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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Does anybody know what hoodie Clay is wearning in these pics from last night?

Clayboard thread link

It's driving me crazy!

It's hard to tell in those pictures, but I heard it bescribed as brown- wasn't he wearing a brown one like that in the picture of him with the giraffe from Busch Gardens? (I think.)

Muah!!!! That's exactly it. Thank you!

ETA: that pic makes me smile so much I had to post it again. Crazy boy! Lucky giraffe!


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Does anybody know what hoodie Clay is wearning in these pics from last night?

Clayboard thread link

It's driving me crazy!

It's hard to tell in those pictures, but I heard it described as brown- wasn't he wearing a brown one like that in the picture of him with the giraffe from Busch Gardens? (I think.)

Muah!!!! That's exactly it. Thank you!

ETA: that pic makes me smile so much I had to post it again. Crazy boy! Lucky giraffe!


Well, it is LITERALLY a "BROWN" sweatshirt! BWAH! I was trying to get it loaded into my photobucket to post it, and the title I gave to it was "LuckyGiraffe"! You beat me to it!

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Not a frequent poster--usually have to come here and post when I am upset--sorry about that!!

Have had to do lots of scrolling on other boards during the last 20 hours or so. Was just so upset that so much attention was being given to Clay's decision to skip the matinee stage door. I totally respect and support his decision. There is no way that I or anyone else but him could possibly know exactly why. So many seemed to know what he should or shouldn't have done and what he should learn from this, etc. Sometimes the poor guy just has too many mothers and can't win.

On a more positive note--a friend of mine went a few weeks ago and we are going together on April 5. She told me that when she saw him outside at the stage door it was like looking at the sun. Can't wait to go and see that wonderful, glowing man. But, if for some reason he doesn't do the stage door when I am there, you can bet your life I will not complain. He does not owe that to me or anyone else!

Lawd Jesus!! Just as I posted this I saw the picture above my post of Clay "French kissing" Moanica. Now, that sure cheered me up!!

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Well...hope this will blow away soon and we can have some more positive things to EEEEEEEEEEEe over...

Yep, that's about my only comment on the whole thing. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill...........

Have a great trip, ansa!

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I wish just once their spotlight of judgement could be turned back on them. I have a feeling most of them would with up and die if subjected to the same standards they so vehemently judge Clay by.
Perhaps their shady comments reflect more on them than Clay. There is one comment that I'm particularly steamed about but I'm going to take a deep breath and try to let it go.

Have a safe trip ansa.

It is sure fun to see that giraffe picture again.

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Not a frequent poster--usually have to come here and post when I am upset--sorry about that!!

Have had to do lots of scrolling on other boards during the last 20 hours or so. Was just so upset that so much attention was being given to Clay's decision to skip the matinee stage door. I totally respect and support his decision. There is no way that I or anyone else but him could possibly know exactly why. So many seemed to know what he should or shouldn't have done and what he should learn from this, etc. Sometimes the poor guy just has too many mothers and can't win.

On a more positive note--a friend of mine went a few weeks ago and we are going together on April 5. She told me that when she saw him outside at the stage door it was like looking at the sun. Can't wait to go and see that wonderful, glowing man. But, if for some reason he doesn't do the stage door when I am there, you can bet your life I will not complain. He does not owe that to me or anyone else!

:clap: Yeah, everytime I see the word "should" where Clay is concerned, my eyes start to roll back into my head. So nice of them to all offer their "expertise" in all matters Clay- but surprisingly, I don't believe any of them have thriving careers in entertainment, so their words of wisdom- and their complaints- are pretty scroll-worthy to me! :wordpooper:

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Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.

I just had to word that.

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Safe travels Ansa. Enjoy your trip.

I am so unable to even say anything about how this incident has morphed into Clay being at fault. There are no words. I'm going to go watch my politiucal shows and stay off the boards.

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Safe travels Ansa. Enjoy your trip.

I am so unable to even say anything about how this incident has morphed into Clay being at fault. There are no words. I'm going to go watch my politiucal shows and stay off the boards.

bwah this made me giggle..cuz we all know that watching politicians can be more relaxing and calming then reading a Clay message board.

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I think I also need to take a little break from the boards. You'd think this would be over with by now.

No political shows for me, though.

I'm going to watch Clay sing OHN from the South Bend CITH. Someone on another board just showed a clip of it where he has a break from singing and you can see his eyes scanning the audience for almost a full minute. I was so fascinated with that little clip that I just went and download the whole song. So, if you've seen it, what do you think--was he undressing us with his eyes or was he just doing a button check?

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I do get it. I just don't like it. And it happens every. single. time. It mostly seems to derive from the same few fans who seem only to remain in the fandom to criticize and judge, and then it is perpetuated by the sheep who follow them. *see previous post re: neediness* If indeed it 'reaches the blogs' it will be because it is fed to them on a silver platter, complete with quotable quotes from 'fans'. Sorry - but they make me want to retch.

I wish just once their spotlight of judgement could be turned back on them. I have a feeling most of them would wither up and die if subjected to the same standards they so vehemently judge Clay by.

Yup. Cindilu, I'm going to follow you around and just WORD you today... I never cease to be amazed at how judgemental some folks are... and always are. Isn't this supposed to be fun? I sure don't need that kind of angst in my life... what's the point unless you like angst?

And I appreciate part of the whole message board experience is talking about said person/sport/whatever you are following, but since we don't get to make decisions for the person/sport/whatever, why let it upset you so much? And in the big picture, to me, this really doesn't warrant this kind of time and energy. There's some vicious shit out there and I only cruised one other board so far... And yes, very sad that it's moved on to crucifying Clay... Jesus, when I get to that point, I'm outta here... I think it's time to go make my spaghetti sauce, watch it sloooooooowly simmer, and skip the other board I tend to look at...

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Ho hum....just another boring day in the fandom, I see. :whistling-1:

And honestly, that's pretty much all I have to say about that. I think maybe I'll go to the gym this afternoon and listen to Clay sing to meeeee!

Ansa, I hope you have a fabulous time on your trip. Please keep in touch!

I still love the Moanica picture. He was so damn cute that day. Of course, I find him "so damn CUTE" every damn day.

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:thRoadRunner: Safe and speedy travels to Ansa and the Ansa-ettes! :thRoadRunner:


Hey, there's all kinds of new emoticons down there in the lower reaches. Dance, chickens, dance! :chickendance: MWAH HA HA!


fetcher2.giffetcher2.giffetcher2.gif <= Cow tossing - strangely therapeutic. Who knew? :cryingwlaughter:

You know what I also found therapeutic after leaving the house in a board and PMS-induced black cloud this morning? Looking at my eight-day-old great-niece on her grandma's shoulder (Ha! My sister's a grannie!), and watching her pull down her tiny little eyebrows and make this exact face:


You just gotta laugh at the absurdity of life sometimes, you know?

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Have a nice trip (adventure_ Ansa - whee we will have two world travelers on this board tomorrow!!

Entitled, needy fuckers. That's my explanation for the venom being shown towards Clay for not enabling doing the the stagedoor yesterday afternoon. For a fandom that so disdains the word 'we', I saw it being bandied about quite a bit yesterday. 'We' are being punished. We?????? Exactly how are you being punished sitting on your ass in where was it? Topeka?? hammering out complaints on your laptop? But I digress. It's very easy to sit in our cozy warm living rooms and armchair-quarterback every single move Clay makes or word he utters. As we sip our coffee (or smoke our crack it would sometimes seem) and type up and edit (and edit and edit) our oh-so-eloquent edicts on What Clay Should Have Done, Were He As Smart As I, we forget that Clay doesn't get an edit key. He doesn't get to go back and maybe take out that one word - or delete it altogether and let's pretend it never happened. The bottom line for me is - we were not there. We did not feel the embarrassment or anger and then have to decide RIGHT NOW how we're going to handle things (and do it knowing that the keyboards of thousands of 'fans' sit ready to vilify you either way). Walk a mile in his shoes.

I think we need some sort of Clay fan award for the appropriate use of the owrd Fuckers - now this wasa word that was not in my vocabulary until it was approved by the mods of one board as long as no one was named and it applied to more than one person and it did not even have to be justified, you can use it - But this is the first time I have seen the word correctrly applied. And all this tempest in a tea pot is another reason why I do not welcome any album news, I just have used up all my tolerance for this shit!

It appears after reading all the recaps yesterday, that there were 4 different incidents:

1. The gentleman who was taking pictures.

2. The group who yelled out during the Knights of Ni.

3. The McVargas Girls

4. The group who left during the curtain call to go to the barricades.

I think Clay had every right to be upset.


Well, here is my problem about this list - only one group of people were identified - Since the people leaving early are proably know identify them as well! No playing favorites, and leaving early is probably way more distracting to the actors and the audience! Name names people!!!


I think I also need to take a little break from the boards. You'd think this would be over with by now.

No political shows for me, though.

I'm going to watch Clay sing OHN from the South Bend CITH. Someone on another board just showed a clip of it where he has a break from singing and you can see his eyes scanning the audience for almost a full minute. I was so fascinated with that little clip that I just went and download the whole song. So, if you've seen it, what do you think--was he undressing us with his eyes or was he just doing a button check?

Now I will probably have to download that clip, I don't often download concert video. (time constraints, not hard drive issues.)

Critcial fans and 13 year olds in Topeka (probably more like 50 and 60 year olds!) This is all so mean girls, I have to laugh about people talking about some people being immature and then going off on an idiotic entitled rant of Clay cannot deny them this or that. There is whining, bitching, and basically handing plenty of hate to hater in the name of open discussion. There is one person, who I must admit I now find amusing, who has major issues with Clay's hair, and then I saw her in Vegas - whoa talk about bad hair! I may not be beautiful, but I don't require Clay to look perfect either, so I use that as my excuse, hee. I would not ask anything from him that I would not ask from someone else, actually a lot less from him, after all, I don't know him at all.

OK, it is a beautiful, but cold day, so I have stuff to do. Only managed to read this one board!

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Oops, this cracked me upwhen it showed up in google last night from the delmar news

Bus trip planned to 'Spamalot' show

REHOBOTH BEACH -- Clear Space Productions in Rehoboth Beach will sponsor a bus trip to New York City to see "Monty Python's Spamalot" on Broadway starring American Idol's Clay Aiken on Saturday, April 12.

The cost for the trip is $125 and includes tickets to the matinee at the Shubert Theatre, transportation, breakfast, a snack and beverage for the return trip, driver tip and tolls.

The luxury coach bus leaves from the Kmart parking lot at 7 a.m. and arrives at the Shubert in New York by 11 a.m., with time for sightseeing and lunch prior to the matinee. The bus will leave for the return trip at 7 p.m.

For reservations, call 302-644-3810.

I wonder if they will tell you where your seats are if you ask?

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I have been reading 3 boards and I felt really sad, very upset by it all. Such a waste of energy when we could be enjoying the joyous sexiness of OBF.

So my contribution to getting rid of the bad taste all this haranguing has brought is to bring you a link to a video I have watched many times but still really enjoy. Make sure you watch it to the very end after the credits.

Satisfy Me

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Couldn't get the "Satifsy Me" utube to work.

I decided after I watched the OHN from CITH in South Bend that I knew exactly what he was thinking.

He was thinking, "HOT DAMN! There are some seriously good lookin' women out there in that audience. Think maybe I'd better wear my glasses for the rest of this tour so I can get a better look at them."

Hey, lots of other people out there claim to know what he is thinking, so figured I'd put in my two cents.!!

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So my contribution to getting rid of the bad taste all this haranguing has brought is to bring you a link to a video I have watched many times but still really enjoy. Make sure you watch it to the very end after the credits.

Satisfy Me

So great to see all that JBT footage again. He sure was CUTE during that tour, wasn't he?

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I really feel like I should chime in, like I should make some sort of statement on the current topic at the boards, but this is all that comes to mind...

We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are - Talmund

I think that about sums it up for me.

Now, is it Spring yet? please?!?

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KarenEh I see your name down at the bottom of the page in Italics...don't know the significance of that but if you are reading here I hope your flight was good. I have no idea how long it takes to fly to your new home and whether you are there or still in transit.

I'm so glad that through the wonders of technology we can still hear from you and you from us.

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We made it!!!! With all the luggage and one none the worse for wear pooch. The wireless connected to my laptop on the third go round and all is well, so far. No adventures and that is a good thing, really. The dog did excellent on the trip. He's got no sign of trauma from his 19 hour trip or his TSA pat down in Houston, he's eaten and taken care of business. Right now he's passed out on the landing between the second and third floors.

Tomorrow, I'll catch up on all the adventures in Clayland....but right now, it's bedtime....3:11 AM in Baku. Feels good to be home.....well in a few months it will look like one. I sense some home decor shopping coming down the pike.

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Now, is it Spring yet? please?!?

That depends. When you look out your window, does it look more like this? ==> snowman_melting.gif

Or like this? ==> daffodils_swaying.gif I think these are called "flowers", and I can remember, in the distant past, when they used to grow outdoors. [Yeah, it's been a long winter in these parts... :P ]

Yah for karen eh!

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ENTITLEMENT seems to be a HUGE word in some parts of this fandom, unfortunately. I will never begin to understand it, when Clay gives so much- above and beyond the call of duty, if you ask me.

laljeterfan... WORD

ON to bigger and better things! I have really enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts this weekend about the why's and wherefore's of their Clay fandom, and how it may compare (or not) with other fandoms in their past. For me, I vividly remember watching Clay's first appearance (the Atlanta audition) on Ai, and liked his voice, but he didn't "catch" me until the wildcard show. It goes without saying that his singing that night was spectacular, but I also liked his self-acceptance.

I belonged to a board many moons ago where the question was put out to all of the members- "WHY Clay?"- and this is what I wrote way back then:

Discovering Clay Aiken was like receiving an unexpected gift- one that I will be eternally grateful for. I had no great expectations when I first turned on AI. I certainly didn't anticipate that one of the contestants would steal my heart. But.......CLAY! What was it about him that totally captivated me?

Randy always marveled at that powerful voice emanating from that skinny body- and it WAS amazing! But how did that body house so much personality and charisma as well? It was literally bubbling up out of him- the self-deprecating sense of humor, the quiet confidence, the intelligence, the goofiness, the warm and caring heart, the strength of character, the vulnerability. Add all of those attributes to the sweetest face on earth and that heavenly voice, and it's a potent combination!

He seemed to be an ordinary guy- and an EXTRAORDINARY one- at the same time. Maybe that's the attraction. Fantasy figures are usually unattainable, but Clay was so.....REAL.....so substantial. He almost seemed to be a throwback to another era- an "old soul". You could imagine becoming great friends with him---AND falling in love with him He made you feel comfortable and crazed at the same time. How did he DO that???

WHY CLAY? Because he is truly a gift, and now that I have found him I cannot imagine what my life would be like without him in it.

And I still feel the same way about him today- even more so, if that's possible. He has shown so much strength and character in the face of adversity and cruelty heaped upon him. He does so much for the fans- even though some of those fans seem to enjoy picking him apart. I honestly don't know how he does it. And, having been lucky enough to have met him several times, and to have been the target of both his kindness and his snark-both of which I LOVED- I just think that there is no one else like him! :wub:

This was simply beautiful, laljeterfan! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm so excited- 4 more sleeps, and I'll be on my way to NY to see Spamalot and Brave Sir Robin! I can't wait!!!

Have a trouble free trip and performance and may the backstage gods/goddesses smile upon you!!!

Safe travels Ansa. Enjoy your trip.

I am so unable to even say anything about how this incident has morphed into Clay being at fault. There are no words. I'm going to go watch my politiucal shows and stay off the boards.

bwah this made me giggle..cuz we all know that watching politicians can be more relaxing and calming then reading a Clay message board.

Couchie... skybar... make me giggle, too... no, just plain laugh out loud!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I have been reading 3 boards and I felt really sad, very upset by it all. Such a waste of energy when we could be enjoying the joyous sexiness of OBF.

So my contribution to getting rid of the bad taste all this haranguing has brought is to bring you a link to a video I have watched many times but still really enjoy. Make sure you watch it to the very end after the credits.

Satisfy Me

OMG, Lotus... I LOVE this montage! I've never seen it before and I favorited it so fast it would make your head spin! Thanks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

In situations like this, I have a convenient default:



00lsee... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

laughn... love your saying!!!

I really feel like I should chime in, like I should make some sort of statement on the current topic at the boards, but this is all that comes to mind...


"We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are" - Talmund

I think that about sums it up for me.

Now, is it Spring yet? please?!?

Kareneh... glad you arrived safely, pooch, too!

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