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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Thank you for self-hosting, Scarlett! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Heeee, Couchie, is hell freezing over?

Here's a recap from Clayngel at the CB. I love the fangirliness!

Oh my god....oh my god....oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!

I was the winning peasant tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I am still in such a daze so forgive me if this isn't the most coherent post ever!

I was at the show on opening night and I loved it Clay is just fantastic in every single way. So tonight I had A101 and I tried not to get too excited ahead of time because I knew it could be one of the other seats that night. Anyway when I gave my ticket to the usher, she said "Congratulations" when she sat me. So at that point I knew it was going to be me and my heart had already started beating a mile a minute!

I tried to focus on the show as much as I could and my seat was just great. Clay was right in front of me a bunch of times and I could see every adorable facial expression. He really has a natural gift for acting (and singing as we all know!). He just seems to be getting more and more comfortable in the role. The difference between tonight and Friday was unbelievable and thought he couldn't get any better than he was that night! Tonight he was ad libbing some movements and things when he was more in the background and seemed to be interacting more with the other actors during scenes. I'm so excited to see how he progresses the next few months!

****This next part contains some spoilers****

Soooo....as it's getting closer and closer to the peasant part my heart kept going faster and faster and I was so nervous. So when the time came and the character Patsy was supposed to bring me on stage I guess I was a little over-anxious because I ended up in front of him and the King said "Bring her up here Patsy" and he said "She's already half way up there!" I told the king my name and I won my little statuette (it's a big foot that says "Best Peasant in New York City" Monty Python's Spamalot) Then I was pulled in the middle of the group and Clay was kneeling to my right and I was trying so hard to stay composed! I was looking into those beautiful green eyes and he was singing to me! And singing my name on top of it!! Oh my goodness....I was shaking so badly I thought I was going to *thud* right there on stage! Then they took my picture and went back to my seat and I was still shaking trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing. I was holding back tears I was soooo happy and excited, it was just amazing.

****Spoilers Done****

So I went out to the stage door and there weren't very many people there tonight at all. I was toward the start of the line and he came right over to my side first and when I gave him the picture to sign he looked at me and snarkily said "Oh yeah...you didn't seem like you knew that was coming at all! It was so unexpected!" I was in such a dazed state that I was that close to him, getting his autograph and he was talking to me that I don't think I said anything. Well maybe I said something...I think there were a few jumbled "Oh, wow, um, thank you, thank you, ohmygosh....*sigh*" I still can't believe it happened when I think about it and I'm still on such a high that maybe it will sink in eventually! EEEEEEE!!!! He is just gorgeous. Did I mention that??? Wow, gorgeous, talented and amazing. Tonight was one of the THE BEST nights of my life!!!

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Scarlett, I love you. Not sure why they'd refuse that as the one I've d/l is not that great.

Those high res pics are fabulous! So do we know if they were taken by the publication, or were they official Team Clay photos? Because they are the best I've seen in quite a while. Gorgeous, beautiful. All the other superlatives I can think of. WOW.

ETA this from squeakyclean of CH who attended last night's show.

OK...a bit more coherent.

The show: Firstly, I was blessed with the most fantastic seat ever. Row D, dead center. Close enough to see everything but not too close to see nose hair.

I must say, from the moment I saw Clay in the tower window to my left, I was hooked. I really think he did a fantastic job and it was clear he was LOVING every moment of it. I was in awe of the fact that he was playing several parts almost at the same time...the accent was spot on and if he made any mistakes, I didnt notice them!

Of course, I wished for more singing but that was redeemed by him "headlining" my favorite Spam song in the second act. I think he really captivated the audience and I didnt hear any "Clay" comments for the negative...if it makes sense, people were just entertained and wowed by him as they would be any Sir Robin (who is as talented as he is, of course!)

After the show, I went out to the stage door to try my luck. It was moderately crowded all by people waiting for Clay. I was in between two girls in their twenties and two older women, both equally fangirly.

Jerome was out there and Clay came out - messy hair, puffy black jacket, v neck stripey sweater underneath. He went through the crowd signing and was very nice and accepting all of the gushing. The funny part was that people asked to take pictures with him and he said "OK, but you have to be quick because im not supposed to stop" (i took that to mean stop signing, and he shot a fake angry look at Jerome when he said this). At some point down the line, someone asked to take a picture and in the giddy accent he teasingly scolded them for not having their cameras ready. When he got to the end of the signing area, these girls started squuuuueallling over getting a picture with him and he imitated their fangirl squeal. It was pretty funny.

I left the stage door area to walk home and was totally giddy and walking on 44th and completely ran into Clay and Jerome coming out of the main entrance to the theater. I didnt know what to do so I just told him he did a great job. They went into a huuuuuge black truck across the street.

So, to sum things up - I was very impressed by his performance and really happy with how he was received by a discerning Broadway crowd (you tend to get more New Yorkers on weeknights).

Also - they totally used his poster to sell the program. I fell for it...

And...bad pictures from my cell phone:


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I liked this review from onecat at CV. Simply gushy and to the point.

From CV / last night's show. Onecat

EEEEEEEEEE! I just got home from the Spamtasticlyfabulousnessthatisclayandspamtotallywunnerful.


The show is great.

Clay is great.

It's all great and will make your face ache for a not yet determined length of time. I happy!

And Clay is really really really rather good. BRAVO!

Good for you Clay!!!!


BF is so handsome. Those pictures are just awesome. Thanks.

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Ah, incessant fangirliness and uncontrollable EEEEing... Love it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hope somebody will be able to give us real time updates on Mike & Juliet this morning. I'd kick my stupid job, but I need it to finance my Spamalot trip. laughn and I have Orchestra Row B tickets for April 11th.


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Oh I love that fangirly review from squeaky....she hasn;t been around the online fandom since NAT I think. Its great to hear from her and I suppose she knows the New York crowd so I;m glad she thought he got great reaction.

I won't be around for Mike and Juliet so I won;t be able to report....hope someone can give us updates.


Scarlett...marvelous video clip. Thanks for taking the extra time for HD versions.

Couchie...you may have to dl a Vista codec for your laptop ....but just google it, and install is less than a minute. Then you laptop should be able to handle HD files.

See y'all later....

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It's -6 degrees here in Illinois this morning. Man, I wish I could just stay home, with my laptop in bed, waiting for M&J reports. (The show isn't carried here....) But alas, it is not to be. I second bottlecap's request for real time M&J reports, if possible.

I finally got around to downloading the VLC media player the other day (thanks for the recommendation bc!), and so I can handle that xVid JUST FINE. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Scarlett for hosting it! He was so damn charming that day.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: also to Meesa for those gorgeous high-res pictures. I'm enthralled with the sweater (and those thumb holes) and those jeans and those socks (mismatched!) and those shoes. Not to mention those eyes and that nose and those cheekbones and that hair and those lips and....and....


All these fangirly reports are just making my heart sing.

Question for those who've gone to the show: just how close is the first row to the stage? Is there lots of time where you really are looking up Clay's nose? Also, how far back is the very last row of the orchestra section? How far do the side sections go? I'm looking at getting more seats for my weekend (of course!) and am having a hard time deciding what tickets to get. For example, I'm looking at mezzanine seats -- one in center section but row C, on the aisle; one in row A, but on the left hand section; and one in row B, right hand section. Would I be better on the floor in one of the side sections than these? I'm so confuzzled. Any descriptions of the theater itself would be much appreciated.

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Good Morning Everyone,

So weird not having anything to countdown to; guess I could start counting down to spring or May for the CD release or Arbor Day, LOL!

Looking forward to Mike and Juliet today; have to take another shot at setting the VCR and hoping I get it right today. Thank God for downloads if I don't.

Off to get my kitchen straightened up and ready for work!


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aikim, it might be kind of sad, but you could countdown to Clay's final performance in Spamalot.....

HotClay at the Clayboard was the winner of Tuesday night's "Peasant" award, she posted a copy of her cast picture in this thread. I didn't know they took a cast picture with the "peasant" while they are on stage. That's too funny.

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this made me giggle..just the bit of a google alert I Could see.

He called himself "The black Clay Aiken." Black, I'll give him. Aiken, not so much

So is Perez in the studio or on satellite. I'd hate for Clay to breathe the same air as him.

But yay for Clay on my tv... thanks for the download link.

well he looks great but can't hear anything. Is it just me?

ok was able to watch the new report on the website here: http://cw11.trb.com/

no reports on Mike and Juliet?

apparantly I'm the only one here so I'll keep editing :cryingwlaughter:

For those interested RCA and music biz in general..I found this interesting: but apparantly Clive has scrapped Jennifer Hudson's entire album and she's starting all over. I guess the songs were more in the style of old school R&B (which I would have freakin' loved but if you look at the landscape, those kind of artists are rare)...

Just as I suspected, there were hold-ups to Jennifer Hudson’s much anticipated debut album. Apparently, 2007 was supposed to be her year, but the label has scrapped the album that she’s previously recorded and Clive Davis has put the J. Records signee back into the studio to trade up. It seems as though the team didn’t think that the material was strong enough and that consumers wouldn’t purchase the project.

Ryan Tedder, front man of Mosley Music Group band OneRepublic, has spoken out about the state of Hudson’s album, considering that he’s been signed on to helm some writing credits now that Clive is taking the album in a new direction.

“They made half an album and ended up scrapping it. Clive — wisely, I think — said, ‘No one’s going to buy this. We’re trying to turn her into Aretha Franklin, and that’s not realistic,’ ” Tedder said. “They scrapped a bunch of songs and started fresh. I heard a Timbaland song that was by far the best song she’s done. I do wish, and I know the label wishes, that this album had come out six months ago. But Clive’s smart. He didn’t want to just put out a crap album just because of the momentum.

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Couchie, the video has sound for me. I watched at the link you provided, though, to give it a hit.

Too bad about the bottom feeder. Ah, well, Clay somehow seems to rise above it all.

I passed 1000 posts last night without even noticing it! I was EEEEEEEEEEEEEEing so much over those fantastic pics that I wasn't paying attention to my post count. I'm an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER now. BWAH!!


ETA: The WPIX interview is in the vault now. And Scarlett's xvid of The View is up, too, at least at the CV vault.

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From CH:

Posthoing to recap M&J for those who are at work and whatnot.

Short interview. Hair same as View. Talks about having trouble staying awake. Funny faces. Claymates help keep him awake. Finally unpacked on Monday after 3 weeks in NYC. Likes NY because things are always open. Asked him if he goes to the clubs. He says NOOOOOOOOOO.. Then he snarks, if you saw me in a club, wouldn't you leave? This is a dorky club. Bwah.

Told him they liked his hair color. Said he lightened it because he was feeling old.

Asked him if he had recovered from his hosting duties last year? He joked and made face. Juliet told him he did great and they would love to have him back. He said he would love to in a very enthusiastic voice.

He looks like a very happy man who is having fun. :)

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Hopefully he set this week aside for press & getting aclimatized to NYC. Maybe he'll start recording next week or the week after.

I haven't seen either interview yet, I'm at work and can't really watch until I get home. But it sounds like a great start to the day, even if they were short & sweet!

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