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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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59 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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I can't get anything productive done becaue all I do is dance around and sing "I am NOT yet dead."

I hope to God that's not wishful thinking.

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KAndre wrote:

If I were Clay, I'd look where I am now, and where I expected to be if AI/19E/RCA didn't happen, and I'd laugh my ass off all the way to the bank (probably Wachovia).

Ain't that the truth and I think Clay probably counts his blessings on a daily basis.

I don't have a problem with the last batch of pictures. They are not my favorites but I saved them. I think he looks yummy and the PR he is getting is beyond great. I have a permanent smile on my face and deep in my heart there is joy for him. I have no idea how or why this man has taken control of my heart but I accept it and I love him.

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I have a permanent smile on my face and deep in my heart there is joy for him. I have no idea how or why this man has taken control of my heart but I accept it and I love him.

OH, this is SOOO true.

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I have a permanent smile on my face and deep in my heart there is joy for him. I have no idea how or why this man has taken control of my heart but I accept it and I love him.

OH, this is SOOO true.

It IS true, I know that as well. And yet....it can be sometimes so difficult, because the first person in my heart is my husband. He gives me the same kind of joy.

I guess I need to look at it this way: I'm doubly blessed.

Is it March yet?

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I can't get anything productive done becaue all I do is dance around and sing "I am NOT yet dead."

I hope to God that's not wishful thinking.

Wanda.... I woke up this morning singing "Not Dead Yet." :cryingwlaughter: That's a catchy tune, dang it!


I have no idea how or why this man has taken control of my heart but I accept it and I love him.

skybar... Clay made a place for himself in my heart because of who he is... loving, caring, sharing, courageous, intelligent, respectful, and more. He looks at people's heart, not their exterior. He is always open to learning new things. He is always trying to be more. He is accepting of himself and others. He takes the high road more often than not. And, then, there is the sex appeal... :Thud: I have said it often... he is not perfect, he is just right!

I'm sure my list is too short, but that's what came to mind right off the bat. Biggest reason of all! He makes me try to be a better person and he's FUN and brings me JOY and, this fandom is FUN more than not.

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Guess who will be representing on April 25-26-27? Old kf is reh-ta-go!


OOlsee, I hear from merrieeee that I will be sitting in the seat directly behind you on the 27th.

One more time ..... with feelin'


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Guess who will be representing on April 25-26-27? Old kf is reh-ta-go!


OOlsee, I hear from merrieeee that I will be sitting in the seat directly behind you on the 27th.

One more time ..... with feelin'



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I posted a question on CV asking about average salaries for Broadway performers, but no one answered, so I went researching. I found this about minimum salaries from the Department of Labor.

According to AEA, the minimum weekly salary for actors in Broadway productions as of June 2007 was $1,509. Actors in Off-Broadway theaters received minimums ranging from $516 to $976 a week as of October 29, 2007, depending on the seating capacity of the theater. Regional theaters that operate under an Equity agreement pay actors $544 to $840 per week. For touring productions, actors receive an additional $113 per day for living expenses ($119 per day in higher cost cities). New terms were negotiated under an “experimental touring program” provision for lower budget musicals that tour to smaller cities or that perform for fewer performances at each stop. In an effort to increase the number of paid workweeks while on tour, actors may be paid less than the full production rate for touring shows in exchange for higher per diems and profit participation.

I read a couple of blogs that said that "star" salaries range from $25,000 to $50,000 a week and found this interesting article from 2003 USA article

ETA: I fixed the article link, which wasn't working earlier.

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[begin whine]I hate winter. I have I mentioned that yet? I effing HATE winter. I'm so tired of being cold and my skin and hair are so dry, it's like alligator leather. The only place I can get really comfortable is wrapped up under a dozen quilts in bed. I effin' HATE winter. [/end whine]

I'll join you in that bottle of whine! At least it was sunny here today. Can not WAIT for Spring!


I would LOVE to sponsor up to 5 people for a donation if you have not been able to do so....in other words, you make the donation under your Paypal/credit card, I will pay you back the $11.

Please PM me if you are interested; I have PayPal.

I DO NOT want TBAF to miss out on this additional funding. :thumbup: :thankyou:

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Playbiller, that was my understanding too. I suppose that people could have paypal accounts with different emails. Not sure how that works.

I got my Sir Robin pins!!!! They are just beautiful.

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I thought it was determined by unique names on credit cards and paypal, not by e-mail addresses. can you explain exactly what the determination is?

My understanding from everything I've seen is that it is by email address. I know that last year I was able to verify that by watching the "count" when I donated. I would assume this year is the same.

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Does anyone think keepingfaith is excited? Na!!!!

I keep thinking that this time last week I was watching Clay on Broadway!!!!! I wanna be there!!!!

I've been doing that all day. Last week at this time I was: getting on the plane for NY; arriving at the hotel: entering the theatre; listening to Clay's English accent for the first time; and sitting there with a shit-eating grin on my face.

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Does anyone think keepingfaith is excited? Na!!!!

I keep thinking that this time last week I was watching Clay on Broadway!!!!! I wanna be there!!!!

I've been doing that all day. Last week at this time I was: getting on the plane for NY; arriving at the hotel: entering the theatre; listening to Clay's English accent for the first time; and sitting there with a shit-eating grin on my face.

Only 83 days 'til I get to do all of those ^^^ things! :00000442:

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FromClaygary..can you post the information about this donation thing. I haven't donated yet and I think I can afford $10 this week.


It's Friday after 5 PM.

Ok ya'll..I pulled a Couchie. So when I went to the post office to mail pins on Wednesday... I went to the clerk and she told me how much 1 pin, 2 pins, 3 pins etc. Then I bought stamps. Welllllllllllllllllllllllll. It didn't hit me until today..after I had put the last of the pins in the big bucket and they took them away, that the Finding Sir Robin pins are heavier so slightly more expensive. Most orders should be ok since most folks bought equal number of each. Canada's also ok. But I imagine there might be oh about 10 - 20 packages that arrive with postage due. SOWWWWWY. YOu know where I am. If you want your twenty cents I'll paypal ya..or I can buy you a drink next time I see you or give you discount on the 2009 version of the Doing pine :cryingwlaughter:

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I get to meet Keeping Faith. Damn I'm stoked.

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FromClaygary..can you post the information about this donation thing. I haven't donated yet and I think I can afford $10 this week.


It's Friday after 5 PM.

Ok ya'll..I pulled a Couchie. So when I went to the post office to mail pins on Wednesday... I went to the clerk and she told me how much 1 pin, 2 pins, 3 pins etc. Then I bought stamps. Welllllllllllllllllllllllll. It didn't hit me until today..after I had put the last of the pins in the big bucket and they took them away, that the Finding Sir Robin pins are heavier so slightly more expensive. Most orders should be ok since most folks bought equal number of each. Canada's also ok. But I imagine there might be oh about 10 - 20 packages that arrive with postage due. SOWWWWWY. YOu know where I am. If you want your twenty cents I'll paypal ya..or I can buy you a drink next time I see you or give you discount on the 2009 version of the Doing pine :cryingwlaughter:

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I get to meet Keeping Faith. Damn I'm stoked.

Doing pine? That's smut...right?

And yay for having seats together, merrieee and KF! Should be fun! Hopefully a great view, since we are on the aisle. :)

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