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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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I don't see anything in this article that Clay needs to weather.

I don't see cynicism.

I don't see fangs.

I don't see venom.

I don't see anything bad about this article.

I don't think Clay will be upset when he reads it.

Well, and you also have cute, naturally curly hair and I don't. heh

Hope all is well with you and your family.

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Not bad, not good - just an odd article. I did think she got the facade he presented for her - I don't think she "got" Clay any better than anyone who's spent a hour with the dude.

That pretty much sums up my reaction to the article. The only thing 2 things that really bothered me were the way she quoted him in an accent and the picture. Spelling his comments in what sounds to me like an exaggerated accent always annoys me. And the picture. Really bad picture, unnecessarily so. As for Clay's comments on dating and relationships, they pretty much match what I thought anyway. He's a complex guy. He's not going to follow a traditional path. What others want for him is inconsequential, IMO. He seems happy to me and that's enough.

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Oooookay then. THAT was a fun way to wake up. Heh.

My opinion on the article? From first glance at the picture and the headline, it was pretty obvious to me that she had an agenda. Any article that starts out with phonetic spelling to accentuate his southern accent...well, I don't take it too seriously. Yeah, I get it, you think he's southern and stupid. Only wait! She thinks he's really smart, but he's playing southern and stupid. Whatver. While there were a few things that made me laugh (NYC is going to break him, yeah right honey, and comparing Spamalot to Smurfville, wtf?), for the most part it was just, as KAndre put it, odd. I don't think Clay is going to be very happy when he reads it. But it's only one article, like many before it, and many to come, with an agenda. No big deal, not going to change anything. At least she liked his Spamalot performance. I'm not going to give it much more thought than that. It's not worth my time.

But I've decided to skip my usual morning trip to other boards. Hee.

Yeah that. ;)

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Good Morning Everyone,

I read the article last night right before I went to bed and my first reaction was that it was; as some have said "Odd". Then I read it again this morning and came away with a totally different opinion. It wasn't as bad as I originally thought, actually quite interesting and what I took away from it is that the author was having a hard time defining Clay. He is definately an enigma...he has so many layers to him and I think the author was frustrated at not being able to dig through those layers to find the real Clay and I think Clay enjoys sitting back and watching...I don't think he will ever be totally open with any reporter; especially about his private life and I think he was as honest as he could be. Most of what she wrote about was absolutely correct and things the fans having been saying all along...he does put himself down alot, he does use the words dork, nerd, etc. alot, he does us "We" when talking about himself. It has become a shtick for him and I do think he uses it like he did with the ear thing and Simon...say it before anyone else does. Annoying at times, yes...but when we have an image of ourselves, I think it is really hard to get away from that and see what others see and I think he always sees himself as Clayton and not "Clay Aiken".

The references to his effiminate qualities...Clay himself has said he has those and he does...doesn't mean he is gay, but he does have them...so no big deal for me.

In the end, I think the author was impressed with him...she had a notion about him during the interview that he may not be able to survive the big city (and I suppose that could be taken as condescending, but that is the image he portrays) and then she saw him on Broadway and realized the depth of his talent and that he really is going to be okay.

Bottom line, I think she found out that there is more to Clay Aiken than meets the eye and I think she saw through his defense mechanisms and came away realizing what a complex and intelligent man Clay is.

So, I don't think it was a bad article at all.


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What an odd article. It tells me much more about about the writer than the subject...she strikes me as the kind of person who would go absolutely batshit if she had to leave the 5 boroughs for a couple of months...New York is interesting, mind you, but it ain't all that. Crack him like an egg? Oooookay. New York culture doesn't tolerate "schticks"? Hell, as far as I can tell, it seems to be made up of schticks - including "world weary journalist". And damn, she does a LOT of extrapolating...voted for Jesse Helms? "Working on his angle for decades?" The dude is 29, not forty, and has only been in show business for 5 years. Hell, the last time Helms ran was in 1996 - Couchie's right, Clay couldn't have voted for him - unless there was some voter fraud involved...

It never seems to occur to her that at some point, he might be pulling her leg a little?

Not bad, not good - just an odd article. I did think she got the facade he presented for her - I don't think she "got" Clay any better than anyone who's spent a hour with the dude.

This is pretty much what I was thinking. I think Clay picked up on the kind of article this would be and he was playing along. Instead of just not answering questions about his personal like, he gave these answers. Probably some truth in there but while he was sitting there for 30 sec, he was probably wondering if he should just leave but decided to go this way instead.

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Hi guys-- You knew I'd have to comment, didn't you? I love CA!!!

Well, I'm not on the hate the article train. I read it casually the first time and found many things in the article insightful. When I read it the second time, I started picking things out that I hated. All in all, it's not anything I'm going to get upset about. I think Clay loves being an enigma and he's not going to give away any government secrets. He loves to talk through his hat. I do believe his career is his mistress at this time. He sounds like a fascinating guy to me. I can deal.

ETA- My BF sure knows how to keep the buzz going. Mary and Clay in the bathroom. You go girl. I think a lot of Clay's answers in these articles are "tongue in cheek" and that doesn't come across in print. I actually laughed out loud when she made it sound like he had no sexual urges, I think he gets in these interviews with these weirdos and just rolls his eyes and says the first thing that comes to his mind. The only thing I'm really mad about is the stupid pictures. LOL!!!

ETA----Yes, TMZ has picked up the no sexual urges. Sometimes I think Clay does this stuff on purpose so he can go back on ET and say he's had a sexual urge ot two. I swear, you can't make this shit up.

Do you remember when Ryan said on AI that Clay was very media savvy? A regular, normal interview never gets the kinds of coverage and exposure that Clay can get from one of his strange interviews that need clarification. I think some of Clay's ramblings are to clarify all the lies of the last two years. No people, I don't troll the internet, I'm not sexually addicted and I don't have any Fake Clay girlfriends. LOL!!!

I think Clay has a message to get across , that he is exactly who he says he is, no exceptions.

I think toward the end of the article that the writer was starting to see that she'd been had by somehow smarter and cooler than she.

The bottom line for me is that Clay is smart and sexy and is kicking serious butt on Broadway.

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Bringing this recap from yesterday over from flyinpenguin at CH.

We're back at MLK973's beautiful home after a double Clay Day.

Beagle2, MLK973 and myself attended today's matinee and the evening show. Unlike beagle2, I was not unspoilered. I rented the movie last week and watched the DHP videos as reasearch. I wanted to know the storyline and what to watch for. I thought the movie was ridiculously stupid at first but then the humor started to grow on me. I was glad I knew what to expect.

Today I was blown away! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!! What can I say that hasn't already been said? After 1 week Clay looks like a Broadway pro. The man seems like he's been doing this for years. He's such a seemless part of the cast.

I don't think the smile left my face the entire show. He just makes me giggle. He's funny and sexy and oh so beautiful.

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not - During Clay's Brother Maynard part this afternoon, he sang Amen in a scale. It was unexpected and fun. This evening he didn't do it.

I don't want to get on that plane in a few hours. I want to see it again and again. Luckily I'm bringing my hubby and son back next month.

Wheeeee! I love that he's ad libbing in spots.

ETA another one, from libbyc at CB, via CH:

Just got back from NYC and 3 shows!!! Front Row Mezzanine, Standing Room Only and the real FRONT ROW!!!! I can only parrot everyone else who has posted; If you have not been, by hook or by crook... GET THERE!! Watching Clay, once again command the stage in such a totally different way was mezmerizing. His comedic timing was perfect and hilarious, his accent and facial expressions for each of his character's was simply dead on- I don't know which I found more side splitting- ,Brother Maynard, the Guard or the Sir Robin's escape from the French! His dancing, well let's just say the man is fluid, and can move across the stage like a professional dancer!!! From the first shimmy on, the bottle dance scene stole the show!!! I can see why he has commented on being whooped, it's like an aerobic workout for 2 hours. I just kept thinking, I can't believe he learned all of the choreography, script, songs and blocking in basically 1 week!!! I did say to him at the stage door.. Clay, You can DANCE!!! Of course his reply was..."It's all mirrors". ..... His fellow cast members are amazing, and seem to truly appreciate what Clay has brought to this show. Needless to say, I'm now going back for the last weekend. If you are still just thinking about going.....I am one more person to say.........just DO IT!!!!!!!!!

And beagle2 from CH:

I posted earlier today that I was worried about whether I would enjoy my Spam shows today, being such a virgin and all. And I appreciate those of you who assured me I would get it and all would be well. Truly, I did not know what to expect.

Well I have major criticisms about the show . . . not enough Clay Aiken! He was so good, soooooooooo good, I just wanted more, more, more. The big number is over way too fast and he is absolutely brilliant in it. But truly, the entire show is over way too fast. During the matinee I laughed from start to finish. I laughed so hard I cried. I could not believe how ridiculous some of it was but so dang funny.

I thought I was prepared for Clay to be good but he just blew me away. I was not prepared for him to "own" his scenes the way he did. The tower scene about the coconuts is hysterical and his voice and facial expressions are too much. Oh, how I wish there could be clack of this. I need to see it again and again. Along with the guard scene and the monk scene and the big number. I know I already said he is brilliant in the big number but I have to say it again. He truly became someone else on that stage, someone I didn't recognize. I felt like I was watching a seasoned actor/Broadway veteran.

Flyinpenguin and I sat on the righthand side, Row G for the matinee and our view was wonderful. I did not think it could get any better. But for the evening show we were Row B, center section and he was right there.

The crowds for each show were very mixed. Lots of men, kids, younger adults. Lots of laughter and applause at the matinee. I felt like the evening show was a wee bit more a Clay crowd, just judging from the response to Clay at the end.

I'll try to gather my thoughts and post more later. I wish I could find the words to express what it was like watching him, this guy who I know is immensely talented but who I did not know was capable of this, at least not at this stage of his career. I'm so glad I saw two shows, there is so much to take in. I loved being unspoilered for the first one but I also loved knowing what to look for in the second show. I get to see him again in March for my birthday. I can't wait!

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I guess to me a hatchet job is an article that was written to simply tear somebody down. Although the picture she presented of Clay was not flattering, I got the sense that she actually tried to "get" him and this is how she truly saw him through the filter she has. Someone who is not really one dimensional. I think she went in with the idea that he is a stupid hick. Not very new cos I think there are some fans that see him as a stupid hick. But then meeting him she did see the intelligence, the sharpness...so she filters that through her own world view and experience and sees someone with a schtick. That makes sense to her because she is used to celebrities who do present a different persona. TO ME...I see that as many celebrities way to protect themselves. They are so exposed that they do need to have this image or mask. To this bitch, that is marketing schtick.

I think this writer's style is urban-cool-bitch. I think she would be judgmental and use contemptuous language with any celebrity. The references to his being effeminate is something that will not disappear cos he is in a lot of his mannerisms, highlighting that in this article is part of this writer uber-bitch style. I think this writer would usually get two reactions...people that would roll their eyes at her OTT style and dismiss her...or those that love to bitch with her. For those that roll their eyes at her, I think they will at least see that Clay did change her mind a bit about him and that she thinks he is talented and does well in Spamalot. Those who love her style, probably sees Clay in the same way and might even be interested enough to look even closer.

I am so not worried about this article hurting Clay. This kind or articles are always turning up for every celebrity. I remember reading an article about Justin T. that made him seem like a sex starved egomaniac, an article about Kelly made her seem like a stupid airhead, and article about Christina A. made her sound like a foul mouth ungrateful bitch. Yet these artist were able to sell CDs and get respect from the industry. In the long run, the audience does not need perfection from the artist they like if their music or acting speaks to them. If there is an aganda that these writers have its to expose the warts of these celebrities so this kind of treatment in the media is not reserved for Clay.

I do think that the fandom will have to get used to these kinds of articles...specially if TC will be aggressive in print promo for the next CD. This is why its important to have the CD come closely after a successful project. Just imagine if this interview took place last year and there was no Spamalot that would help change this persons view of Clay? I really think that is why the print promo of ATDW was almost non existent. I would bet Blender, Rolling stones and other uber cool music publications would've focused on all the dirt that was out about Clay at the time since there would be nothing else to focus on and charitable work is just not interesting enough for their readers. This time at least they can talk about his Broadway stint and the hand on mouth incident.

Overall I do not like the article cos its just too snotty, but I don't think its totally bad, I think there are some good in it. What this certainly demonstrate for me is that no one can control the press coverage. I don't think Clay could've done anything different to change this article. Clay is who he is and this is just the view of one person. This does not define Clay.

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Interesting. Ariel Levy wrote a book called "Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture" in which she discusses the pervasiveness of women emulating porn stars and other female sex symbols in their dress and behavior. She suggests this is a form of pseudo women's liberation and not at all what the feminist movement was attempting to do.

Not sure what to think of her conclusions, although I've observed some of the same phenomenon she describes. Something makes me want to add that there is a similar and equally pervasive sexual objectification/stereotyping of MEN and maleness, which she seems to have applied to Clay Aiken.

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As for Clay's comments on dating and relationships, they pretty much match what I thought anyway. He's a complex guy. He's not going to follow a traditional path. What others want for him is inconsequential, IMO. He seems happy to me and that's enough.

This has been exactly my attitude since day one. It is no one's business.

I am sick of these so-called journalists.

During one trip to Australia, Frank Sinatra called them 'hookers' because he was sick of the way they stalked and badgered him. Bravo Mr Sinatra!

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So digging around the NY Mag I found this article on Leno. The picture cracked me up. I think the readership of that mag will understand that the picture of Clay is distorted. This morning I'm still going eh. Ansa, agree with you on why there was no major print interviews for ATDW.... I've always thought they had only one question on their mind so they had the choice to do it or not. And they chose not to. Can't really say for sure but I also agree that's another reason spamalot will be important. Clay won't be stepping out of a vacuum of lies and rumor with the next album. I know people think you can just control the press and tell them what to write but it doesn't work that way. I'd really like to see more articles in all sorts of print media for the next album. It's a risky proposition but we just have to go in knowing they might not be fluff peices or the most flattering. Some writers will have an agenda but I think it's the body of info out there that's important.

I mostly hate that she used LTS to shore up her story because five years is a long time between any opinion on something, espcially when Clay's life has taken has gone through such monumental changes.

Anyway, happy Monday.

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I guess what the article has brought out to me is more of a disconnect with some of the fandom - the sneering at Clay's "Aw Shucks schtick" - as I am one of those who don't see it as so much as a "schtick" rather than a real part of his personality. It's something he's always done from the first time we saw him on AI. It may be a part people don't like or are tired of, but that may not make it any less real - and the desire people have for him to suppress or change it is a little disturbing for me. I also tend to draw a blank on the offensiveness of Clay's (or anyone's) using "we" and "us" - I agree with someone earlier who said he doesn't even hear it anymore, and if he did, probably wouldn't see why it would bother anyone. I don't see why it's so unbelievable that he might see himself as a nerd - hell, I see myself as one. He really is a multi-faceted personality - just like everyone else - and many of those facets simply don't line up with everyone else's. And I don't think particular facets need to be "fixed" because some may not like them. I guess it just pushes some of my buttons elsewhere that people say, "oooh, he's self-depreciating therefore it's a defense mechanism therefore he needs therapy because that's what I would do and look how clever that author is to see what I see!"

The more I read the article and reactions to it, the less I like it.

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Although Aiken can depend on the adulation of strangers, he doesn’t know anyone in New York and is worried he will be lonely now that he’s moved here to take a role in the Broadway musical Spamalot, based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. “I almost cried on the first day on my way to rehearsal,” he says. “I’m here until May 4, and I’ve never lived alone before.”

Does someone else live in his Raleigh house as well?

Isn't Jerome in NY with him? I thought they were friends, so surely that would mean Clay isn't really alone in NY, i.e. he has a 'family' with with. I assume Jerome is considered family as well, along with his usual little group that he travels with on tour and to shows where he is performing.

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I think this article was written with an Agenda.. It is so transparent. I think it distorted everything Clay said and Clay probably said very little as he knew for sure where she was coming from. How dare this person call herself a journalist !

This article is bullshit from beginning to end. From the picture chosen, to the LTS quotes, to her impressions.


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Her mindset is becoming more clear after a few more minutes with Google. Ariel Levy wrote this article "The Rise of the Soft Man" in 2000, which may shed some light on her attitude toward sexually judicious men. She has since married a woman. So...

And now...I've spent way too much time on this person.


KAndre, if you're a nerd, you're a delightfully bawdy, blingy one. And you must know by now how much I love ya.

(((HUGS))) to all.

Y'all, I can't help it. I can't let this article bring me down...I'm too busy being head over heels for this guy, Clay Aiken. I'm loving all the recaps, so keep 'em coming wherever you find them.

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And now, for something completely different...

Spamalot blog for January 28

1.28.08: Describe your most embarrassing moment on stage.

I try my best not to let anything embarrass me on stage. I find that when I mess up (and that’s plenty) or when something goes wrong, it’s far more entertaining to point it out and laugh at it myself. I don’t think any audience expects me to be perfect. And, I suppose years of being picked on as a teenager (and, heck, as an adult) taught me that you’re better off to laugh at yourself before someone else has a chance to.

More later on the article, but I have to try and put some cohesion into my thoughts first.....

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00lsee's right (like you're surprised), I am a delightfully bawdy, blingy one! But still a nerd - I was reading with delight another "Kirk vs. Picard" web article, and criticizing the appearance of the new Star Trek movie cast. Didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of lunch last week at Monarch at the Hotel Zaza (and it was exactly how you would restaurant named that in a hotel named that would be). Being a nerd is no more bad than being a jock or a goth - though being a stuck-up bitch is bad, but if that's who you are, that's who you are.
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Well, I'm on track with a lot of you who've said your first reaction to that article was "odd". Except the word that immediately came to my mind was "bizarre". Reading through here this morning I had way too many people I wanted to quote. In the end, I think this summed it up best for me:

:what_d_fuck: <<<I think this more accurately states my reaction!!!!!

And a huge BWAH!!! to bottlecap! :cryingwlaughter:

I'd like to comment about Ms. Levy's oddly distorted, funhouse mirror view of her subject, but I have to catch a ride on the turnip truck so I can get my sadly sagging, delusional, lonely and unfulfilled middle-aged ass into my job here in the vast cultural wasteland of Middle America. And Crap! My best overalls are still out on the clothesline!


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00lsee's right (like you're surprised), I am a delightfully bawdy, blingy one! But still a nerd - I was reading with delight another "Kirk vs. Picard" web article, and criticizing the appearance of the new Star Trek movie cast. Didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of lunch last week at Monarch at the Hotel Zaza (and it was exactly how you would restaurant named that in a hotel named that would be). Being a nerd is no more bad than being a jock or a goth - though being a stuck-up bitch is bad, but if that's who you are, that's who you are.

That reminds me.... I wasn't able to quite finish reading your recap from New York and I am now having trouble finding the page it was on. Can you help? LOL Seriously!

Oh, and that also reminds me, while I WAS reading the recap, it crossed my mind how you should co-write Clay's next book. You are hysterically funny and two nerds with their own brand of humour would really produce something of a masterpiece!

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I did not see any obvious agenda in the article; but I think sensitivities to Clay and his image are such that it is possible to see things that are not intended...objectivity is not always possible when it comes to Clay.


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<snip>Hell, the last time Helms ran was in 1996 - Couchie's right, Clay couldn't have voted for him - unless there was some voter fraud involved...
Well, we all know about Clay's hanging chads. :whistling-1:


But heterosexuals I know don't compulsively need to talk about sex all the time like certain writers or posters
I beg your pardon? You talkin' to ME?! <_< Just what are you implying? :cryingwlaughter: I resemble that remark. Is that bad? :huh: (tm CHA)
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I have read quite a bit of fan criticism of Clay for using the "we" and "us" references. It's not at all hard for me to understand why he does it. Utltimately, I think Clay makes the final big decisions on his career, but I do think there are others involved in helping him to make decisions. We can be a him and his management company, we can be him and Jaime and any one else that helps him make a clothing or hairstyle choices, we can be him and Jaymes and his new producer, we can be him and his record label, on tours we is his touring family. It just doesn't seem that odd for me. (Of course, I never earned the nickname 'farmer girl" after having never lived on a farm for nuthin'), so what do I know.

Add to that, I think Clay is a fairly humble person and doesn't tend to take credit for his sucesses alone either.

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If you click on someone's name next to their latest post above their avatar, should they have one, a drop down table appears and you can find someones old posts in reverse posting order. I find it useful if I want to find an old post by someone or if I may have missed a post somewhere down the line and people are talking about something I can't find.

ON TO SOMETHING IMPORTANT _ we have been bumped by the Idea network - we need over 200 donations to catch up to the next group currently in position 3 and bound to be passed by IDEA

Donate here if you can afford 10 dollars (and the 4y cent fee, must accept that fee for it to count!) - it is a good matching fund grant and means 5 summer camps. If you donated already and didn't accept the 47 cent fee, you can donate again to get it to count.

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