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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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I was confused about when the Quiana video was taken, too. In the movie, Jennifer is wearing a nice outfit for that number, but in the stage version Quiana is wearing some ill-fitting pants and unflattering top. I honestly thought it was taken during a rehearsal, not a dress rehearsal. I didn't think about the stage version and the film version being that much different (duh!), but of course they frequently are.

I thought her outfit was very similar to the YouTube I saw of the Holliday stage version.

Yes, that was the first thing I noticed, the outfit being similar to the Holliday one in that VERY famous YouTube clip!

After watching that YouTube of Quiana doing And I Am Telling You, I noticed one of her doing I Will Always Love You.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g04xv6rOwIQ <<<<

Was this at a Clay concert?

(Before you roll your eyes, please understand that I am in Australia, I've never been to a Clay concert - except on YouTube - and I never saw the AI2 series (except for what I was able to glean from YouTube and Clack Unlimited - although KAndre is changing all that for me :00000442: ). OK, my excuse is made!

p.s. Quiana does a magnificent version of AIWALY but did anyone see little Charice on Ellen sing that song, as WELL as And I Am Telling You?

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My first reaction last night was, "Wow! He's tired and cranky and not sure what he's gotten himself into", which sounds about rigth for someone stepping into a big, new creative endeavor. I also thought, "Wow - he didn't read Jemock's blog about how to properly put on your tights and his were in a wad!" :cryingwlaughter:

I don't see anything bad about what Clay did or said. I think the reporter was a horse's ass for asking such inane, dated questions. And as for labeling those questions "about his personal life"? WTH??? They had NOTHING to do with his personal life! Why not ask him how he's adjusting to life in NY? How's he doing getting around town? Oh wait, that might be sort of logical. Never mind!

There are no reports of Clay cussing the guy out or decking him, which has sadly become "the usual" for some stars nowadays. I'm sure his tone went right along with what he said and I don't think he was rude. Doesn't mean I didn't cringe at first, or that I wouldn't have kicked him under the table if I were his publicist, but this certainly sounds like it was Clay being Clay - and isn't that what everyone cires about so often? Let Clay be Clay? And he so is! :wub::clap:

Yet again, he manages to be "the king of contorversy" over much ado about nothing - just another day in the Clay Nation!

BWAH bottlecap!!! :cryingwlaughter:

WORD!!!! The reporter was an ass; Clay was justified to stand up for himself. Geesh!!! Some fans thought Newsweek was more important than Clay. I think Clay is more important than Newsweek. Perception is everything.

AIKEM-- You are so right about how unfair it is for fans to say Clay was uncouth in the interview. LOL.. Of course, the fans are just so classy when they do their thing. Perception is everything, again, isn't it?

I am an Angela lover. Actually I love them both, but, now, I want something cool for my girl, Angela.

Quiana hit it out of the park. She will probably get some more offers from this.

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AIKEM-- You are so right about how unfair it is for fans to say Clay was uncouth in the interview. LOL.. Of course, the fans are just so classy when they do their thing. Perception is everything, again, isn't it?

I am an Angela lover. Actually I love them both, but, now, I want something cool for my girl, Angela.

I actually am waiting for a Clay uncouth moment, so far I've not seen or heard anything worth writing home about and I really would like to see it! No really, Clay is way too polite for all the crap he gets.

What is Angela doing?

p.s. I know Angela has a son. Does Quiana have a child?

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I'm sure J. Hudson had some major help and she really did a great job. Hers was a major Hollywood movie production. I was thrilled that she won an Oscar and I thought her acting was wonderful but I do prefer Quiana's interpretation of the song.

Well, it is obviously easier to do a perfect performance for a movie since they can fine tune it until it IS perfect. Lucky JHud, she will have that performance for the world to see her do that perfectly. Imagine having to do THAT song live, night after night on stage.... Quiana impresses me performance after performance. I didn't realise she was so talented.

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After watching that YouTube of Quiana doing And I Am Telling You, I noticed one of her doing I Will Always Love You.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g04xv6rOwIQ <<<<

Was this at a Clay concert?

Yes, that was at a JBT concert.

Now would someone please tell me where I can find Quiana's And I'm Telling You on YouTube...? I have typed in all the names I can think of to have it come up and I still can't find it. Help.

p.s. I know Angela has a son. Does Quiana have a child?

A little boy named Chamberlin. He is one week older than my grandson, which means he is about 19 months old now. Clay is the Godfather.

edited for bad math...LOL

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Now would someone please tell me where I can find

Quiana's And I'm Telling You on YouTube...?

I have typed in all the names I can think of to have it come up and I still can't find it. Help.

Here you are, Quiana's And I AM Telling You I'm Not Going


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Now would someone please tell me where I can find

Quiana's And I'm Telling You on YouTube...?

I have typed in all the names I can think of to have it come up and I still can't find it. Help.

Here you are, Quiana's And I AM Telling You I'm Not Going


Thanks for posting the link...as I said last night, just hearing the MP3 did not do much for me, but after watching the video and seeing the song in context, very impressive. Not having seen Dreamgirls or any other performances of this song...I have to say she did a very good job.


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Hmmmm...I like Quiana, but have never quite put her on the same level as many others.

Jennifer Holliday stills hold the definitive version for me, especially in the context in the play. I liked JHud's version because she did change the emphasis - from desparate to defiant. Not better, but almost equal. Quiana for me mines a little too close to Holliday's version - but without the heart. Holliday left it all out there. The girl is good, undeniably good - but I don't lose myself in the performance. It sounds so cliched, but she doesn't make it enough of her own. But that's just me.

No, it's not just you.

I would love to be able to see Q's whole performance. The build-up to that number adds SO much to the performance. It's a little jarring all on its own. Her voice is stunning, and she looks wonderful.

However, I think Jennifer Hudson absolutely owns the role of Effie in the movie version. I've probably watched it 15 times now, and that scene never fails to move me. Sometimes to tears (ask luckiest1 - I think I actually sobbed in the theatre the first time, lol) and sometimes to applause. She might never do another thing in her career, but for me she will always be Effie White.

I agree. Jennifer Hudson made the whole movie. She earned her awards for sure. I am not even a fan of hers, but she proved her talent in Dreamgirls.

Okay, I just listened to Quiana's song...now I see you are all talking about video, I just downloaded the MP3...and after all the rave reviews, I was really expecting to be blown away and honestly, I didn't like it. I have never seen Dreamgirls or heard this song and while I love Quiana's voice, this just didn't do it for me. I never have been a fan of scream singing or maybe I need to see the video, but honestly, did not get gut-wrenching, chills or any of the other adjectives that had been used. Really hate feeling this way because I really wanted to like it.


ETA: So glad Clay is there to see Quiana...bet he is just beaming!

I am so glad that you are never alone in this fandom. I have never seen the level of talent in Quianna and Angela that Clay and some of his fans do.

Okay, I just listened to Quiana's song...now I see you are all talking about video, I just downloaded the MP3...and after all the rave reviews, I was really expecting to be blown away and honestly, I didn't like it. I have never seen Dreamgirls or heard this song and while I love Quiana's voice, this just didn't do it for me. I never have been a fan of scream singing or maybe I need to see the video, but honestly, did not get gut-wrenching, chills or any of the other adjectives that had been used. Really hate feeling this way because I really wanted to like it.

Well I have seen the movie and I'll do ya one better, kim.

I don't even like the song (carpet...)

Or the character for that matter. I don't find Effie sympathetic at all.

edited for clarity

This happens to me a lot in this fandom. Certain fans will rave and rave about some clack, and then when you go watch it, it is a real letdown. They over hype it. I am not talking about this board in particular or no one here in particular. Just speaking in generalities. That's why I also like to look for some people 's posts that I believe can be more objective in their opinion.. I am not a fan of scream singers or over melisma singers either.

I don't get AI2 Rewind until Sunday, here. Comes on at 7PM. I just had a thought. What? Now that Angela and Quianna have experience in the music world, ( like Carrie, Clay, Kelly, and a lot of this year's entries did before they tried out for AI) perhaps Angela and Quianna should try out again for AI. Lots of people try out more than once. Maybe they would win or at least come in the top ten and can get a career hatched faster that way. I thought Angela already had a record deal several years ago. Where is her first cd? What happened? When is it coming out?

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If I remember correctly, Angie's CD; and I think it was an EP, was actually sold during the JBT...I remember when Clay took his orange shirt off and had a t-shirt on with Angie's picture and promoted the CD in the lobby. Haven't heard anything else after that.


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From brightstar at CV:

A great night. Quiana was fabulous, her acting was very good and her singing was kickass wonderful! Took a few pics but don't know if any are decent. Will check soon.

And.....the MAN was in the house!!! I sat on the front row, way to the right. As it got close to 8:00, I saw a line of people coming toward me, going to their seats. And there was a boy with them. Wait, whoops, it was Sean!!! Only then did I think that Clay might really attend. A few minutes later I looked up at the group walking in front of me, and ....EEEE!!!! it was him!!! I swear if I didn't know his current look and that he was very blond, I may not have recognized him. I bet many people didn't. In that quick glance, I saw beautiful blond hair, a sweater, and a gorgeous face. Just walking by as if he weren't the hawt, hunky, delicious star that he is. Love him!

May be the first time I ever cursed a front row seat. No way could I see him, right behind me but at least 4 rows back. Even if I looked back, I couldn't see him. At intermission, however, the closest exit to me took me right by his row. I had to pee so badly (no kidding) that I rushed out, but on the way back, the crowd wasn't moving, so I was forced to linger by his row. Honest. Angie's son stood in front of Clay, and Clay was fixing his tie. Soooo cute! Angie sat on the end of the row, and people were chatting with her. I enjoyed the view until I could move on.

That's all--but I very much enjoyed breathing the same air all evening.

I didn't try to take a picture of him. Signs said no cameras and I didn't want to whip mine out while all the lights were on. Besides, it didn't feel like the right thing to do. I hope others did (haven't caught up yet), but it felt not only risky but intrusive for me. When I feel that way, I follow my instincts.

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Eh, I admit I tend to, well not flinch but twitch a little at the "scream" singers moniker (and the "OTT" melisma thing) - though I gladly admit it's a taste not all enjoy. I think some of it depends on the level of emotionalism one feels comfortable with in performances. It's sort of like how I don't burn Clay's James Taylor stuff for my family members who like him - because they thought it was boring and deadly dull and blah.

The character Effie (which are almost two different versions in the play and in the movie) don't strike me emphatically (but then, very little does) but they do strike me as real - with a light shined on their strengths and weaknesses, especially for the main characters. "Dreamgirls" speaks to my family's experience in the music business back in the day - both the good and the back - and its like I knew those people.

gleefully rubs her hands together with the thought of the continued indoctrination happy sharing with clack to claytonic...

Claytonic, you know once you get the hits of the good stuff, you won't be able to go back, right? You've got 6 data DVDs for AI2 because I just stuck in everything...starting in on the movies DVDs...will work my way though the AI2 tour, the Independent tour (with Kelly - did you want Kelly stuff? I don't have any Kelly stuff except for Open Arms - imagine that!), the Solo tour, the Joyful Noise 2004 tour, the Jukebox tour, the Joyful Noise 2005 tour, the 2006 Xmas Symphony tour, the Soft Rock in a Hard Place tour and ending it all with the Christmas in the Heartland tour. I will suffer through many, many of my favorite performances just for you. 'Cause I'm sweet like that.

Group 2 - I'm now downloading the HD version - oddly enough, I'm really patient for this. But remembering when watching the download last year for the first time (I watched Clay's audition, was shocked at how good he was and expected to see him in the show - and didn't worry about watching anything else until the top 12 - and there he was again. At the time, I didn't even realize he was a wild card pick) - y'all know, Clay's Open Arms is one of his songs I dislike all his versions of. All. So I'm glad I didn't see it the first go round. And I really didn't like his look for the show. Man, I though the hair and the outfit were totally fugly. I did like Ruben's Superstar [because I liked (but don't love the Carpenters) and like but don't love Superstar but love most of Luther's stuff. I even liked Kim's "you suck" because to me it was appropriate to the show at that time - an unexpected little summer hit that hadn't proven yet it could made a real recording star or that would even be good again and Simon was still the star - and frankly I was watching it mostly because I thought Simon was amusing. Ruben looked like Ruben - OK; Kim's outfit was horrifying - but she sang good and was a smart ass. I liked it. What was she - 23 too? Hell, I'll still occasionally tell someone "you suck" especially if they diss me to my face.

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If I remember correctly, Angie's CD; and I think it was an EP, was actually sold during the JBT...I remember when Clay took his orange shirt off and had a t-shirt on with Angie's picture and promoted the CD in the lobby. Haven't heard anything else after that.


Aww yes. Thanks for the reminder. I remember the Angie T-shirt incident now. I've never seen her EP out, or listened to it, though. Maybe I should google on YouTube or somewhere to give it a listen.

KAndre, I wasn't crazy about Clay's, James Taylor set either. I did like Ruben's version of Superstar, and I looooved The Carpenters and I liked Luther a lot.

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I loved the JT set. It was one of our first intros to the subtler side of Clay's voice, and I thought it was wonderful. I only wish he'd sung all the songs! I'd still love to see him record Carolina In My Mind someday.

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Eh, I admit I tend to, well not flinch but twitch a little at the "scream" singers moniker (and the "OTT" melisma thing) - though I gladly admit it's a taste not all enjoy. I think some of it depends on the level of emotionalism one feels comfortable with in performances. It's sort of like how I don't burn Clay's James Taylor stuff for my family members who like him - because they thought it was boring and deadly dull and blah.

The character Effie (which are almost two different versions in the play and in the movie) don't strike me emphatically (but then, very little does) but they do strike me as real - with a light shined on their strengths and weaknesses, especially for the main characters. "Dreamgirls" speaks to my family's experience in the music business back in the day - both the good and the back - and its like I knew those people.

gleefully rubs her hands together with the thought of the continued indoctrination happy sharing with clack to claytonic...

Claytonic, you know once you get the hits of the good stuff, you won't be able to go back, right? You've got 6 data DVDs for AI2 because I just stuck in everything...starting in on the movies DVDs...will work my way though the AI2 tour, the Independent tour (with Kelly - did you want Kelly stuff? I don't have any Kelly stuff except for Open Arms - imagine that!), the Solo tour, the Joyful Noise 2004 tour, the Jukebox tour, the Joyful Noise 2005 tour, the 2006 Xmas Symphony tour, the Soft Rock in a Hard Place tour and ending it all with the Christmas in the Heartland tour. I will suffer through many, many of my favorite performances just for you. 'Cause I'm sweet like that.

Group 2 - I'm now downloading the HD version - oddly enough, I'm really patient for this. But remembering when watching the download last year for the first time (I watched Clay's audition, was shocked at how good he was and expected to see him in the show - and didn't worry about watching anything else until the top 12 - and there he was again. At the time, I didn't even realize he was a wild card pick) - y'all know, Clay's Open Arms is one of his songs I dislike all her versions of. All. So I'm glad I didn't see it the first go round. And I really didn't like his look for the show. Man, I though the hair and the outfit were totally fugly. I did like Ruben's Superstar [because I liked (but don't love the Carpenters) and like but don't love Superstar but love most of Luther's stuff. I even liked Kim's "you suck" because to me it was appropriate to the show at that time - an unexpected little summer hit that hadn't proven yet it could made a real recording star or that would even be good again and Simon was still the star - and frankly I was watching it mostly because I thought Simon was amusing. Ruben looked like Ruben - OK; Kim's outfit was horrifying - but she sang good and was a smart ass. I liked it. What was she - 23 too? Hell, I'll still occasionally tell someone "you suck" especially if they diss me to my face.

I surely am looking forward to all that.. Some of what you say above I don't quite understand YET but I have seen Open Arms on from Clack and I agree with you, I don't like his look there, he did look hawt for the Wildcard performance though. However, as you know, the first time I clapped eyes on Clay was during the AI3 series when he did Solitaire and rendered me speechless and spellbound. (For those who don't know, we didn't have AI1 and 2 screened in Australia). So I kinda worked backwards to see all the stuff leading up to it but of course there is still much I haven't seen and can't believe that I will have my own collection of Clack. As you know I have recently recruited a new Claydawg in Sydney so I guess there will be others besides me who will be sending you quiet thanks in the years to come. My intention is to immediately burn backup copies from your DVDs and use my copies and preserve yours in a special DVD case so that if anything happens to my copies, I have the masters!!!

Oh and yes I do like Kelly Clarkson but not enough for you to especially include her, unless it involves Clay. I have more than enough of Kelly, she is very popular in Australia but Clay is still relatively unknown unless the person concerned is a big Idol fan. (Kelly has been to Australia several times and did a guest performance (Miss Independent) on Australia Idol #1, and got a standing O from our Idol judges.

BTW, for those who are interested... Quiana YouTube performance of And I am Telling You is at her MySpace, along with show information. http://www.myspace.com/quianaparler

There is a great slide show but it goes too quickly .. anyone know how to slow it down? Some great pics there, including one of Clay kissing a baby - is that Quiana's baby? (Just found out from this board that Clay is the Godfather). Anyway, some great pics on that Slide show if only I can slow them down to see them properly as I see names I read about in this forum (Sean, Jamie etc) and I don't know what they look like.

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There was always music in my house when we were growing up; my mom always had the stereo going so us kids got used to listening to what my parents listened to and that was usually big band music, musicals and vocalists like Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Barbra Streisand, etc. and classical musical. Whatever my Mom was in the mood to listen too and sometimes that included Christmas Music in the summer. So that was the kind of music I have always been drawn too...even when I discovered the radio and started listening to the local radio stations; I was more into easy listening than hard rock.

And then the 80's came and I got married and started having babies and pretty much stopped listening to music altogether except for kids stuff. By the time the kids were older; hip-hop and rap seemed to be the big thing and since it was hard to find an oldies station to listen to, I gravitated to talk radio. Then Clay came along and suddenly, I had music in my life again because he is a throwback to what I was listening to when I was growing up.

I like listening to songs that I can sing along to (and in the car, that means with all the windows rolled up) and understand the words and have some emotion. And I guess it can come across as rather narrow-minded but once I find something I like, I kind of stick to it...I am not one to venture too far away from my comfort zone.

So given my background, when I hear singing like Fantasia or Quiana's song in Dreamgirls and sometimes even Angie at times, to me it sounds like scream singing. I wasn't trying to be offensve or put it down, it is just not my taste. And I really do think our tastes in all things are pretty much bases on our backgrounds and what we grew up with.


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Isn't it great...that Clay is so versatile that he will always have something to satisfy for glory note lovers like Kandre and subtle Clay lovers like me... sigh

oh Claytonic...you will have a great time watching all that clack and catching up on all the Clay info...Just ask and someone will surely know the answer.

Its so funny that when I first saw group 2 episode I never saw Clay except for the little blurb on Hollywood week and was really looking forward to Ruben and Kimberley. I have to admit...my first reaction to Clay was...too cheesy. HEEE.. and look at where I am today!!!

So two more weeks of AI rewind that I can conveniently forget...then its Clay on TV EVERY WEEK...EEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Eh, don't worry about it aikim, you weren't in the least offensive. There's a reason we have comfort zones - though mine are fairly wide, and has a lot of bumpy stuff in it.

I don't do a lot of the pictures - and am really bad at recognizing people.

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And I really do think our tastes in all things are pretty much bases on our backgrounds and what we grew up with.

Oh heavens. I suppose I should get out my Mitch Miller LP's then? :cryingwlaughter:

Seriously...not a thing in common with my parents music. Or most of my peers. But then, I usually do go my own way. As w/Effie...I seldom like who I'm supposed to like in literature/movies/sports/pop culture. See my Hamlet-is-a-big-whiney-brat screed. And don't get me started on Lancelot & Guenivere. Or Tristan & Isolde. Or Brett Favre. Or the Yankees. Or Drew Pearson. Or Hotel California. Hee. Really. Don't.


But I also think that is sorta what brought me to Clay. I knew he didn't look like a POPSTAR before Simon ever pointed it out. I knew he was not what the competition was looking for. But I also knew he was special. I didn't care if he ever was the next big thing. I didn't wish for him to be the new Beatles or Elvis because frankly I think they both ended kinda sad. I just wanted him to have enough success to make some music for me to listen too and have some concerts for me to go to and some pictures for me to look at.

*clear as mud?*


I've posted 1,000 times! Gadz. Think of all those edits.

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Clack : I only recently found out what Clack was derived from, although I kinda worked it out (as Randy would say).

LOL you know how Asians (mainly oriental asians) can't pronounce their "R"s, so it could be dangerous if you are in South East Asia talking about 'clack', non-Claysians may give you strange looks!. ... ROFL!!!

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And I really do think our tastes in all things are pretty much bases on our backgrounds and what we grew up with.


Actually, the music I love today hasn't got a lot to do with the music I grew up with. I like lots of different kinds of music but I tend to have an artist of the moment, and Clay has been my moment artist since 2004 and another favourite is Casey Donovan who has never been forgiven by some fans for winning Australian Idol #2 at the expense of the highly favoured Anthony Callea who was runner-up.

Casey has just released an EP which includes a self-penned song called Did It Again... about addiction. TUT TUT both she and Anthony were smokers during the Idol series. Some posts in here reminded me of the lyrics of the song because I read about how some Clay addicts have tried to reduce their Clay-fix and just when they think they have made it, they fall off the band wagon. I totally related because I tell myself I am fully capable of packing up and going to bed without having to check on YouTube to see if there is any new clack uploaded. That's how I stumbled on Quiana's And I Am Telling You... I did a search on Clay for the most recent and her vid was included with his latest ones added.

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