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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Mornin, all. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Shadow seems better...he's sleeping well and no 'accidents' during the night so I put his water bowl down for him. Carrie, however, got Alex's cold and will be staying home today.

Tonight Kenny and I have our first Salsa dance class! Isn't that ironic that we're starting this right after hearing about Clay's adventure to Brazil? Wonder if he tried out his moves at "Chicks 'n Salsa"? :hubbahubba:

CG---go read the blog a few times and his first post starting his thread...CMSU every time! :lol:

I must say (Actually, I really don't HAVE to say, but I want to. heh) I'm getting a kick out of the For/Against Emoticon lines drawn as a result of Clay's use of them.

CMSU! :ura: :roundel::manynanas: :29: :em0200: :what_d_fuck:

Whew...that was good for me, how about you? B)

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muski, I'm glad Shadow is feeling a bit better. And have fun at the Salsa dance class!

Yes, his blog and his post at the OFC make me smile. There's nothing he's done, really, that doesn't make me smile, though.

I'm a terrible prognosticator, so the only thing I can think of that he's developing is possibly that TV series he's been dying to do. It will be interesting, to say the least, if it does come to pass -- the fandom's reaction will be very interesting to me.

I must say (Actually, I really don't HAVE to say, but I want to. heh) I'm getting a kick out of the For/Against Emoticon lines drawn as a result of Clay's use of them.

CMSU! :ura: :roundel::manynanas: :29: :em0200: :what_d_fuck:

Whew...that was good for me, how about you?

I'll join you in that....

:04: :laola0: :woohoo::rainbowsmile:

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I must say (Actually, I really don't HAVE to say, but I want to. heh) I'm getting a kick out of the For/Against Emoticon lines drawn as a result of Clay's use of them.

I know...that is just...just....very typical of Clayfans...hee

making mountains of molehills or issues where there isn't any....do we have an emoticon for that???

I have to admit that in the beginning I didn't care about the little dancing vegetables and smilies...but NOW??? I just love our littel emoticons...such fun and expressive...specially this guy... :allgood: ...AWWWWW

And this guy :hubbahubba: when we see Clay's dancing fruit....

and this guy when I want to be naughty :medium-smiley-070:

and this little guy :pod: says it all

and when I am happy....the pretty handy :rainbowsmile: says it all

Its all about the attitude behind its use. ITs all about fun....embrace your inner smilies!!! Join the emoticon revolution...You know you wanna!!!!

oops I almost forgot this guy...


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truthfully, while reading in an office, I do not appreciate emoticons. and going to post on sites with huge siggies is also annoying as you have to scroll past the same thing over and over and voer - it seems the bigger the siggie, the more the person posts. When I can, I opt out of siggies- say it once and get it over with, I don't mneed to see the same thing 100,000 times. Don't laugh, I was just at a board where people were celebrating their 100,000 post. An example would be like at the OFC - which I find so annoying to navigate because there is so little content with so much crap -> a lot of the content that is there is crap as well.

I never really understand why every/little./thing Clay does has to be controversial and people have to voice an opinon on, why not just join in the fun once in a while - OK, I admit I did pick on him for blogging late at night when it was leap forward daylight savings night, but it was a JOKE!!! But.... since people can't take a joke when Clay does it, I guess they would not know when I did it.

In honor of the use of the right emoticon in the right place

darkside_cookies.gif or attitude20.gif

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So, since Regis is having bypass surgery this week, do you think they'll ask Clay to fill in for him? :medium-smiley-075:

Great minds think alike, because I had the same thought.


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I'm loving everyone's emoticons, y'all.

So, people are now writing dissertations about Clay's intent when using emoticons and what it suggests about his attitude towards the fandom? :rolleyes:

Ok, I have to admit that I have completely reversed my opinion about two things: emoticons and the term "claymate". In the old days, I would have rather gargled on sulfuric acid than to be called the "c" word, and emoticons were those annoying things that let all your co-workers know that you were absolutely not working.

So, what changed? Fandom snobbery, I think. Or perhaps it was fans taking their fandom so dead seriously. After reading post after post of horror at being lumped in with the "claymates" and how awful the term was, I guess I started feeling subversive and rebellious, and had some kind of strange identification with fans who were just content to just.. be. So many of the people who didn't mind the term "claymate" were far more relaxed with their fandom and weren't concerned with what people thought of them or their status. So, I found myself secretly wanting to wear a giant rhinestone necklace that proclaimed "Claymate", even though I really don't identify with Kathy Griffin at.all. Here I am a feminist and all, and yet the term "Claymate" has some kind of naughty draw for me.

And the emoticons? Same thing. Emoticons were used at less "serious" or "weighty" boards, at least by the standards of my peers, and the more they were eschewed, the more affection I had for the silly little dancing bananas. I understand intellectually why some folks have issues with them, and I certainly don't like being outed while at work, but my fandom is a joyful, random, anti-intellectual thing of silliness and I wholeheartedly embrace the fruit that dance.


No offense to anyone here who abhors either of these things. I get why. And I'm absolutely not referring to any of you when I cite fandom snobbery at.all. I'm just a contrarian.

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Great post, FullyFunctional....and great board name too! CMSU! You and Claygasm need to talk...I think you two would hit it off...heh!

For me, emoticons are just plain fun. No deep philosophical or psychological meaning in my use of them. I do think they help bridge the gap that words on message board create between intention and understanding. After all, communication is 80% non-verbal; words only supply 20% of a person's interpretation of someone's message...so since people can't see me and my flailing arms and weird facial contortions and other things I MUST do when I talk, I use the little round-faced guys....


Besides, some of them are just plain hilarious. :hubbahubba:

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Welcome FullyFunctional -- I like your style!

Or perhaps it was fans taking their fandom so dead seriously. After reading post after post of horror at being lumped in with the "claymates" and how awful the term was, I guess I started feeling subversive and rebellious, and had some kind of strange identification with fans who were just content to just.. be. So many of the people who didn't mind the term "claymate" were far more relaxed with their fandom and weren't concerned with what people thought of them or their status.

You've just described me in a nutshell. Sure, the connection to "Playmate" can be a distasteful to some -- but hey, if the connection makes me a blond with a bigger chest, I'm all for it. *g* Seriously, though, it's not the term I'd choose for myself (I personally like "Clay Aiken fan") but I also cannot work myself into a lather over it. I also take a bit of my cues from Clay -- he seems to be at least OK with the term, and didn't he trademark it? *shrug*

I wholeheartedly embrace the fruit that dance.

And just for that -- time for a RAVE!!!


For me, emoticons are just plain fun. No deep philosophical or psychological meaning in my use of them.

To me, this fandom is supposed to be fun, and I think emoticons symbolize that to me. They're goofy, lighthearted. I do agree with playbiller that when you're working, they are a nuisance -- but since I have my own office now, it doesn't matter nearly as much. *g* I can also see what muski says in regards to their "non-verbal" usage. Some people just communicate better that way, and that's just a difference -- doesn't make them worse (or better) than anyone else. As I said, I'm not a big emoticon user, but...heh...I may have to start using them more often. I like the selection we have here, especially this guy:


And of course, this is me on a Friday afternoon: :givemebeer:

And finally, I think this is my motto, and it seems to be the motto of more than a few around here:


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YAY!!!! fullyfunctional popped her main thread posting cherry!!!

and all it took is the great emoticon war!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I knew this guys are with the forces of good...heh

ITA on the Claymate and emoticon issues...its all about the attitude behind it. This is just a hobby...it should be fun...so to that I say c'est la vie...and que sera sera...and CHIIIILLLLL....

do we have an emoticon for CHILL??? Play???bottle???

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Great post, FullyFunctional....and great board name too! CMSU! You and Claygasm need to talk...I think you two would hit it off...heh!

Gee muski, why would you say that??? I mean, other than the obvious fact we both write brilliant posts! ;)

You go, FullyFunctional!! :bravo:

Me, I like emotions. They not only help you convey thoughts, but they're just fun.

Sometimes, they say it all like :fca: or :pod:

Sometimes they can just make you laugh like :nature-smiley-014: or :medium-smiley-075: or


Sometimes they say how you feel without using a word, like :finger:

And sometimes, they're just good for tormenting your fellow board members, like this :3:

All in all I don't think they've ever done anyone any harm (with the possible exception of the chicken...) and I doubt they contain any super seekrit messages, so I say let the emotions party away!


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Thanks for the warm welcome.

This is going back a few pages, but I must give a shout out to jmh123 for this post. I laughed my hiney off. OMG it was hysterical. :woohoo:

The name of the tour has become the battleground. A few folks want to "prove" that they know Clay better than the rest of us, that he really hates ATDW, and, like Touch, there's no way he will sing anything from the album because he is stubborn like that.

Apparently there are no CDs in the stores of people who hate ATDW and want it to be done with, and plenty in the stores of those of us who love it and want to hear songs from ATDW this summer. How are the stores able to figure this out, I wonder, and what do they do when people of both persuasions shop at the same store? I can hear it on the intercom now--"Quick, hide the Aiken CDs, Sally Conspiracy-Theorist is coming in." "Hurry, bring 'em out again. Here comes Julie Jubilant-About-Clay!!" "Oh no, they're both in the store at the same time. Someone distract Sally and keep her out of electronics so she doesn't see those albums!!"

Cue Twilight Zone music. Do do do do.....

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muskifest I'm glad your doggy is doing better.

fullyfunctional, A great post. That pretty much mirrors my opinions, as well.

Claygasm, great name, I am riveted by your avatar.

I have got to the point where I like to do stuff just to tick some people off. I detest fan policing and people trying to thumb their nose up at others. It is such a turn off. As are the POD PEOPLE and their phonograph with the stuck record that never seems to be able to STFU. :pod: Everyone should come here for this reason alone.

I love emoticons. You have some great ones here. Hee. I'm like a kid in a toy store. Somebody stop me. Sometimes a picture is just worth a thousand words. :biteme:

Let's see. So far Clay had spelling errors in his blog, and had the audacity to use the dreaded dancing fruit emoticon? Did I miss anything? :excuseme: But I literally :ilovemypc: when I saw his blog and his first post. He's just the greatest. I laughed so hard at his post. I love it when he does that. You know, pokes funs at his fans? It's such a turn on. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Confession time - I went to my Target - and no ATDW, now divider for it either. Considering how many this store alone sold (over 200 according to a clerk) it is a bit odd. They may be making a few changes, it will not be enough for some, but you never know.

ANd for a laugh - Here is Clay and his grill emoticon bigemo_harabe_net-03.gif

Gotta run.

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Hee, emoticons. What a controversial subject. :medium-smiley-070:

I agree, they can be annoying and sometimes dangerous when you are at work surfing when you should be working. However, I've been able to get around that by turned images off on my browser. Unfortunately, sometimes I don't catch the tone of a post as well if I can't see the emoticon. Imagine that!

What deep, dark, sinister meaning was there behind Clay's use of the dancing fruit?????? Was he snarking on his fangirly fans? Was he pointing fingers? Or was he just being a little shit? It's being discussed all over Claynation today. OMFG. I posted a snarky opinion elsewhere about what I thought it meant, just because the whole stupid conversation was so OTT. I can't believe anyone took me seriously. Obviously, my meaning would have been crystal clear if I had just been able to use a ;) or a :P.


All I can say is.........is it March 31st yet? I can't wait to see the man in person! :hubbahubba:

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luckiest1. I hope you have a great time in Raleigh. Take pictures if you can. :medium-smiley-070:

I am just now getting out and checking the boards. Why am I not surprised the OTT people are making emoticons, in Clay's blog, the topic of conversation. :fca:

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