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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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I know we love Clay all to ourselves but I honestly think Clay should tour with another artist...whether it be opening for someone or having a co-headlining tour..just as I've always hoped for a duet with a radio darling.

HEH...How about a CA dual concert ticket?

Clay Aiken










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Gavin DeGraw gets a lot of radio and is considered one of the cool singer songwriters. That makes it a whole different ballgame when it comes to public perception. The problem I believe Clay has is that he has never had a radio presence so he has nothing if he doesn't get sales.

I know CD sales are down everywhere, but ALL his albums have pretty much whithered in the vine after good first weeks. Even MOAM diappeared pretty quickly from the charts and considering it sold over 600K its first week and only sold 2.8 million overall at a time people were buying CDs is indicative of that. Clay's albums never have legs and I believe part of the reason for that is lack of radio. I read somewhere that Gavin DeGraw's last album (I think) sold hardly anything the first week and ended up platinum. Now those are some long legs! With him I bet radio was a HUGE reason it was able to do that.

This album while getting somewhat decent reviews (better than for his others anyway) is still categorized as something only his current fans will like. No one gets to hear it on the radio and he has only actually sung on TV 3 times - 4 with Kimmel tonight - and then only a severely truncated version of OMWH. So why would anyone seek this CD out? Where would they stumble upon it? How would someone who doesn't follow Clay hear it? These are the people who need to buy it if it is to have legs.

Unless there is more to the story than we know - and I have to believe there is - if this CD sells 250K I would be shocked. Even Taylor Hicks - who is generally considered having failed - sold 700K of his album!

I know this is just MY reality and MY opinion, but it is based on FACTS. We can make excuses until the cows come home, but that won't change anything. IMO, TC needs to do something if Clay is to remain a viable recording artist. That doesn't mean I think his career is over because I think being a viable recording artist is only one aspect of his career. But its one I so enjoy.

I don't think it is too late to turn things around. I just hope TC is on the case.

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OK, as much as I have been harping on buying the single, I could not give away a copy to anyone.

At this moment, I am brainstorming with someone on how to get people to buy the single, and how to spread it over time. I have come to the conclusion this fandom is jaded and the only way to get people to spend 99 cents is to give something valuable from my collection away and have people e-mail me their receipt to print and pick from a bowl, with witnesses - people seem to like lotteries.

What would inspire some of you to spend the 99 cents? I could offer an assortment with a choose one, I suppose. I guess my collection is going nowhere but the garbage if my sister predeceases me. I have almost every t-shirt in one size only (various) I have a lot of the old rare board pins. I have the K mart poster, I have the autographed playbill that I accidentally bought instead of a cast signed one. I have magazines, I have posters, I bought a lot over the 5 years. What do you want that you don't have that would inspire you (Canadians and other non-Americans can get some American friend to buy for you - only way I can be fair). Today I will be going out to look for Stepping out magazine, since it seems to be carried only in bars and tattoo parlors, I guess I will be barhopping, wish me luck.

Speaking for myself only, I would be more than happy to do so! But it is not available in Canada.....

I was able to do one download while in Raleigh with a US hotel IP.

Please be sure to vote (click on the link in the middle of the attached article) if you wish!

I'm not seeing the link to vote...can someone point the way?

luckiest, it seems to have disappeared...someone on another board posted a link which was the link to HER voting page (and therefore not usable by a million others...) and I think it might have crashed the server.

Keep the link, though....I imagine it'll be back long before the end of voting on May 29th.

Those crazy Claymates!! :cryingwlaughter: (KIDDING!!!>>>>>>)

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I am not picking on people here, just asking for help. I have tired on many boards already and am very frustrated. I understand about the issue with not an American, it is just what it is.

Oh, yes, I saw your bracketed comment! I just wanted to point out for anyone that is travelling, that it is possible that way....and my disappointment that I can't do more.

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Unless there is more to the story than we know - and I have to believe there is - if this CD sells 250K I would be shocked. Even Taylor Hicks - who is generally considered having failed - sold 700K of his album!

Taylor Hicks was considered a failure because he was the first Idol winner not to sell over a million copies of his first, post Idol album.

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luckiest, I think they took the link out of the article. When I tried earlier, the link to me to an error page, so it looks like it's not set up yet.

CG, love ya babe, and actually agree with you on some of your points. Clay doesn't have to be the biggest star on the planet for me, for example. And yet....I would like for you to try and keep your hope alive. I do have faith in the man's talent, and the people he has around him.

OK, let's take the worst case scenario -- the sales of this album are poor enough that he gets dropped from the record label. (Right now, all the pod people are saying "hooray," I can hear it...) So, what happens then for Clay? He picks himself up and makes a choice -- to continue on with his career in the music industry, or to decide that he needs a change, and maybe he won't be in the public eye anymore. This happens with all of us all the time -- CG, you had to do this last year when your job dried up, and you found something else. I've had to do the same more than a few times. couchie is doing it right now. The point I'm making is that it isn't life and death for him -- he's human, and I'm sure he'd feel really lousy if this all came down to this, but he's a very strong man IMO and he'd do like the old song says -- "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again."

What would it mean for the idiot bloggers and critics? Well, of course -- they will finally predict that Clay's 15 minutes are up. Of course, they've been saying that for 4.75 years now. Hasn't happened yet.

I think the key is what would it do to "us," the fans. I can only speak for myself here, but if Clay decided that tomorrow he was getting out of show business, and I never had a chance to see him in concert again -- I'd deal. There would be at least a month of crying, to be sure, but I would get over it. I'd also think -- "man, I can finally watch some of that clack that's been sitting on my hard drive for the past three years." And one more thing -- I'd thank God that Clay Aiken came into my life. He's brought me so much joy, by introducing me to some of the neatest people on the planet (not to mention some people that I would have never met otherwise). I've got friendships here that I truly believe will last until I die; I enjoy keeping up with couchie's and jmh's moms, ansa's, muski's and luckiest1's kids; weddings *waves at aikim* and births *waves at Caro, good to see you again*. Even playbiller's Holly and CG's Waldo! (That last thing sounded wrong...hee). I honestly think Clay gets a kick out of us forming these friendships because of him.

Yes, I want this album to be heard; yes, I think there are ways to do it. I personally feel that one possible outlet is a commercial -- someone on a different board pointed out again today that Sting's last album floundered for a long while...until Jaguar picked "Desert Rose" for its commercial. BTW, that Sting album was produced by Kipper (just sayin'.) I also believe that while radio is resistant to Clay for whatever reason, there will be a breakthrough somewhere down the line. It may not happen with this album even -- it may be another 5 years down the pike. But I believe it will happen.

Adaptability -- I has it. (Shamelessly stolen from icanhascheezburger.com)


And speaking of Taylor Hicks....read today that he's going to be in Grease on Broadway for the summer. Man, I liked him back on the AI days, but I smell "copy cat" here. [/semi-joke]

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I don't think Taylor going to Grease is copy cat, except staying in one place while recording the album, an album he has to pay for since he lost his contract.

He is doing a small part, I was surprised to see the number of people who tool such a small part before, maybe 5 minutes on stage. He will be shopping for a larger part if it all works out. I think Clay's idea was brilliant except for the amount of work required. I do think he stretched himself.

PS, I am going to a cheap imitation of Hooters first looking for Stepping up, so I guess I am willing to travel for Clay. Wish me luck.

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I think the story hasn't been written yet. It's only been a week. If there is no other plan then there's nothing we can do about it. I just don't worry about it, not really hide my head in the sand. I threw my ideas out there but they are meaningless as I'm just somebody in idaho sitting behind a computer heee. Have we given up on radio already? It's just begun and is moving forward. Once the first single stalls and there is no second one THEN I'll say ..well that's radio play. Next! I guess for me, there are still other options for Clay, this album, or other things that will keep him in the entertainment business.

As for Gavin, my only point was that record companies can't take radio play or public perception to the bank. And what he did on his last album doesn't mean he'll do the same for this one.

As for Taylor, I can't compare his first post AI album to Clay's current. What will HE sell on his 4th album or even his next.

ETA: There's a lot of room between double platinum and getting out of the business. I just think Clay will always pick himself up and keep on going.

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Play, you CMSU with the barhopping - good luck! :cryingwlaughter:

Whew! Just had a meeting here at work to give an update on a project I'm heading up that I've been hopelessly struggling with. I must be better at bs'ing than I give myself credit for 'cause they were actually impressed with what I told them. Now I just have to figure out how to put my words into an actual proposal by next Thurs. :think:

TGIF!!! TG for Clay singing AND talking AND joking AND being all-around CUTE on Kimmel tonight!!! :bier:

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I totally understand your frustration about getting people to download the single. Someone on another board posted about downloading the single and got absolutely no response. I heard that there is a thread on CB on this subject. Hopefully, it is getting good response. I truly believe that if radio plays OMWH, it will give legs to the album. It is catchy and stays in your head. At least it does in mine. But what can I say? Maybe my head is empty. :cryingwlaughter:

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I started a thread on several boards under several names and none of them get responses. The idea just flies over people's heads.

For example. Several times before OMWH was available on Amazon, I tried to remind people to not order on the first day available, so the album could remain in the top 10 for the longest period of time. So the album becomes available on Amaazon with no cover art, no song list and no samples and flies to number 1 .... for 1 day. What is the point of that? If we could have had people buy over a period of time only after the cover art was up and maybe a song list, it might have actually caused a few extra sales. I know that people don't think fans should think about that, but it is a choice, be proactive or don't be. Don't buy from Amazon if you don't need it, because it isn't helping, except in that one line on the PR saying it was week one most bought album. Which makes me think how much further up on Amazon it could have been if people had spaced out buying.

Fans don't have a lot of power, but they have to choose wisely in how they use it.

That is my frustration, I can't give away a free download - how crazy is that?

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And now for some not-so-good news from CV:

Just got this in an email:

Please be aware that Clay Aiken’s appearance on May 19th at The Late Late Show has been cancelled.


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What about trying to get your single message out via some of the non-message board Clay sites like the Ideal Idol and Clay's Daily Double, or Kendra and the Claymate news on youtube? Have you put a comment on Clay's myspace or hit the OFC chat? It seems like the younger fans might be more open to downloading, but I'm not sure where they actually hang out in cyberspace.

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And now for some not-so-good news from CV:

Just got this in an email:

Please be aware that Clay Aiken’s appearance on May 19th at The Late Late Show has been cancelled.


This one doesn't bother me at all. I heard Ferguson's lame joke about Clay right after the announcement at the OFC and I especially hated the leer with which he told it. He was scheduled to be a guest with a woman who also gets her kicks dissing him. Sure he could take them both with his hand behind his back with his wit and charm, but so what? I'm thinking he got a better offer.

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I'm thinking he got a better offer.

Like AI came to their senses? :imgtongue:

And not that I don't like professor Clay, wearing the vest (yum!), but why can't I see your new avi today?? Weird!

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Posthoing to add... I do feel ya CG. I won't be happy if this album doesn't do, say gold, even with what's going on in the industry. I'm not unconcerned. I just deal with it differently. The good part is that something ususally comes along from Clay that solidifies his place in the industry.

And it's not the email I just got from the Late show that he has been cancelled. Not my ticket. Him?

Playbiller, how exactly will a thousand people buying singles help? Won't that keep him on a chart for a day if that? Use little letters while explaining please heee. What are the top sellers selling. How many does he have to sell to move up the chart.

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From GBB at CH:

Got a call from Berkeley in line at Kimmel. There are 60 or so people in line. They saw a grand piano being take in a little while ago. A guy came out and looked at the line in amazement and said, "You guys are here EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Clay's here. We had Janet Jackson and nobody was here!" He was blown away and laughing.
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One of the things that jumped out at me yesterday when I was reading the AI data that was put out by Nielson( it gave rankings of all of the top rated AI finalists) was that Clay's digital downloads was way lower than all of the other top ranked finalists. So I'm not sure what to make of this. Is this a symptom of the "older demographic"? Perhaps a symtom of the lack of radio play.

Somewhere down the line there will probably be some new norms established when it comes to CD sales. There are positives in all of this too. In less than 5 years Clay has put out 4 CDs. He's had a number 1, Two number 2s and a number 4. Neil Diamond has sold 128 million cds, (I think I read that somewhere)he's 67 years old and this was his first number 1, so numbers can be pretty perplexing all the way around.

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I'm thinking he got a better offer.

Like AI came to their senses? :imgtongue:

And not that I don't like professor Clay, wearing the vest (yum!), but why can't I see your new avi today?? Weird!

You mean you see my old avi, not the new one? Weird indeed.

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I must be better at bs'ing than I give myself credit for 'cause they were actually impressed with what I told them. Now I just have to figure out how to put my words into an actual proposal by next Thurs.
annabear...I was :cryingwlaughter: while reading this because you.are.me! Yep...one of these days, they're gonna find out that it's all fluff and smoke, fo' sho!

Grand Piano for Kimmel? Kewl! :clap: Will it be Emo Ben or Preppy Jesse? :imgtongue:

Hmmm. I was sorta looking forward to Clay being on with two people who've dissed him before....he has yet to fail changing minds once he's actually spent time with assholes. Oh well, their loss. Now they can talk ABOUT him on the show instead of with him. :lmaosmiley-1:

Time for a JambaJuice, y'all! :lilredani:

ETA: I shore see your new avie, jmh Whoa... :hubbahubba:

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One of the things that jumped out at me yesterday when I was reading the AI data that was put out by Nielson (it gave rankings of all of the top rated AI finalists) was that Clay's digital downloads was way lower than all of the other top ranked finalists. So I'm not sure what to make of this. Is this a symptom of the "older demographic"? Perhaps a symptom of the lack of radio play.

Somewhere down the line there will probably be some new norms established when it comes to CD sales. There are positives in all of this too. In less than 5 years Clay has put out 4 CDs. He's had a number 1, Two number 2s and a number 4. Neil Diamond has sold 128 million cds, (I think I read that somewhere)he's 67 years old and this was his first number 1, so numbers can be pretty perplexing all the way around.

Clay's digital downloads are indeed low compared to other AI people who sell very well. I think there was a bit of a clue in the fact that so many people on the boards had so much trouble using iTunes to get the bonus this time. A lot of his online fans, anyway, aren't really into downloading. It isn't entirely demographics, although that's part of it, I'm sure. There's a lot of "old-fashioned" music being bought on iTunes. I do think the absense of radio play is a factor, and the fact that he's considered "not cool."

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And now for some not-so-good news from CV:

Just got this in an email:

Please be aware that Clay Aiken’s appearance on May 19th at The Late Late Show has been cancelled.


This one doesn't bother me at all. I heard Ferguson's lame joke about Clay right after the announcement at the OFC and I especially hated the leer with which he told it. He was scheduled to be a guest with a woman who also gets her kicks dissing him. Sure he could take them both with his hand behind his back with his wit and charm, but so what? I'm thinking he got a better offer.

Hadn't heard any of that before now. Oh well. I'm a bit bummed (because I do enjoy Clay when he's up against the odds a bit), but I'll deal.

couchie, my post wasn't necessarily that I BELIEVED in the "worst case scenario." I really don't -- I think Clay's going to be in a long career for the rest of my lifetime. However, I keep having the first lines of Ashes running through my head at the moment -- "Someone told me what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

I wonder: I'm seeing lots of articles that have the AI7 David/David finale as "the last all male finale since Clay and Ruben." With the publicity like this -- would Clay even NEED to appear on the show? He's getting loads of free publicity from it anyway! LOL.

I had problems seeing jmh's avi last night, but not today. Weird is right.

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