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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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Of all the sacrifices I'd made for Clay and all the money I've spent and all the time I've invested, THIS is the WORST--sitting through this frigging stupid LA show and listening to these inane reporters. Jesus Christ.


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Coming up next, I think I heard them say. Another cutaway -- asking him if he brought any childhood pictures. "None as good as your's Jillian." He still looks sleepy to me, but I think Sleepy Clay is adorable.

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Of all the sacrifices I'd made for Clay and all the money I've spent and all the time I've invested, THIS is the WORST--sitting through this frigging stupid LA show and listening to these inane reporters. Jesus Christ.

bwah, I have a few of those... for me it was the Billboard awards or any time I watched MTV

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Of all the sacrifices I'd made for Clay and all the money I've spent and all the time I've invested, THIS is the WORST--sitting through this frigging stupid LA show and listening to these inane reporters. Jesus Christ.

bwah, I have a few of those... for me it was the Billboard awards or any time I watched MTV


And who could forget Spongebob Squarepants??

ETA: Aww, I just caught the very end, with no sound. What was he pointing at?

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Well, that was actually GREAT except I lost the sound for the last few minutes. Shit.

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I think my "OMG, why am I watching this"" moment was Miss America. Sheesh.

Well, I thought it adorable...but of course, I did. *g* He didn't get to plug the album much, although they did mention the debut at number 4 and that OMWH was the number 1 downloaded single on Amazon. He talked about being on Paxil, and I want a gif of him blowing his cheeks up (signifying how "fat" he got)! Mucho talk on Idol, which didn't really surprise me. Man, I'm blanking on the rest of it. But he was CUTE and CHARMING and FUNNY and I LOVE HIM!

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Hee. GDLA may suck, but scanning through the comments on the various boards about it's annoyingness is highly entertaining. Thank the Good Lord & Taylor for the vault keepers who endure and edit this stuff for us.

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I loved the part after the interview where there was no sound.

I was reminded about how expressive he is with his hands, and I would DIE to know what he was talking about!! He looked very entertaining. I loved how they were all listening in rapt attention!!

I hated that they spent so much time talking aobut American Idol, can't they just move on already!!!


On the other hand -- HE WAS FUCKING GORGEOUS!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Of all the sacrifices I'd made for Clay and all the money I've spent and all the time I've invested, THIS is the WORST--sitting through this frigging stupid LA show and listening to these inane reporters. Jesus Christ.

bwah, I have a few of those... for me it was the Billboard awards or any time I watched MTV


And who could forget Spongebob Squarepants??

ETA: Aww, I just caught the very end, with no sound. What was he pointing at?

heee...yeah and who knew 5 years later I'd be a Spongebob expert thanks to my niece and nephew who are now 6 and 8. They love that freakin' show. When my Alex was 4 and our garbage folks were on strike... I was trying to explain to her why it was so stinky over there..she told me..I know what a strike is. Spongebob went on strike in an episode... and then he got fired she explained.

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Ya gatta love Wandacleo she just cuts right to the heart of the matter.

So Jillian is STILL on the air?!?! EH.

Great except.... they wait until they are off the air to ask album questions? Clay was funny as usual and got them off idol. Maybe you have to not watch it to not be bombarded by constant idol questions. If so,it is sorta working.

ETA - heh, the Miss America moment, I drove to AC, bought a ticket to the second show, figuring I could meet up with fans, but guess what - we fit right in! I went up to a bunch of women in boas, figuring I found one group, but noooooo, these women always wore boas and came to the MAP! I went from group to group and could not find anyone I know or anyone who could be identified as a Clay fan. I did mark out the women walking around with photos of their favorite's head shot on a stick!

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That was cool, love watching him live. Kind of sucked that when they finally asked him about the album and started playing EIDN, they went to commercial so they cut the sound. But other than that, he was cute and articulate and funny and as self-deprecating as usual. :)

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That was cool, love watching him live. Kind of sucked that when they finally asked him about the album and started playing EIDN, they went to commercial so they cut the sound. But other than that, he was cute and articulate and funny and as self-deprecating as usual. :)

and changed the topic from idol and talked about his album, UNICEF, BAF, .......

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The Idol questions will follow him for the rest of his natural life, especially since he's releasing an album (and doing publicity) right toward the end of the show. IMO, he knows that, and so he's crafted his answers quite carefully, and will continue to answer questions about the show rather diplomatically until the cows come home. Unfortunately, not a lot he can do about it.

I thought he looked really good today.

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Frankly, I think Clay gets booked on some of this shows because they expect him to be able to comment on AI, which after all is still a huge pop culture phenomenon. He has the perfect excuse for not being able to comment on the current crop of contestants and is able to turn the conversation back to his own stuff. Everybody needs a hook to get the initial attention of the show bookers, and AI isn't necessarily a bad one. It's better than a quickie marriage / bad break-up / stint in rehab / etc.

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Frankly, I think Clay gets booked on some of this shows because they expect him to be able to comment on AI, which after all is still a huge pop culture phenomenon. He has the perfect excuse for not being able to comment on the current crop of contestants and is able to turn the conversation back to his own stuff. Everybody needs a hook to get the initial attention of the show bookers, and AI isn't necessarily a bad one. It's better than a quickie marriage / bad break-up / stint in rehab / etc.

Good point. I hadn't really thought about that.

I arrived home just in time to miss the interview...yep, thank heaven for Clack.

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So Jillian the great Ruben supporter doesn't know what is happening to him anymore? For shame Jillian, you just showed your lack of real content again. Every time I hear about AI being close like a family again, I always think back to this friendship. Yes, I bet there are a lot of friendships forged under fire and none squicks me out so much ans Ace and Kevin Covais, but that is another story.

Heh, with all the people who were complaining about Kim on PH's show, I always held back another appearance she made on Handler's show, Handler who came out with a new "book" where Amazon features a slam on Clay...

I think Clay still has the highest TVQ though.

Ihave been thinking about this audiophile stuff where CDs sound better than MP3s and Itunes and realize that for most people it is probably unimportant because of the sounds that people are listening, I figure, after watching videos at VH1 a while this morning, that most are listening purely to the beat, the music doesn't matter.

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Good Day LA has their clip up. I just rewatched it again. My two favorite moments? 1) When he puffs his face out, as in "blowing up like a balloon" with Paxil; and 2) him having people yell at him in NYC about his house -- "Lower the price!" "NOOOOOOO!"

So, aren't there any screen caps yet? Or is the clip in the vault by now?

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And I know YSRN is somewhere right now going, "I don't mind the pages and pages and pages of bitchy whining, it's the bitchy whining about the bitchy whining that bugs me." To each her own. :cryingwlaughter:

:lol: You know me well, my friend.

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Wheeee, just had a fun experience in the lunch room. Ran into a lady who I sat beside a couple of weeks ago in a CPR training class. She knew I was going to Spamalot to see Clay. She asked me if I'd seen him on Leno the other night, and then started to pretty much gush about how funny he was! She said she was surprised. She brought up the Justin Timberlake comment, so of course I had to tell her about the Classics last year in concert, and that he is such a comedian. We got to talking about how he wants to have his own talk show...and of course the new CD...and when I offered her a copy, she said no, she likes to "support the artist". YAY!

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Hee, is it bad that I had no clue who Jillian was, or that she'd dissed him in the past, or that she was a Ruben supporter? To me, it was just a fun little interview. Colour me clueless.

Haha! No, you were just able to enjoy the interview without worrying just a teensy bit that Jillian would be rude. Jillian has one of those Nutrisystem commercials on TV now. She inexplicably tells us she is not like what we think (or something), she loves sports, and then she catches a football. And stands there in a bikini. It is v. v. bad of me on soooo many levels to have kinda hiccupped when her entire gloriousness was revealed - but now the commercial pan shot stops at her hips. Nice to know, honestly, that she has "problem areas" just like any other human being, and has not gone the Nip/tuck route. I do wish she had not mentioned Taylor in the interview, seems heartless.

What a great interview - he is so quick to turn the conversation to where he wants it to go. And so handsome.

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