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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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Adding another reply to...well, vent a bit.

Does it seem weird to others besides me that we now know that this Amazon list is now "phony?" I mean, I thought it was kinda cool, and I guess I liked the illusion of it all. So I had no reason to follow up with Amazon to check the veracity of the list. *shrug*

I also am reading elsewhere that people now know the person (and company) that came up with the press release....name, address, telephone number, etc. Again, I'm finding it a bit...unnerving. I understand that people were questioning who wrote this, originally because it wasn't signed. But I went back through my files, and the ATDW press release wasn't signed either. And maybe my memory is faulty (it very well could be), but I don't remember others looking around for who wrote THAT release.

As a matter of fact, I'm seeing lots of interesting parallels between the release publicity for ATDW and OMWH. The press release timing is almost the same; also, the release of the first single. The first public place to see the release in both instances? USA Today. I honestly think the TV promos will be similar as well.

Of course, I suppose this all means that RCA isn't supporting OMWH either. [/snerk]

ME! I find it frightening. No wonder we have a bad rep. That said, however, way back in 2003-2004, it didn't bother me. In fact I thought it was cool. Now I am almost ashamed to admit I am part of this fandom. If I don't call myself a Claymate but rather a Clay fan, will people know the difference? :clay:

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Question re: widget....so I went to the website and downloaded it...it's now part of my Mac laptop "Dashboard"...but how do I get it to stay on my desktop? Anybody? :lilredani:

Wait...is it even POSSIBLE to put it on my desktop? You have to put it on a webpage, don't you? Well, I don't have a webpage. Can you put it on a webpage that you've set as your homepage? :lilredani:

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The fans didn't exactly have to do a lot of digging to find this:

Interesting the Sun Herald has a contact at RCA.

Barry Parasram, +1-212-373-6142, Barry.Parasram@pmkhbh.com, or Gina Hoffman, +1-310-289-6200, gina.hoffman@pmkhbh.com, or Sarah Weinstein Dennison, +1-646-840-5672, sarah.weinstein@sonybmg.com, all for RCA Records,

PMK/HBH looks like it could be a PR Firm.

It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Now, badgering RCA insiders for information is another thing altogether.

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Heh, I was one of the people pointing it out, but I was after Moonhead, so I deleted mine. It really does not show who wrote the releaset, but more who is working on the publicity. No biggie. I am starting to wonder abut this Amazon list. Yeah, now we know it is not really Clay's (so some can contiue to hate on Kim - special tour hate not the regular do not like), but other thanthat, can this be part of the publicity, to get Clay's name out there, no matter what it is linked to?

If I were a fan of someone else, I probably would have looked at it and said " interesting' and moved on. With Clay, some fans feel the need to see inside him and that is a gyp for them. I don't know in either case, if I would complain or just write it off as shoddy Amazon business actions.

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The fans didn't exactly have to do a lot of digging to find this:

Interesting the Sun Herald has a contact at RCA.

Barry Parasram, +1-212-373-6142, Barry.Parasram@pmkhbh.com, or Gina Hoffman, +1-310-289-6200, gina.hoffman@pmkhbh.com, or Sarah Weinstein Dennison, +1-646-840-5672, sarah.weinstein@sonybmg.com, all for RCA Records,

PMK/HBH looks like it could be a PR Firm.

It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Now, badgering RCA insiders for information is another thing altogether.

Now that the info has been spread all around the boards, I'm sure some fans will be in touch with them about Clay's PR. :cryingwlaughter:

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It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Me neither Thankful. That's public info really.

TGIF... what a bleep bleep bleeping day. <insert your own expletive>

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The fans didn't exactly have to do a lot of digging to find this:

Interesting the Sun Herald has a contact at RCA.

Barry Parasram, +1-212-373-6142, Barry.Parasram@pmkhbh.com, or Gina Hoffman, +1-310-289-6200, gina.hoffman@pmkhbh.com, or Sarah Weinstein Dennison, +1-646-840-5672, sarah.weinstein@sonybmg.com, all for RCA Records,

PMK/HBH looks like it could be a PR Firm.

It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Now, badgering RCA insiders for information is another thing altogether.

Now that the info has been spread all around the boards, I'm sure some fans will be in touch with them about Clay's PR. :cryingwlaughter:

Scary but true. It sends shivers up my spine.

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Now that the info has been spread all around the boards, I'm sure some fans will be in touch with them about Clay's PR. :cryingwlaughter:

no doubt. But where's their client list - I'm sure that's been found already!!


Some more info on them...

PMK/HBH Company Description

When it comes to representing famous celebrities, this agency is on the A list. PMK/HBH is one of the most powerful publicity firms in Hollywood, representing such talent as Matt Damon, Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Al Pacino, and Jodie Foster. It helps manage and promote its star clients by garnering them magazine covers and articles, television appearances, and other media exposure. PMK/HBH also represents film and TV projects as well as several corporate brands, including America Online, Motorola, and Reebok. In addition, it organizes and publicizes events and parties. PMK/HBH is a unit of Momentum Worldwide, the promotional marketing arm of McCann Worldgroup. It has main offices in California and New York.

It appears from various articles I have googled that Gina Hoffman is Paris Hilton's publicist. Wasn't there an article not too long ago that was purportedly about Hilton but had a lot of info on Clay's charitable endeavors? Interesting. She is also a publicist for Zac Efron.
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"I also am reading elsewhere that people now know the person (and company) that came up with the press release....name, address, telephone number, etc."

Lurker signing in to respond: The contact info was printed at the bottom of the press release printed in a Mississippi newspaper.The link was posted at CH about an hour after the press release showed up this morning.

I've enjoy reading all of your posts. There is definitely a different vibe here which is refreshing. I'm not big on gloom and doom. Life's too short to spend it looking for the negative when cute little singerboy has a CD coming out.

Moving on...

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Post from COTA1234 from the CB RE: Clay's Comments on Radio Play (from a M&G)

Hello everyone,

This radio play conversation has pulled me out of lurking..... where I usually live. lol.

I completely agree with what Nicki503 stated above...and I will explain why.

I was fortunate enough to have had a M&G in Waukegan, IL this past Christmas. I never posted about it until now, because for as wonderful as it was...I was also left with a feeling of sadness for Clay and the whole radio play situation (not brought on by Clay in the least, just my own sadness and frustration as a fan). Clay did say we could feel free to share this info ...but until now I didn't think the timing was right....or know just how to bring it up without offending even one fan. So...here is my disclaimer, of sorts (lol)...............

Each and every one of us have been brought together by our love of Clay and have had nothing but the very best of intentions to be supportive, entheusiastic fans and promote his music in any way we could so that the rest of the world could come to know his beautiful voice ...as we do. The last thing any of us would want to do is to knowingly hurt Clay in any way. I can tell you that Clay made it very clear that he is so appreciative of his wonderful fans and their loyal support through it all.

That said.....

My question to Clay was, "when it comes to promotion for the new album, how important of a roll will radio play be ?" He basicly said that he wasn't going to worry about radio play, because he wouldn't get it....and asked if we could guess why. My guess, was that some form of payola really does exist and he wasn't willing to play that game. Clay said that wasn't the reason.

He said the reason was two fold,

1. Stations really aren't interested in him because his fans aren't the demographic they are targeting....and.....

2. many stations/djs have unfortunately "blackballed" him/us and won't play him.....because in the past clay fans spammed the stations with so many requests, emails, calls, letters...that they aren't going to play anything Clay....so as to NOT have to deal with the "claymates".

He said that they have unfortunately stereotyped the "Claymates" as crazy, over the top, fans who are difficult to deal with (my slight paraphrasing, not Clay's exact words). He added, if you look at it from their perspective....if the minute word is out that Clay Aiken is releasing an album....radio people are flooded with calls, and mailboxes are filled with multiple email requests for the same thing (and what really ticks them off, is when they get spammed with requests from people not even in the listening area)....they see that all as SPAM and don't appreciate it...or wish to deal with it if they don't have to.

He frequently stressed that he knows not ALL fans have done that...just a few....but also knows it still happens today. He said if any reporter should say the least bit negative comment about him....there are fans who quickly email them back to try and convince them their opinion is misguided.

IMO, Clay seemed to have come to terms with it (and didn't seem upset). It's a "double edged sword"....he is so very grateful and thankful for his wonderful supportive fans...and he wouldn't be where he is today with out us, yet that same well intending support may have soured some of the radio people (My words to summarize, not Clay's).

That is what made me sad....that collectively "we" have never wanted anything but the best for Clay and to be the most diligent supportive and proactive fans....and in doing so, there has also been a negative affect to some of it.

Clay had also said that they planned to have a single ready for radio just in case. ...and IF he was lucky enough to get some radio play, it would probably be somewhere between the MIX stations and AC.

I appologize for my rambling on, but lets support Clay the best way we can. I couldn't have said it better that Nicki503. We ALL want what is best for Clay, (and radio play) if we proceed with caution.


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Thank you all for letting me know about the public knowledge of the publicity people for the press release (and waves to calclay in the process!). I guess I still find it a bit squicky, not necessarily because it IS public, but I think it's more like jmh said....

Now that the info has been spread all around the boards, I'm sure some fans will be in touch with them about Clay's PR.


I know that she's using "exaggeration for effect," but....I guess I've been around this fandom long enough to know that someone, somewhere will take it upon themselves to contact people. And it takes just one person.

And then, I think -- what are these people doing in Clay's business? Sure, it is interesting to know who Clay's PR people are. But it also seems to me that the curiosity then becomes MORE, and frankly, I don't feel it's my business to be part of Clay's business. My "job" in this whole thing is to buy his music, watch him on TV, attend his concerts, squee appropriately, sigh at the pretty pictures of the man, and (in my case) help run a fan board for him. I get frustrated at behaviors I see that try to do more than that.

Reading muski's latest post here...it almost fits into what I'm talking about. When it was 2003, I did help a bit try to get him on the radio, placing a few phone calls now and then. Never got much of anywhere, but then, I live in Podunk. But I also did remember reading about discussions with DJ's that others had, and I frequently got a vibe of "I'd like to hear the DJ's side of the story." Three sides to every story, as Don Henley wrote -- yours, mine, and the truth. I can see this happening.

Anyway....I love the man dearly, but I think he's a grown adult who has people around him who can take care of stuff for him, without my help. He doesn't need protection, or career guidance, from me. I just want to be a fan, and while I know I can't force others to be the same way....doesn't mean I can't wish for that.

I think I need to go to bed. I'm in a bad mood, I feel.

ETA: Thankful...again, three sides to every story. I think payola is only one piece of the puzzle, and we really don't know how big of a piece that is. Just as we don't know how many fans are spamming radio stations. And Clay knows about the people who try to "correct" people when they write something about him. He mentioned it to Ken Barnes at USA Today. I hate to say this, but sometimes stereotypes are based on a grain of truth.

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I think there are lots of causes, some mud, some jokes, some silly fans, some overly serious dedicated fans, some, what ever. The fandom is a double edged sword.

As far as Payola, I thought it was the independent tour that soured radio on Clay and kelly, until Disney put out the bucks and muscle to get breakaway played. Maybe Clay needs to be heard in a disney movie.

I think besides money, there is only so much muscle to go around by the labels - they can push A or B, and there is too muchmuscle required to push Clay.

here is what I do, Promosquad once a week, A local radio board monthly. I have been doing this steadly for 4 years now. I did not sign up just for Clay and stop, but I do periodically stop fr a few months and then start up again. ahem. like afew weeks ago. And I am well on my way to a free prize.

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Question for the mods: is there a reason why someone wouldn't be able to get the FCA page to load with the new countdown? heinz is having trouble getting the board to load..........all she gets is the banner and then it won't load the rest of the page.

I am an album person! :) For instance, if I ever hear a track from the Beatles on the radio (back when I actually used to listen to radio! lol), my mind would automatically hear the next track starting after the song ends. Especially with their early albums which I played over and over and there was no bad cut. I think I could do that with MOAM. But I have to admit, with the introduction of itunes to my lifestyle, the tracks on ADTW got so rearranged I have no idea what order they belong in! All I know is RHW is first! (But that's not the song I wake up to on my CD/clock/radio every morning!) But before I got my ipod, I listened to the CD (the actual CD) over and over in the car on my commute.

Hee, you are me! Right down the the Beatles albums thingy..........I can always hear the next song in my head. Now, with the iPod, I rarely listen to albums in order any more, but when I click on my "All Clay" playlist, Right Here Waiting is the first thing that comes up! :) Love that song!

Does it seem weird to others besides me that we now know that this Amazon list is now "phony?" I mean, I thought it was kinda cool, and I guess I liked the illusion of it all. So I had no reason to follow up with Amazon to check the veracity of the list. *shrug*

I also am reading elsewhere that people now know the person (and company) that came up with the press release....name, address, telephone number, etc. Again, I'm finding it a bit...unnerving.

I know what you mean..........I really don't get how the Amazon list thing can by "phony" when they use quotes. Can someone explain? They made up the quotes? WTF? And sure, that info was on the bottom of the press release on a certain site.......but I still think it's a bit much to post it all over the message boards, unfortunately because there are some fans who will contact them. Sorry, but to me, any fan who gets involved in Clay's business is stepping over the line. JMO obviously.

Radio play? Would be cool if he got some. I used to request him on my local stations, way back when. I gave up. I agree that bombarding non-local stations is not a good thing to do. But it's water under the bridge now. I'm just not stressing over it this time, what will be will be. Hee, look how zen I've become.

Off to bed. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I stopped to read here today before catching up at CV.

I think the press release was fine and I'm thrilled that we'll get a song on Monday. I just hope it's available before I go to work. If not, it's going to be a very long day. I might have to bring my laptop with me and head to Barnes & Noble on my lunch for some free Wi-Fi.

I was thinking the same thing!! There is no way I can listen when I am at work. I will go nuts if I have to wait!

The fans didn't exactly have to do a lot of digging to find this:

Interesting the Sun Herald has a contact at RCA.

Barry Parasram, +1-212-373-6142, Barry.Parasram@pmkhbh.com, or Gina Hoffman, +1-310-289-6200, gina.hoffman@pmkhbh.com, or Sarah Weinstein Dennison, +1-646-840-5672, sarah.weinstein@sonybmg.com, all for RCA Records,

PMK/HBH looks like it could be a PR Firm.

It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Now, badgering RCA insiders for information is another thing altogether.

Now that the info has been spread all around the boards, I'm sure some fans will be in touch with them about Clay's PR. :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH!!! Trouble it is so true its scary!

hee thanks? Paris Hilton? Good lord. Who ever does her pub is a freakin' mad scientist. I don't want to see anyone as much as I see that wench, including Clay Aiken. :cryingwlaughter:

Talk about scary!!!! :scream:

Post from COTA1234 from the CB RE: Clay's Comments on Radio Play (from a M&G)

Hello everyone,

This radio play conversation has pulled me out of lurking..... where I usually live. lol.

I completely agree with what Nicki503 stated above...and I will explain why.

I was fortunate enough to have had a M&G in Waukegan, IL this past Christmas. I never posted about it until now, because for as wonderful as it was...I was also left with a feeling of sadness for Clay and the whole radio play situation (not brought on by Clay in the least, just my own sadness and frustration as a fan). Clay did say we could feel free to share this info ...but until now I didn't think the timing was right....or know just how to bring it up without offending even one fan. So...here is my disclaimer, of sorts (lol)...............

Each and every one of us have been brought together by our love of Clay and have had nothing but the very best of intentions to be supportive, entheusiastic fans and promote his music in any way we could so that the rest of the world could come to know his beautiful voice ...as we do. The last thing any of us would want to do is to knowingly hurt Clay in any way. I can tell you that Clay made it very clear that he is so appreciative of his wonderful fans and their loyal support through it all.

That said.....

My question to Clay was, "when it comes to promotion for the new album, how important of a roll will radio play be ?" He basicly said that he wasn't going to worry about radio play, because he wouldn't get it....and asked if we could guess why. My guess, was that some form of payola really does exist and he wasn't willing to play that game. Clay said that wasn't the reason.

He said the reason was two fold,

1. Stations really aren't interested in him because his fans aren't the demographic they are targeting....and.....

2. many stations/djs have unfortunately "blackballed" him/us and won't play him.....because in the past clay fans spammed the stations with so many requests, emails, calls, letters...that they aren't going to play anything Clay....so as to NOT have to deal with the "claymates".

He said that they have unfortunately stereotyped the "Claymates" as crazy, over the top, fans who are difficult to deal with (my slight paraphrasing, not Clay's exact words). He added, if you look at it from their perspective....if the minute word is out that Clay Aiken is releasing an album....radio people are flooded with calls, and mailboxes are filled with multiple email requests for the same thing (and what really ticks them off, is when they get spammed with requests from people not even in the listening area)....they see that all as SPAM and don't appreciate it...or wish to deal with it if they don't have to.

He frequently stressed that he knows not ALL fans have done that...just a few....but also knows it still happens today. He said if any reporter should say the least bit negative comment about him....there are fans who quickly email them back to try and convince them their opinion is misguided.

IMO, Clay seemed to have come to terms with it (and didn't seem upset). It's a "double edged sword"....he is so very grateful and thankful for his wonderful supportive fans...and he wouldn't be where he is today with out us, yet that same well intending support may have soured some of the radio people (My words to summarize, not Clay's).

That is what made me sad....that collectively "we" have never wanted anything but the best for Clay and to be the most diligent supportive and proactive fans....and in doing so, there has also been a negative affect to some of it.

Clay had also said that they planned to have a single ready for radio just in case. ...and IF he was lucky enough to get some radio play, it would probably be somewhere between the MIX stations and AC.

I appologize for my rambling on, but lets support Clay the best way we can. I couldn't have said it better that Nicki503. We ALL want what is best for Clay, (and radio play) if we proceed with caution.


You know, I always thought two of the main reasons Clay didn't get radio play were the perceived - and really seemingly accurate - demographic of his core fans and just this - that his crazy enthusiastic fans have been such pains in the ass to program directors and DJs alike, they would just rather not play him. I remember reading that payola can only help so much, that ultimately the program directors decides what gets played. And if the PDs want to avoid dealing with "us", I can see them saying thanks but no thanks. It just isn't worth it.

And I think there is one more reason for lack of radio play. Clay is not perceived as "cool. That is the reason I think his only hope is on AC radio.

Now I know nuthin 'bout the radio, so I may just be blowing smoke out my bum!

ETA: If I ever had information from Clay or someone that I got at a M&G or where ever, I don't think I would share it with the fandom at large on a message board because those that didn't believe what I said would label me a liar and doubt my honesty and integrity on those boards. Now that's mean!

Just saying.....

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There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

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Locally, our radio station did play Invisible after awhile. And I think it even made a top ten list. I'd call a couple times a week and request the song. I didn't listen to the station much...cuz I couldn't stand it. I hope he gets radio play because I think he wants it but nobody has to worry about me spamming anything.

I think there are a perfect storm of reasons why Clay can't get radio play and it's going to take a perfect storm to get him some now. I'm not greedy. Invisible level success is fine with me.

CG I agree with you about the cool factor... And personally I think they mostly picked the wrong songs to send to radio. I wish Clay could team up with a radio darling in a duet to ease his breakthrough.

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There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

Thanks for your perspective, lmf. Very interesting....

And it confirms what I always thought.

To me, blaming the lack of payola is the simplistic reason for lack of radio play. But it does offer some the opportunity to blame Clive for something else! ;)

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There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

Thanks for your perspective, lmf. Very interesting....

And it confirms what I always thought.

To me, blaming the lack of payola is the simplistic reason for lack of radio play. But it does offer some the opportunity to blame Clive for something else! ;)

You are welcome. If you take note of the dollar amount in the penalties paid in respect to the Spitzter payola settlement...it tells the story....HAHA!

I believe the fans' hearts were in the right place, but sadly, it hurt Clay.

Perhaps time will heal the wounds and he can snag some spins in the AC market.. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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And this is the picture going with the story now! Wowza!


People are going to be soooooooo confused! He doesn't even look like the same guy!

One month from now, Clay will be done with Spamalot. That kind of makes me a little sad....

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