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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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The MIke and Juliet show has Clay's interview up on their website. Might be good to give them a few hits....

Question: is the outfit he wore this morning the Sterling Heights outfit of perfection (except that he left the shirt untucked)? I think the jacket/shirt may be....

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I saw the Mike and Juliet show live this morning, but haven't been able to report until now. Dang work interferes with my fun. The way he delivered that "Noooooo...." in response to the question about whether he hit the clubs in NY was way cute. And when Juliet said something about coming back to co-host he told her to 'bring it,' or something like that.

My only complaint was that it was way too short. I wonder how many minutes it was in the end? Only a few, I think. Makes me wonder if it's worth making Clay dragging himself out of bed early in the morning after a show. It was worth it from my selfish perspective, of course. Made me smile. Again. As expected. Clay Aiken is good for what ails you.

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I saw the Mike and Juliet show live this morning, but haven't been able to report until now. Dang work interferes with my fun. The way he delivered that "Noooooo...." in response to the question about whether he hit the clubs in NY was way cute. And when Juliet said something about coming back to co-host he told her to 'bring it,' or something like that.

My only complaint was that it was way too short. I wonder how many minutes it was in the end? Only a few, I think. Makes me wonder if it's worth making Clay dragging himself out of bed early in the morning after a show. It was worth it from my selfish perspective, of course. Made me smile. Again. As expected. Clay Aiken is good for what ails you.

It was about 3:40 including the intro at the beginning and the one right before he came on. You are right - WAY TOO SHORT!!

But he did make me smile. I loved the way he said (altho I think it was the other tv interview he did this morning...) about how the fans were wonderful for coming out and supporting him. Made me break out in a big ole grin! He looks like he's having a really good time!!!

About the hosting gig, he said "Please! Bring it!" :clap: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Thanks for the link to M&J's site! I stayed at home to work today, partially so I could see Clay on my teevee. Unfortunately, I don't get that channel apparently! :cry4:

He was waaaaaaaay CUTE!!! Heading waaaaay far into ADORABLE even!!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: I wuv him! Is it March yet?

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I'm hoping for a green room interview video to turn up on the website. Didn't Juliette say something about a "pre-interview with our producer"? So, keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for the link to M&J's site! I stayed at home to work today, partially so I could see Clay on my teevee. Unfortunately, I don't get that channel apparently! :cry4:

He was waaaaaaaay CUTE!!! Heading waaaaay far into ADORABLE even!!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: I wuv him! Is it March yet?

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But he did make me smile. I loved the way he said (altho I think it was the other tv interview he did this morning...) about how the fans were wonderful for coming out and supporting him. Made me break out in a big ole grin! He looks like he's having a really good time!!!

That smile makes me smile too.

I was all set up for M and J with my breakfast in bed, remote in hand, and I fell asleep. These hotel beds with the forty seven pillows are way too comfortable. So instead of watching Clay on the 36+ inch screen, I watched the tiny videos from the websites about ten times, grinning like the silly smitten idiot I am.

I agree, cha cha, he does look happy.

I'm smiling in Manitoba Minnesota and feeling goood about this guy called Clay Aiken.

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With the very few fans in attendance these weekdays, I can see where he would appreciate the fans. He managed to autograph everyones playbill yesterday since there were only about 2 layers of people around the barrier - mayber 40 people. There was even aguy he wouldn't sign for he called E-bay guy. I think weekdays are always bad for shows and a lot of fans are coming in for the weekends. I think the orchestra was sold out, I cold only get last row (T) in orchestra center and row R in the sides but there were plenty of good seats in the mezzanine and you can get them for $70 or balciny first row for $45, maybe less at Tckts. I wish more fans would go during the week. I am sure the weekends will be packed again.

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Hee - get me a green card and a job in NYC and I'll go every single day!!!

I doubt he (or they) really expected 'fan' turnout during the weekdays so much. I think it's fantastic that so many people are willing to travel to NYC for him - even if we can only do it on the weekends for the most part. I have to believe the Spam 'powers that be' are more than pleased.

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Well..... anyone in NYC on Monday, February 18 at 9:30PM and wanting to support Quiana - she will be appearing in Tammy Faye Sings: Songs from Big, Tent The Tammy Faye Bakker Musical will be presented at the Metropolitan Room (34 West 22nd Street, between Fifth and Sixth Ave).

The concert will feature current Stephanie J. Block (Wicked, Boy From Oz, The Pirate Queen) and Sebastian Arcelus (Jersey Boys, Wicked). Plus Leah Hocking (All Shook Up, The Wild Party), Jim Stanek (Lestat, Frankenstein), DB Bonds (Make me a Song, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels), Kate Rockwell ("You're the One that I want"), Jenny Hill (Spamalot), Natalie Douglas (Mac Award Winner), Quiana Parler (Clay Aiken Tour, Dreamgirls), Linda Balgord (The Pirate Queen, Jerry Springer), Jodie Langel (I Love You/Perfect, Les Miserables), Eric Briarley, Casey Clark, Ryan Driscoll, Hedi Weyhmueller; as well as the composers Ben Cohn and Sean McDaniel on piano and drums, Ric Molina and Dave Kuhn on guitar and bass. The evening will be hosted by the show's book writer Jeffery Self.

Maybe it will get her bigger name gigs - this is a good group to be in and it is a Monday, so Clay could support her. Not who is credited as the composer! Thik we know how she got this gig.

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an ICG of monumental proportions.

Bookwhore, you wrote this just for me, didn't you? :lilredani: Shall I start a contest? Let's see...what can the initials "ICG" stand for here, folks? :whistling-1:

I'll start in Spanish:

Clay and his Ilustre Cañón Gigantico!


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From CH:

Marilyn on CV found this great interview on ABC. Very interesting stuff about the new CD. The interviewer is well prepared.


It's listed under videos but it's an audio only interview.

Brief summary for those who can't listen at the moment:

Most of the beginning of the interview is the stock stuff we've heard him say more than a few times: dancing is hard, Spamalot is a silly show. The interviewer then asked if he's gone back and now watched Monty Python; he hasn't seen the movie at this point, he wants to settle into the show before he does that, or else he's afraid he'll be copying the style of the movie. He thinks Spamalot is all about the script -- you could put the funniest person in the world in it and would be funny; you could put the dumbest person ("hello!!!") and it would still be funny. Nervous about being around all the Broadway people, because he's had some "shortcuts" getting in, but everyone has been so welcoming. Working on the album during the day ("if he doesn't pass out"), thinking that the album will be out a few days or weeks after the end of the run. (EEEE!) Label is very supportive of what he wants to do with the album, only one producer this time, all original music, "music that's reflective of his past five years" (wonder what that means?), music that's right for him, but also making a "body of work." Interviewer knew his AI/high school schtick, but asked him if he still gets curious about it, visiting his old teachers? "Well, all my high school teachers are retired!!!" He does get curious once in a great while, but he also doesn't need the stress of watching the show every week.

I think I've got it all.

Edit on second listen: he's amazed at how Broadway people can sing and dance and act and play piano all at the same time. Monty Python is very smart, very intelligent humor.

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Crap, all I get when I click on the ABC video link is a screen that says the "video player is loading" and NOTHING happens. (Bad thoughts, bad thoughts, bad thoughts).

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What a great interview! Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh for a CD possibly "the day after or a few days after" the end of Spamalot. Even taking into account Clay's elastic sense of time :lol: it sounds like it may be in our hot little hands prior to the summer.


The concept sounds very interesting...and it's all original....and just think what a cool tour concept it would make.

I can hardly wait. I better start saving now. :lol: Right after I check to see if there are Spamalot tickets for Sunday's matinee.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh!! as well for couchie's tickets! :clap:

ETA: is anyone able to rip this audio?

ETA2: there is a sendspace file here......run!! interview

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an ICG of monumental proportions.

Bookwhore, you wrote this just for me, didn't you? :lilredani: Shall I start a contest? Let's see...what can the initials "ICG" stand for here, folks? :whistling-1:

I'll start in Spanish:

Clay and his Ilustre Cañón Gigantico!


Muski I don't know what you said, but I'm sure it's durrty. (did you just call Clay's penis a cannon? I'm sure there are similarities, but...cannon?)

I apologize, I forgot that the acronym "ICG" isn't universal in the fandom. It's not nearly as smutty as some people are thinking. You know how when you're watching an especially endearing piece of clack, or an interview, or a concert and you start grinning? This stupid ole shit-eatin' grin just plasters itself on your face and stays there and you can't stop smiling to save your soul? It's an involuntary reflex that you just have no control over where Clay is concerned. It's called an ICG - Involuntary Clay Grin.

Here are a couple of examples. I usually look like the second one after seeing or hearing Clay:



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Bwah about the cannon. Actually, I was just reading a novel where a guy in Mexico was referring to his own 'instrument' as a cannon---so I checked out the word in Spanish...not sure why I associated that with Clay... :whistling-1:

Now I must share some sad news.

Tuesday night Claygasm's father died. I've been waiting for her to give me the go ahead to post about it; she's not much for this kind of thing, you know. But she wanted you guys to know. She's still in the numb stage herself and there's that part of her that's relieved. As many of you know, the last days of such an illness are so very exhausting and stressful and painful for everyone involved, and ultimately there was no hope for his recovery.

She'll be back with us here as soon as it feels right.

Here's a big sloppy one for you, CG! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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