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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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Are you watching that show? It is pretty gross.

She was actually responding to a comedian that decided to riff ont he Jonas brothers and their non-existant sex life because they had promise rings. it is fine to not like them, but don't make teenagers targets. I personally find them silly, but I don't attack people who want to believe in them.

I really should not watch MTV, I do find it vile, but that is me. I do think it is ballsy if you agree or disagree with what she said, it will appeal to the parents of her demographic, but they won't be watching this show. If you are watching this show, you probably don't agree with her. It was obviously not a planned remark as John Legend was a bit put off.

Britney looked very nice when she accepted her award and thanked god, her fans, her label, but not her mother or father, heh. And Paris Hilto got to give her the award.

Yep, that comedian is just riffing off Jordan now, she is in for it from this show.

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That's why I stay away from those types of shows. And in that context, I think she was very brave to say what she did, although I still think she went too far with the slut comment. As HeidiHo said, there is a lot of grey between the two, although at the MTV awards, maybe not.

As far as Clay nude, I would take out all the money in my retirement account to see that. Wouldn't need it anyway because the sight would probably kill me but what a way to go.

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(But I'm SOOOOO glad he got rid of that mic-tossing habit he had on that show! Back and forth, back and forth! :cryingwlaughter: ) But his voice remained clear and strong throughout the night.

I'm so glad I came here to lurk this afternoon - I saw AI2 and ran to the TV. I'd forgotten about it - and I was just in time to see Mack the Knife. I loved that performance! Plus Clay looked HOTT.

The mic-tossing thing used to drive me nuts! I hoped that someone would work with him on it. So distracting.

Interesting discussion on the picture. My first reaction was "familiar", as in very familiar with each other. In what way, I wouldn't hazard a guess.

Cotton, I love, love, love your avatar!

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Hey everybody - back from my cooking gig at Lake Tahoe. Fourteen quilters.... It was fun, but I'm tired. The weather was beautiful and the Lake, as always, one of the most awesome sights evah!!!

The picture. Hee. I think he looks quite comfie and like someone said - content! With the accent on the second syllable. Don't want to open THAT can of worms again, but I think they look verra verra cute together and I doubt it's the first time they've been cheek to cheek. But I want to be Hannah's hand and run my fingers through Clay's hair. Just saying...... :lilredani:

As for seeing Clay nude? I would be happy just seeing that ginger furry chest......the rest is more fun to imagine!!!!

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I haven't voluntarily watched MTV since the last time Clay appeared. But I do like Jordan so .... go girl. I didn't even see her season of Idol but I've kinda come to like her afterward.

I was watching the US Open and I have to say..it was exhilarating and heart stopping. whoo hooo I love sports!

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Apologies for intruding on the discussion but when I made my very first post on this board it was in regard to a play that someone had inquired about. The theme of it revolved around Clay and I said I knew that there was going to be such a thing. Anyway, it is a dinner-theater type show and it will be held next month in a small town near my home. Here's what it says --

Colonial House Restaurant and Bar

129 Howertown Road

Catasauqua, PA 18032


Murder Mystery Dinner Theater

Reservations Are Required - Seating at 7:00 PM

Show Starts at 7:30 PM - Dinner served during show

$39.00 + tax & gratuity - Call 610-264-0861 for Details

*Please note seats do sell out fast!*

Friday, October 10, 2008

"American Idol Threat: Clay's Revenge"

SING OR DIE!!!!!!!!!

There is a likeness of Clay with a likeness of the AI logo in the background. It is being presented by WhiteRose Productions. It is a local communicty theater and the previous show that I attended was based on Judge Judy's courtroom. I saw that production back two years ago. Since this is a murder mystery dinner show, I'm wondering is Simon gets "murdered" and Clay gets blamed. hee

Will call for tickets tomorrow.

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Thank you all for the lovely Birthday wishes :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I had a really lovely day. DH and boys took me to my favourite surf club for lunch, it is the best time of year weather -wise, hardly a cloud in the sky, bright blue and sunny but not hot yet. There were a few surfers braving the really big waves, so that was some entertainment, though it would be my worst nightmare!

That picture from Hannah? Wow!

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Great find, Belle!

It struck me tonight that Clay's return to Spamalot coincides with the date ATDW was released two years ago.

Do any of you have anything you are particularly interested in seeing or hearing about with his return to Spamalot? I was fortunate to be there on the last day and when he sang "Amen" in the Brother Maynard bit, it did me in. His voice was beyond gorgeous, rich, gospel tinged. Very different than the patter/operetta type voice he uses in the other singing bits. So I am curious if he will sing Amen again.

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I didn't see
referring to excessive drinking at all. One glass of champagne and my eyes would show it.

But he is almost 30. And he has made reference on occasion to having a drink.
I don't think there's anything there that says excess.??

That's very true but, as a rule, when someone LOOKS like they've been drinking, it usually means they over-did-it. At least that is my experience. I know people who can drink quite a bit at a business lunch and return to work without any sign of having consumed a lot of liquid; except for trips to the bathroom.

I am not against alcohol except for what it does to people who are not able to control it. But that's a whole other issue.

For me, the pic could be a parting Kodak moment between two close friends; that's all I see in it. I do believe Clay has very close friendships with females because females adore him for all kinds of reasons, and he feels very comfortable with them because, after all, several key females provided him with love and security when he was a child. Clay needs a lot of love around him, particularly from people who have bonded with him, whether they are his friends, family or dogs. Whatever the relationship between them (Clay/Hannah), I don't believe it is even in the ball-park of the relationship he has with Jaymes. With hindsight, I can see now that Clay has dropped many hints about how special Jaymes has been to him for quite a long time yet he has fiercely protected her from the media all this time. I am just so happy for him that he has this special relationship on the terms that he wants.

ETA: Stay safe, everyone in the Gulf area.

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Oh, Audson, I am so sorry, I forgot to post birthday wishes, stupid computer, I just had to shuty down and fix some stuff again, it crashes when I go to photobucket now. I don't think I can save it much longer, it is due to go. I better get the latptop unpacked.

Hey, Belle. I love those mystery dinners, unlike some of my friends who are far too sophisticated and won't go with me any more, heh, I take it for what it is = an amatuer production and a lot of laughs.

OK, once again, take care Gulf residents. Ike seems ready to hit. Sucky year for hurricanes.

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I think people see what they want to see and think what they want to think. Overall - I don't think anyone knows what Clay's relationship is with Jaymes or with Hannah or anyone else. At least no one that posts on a fanboard. I also don't see that he's "fiercely protected (Jaymes) from the media all this time!" Other than not owning up to the situation after TMZ broke the news.....what's the protection been? He hasn't talked about anybody - not just Jaymes. He has alot of women friends - he's been seen with Tyra Banks, for example. He's called Jaymes out of the audience at concerts alot less times than he's called Jamie out. I don't think that means a thing. It's just his schtick! Clearly they have a close friendship. Obviously they share a child together. But I still hope that Clay gets married some day. I don't even care to whom at this point. (notice I didn't use the word "fairytale" - I have learned my lesson!) But anything that's going on in his life right now is PURE speculation - colored by the individual's perspective and wishes for Clay. I see people adamantly taking a side.....and can't figure out why!!! Believe it or not - I"m still trying to keep an open mind and wondering if we'll EVER know! But some people are so totally dug in to the Jaymes/Clay love relationship that....nothing else is ever considered. It's almost as if that's the only rational explanation for him fathering a child with her. But - Clay has said "dear friend!" and until I hear differently from him - that's what they are in my mind.....just dear friends who, for whatever personal reasons, decided to have a child together!

But the debate and the feelings will go on. I don't think anything Clay has ever done has polarized his fanbase as much as little Parker and his conception. Everybody brings their own feelings to the subject based on whatever they want to believe. Only Clay and Jaymes and probably some close friends and family really know what the situation is. As for shipping him with Hannah? Well - it's as possible as any other scenario. If that picture was taken at Hannah's finale - that meant Parker was due in about a month and, to me, that didn't look like just a casual hug. I also don't know where people assume that he was drinking.....it wasn't the best picture of Clay that I've seen. But it's totally amazing to me how much has been assumed from a picture!

All I care about now is that he sings to me, performs for me (yes, it's all about me...hee!) and that his career takes off again. Whether that means a new approach to what he records - or not! Broadway - or not! Television - or not. Touring - or not. I just don't want him to fade into obscurity.

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I read somewhere that Faye referred to Jaymes as family. I also read that Jaymes is the only one (post-Idol) who is allowed to call him Clayton. I think they have spent a lot of time together, they certainly must have to have made such a huge decision regarding having Parker. I don't believe Clay would have taken that decision on a whim.

You know, I've watched that Tyra show interview many times and have never seen anything that suggested he liked her in any special way. All I saw was that he had some great fun on that show while he was doing the promo for ATDW and that Tyra couldn't keep her hands off him! I think their friendship is more professional than personal. LOL Goes to show people do see what they believe! I've never met Clay, never even seen him in person at a distance, but I have some fairly definite views about the kind of person he is based on what I've read or been told or watched on video, and based on how I've processed that information.

But again, I simply support Clay in whatever he chooses to do with his life. So far, he's never done anything either personally or professionally that offends or disappoints me as a fan. His heart is as beautiful as his voice.

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I don't know a thing about Clay's life and have no other wishes but for him to be happy. And I believe he is and has been. That's also pure speculation. I just know I don't worry about him in the least little bit and whether he and Jaymes and Parker are a loving family or he's knocking boots with Hannah, or anybody else, it has no impact on the reason I am here which is to see him sing, dance - at the same time would be nice.

As for Parker...I haven't seen the polarization as anything different than anything else he has done. But I don't get out much. People get upset at the way his hair is combed, at what he chooses to sing... I don't know that the the gulf is any wider than say YWT. It's the same old same old to me. It's like that on every single thing Clay has ever done. But as far as I'm concerned, people can believe anything they want about Clay's relationships. What's the big deal. As long as they aren't forcing them on me, or judging me for my opinions,k or acting like any other way is totally unacceptable then what's the problem. It's not like they are wishing him something harmful. Wishing him a loving marriage one day or wishing him a loving relatiionship with the mother of his son.. same thing in my book.

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Iseeme, maybe I am missing something, but I haven't seen any insistence about Clay's relationship with Jaymes - HERE - for quite a while. And really, most of the stuff I have read here just addressed the reasons others said he could not possibly BE in a relationship - due to some narrowly focussed interpretation of "dear friend".

I hope Clay whoops and laughs like a loon over all the interpretations that are given to his words.

Other than not owning up to the situation after TMZ broke the news...
Well, it is not like he did anything bad or owed anyone an explanation just because a trash rag broke leaked information about a most personal subject. I can't dignify that as "news", really! And Clay didn't "own up" - he announced Parker's birth and parentage very proudly and, dare I say, succinctly - which is all that, IMO, was necessary, just like any other birth announcement. Private news, shared as one wishes.

I think the most I have ever seen the fanbased polarised is over YWT and perhaps over Learning To Sing. I found the LTS interpretations and anger by some kinda off-putting and more indicative of their own personal biases. Same with YWT. The reaction to those two things sure changed the way I view other fans, that's for sure! The thing, for me, is that at least YWT and LTS were out in the public eye, but Parker and Jaymes and whatever else is going on doesn't affect anyone but Clay and his family and friends.

I guess I am long past the point where I give a rat's ass about what my friends might think about personal decisions, much less what total strangers think. As long as I am not breaking laws or ACTUALLY somehow hurting people (not their personal fantasies), why would I let others' wishes and biases and whatnot govern my own life? Doesn't compute! Even really squicky!

Don't think the fan base is really polarised, no matter how many times that is repeated - I think some individuals are polarised, tho - most fans have moved on with their own lives, just as Clay is moving on with his.

Speaking of which, I would be interested in a nude Clay scene - but NOT when he has just theatrically soiled his pants. I don't really see anywhere in Spamalot where that would work, unless Clay did a full-on (or -off ) recreation of Terry Jones' bare-arsed organist. Hey, perhaps he is!

I wonder if the Clannah legend will get like the Clelly legend - there are those who think that Clay and Kelly found eternal true love, but can never ever make that love public, due to fan reaction, so they will be seen with others, marry others, have children with others, and when they shuffle off this mortal coil, they will still be madly full of unpublicized love for each other. And anyone they associated with throughout their entire lives is just a coverup.

Heeee......way to throw us off the scent, Clay!

Damn! I can't afford HBO right now (I should not even be spending money for FIOS TV!) - but I really really liked True Blood last night - free HBO weekend - and need to scheme and figure out how to watch it. The whole rest of the free weekend did nothing to tempt me to pay extra. same old movies, repeated 43 times. I think people who are still pissed about Moonlight being cancelled should be give free passes to True Blood.

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I am here which is to see him sing, dance - at the same time would be nice.

This is a good discussion. Truly, Clay is so private that we don't really know as much about him as we used to think we did. Clay loves hugging women. Does that mean he is involved with all of them...I doubt it. But as Clay fans it is our "job" to speculate. :hysterical: It keeps us busy in the downtime. Everyone has their own ideas about who and what Clay is. Are any of us right? Who knows? Clay has always marched to his own drummer. If he decided he wanted a child with Jaymes, for whatever reason, I don't think he cares that maybe it polarized the fandom. Most celebs these days have lives that are open books....rehab...DUIs...latest new mates....sex rehab (?) .... with Clay he keeps us guessing...and guessing...and guessing. I kind of like that.

Iseeme...From day one of my fandom I have loved your s/n and the story behind it. I think if he was asked the same question today...What do you see when you look in the mirror?..he would probably answer the same way. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I think the most I have ever seen the fanbased polarised is over
and perhaps over Learning To Sing.


Iseeme...From day one of my fandom I have loved your
and the story behind it.

s/n ??

LOL what do they mean? I guess they need to be added to the glossary since i don't know...

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Is it next Friday yet? :cryingwlaughter: Because I'm ready to move past the whole Jaymes/Hannah thing. It's amazing how much one little picture can stir things up. To me, it was a nice picture! A hawt picture! Past that, it's all personal fantasy. To each his/her own.

I think I am always so nervous for him that I can't enjoy the performances on first watch and have to re-watch. And I usually come away thinking again how good he really is.

Absolutely. But in recent years I have gotten better with it. I am still nervous for him, especially when something is shown live, but I know underneath it all that he will pull it off. And he always does.

Back to the grind this morning. Ugh.

ETA: YWT = You Were There, a cover of an Avalon song, sung during the summer tour, 2004. s/n = sign in? It refers to a person's nickname or handle on a message board. In this instance, the poster was referring to the s/n Iseeme.

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s/n = screen name

YWT = You Were There (from the NAT)

And I still say it's a blink.

Speculation about what colour his hair will be next and why? Fun fan 'job'. Speculation about his morals based on a photograph of two people from the neck up? Not so much. It's all about respect, in my opinion.

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It's amazing how much one little picture can stir things up.

Heeeee......until I read that things were stirred up, I didn't KNOW things were stirred up.

But as Clay fans it is our "job" to speculate. It keeps us busy in the downtime.

Guess I am not a good Clay fan :-) - I know you didn't mean it that way, but if I ever felt like this was a job, or I needed stuff to keep busy in the downtime - I would quit the fan thing altogether!

The fandom never ever was an "us", to me.

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Do any of you have anything you are particularly interested in seeing or hearing about with his return to Spamalot? I was fortunate to be there on the last day and when he sang "Amen" in the Brother Maynard bit, it did me in. His voice was beyond gorgeous, rich, gospel tinged. Very different than the patter/operetta type voice he uses in the other singing bits. So I am curious if he will sing Amen again.

I won't get to New York this time around, so I'll be depending on the recaps. What I'll be interested in hearing about is how Clay's characters work with the new King Arthur since they have several major scenes together. "And I'm the emperor of Norway. Bugger off!" I was impressed by how gracious Jonathan Hadary was in acknowledging Clay's debut at the beginning of the run, and also reading about how he encouraged Sir Robin's mugging for applause after the bottle dance during the final week-end's shows.

What I'd also love to hear about it if it happens, but don't ever expect to, is Parker's first backstage visit with the cast and crew. Can you imagine all the Laker Girls swarming that father / son duo? Like flies to honey, I bet. :hysterical:

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Good Morning Everyone,

11 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"!


19 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


40 Days until The BAF Gala! :woohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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