony Award for Best Musical, Best Director and an acting award for Sara Ramirez. The musical still plays on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre and currently enjoys runs in London, Las Vegas and a national tour. Additionally, the production opened in Melbourne, Australia in November, 2007.

The musical tells the tale of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table on their quest from God for the Holy Grail - with a short stop in the dazzling Spam-filled land of Camelot.

For information on Spamalot, visit montypythonsspamalot.com.

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Personally, I like to visit different boards. It gives a balance. You just have to keep those reasoning skills polished and not always go with the flow. I'm the same way about politics. I want to know all the different info. I like to use my own filters. Always.

This fandom is so interesting and is made up of so many smart and unique people. There are also some kooks.

Some things make me roll my eyes. Some things make me smile. Some things make me EEEEEE. Some things make me proud and some things just make me sad or mad. It's sorta like RL, isn't it. A real live melting pot of society.

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Hee, cute dentristry article. Sounds like Clay was doing the dentist in style! Wish I could afford a dentist like that!

Re other boards........eh, there are some places I've learned to stay away from, beacuse they tend to raise my blood pressure. Sometimes when things are slow I will go out surfing for a few minutes and try to bring over any relevants articles or posts that I think might be fun to read and discuss, but otherwise, I'm pretty happy to stay here at home. :)

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Well, when I was younger and hardier, I used to visit the polar opposite boards and the hatrred that permeated those boards may have done perminent damage to my tolerence of extreme views. There are few political boards that Ican tolerate now on either extreme. I just can't stand the raw hatred. I don't really hate people, it is too much emotion. I intensly dislike people. I have no respect for some people, I think others are nut cases, but I don't hate them. If there was one thing I would do, it would be turn down the tgempreature on the internet - too may anonymous posters spew venom purely to make trouble and for no other reason and so many people lie just because they can. What are you going to do to them? It makes it hard to hang out with your heart exposed. I really have little tolerance for over the top views like "RCA hates Clay and they are so mad he is doing Spamalot and may get some good press that Clive is plotting how to get revenge on him by ruining his next album". I mean come on how far does someone have to reach to come up with that statement? Sadly it is almost a direct quote. Do people in the music business have no lives except to center it on hatred or love of Clay? People are either good guys or bad guys - what happened to people being imperfect people. I feel the same way about a lot of the candidates, I eill never find anyone who perfectly fits me, so Ilook for the person most likely to acheive most of my important goals and have a high probablitly of gettng elected.

One of the other things that makes me sad it the state of the media. I deserve better. The other day, I was watching a 10 minute interview of Dick Cavett talking about some DVD of his talk show where they were going to show the 20 minutes that they had to cut out of him 2.5 hour interview of Katharine Hepburn. They split it to two nights, but did not have enough for another show, so they had to trim it. This made the hosts of the 10 minute interviews abit aghast. It shocked me to think the only place where you can get something like that now is on Larry King and he just can't seem to stay on topic and interviews like he has ADD. Then I dreamed that some of the late night shows were replaced with reruns of Dick Cavett, even his bad interview show where 3 stars came on to plug a movie and conspired to be the worst interview of all time and only answered his questions with yes and no. I am sorry no one has an attention span anymore - but is it because TV is training us not to have one?

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Playbiller---Obviously,you make some good points but a couple of those statements that you say fans made I must have missed. Knowledge is always power. I guess I missed a few boards. Actually there are some I belong to that I don't visit much just simply because I can't relate. I agree with you that not everything in the fandom is worthy and I also agree the internet is like the Wild West. It's really important to try to be discerning.

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Heh, for true hatred you really have to look to the political boards. I mention that my IP was banned from CNN for calling Sam Donaldson a media hack when he stated that Bill Clinton commited the worst crime of any president by kadoodling with Monica - and wuold not be swayed by a list of other things that I consider crimes being committed by other presidents from slave owning to "for show" wars to finanacial corruption. I stand by calling him a hack who just presents as reasonable on TV.

On a positive note, as small to the side mention of Clay on a positive blog that I don't believe mentioned him before.


I didn't realize that Orlando Bloom was a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador . . . he joins Clay Aiken, David Beckham and Alyssa Milano as a supporter of the United Nations Children's Fund.

Turns out he just took a trip to Nepal, where he visited with kids and learned about issues affecting the youth population there.

I hope this makes Orlando Bloom fans happy. I know you are here!

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Well, when I was younger and hardier, I used to visit the polar opposite boards and the hatrred that permeated those boards may have done perminent damage to my tolerence of extreme views. There are few political boards that Ican tolerate now on either extreme. I just can't stand the raw hatred. I don't really hate people, it is too much emotion. I intensly dislike people. I have no respect for some people, I think others are nut cases, but I don't hate them. If there was one thing I would do, it would be turn down the tgempreature on the internet - too may anonymous posters spew venom purely to make trouble and for no other reason and so many people lie just because they can. What are you going to do to them? It makes it hard to hang out with your heart exposed. I really have little tolerance for over the top views like "RCA hates Clay and they are so mad he is doing Spamalot and may get some good press that Clive is plotting how to get revenge on him by ruining his next album". I mean come on how far does someone have to reach to come up with that statement? Sadly it is almost a direct quote. Do people in the music business have no lives except to center it on hatred or love of Clay? People are either good guys or bad guys - what happened to people being imperfect people. I feel the same way about a lot of the candidates, I eill never find anyone who perfectly fits me, so Ilook for the person most likely to acheive most of my important goals and have a high probablitly of gettng elected.

play I have very little tolerance for extreme, OTT, views myself. I have little patience for people who lack any common sense, too. It just sends my blood to the boiling point. Why? I don't know. These people are just some strangers on the internet. But!!! Their misguided beliefs, I feel hurt Clay's fandom as a whole. That in return hurts Clay, IMHO. So, I guess that is why I get so angry. There is nothing anyone can say or do to stop them. Thank God I don't have to deal with them in my real life. These type people I have learned to stop trying to explain or rationalize with, because, they are going to have the last word and be right, irregardless.

I thought about you and your political boards, while watching the New Hampshire primary, the other day. I think this is a very historical presidential election this year. Our first serious African American and woman running for office, at the same time. I don't usually discuss politics with people, but I just have to say *Go Hillary!* :imgtongue:

merrieeee, I missed you. Welcome back. Glad the services were nice. I also haven't seen keepingfaith, sheiladownunder, or lightmyfire in awhile. Hope they are okay. I need to send some PMs, I guess, and catch up.

I love that gif of Clay. I'm really loving this blond hair. The teen mag blonde hair, not so much. He is seriously getting better and better looking with age. Damn. :Thud: Oh, and Orlando Bloom is no slouch either.......

ETA: I HATED SAM DONALDSON..............................

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