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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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I guess I'm one of those tend to think the focus on "fun" is a mistake - things can be enjoyable and satisfying without being "fun" - I think we have done ourselves a disservice in not pushing a little more "suck it up", "this too shall pass", "not all good things in life are fun."

Excellent point. I believe there is a lower tolerance now for things which aren't exciting. It reminds me of a book I read in college entitled, "Entertaining Ourselves to Death." You can find a brief version of the argument here.

The problem is that we are spending so much time with movies, video games and TV that we tend to become addicted to exciting electronic images. Worse, we become addicted to excitement itself, and we have difficulty distinguishing artificial entertainment from reality.

As a result, we come to prefer the exciting to the unexciting in real life. Rather than judging alternatives on a rational basis, we tend to choose the most exciting ones — which are often not the best ones.

This could even be connected to the whole Hannah Montana situation. It may be that whoever choreographed the concert felt that young kids would be bored if they had to wait a few minutes for Miley to change her clothing. They may have felt that the show would lose its excitement if they couldn't go straight into another set with her as Miley.

Is it unimaginable that a body double would be brought across country to help carry off a faster, more visually exciting transition? I don't know. Looking at the kind of money this tour has made, I don't think it's financially impractical, and it's possible that the girl has additional work on stage (not dressed as Hannah). Personally, I'm willing to give Miley Cyrus the benefit of the doubt. She's a young girl from a musical family. I find her slightly more credible than many. JMHO.

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Just jumping in here before I leave work to thank everyone for the hugs and support. My father is still hanging in there. No one really knows what will happen next or how long he has or what the next step is - although when and if he can leave the hospital they are leaning toward hospice. The night before last was terrible, but things are a bit better now.

And life goes on. I am still planning on seeing "Spamalot" Friday - and my father better not mess that up! (I know that sounds insensitive, but trust me when I tell you my father would appreciate that sense of humor!) Cannot wait to see our boyfriend's Broadway stage debut!

On the subject of message boards and fights and such: I LOVE a good spirited discussion (and truth be told I have more than once played devil's advocate just for fun), but I also want it done with respect for all parties involved. I do think emotions can make people react, well, emotionally and that is when things can get out of hand. I also like when a discussion actually ends and people move on! On some Clay boards from time to time, that doesn't seem to ever happen. And actually, it isn't even the whole board usually - just certain individuals. There are A LOT of people in this fandom who don't seem to have lives outside Clay - at least not ones they care about. They are just a bit too invested in Clay as a person, a performer, in his career, in his life. That isn't being a fan. That's being a stalker! We're all interested in him, or we wouldn't be here. But there is a big difference between interested and making it your entire life!

A fandom should be fun. It should be interesting. It should be a good thing. It shouldn't cause you worry or angst or cause you to be angry and bitter. At least that doesn't work for me.

And Clay is usually a very, very good thing - especially as hot as he has seemed lately! Although I do prefer his hair a bit darker with a bit more red in it....... (because I am at heart shallow...)

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Well, I now work as the meetings and events manager for a wonderful educational non profit organization that works as a resource for schools wishing to either create a "small school"---a charter school that works WITHIN the public school system---or wants to convert an existing humongous, institutional school into smaller schools. I love it. I'm still in the education field, but no longer in the 'front lines'; I can lend do my duties and still contribute to the strategic goals because of my experience in teaching; I am so very proud of the work my organization does. The teachers and students I've met through our various conferences, workshops, exhibtions, etc., have renewed my faith in youth and the teaching profession. I've often thought that if I'd had this model and these resources when I was teaching, I might still be a teacher!

Of course, I say this after yesterday's announcement from our esteemed governor, Mr. Schwartzeneger regarding the proposed California budget. 10% cut in the education budget and closure of 24 state parks.

unfuckingreal...I recently read somewhere that California is 48th out of the 50 states in the percentage of high school grads that go on to college. Oh yeah. A budget cut is just the ticket to fix that right up, ain't it? <_<:what_d_fuck: :whatutterclaptrap: :whatacrock: :rant:

On a lighter note...heh...know how I was moaning and bitching about my younger daughter having a fit when I wanted to trim her yucky, stringy long hair? Well, I eventually trimmed it and shutp about it after that. Now---about two weeks later, out of the bue---she told me she wants to go somewhere to have her hair cut and 'styled'.... :oh:

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RE: Message boards. I sometimes get infuriated by things I read on message boards, even here. When that happens, I just back away. Some people love a good fight, but I'm not one of them. I have decided that I will not let message board drama become my life.

I have the same reaction and I also agree with Playbiller. I wonder about fans on these boards who spend so much time talking about RCA, Clive Davis, and their conspiracy theories. Don't they have a real life? They suck the fun out of being a Clay fan. Many times, I have wondered if I belong on these boards with so many OTT people. I like that here in FCA, there is not much of that drama going on. Most of the time, posts are informative and a lot of fun. (although sometimes on the lecherous side) I can handle that. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

When is the Houston dinner? Are you talking about February or January.

I usually just lurk, so I do not know how to enclose quote in quote mode. Can someone tell me how?

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This could even be connected to the whole Hannah Montana situation. It may be that whoever choreographed the concert felt that young kids would be bored if they had to wait a few minutes for Miley to change her clothing. They may have felt that the show would lose its excitement if they couldn't go straight into another set with her as Miley.

Is it unimaginable that a body double would be brought across country to help carry off a faster, more visually exciting transition? I don't know. Looking at the kind of money this tour has made, I don't think it's financially impractical, and it's possible that the girl has additional work on stage (not dressed as Hannah). Personally, I'm willing to give Miley Cyrus the benefit of the doubt. She's a young girl from a musical family. I find her slightly more credible than many. JMHO.

I am sure that all the people have multiple jobs, the double can be a dancer in another part or, like one of Clay's dancers, a wardrobe person.

I think no show is beyond a little manipulation and deception (EX Newark this summer, the big note in ATD, I sat close and to the side, so had a very different view than most and an excellent view of Quiana). It is just that some shows have gone on to just give youa feel of being there. I thinkit started when people played big arenas and had jumbotrons, with all the tracks to make the band sound larger (smaller bands, fewer people to drag around, less cost) lip syncing did not seem quite like such a crime - so why not give a teenager a little break in a 2 hour show where she is onstage for almost every moment? A lot of times you would be better off sitting home and listening to the album than being at a concert which is probably why, after that disasterous Payl Simon concert and hearing Liza (with a Z) live have to be dragged off the stage, I mostly went to Jimmy Sturr concerts or to hear the local Elvis Impersonator. At least I knew they didn't have the money to not perform.

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(((Claygasm))) Good to hear from you. I'm glad things are a little better for your dad right now.

ETA this Newsweek interview:

Achin’ Aiken

Clay Aiken is sore from rehearsing for 'Spamalot,' and now he's sore at us.

By Ramin Setoodeh | Newsweek Online Exclusive


How did you get into a fight with that lady on a plane?

I'm not going to talk about it.

I was just curious because you've never talked about it.

I did talk about it.

What about the Kelly Ripa thing?

I'm not going to discuss it.

Did you think it was homophobic?

I'm not going to discuss it.

What do you want to talk about?

I think we're done.

Can we talk about something fun?

No, we're done. I thought NEWSWEEK would be more reputable. I'm surprised.

But I think people are curious about it.

It was a year ago. This is NEWSWEEK. It's not the National Enquirer. I'd hate to have a job where I had to be rude to people.

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It's hard to explain to folks who haven't lived public school life. I know there are 'pockets' where there are good programs. But - sadly, I think overall, our education system is in the toilet and teachers are expected to work miracles with no resources. And teachers are less respected that sanitation workers when they should be honored.

My experience across a varitey of school districts is very different from what you describe, cotton.

Great interview from Newsweek online! :clap:

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How did you get into a fight with that lady on a plane?

I'm not going to talk about it.

I was just curious because you've never talked about it.

I did talk about it.

What about the Kelly Ripa thing?

I'm not going to discuss it.

Did you think it was homophobic?

I'm not going to discuss it.

What do you want to talk about?

I think we're done.

Can we talk about something fun?

No, we're done. I thought NEWSWEEK would be more reputable. I'm surprised.

But I think people are curious about it.

It was a year ago. This is NEWSWEEK. It's not the National Enquirer. I'd hate to have a job where I had to be rude to people.

Can I just say how much I love this guy! Way to go...get down with your bad self!

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ETA this Newsweek interview:

Achin’ Aiken

Clay Aiken is sore from rehearsing for 'Spamalot,' and now he's sore at us.

By Ramin Setoodeh | Newsweek Online Exclusive

Holy Smokes! You can hear the titanium clanging in that interview! Make sure you read the whole thing - it's fabulous.

Yeah! :clap: Clay!

And - I almost missed a good bit of it! Make sure you click on "next page". There are 5 pages to the article!

I'm amazed that they seem to have printed all of what he said instead of editing it out! I do applaud them for that!

He's right. That was a year ago - could we get on with 'SOMETHING THAT'S REALLY HAPPENING'!!??


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ETA this Newsweek interview:

Achin’ Aiken

Clay Aiken is sore from rehearsing for 'Spamalot,' and now he's sore at us.

By Ramin Setoodeh | Newsweek Online Exclusive

Holy Smokes! You can hear the titanium clanging in that interview! Make sure you read the whole thing - it's fabulous.

Hee! I love this guy SO MUCH!!!

And they wrote some things for him to sing? wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Best interview since 'What's up, buddy?' BWAH. HA. HA!

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OMG I cannot wait till Friday!

I kind of thought my excitedness was dying down a bit but no it was just there on a slow simmer waiting for him to turn up the heat!

5 Years and it has not only not gone away but it has become stronger! Go figure!

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Heheh, the more I read it, the more I love it. Too bad that space in Newsweek has to be wasted on such a tool of an interviewer - but at least folks will see that Clay doesn't take bullshit.

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OMG, I love that interview! I'd love to hear the audio of THAT one....so cool that we're getting Spam promo. Too bad the interviewer had to piss him off at the end, but I loved how he handled it.

Now this is slightly O/T (ok maybe a lot O/T) but today I was catching up on my skating boards and downloading videos of things I've missed....because Clay keeps me too busy to keep up with it anymore. Anyways, Todd Eldredge (same guy who skated to AIW) is apparently skating to the Spamalot soundtrack song Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life on the US Stars On Ice tour...which was broadcast on ABC on November 30th. Here's a download if anyone is interested:


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Now at least I understand what Bill Keveney at USA TODAY meant by 'quirky.' It must be a code word for someone with a massive brain and balls to match.

:clap: Excellent interview Mr. Aiken

(do you all wonder who he called to help him up off the toilet?)

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Ooooo! That man is sweet and hot like good cinnamon candy!

Hell, I'm shocked that the interviewer admitted he was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...

That was HOT!

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(do you all wonder who he called to help him up off the toilet?)

Hee! I've been thinking that if Clay doesn't have a roommate / friend / assistant / full-time massage therapist / whatever staying with him in NYC, it may be his first actual experience of living alone. It seems to me that ever since college, he's always had rommmate and more recently friends and / or employees living with him, at least as far as we know. Yeah, it's soooooo none of my business, but I wonder about stuff like that.... :imgtongue:

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ooooh I love my boyfriend. He's HAWT

Sean is the Spamalot drummer? Sean? Is that hsi name hee.

Thanks for the update Claygasm! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Education: California schools must be among the worst in the country and now they are cutting funding even more. My neice and nephew go to private school and they really have a good foundation. My sister was hoping to move them to public school for junior high but that seems doubtful if they continue to cut the budget like this.

Message boards: No one loves Clay more than me but the hightened emotional response to everything Clay is a little scarey to me now. It's just not where I am and I was at one time. Had my mom not been extremely sick at the time ATDW came out who knows how I would have reacted or gotten caught up in or believed. But with everything going on in my own life I needed my Clay life to be a relief from that. And it was and I find I much prefer it that way and so I think I'll stay. :cryingwlaughter: I've had one other online community/fan experience and it's pretty much the same. It lasted about 2 years and I've stayed in touch with about 4 people although we no longer have that in common. Really the only difference is how the seedier/seemier side of the internet is so prevalent. I'll never understand why the UGLY is around this great guy - from bloggers to even his own fans - all wanting a peice.

Anyway, you tell him Clay. He brings up Ripa ..how long ago was that? And didn't Newsweek pull the teacher of the year story off the blogs and report it in their mag? Reputable? I dont' think so.

It's Friday! Yay. And I"m going to do all these little things I keep forgetting about...oh like sending Liney her pin and kinda organizing the FCA volunteers. Oh you thought you were all safe? :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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BWAH - he thought that Monty Python was a person - that was a joke, wasn't it?

I also liked - reading news magazines, but he is now reconsidering it. I reconsidered it years ago Clay.

That was one of my favorite lines.

He really is taking his life back. He's not letting anyone push him around.

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Ooooo! That man is sweet and hot like good cinnamon candy!

Hell, I'm shocked that the interviewer admitted he was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...

That was HOT!

thread title? I can hear his voice in my head.

Speaking of voices in my head...guess what I listened to today for the first time although it's been sitting in my ipod forever...the ugly ducking. FANTASTIC heee. I can cross that off the list.hee

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Do NOT go out there....stay here where it's safe and warm.

Holy shit....can the guy ever win?

I get so sick of the negativity....I don't know what keeps me on the boards at all anymore. It drives me insane.

JJ (((hugs)))

I don't care if anyone else has a different take on this interview. It won't change me from my all out fangirlie mode at the moment. I freakin' loved how he handled himself here. That's just me.

You know, it's just like the conversation earlier about RCA/Clive talk and all...and why some people can't let it go. I don't think it's because they don't have a life...I think that IS their life...hanging on to shit.

I would bet you any amount, they are the same people who in real life carry a grudge against the neighbor because they blew leaves into their yard two falls ago. They are the same people who when the family gets together recount how Uncle Bill failed to repay the $10 he borrowed five years ago. If they want to go there, I don't care. I just never intend to follow.

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Do NOT go out there....stay here where it's safe and warm.

Holy shit....can the guy ever win?

I get so sick of the negativity....I don't know what keeps me on the boards at all anymore. It drives me insane.

JJ (((hugs)))

I don't care if anyone else has a different take on this interview. It won't change me from my all out fangirlie mode at the moment. I freakin' loved how he handled himself here. That's just me.

You know, it's just like the conversation earlier about RCA/Clive talk and all...and why some people can't let it go. I don't think it's because they don't have a life...I think that IS their life...hanging on to shit.

I would bet you any amount, they are the same people who in real life carry a grudge against the neighbor because they blew leaves into their yard two falls ago. They are the same people who when the family gets together recount how Uncle Bill failed to repay the $10 he borrowed five years ago. If they want to go there, I don't care. I just never intend to follow.

I don't even acknowledge the posts anymore...I used to interject my perspective but it's just not worth it.

If they live their lives like they post on these boards, I pity their families and their friends. It must be miserable to live like that.

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