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ATDW Listening Party, Take 2!


Favorite ATDW song from the last half of the album  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite ATDW song from these selections?

    • Everything I Do (I Do It for You)
    • Because You Loved Me
    • I Want to Know What Love Is
    • These Open Arms
    • Here You Come Again
    • Everything I Have
    • Broken Wings
    • If You Don't Know Me By Now

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Thanks Ansa for pointing out those bridge lyrics -- I can see now where the spiritual thing came in.

claygasm, you're right -- this probably will RAWK the house in concert.

Aspie, we really don't know the answer to your question...and that will be the source of constant debate for many years to come on most Clay fanboards. (Not this one -- we don't care particularly, we just like hearing Clay sing these songs...because we just don't know anything as fans.)

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I was THRILLED to see a Bon Jovi song on the album because I broke that rumor to the Clay Nation!

I was driving to work one day this summer and the radio station I listen to was interviewing Jon Bon Jovi. Blah, blah, blah. Then they talked about how Chris covered him and JBJ said yeah and so did Bo Bice and "that skinny kid from AI2 Clay Aiken has too". Well, I almost crashed my car! I was sure by the time I got to my office it would be all over the boards, but no. It wasn't. I posted it on EAYOR and within 5 minutes it was EVERYWHERE! :lol:

I didn't want to be known as another "insider" with bad information, so I was glad when it made the cut!

Hee I remember reading that and as soon as I saw this song in the tracklist I remembered thinking that was one tip that came true...good catch.

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Man, I love HYCA - and I still love the original too - just such a different feel - in such a good way...

Pbbt to y'all - I plan to still be hobbling around!

Dolly's was bright, cheery - she knew he was no good and she'd wake up in the morning and he'd be gone - but it wouldn't break her heart.

Clay's is a little more cynical - he knows she's not only lying to him but lying to herself again because he's her rock, she knows she can count on him when she messes up (and she will)...but the defenses will be higher next time. She's gonna break his heart - but not all the way - because he's not given it all to her again...

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I guess I am asking did Clay sing these songs his way or Clives way? I do like the CD just curious.

Maybe he sang them Jaymes' way. She was the executive producer after all.

Seriously, I think Clay CHOSE the tempo of the entire album. I think he was trying to set a mood, and after his comment on the OFC video about trying to make "candlelight music" I am sure of it.

I agree there could be a spiritual subtext to this one, and one that doesn't necessarily have to mean Clay's interpretation of God. I think the message is if you surrender yourself and stop trying to force fate, things can take care of themselves. God - whatever you perceive God to be - can lead you and guide you. I think those are the open arms - the arms of God, of faith, of spirit, of nature, of the universe.

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I love the words to THESE OPEN ARMS!!!!

I agre the lyrics are aweseme.

Question: Did Clive make Clay slow these down or was it Clays choice. I think if given more freedom Clay could have really belted these songs out we all know he can do that. I cant wait to hear him sing them all in concert where he will be free to do them his own way.

I guess I am asking did Clay sing these songs his way or Clives way? I do like the CD just curious.

Nah ..that is one thing Clay was clear about...he had a hand in the production of these songs. I doubt Clive was that hands on. But did CLive had a say in the final track list...for sure. Clay probably slowed it down to differentiate from the original.

eta: yup calygasm...I agree, it is a more general spiritual...universal energy...force...type of thing.

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When I played the album for my husband (he was trapped in my car, hee), THIS was the song that caught his ear. He said "wow, that's a great arrangement." Now, he LOVES classic country, so this is considered a huge compliment.

What do I think? FLOVE it. And we're coming up the reason why -- the low "here I goooooooooooooooooooo!"

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Ah, on the 4th listen I picked out something that highlights what doesn't thrill - that part that goes:

Did you really love the ones you said you loved? Think twice. And did you make a bit of difference in somebody else's life? Tell me, is there someone you can count on when you need a friend? Can you say i need a friend?

Dang, that's just too talky. It's like Bon Jovi got paid by each word he could put in a stanza...

It's funny how everyones taste are different. I love that part of the song.

IMO it makes you think.

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AWWWW I love this song...so laid back and sexy....

Ah, on the 4th listen I picked out something that highlights what doesn't thrill - that part that goes:

Did you really love the ones you said you loved? Think twice. And did you make a bit of difference in somebody else's life? Tell me, is there someone you can count on when you need a friend? Can you say i need a friend?

Dang, that's just too talky. It's like Bon Jovi got paid by each word he could put in a stanza...

It's funny how everyones taste are different. I love that part of the song.

IMO it makes you think.

Hee me too...thats the aprt that made me pay attention to the lyrics.

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As much as I was dreading Because You Loved Me (overplayed on AC when i still listened to the radio for traffic reports on the way to work), this song was used on a local commercial and played much like Taylor's Ford commerical and I hate, hate, hated it.

I like this song, but it still has a few more listens to dig it's way out of the hole it started in.

It makes me feel so relaxed and calm. Good medicine

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This was another song that had to grow on me. I didn't like it at all at first - except that LOW note. THAT I loved!

But when I was playing with my Clack movie, this had to be used for my first montage - which is nothing exciting - but I had to hear the song so often I started to like it!

Now I like it a lot. I hear a bit of Clay's personnality in this one.

MUCH prefer this to Dolly's version.

And that low note is to die for. Makes all my girlie parts quiver! B)

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Oh man, couchie, he REALLY changed this one up. Dolly's version is very much uptempo pop. His description of it from the KTLA thing is apt! His version is so laid back...it's a totally different song.

note to self, send couchie mp3 of Dolly's version

I love the simplicity of this song too...the instrumentation is so sparse at the beginning, and it just keeps building.

FLOVE this one.

And yes, he is definitely looking better than a body has a right too....

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Ah, on the 4th listen I picked out something that highlights what doesn't thrill - that part that goes:

Did you really love the ones you said you loved? Think twice. And did you make a bit of difference in somebody else's life? Tell me, is there someone you can count on when you need a friend? Can you say i need a friend?

Dang, that's just too talky. It's like Bon Jovi got paid by each word he could put in a stanza...

It's funny how everyones taste are different. I love that part of the song.

IMO it makes you think.

Nah, sounds to me like someone's trying to hard to impress me with their thoughtitude (I just made up that word) - I guess I just don't question some things about myself...

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AHHHH...I just love the instrumentation...I know some peopel feel there is just too much strings on this album...but they really used the strings in a very good way and not in a boring elevaotr music way either.

EEEEEEEEEE I love...the intensity of senses...and when he kinda slurs the words together...like he was a bit drunk heh...

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AHHHH...I just love the instrumentation...I know some peopel feel there is just too much strings on this album...but they really used the strings in a very good way and not in a boring elevaotr music way either.

EEEEEEEEEE I love...the intensity of senses...and when he kinda slurs the words together...like he was a bit drunk heh...

I noticed that too, glad I am not the only one. ^_^

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AHHHH...I just love the instrumentation...I know some peopel feel there is just too much strings on this album...but they really used the strings in a very good way and not in a boring elevaotr music way either.

ITA!!! The string arrangements on this album floor me. Add a wonderful flavor to the entire proceedings...and match his voice so perfectly.

EEEEEEEEEE I love...the intensity of senses...and when he kinda slurs the words together...like he was a bit drunk heh...

He'd fit in with us then...all us lushes! :drink:


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Ah, on the 4th listen I picked out something that highlights what doesn't thrill - that part that goes:

Did you really love the ones you said you loved? Think twice. And did you make a bit of difference in somebody else's life? Tell me, is there someone you can count on when you need a friend? Can you say i need a friend?

Dang, that's just too talky. It's like Bon Jovi got paid by each word he could put in a stanza...

It's funny how everyones taste are different. I love that part of the song.

IMO it makes you think.

Nah, sounds to me like someone's trying to hard to impress me with their thoughtitude (I just made up that word) - I guess I just don't question some things about myself...

But see I see this as question to someone who has become so involved in their own self that they have found themselves lonely and unhappy. Did they ever really love the ones they thought they did - a real giving love - or did they just go through the motions? Did they ever make a difference in someone else's life, or were they too self-absorbed to give enough of themselves to make a difference in someone's life? And because of this, do they find themselves so alone that they have no one to turn to in times of trouble? And do they even know how to ask someone for help?

I think there are a lot of people to who those questions would be apt.

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