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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Congatulations on your successful travel and good night, Karen Eh Is your dog doped up from the trip?

Cindilu might want to check CH, she has been quoted and edited, sort of. How many lurkers are there here anyway? I may have to use the "secret thread" for some stuff, hee.

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Or like this? ==> daffodils_swaying.gif I think these are called "flowers", and I can remember, in the distant past, when they used to grow outdoors. [Yeah, it's been a long winter in these parts... :P ]

Yah for karen eh!

Ooh I love basketball..almost as much as pasty white boyfriend.

Bottle..do you have any pinkish violet flower emoticons that look like cherry blossoms? That's what I see when I look out my window. heee

Cindilu? Well she's been on a great form today..so I'm sure many people would want to see her post to word her!

Wow KarenEh you already made it to Baku? Whoo hoooo. Looking forward to sharing your adventure. Is food cheaper there cuz that's my main pet peeve right now..I'll vote for anyone who can bring down my grocery bill. I wish I could see into the future.

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Reading the boards today I can not believe the attitude of entitlement. I know that I am not going, but I consider the signing of the playbill a perk. Something I would love, but if it did not happen I would understand. From my reading I cannnot understand the behavior that occurred, we all know what Clay asked. I do not know what these girls were thinking. I watched the video of them after the show,about a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to yell into my computer to just shut up. I can only take someone being annoying for a short time. I watched that one time and never again. I am surprised he did not really get mad at them.

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cindilu, ROCK ON sistah! You are CMSU

And yes, you are being quoted and edited at other sites. Interesting...hmmmm

Have I mentioned I really really FLOVE that Clay Aiken guy? Well, I do. FWIW I see in him a man who takes responsibility for anything and everything that is in his orbit or effected by it. And however he goes about doing that, well, it won't always please everyone. But until I am a celebrity, walking in his shoes (takes a moment) I won't be judging him anytime soon for behaving like a human being.

It's sunny and windy here today. Not exactly spring but I'll take it. Since I have a cold I can't go out and enjoy it though. Drat it all.

Eeeee My kalanchoe started to bloom! :)

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near Hankyu Station, Kobe

We have some cherry blossoms down here now too, and more to come over the next few weeks. In Japan, theoretically speaking cherry blossom time is a time to contemplate the fleeting nature of existence, how beauty is ephemeral--it comes in its season and lives in its season and it dies in its season. Not because some evil has occurred, but because of the natural cycles of the world. That part of life I understand, but other parts--not so much.

The RL way many Japanese celebrate is to go to a part and sit under the blossoms and have a picnic and :voll: Maybe I should take up :voll:

YAY, Kareneh has arrived already. Hooray. Stories. Pictures. Yay. And to set about making a home. Good.

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Cindilu might want to check CH, she has been quoted and edited, sort of. How many lurkers are there here anyway? I may have to use the "secret thread" for some stuff, hee.

This blows my mind. And not in a good way.

Karen Eh, glad you made it safe and sound!

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I would love to see something in bloom, but I think it is going to be a while...although it did get up into the 50's today and the snow is all melted!


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He defines the word "grace." He accepts himself and that has helped me accept myself. He is a light in this world of too much darkness. Like attracts like and by and large the people in this fandom are as smart/witty/caring as he is himself. Being his fan is just plain the most fun I've had in my life to date.

Just had to quote this portion, although I loved all of it! "Grace"....the perfect word.

Thanks for the photograph site playbiller, they're beautiful!

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Cindilu might want to check CH, she has been quoted and edited, sort of. How many lurkers are there here anyway? I may have to use the "secret thread" for some stuff, hee.

This blows my mind. And not in a good way.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Cindilu.

Every board has their rules and their tone and their way of doing things. To me a good blow out rant may do nothing but make the person feel better but hey I dont' feel the need to edit it. People are free to agree with it or disagree with it. I know our style is often looked down upon but I can't imagine a 2 day bitchfest about Clay so different strokes for different folks. Frankly I would probably be putting on an emoticon war by now to move everyone along in my own delicate way HA. We're moving on to day 3 - surely all the arguments have been beaten to death by now.

Didn't ya'll notice the new emoticons yet? Some of these more bitter ones courtesy of Clayzor would have come in real handy but ya'll have been too great adn I couldn't use them hee. Miss you Clayzor.

:stfu: :humor00239: :blinkies_14: :zero2bitch: :blinkies_114: :blinkies_114: :italianflick:

I need a maid...off to wash clothes and clean the kitchen...the real cleaning..with mopping the floor and everything. Let's see how long this lasts.

Ahhh we're talking about cherry blossoms. They make me happy..just like Clay..It means spring and summer are coming!

:smiley_84: ok have to leave on a happy note LOL.

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I love this one! (Not intended for anyone here!)


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No Disco Clay for me tonight...sob...WGN is showing Enemy of The State instead.


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Not necessarily meaning to stomp on any ongoing discussions, just finding myself a little joy and cherry blossoms today.

You know, laughn has said to me more than once about Clay: "He just makes me smile." Amen to that. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Some Christmas stuff:






Carry on!

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Pictures of a CUTE guy and new emoticons. All is right in my world. *g*

YAY for KARENEH!!! (Hey, that rhymes!)

aikim, I think WGN is going to start shifting Rewind a LOT now that baseball season has started. I seem to remember a screen crawl during last week's episode announcing that the show would be on yesterday. Which I of course totally forgot about. Figures. I'm going to hope my local station will show it just under two hours....but that channel is showing NASCAR at the moment. So, I could miss this episode all together. *sigh*

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