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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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Not a freakin' clue. I really think we should weed through a bunch of our emoticons. I know there's only a few I use on a regular basis, and I frankly think a few are of the "mean spirited" type.

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I'm not sure if you can. Openly Clay's banner isn't centered either. I've PM'd their admin to ask what we should know about in the "behind the scenes" stuff. (Including Clay's twitter feed!)

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Yep -- this is an upgrade for the board. I'm used to it, because of another board I frequent. But it might take a little getting used to! If anyone has questions, contact me and I'll try to help best I can.

One of the things I want to investigate is that I know we can do a "sidebar" that will list Clay's tweets as they come in...

Sometimes when you add sidebars the print on a post while using iPads gets to be really small and can be a pain. Just a thought!

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Happy birthday 00lsee!! :)

Fancy new setup. Gonna take some getting used to eh?

Just a thought about the banner....what if instead of trying to center it just make it big enough to fill in the gap to the other side? Or are there size restrictions?

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We have a new look! I like it..especially like the reply on the bottom...easy to just type and post! (and the edit feature works just fine..have edited this post twice already!)

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Just a thought about the banner....what if instead of trying to center it just make it big enough to fill in the gap to the other side? Or are there size restrictions?

Good suggestion--that didn't work with the old version, but maybe it will work with this one.

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17 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Just got my current copy of The Voice, from the National Inclusion Project. Paragraph to note:

Clay did an amazing job on the Celebrity Apprentice and was able to raise over $400,000 for the Project! In addition, almost $50,000 was raised throughout the week after the Finale by donors 'voting with their wallets.' Thank you to everyone for your kind words and donations. We definitely feel like the real winners!

That's pretty awesome, if you ask me!

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Just got my current copy of The Voice, from the National Inclusion Project. Paragraph to note:

Clay did an amazing job on the Celebrity Apprentice and was able to raise over $400,000 for the Project! In addition, almost $50,000 was raised throughout the week after the Finale by donors 'voting with their wallets.' Thank you to everyone for your kind words and donations. We definitely feel like the real winners!

That's pretty awesome, if you ask me!

Didn't they also raise $80,000 from Clays Classy Moments?

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16 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Aaaaack! I woke up this morning and found that my beautiful Face the Nation avatar was gone! AAAACK!

Fortunately, I managed to change it back...

jmh, I love your avatar too. Right back atcha!

And I also just realized that the concert in Indianapolis is smack dab in the middle of my vacation to Memphis (which we just finalized yesterday). Good thing I didn't buy tickets to that show... On the other hand, that means I'll miss whatever cellcert happens that night. Sigh.

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Hopefully the cellcert will be recorded and you'll have something to look forward to the next day!!

About the avatars--for me, ldyj, your much older avatar was showing from the minute the board changed, same for merrieeee and others. I didn't have one at all, so I had to make a new one. Which was not painful. :teehee2:

But I kind of wondered why you hadn't changed yours back to the newer one--now I know! And I am delighted to see it back. :wub:

Apparently avatars are now skewed unless the original is perfectly square, or you use that little box to clip the original. They are also sometimes skewed in those little boxes that now appear at other places around the board (new thread, e.g.). There's probably a button somewhere about that, but I dunno. It's a whole new ballgame in the admin areas.

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Fun twitter exchange tonight:

Oh brother.... Give me a break!!yfrog.us/5sc0fz

Clay then tried a second time, with the same thing, but a different yfrog link. Then this:

I tried again. Still doesn't work. Probably 4 the best. Might have gotten me in trouble! RT “@MarySmeyan: @clayaiken doesn't work...”
the moment has passed. RT “@tobysmom412: LOL!! now we are all dying here you know RT @clayaiken
Sure! RT @vagabond_22: hey Clay! can we play 20 questions about the missing link?
1) yes @jax5230: Did it have to do with politics?
2) no RT @Caitlin111784: was it some crazy nut job ranting about gays?
3) no RT @iamc: was it from another musician?
4) no RT @Wowzers4Clay: Did it have to do with the 'birther' crowd?
5) yes RT @surelysoo: Did it have to do with John Edwards?
6) yes RT @vagabond_22: did it happen today in NC?
7) not exactly RT @surelysoo: Was it the verdict and mistrial?
8) yes. RT @Conehead76: is it about what John Edwards said after the trial?
9) yes RT @DittoPost: Clay are you playing 20 questions?
10) no RT @ncwannabe: Was it Edwards trying to sound sorry that "I did an awful lot wrong.
11) for me it is (wasted a question there)@allclaylong: Is not exactly a correct way to answer 20 questions? RT @clayaiken: 7) not exactly
12) not that one, no. RT @surelysoo:@clayaiken Was it him saying he has made many mistakes?
13) YES! What a fool! I think the only thing left 4 him 2do is stay home!! RT@chrislaws22: was it Edwards saying God has more for him to do
14-20) no RT @JessieMcV123: @clayaikenCan we play again?? 


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My twitter feed was all messed up yesterday....I was getting messages to my mobile phone hours after they were sent. Subsequently I was getting all of Clay's 20 question tweets in the middle of the night. Even though my mobile settlings clearly state that I don't want anything sent to my mobile phone between 11 pm and 7 am. Argh, I finally turned the damn thing off. Funny to read this morning though!

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I personally hate speculation about his personal life on the boards and I find it rather sad that he would have to come up with diversionary tactics to nip it in the bud..he shouldn't have to do that. He has made it perfectly clear that his private life is off limits; disappointing that his own fans can't respect that. (end of grumpy post)

15 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Cute and snarky article:

Aiken for a New Show: What Should Clay Aiken Do Next?

Suggestions are CSI Miami, Live with (Clay) and Kelly (with the caveat that the author would have put her hand over Kelly's mouth too!), Two and A Half Men, and a singing competition show that Clay would host.

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