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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Something else to speculate about. What is Clay going to do between now and then that makes them think he can fill the Nokia this summer (or enough seats to make it worth it)? Cause I think they wouldn't be going for venues of this size if they weren't aware of some big publicity coming down the pike. They could just as easily have gone for small theaters with this type of show.

I agree, the venues do seem a bit larger than what I was anticipating. It makes me excited to think that there might be some publicity coming that we aren't aware of yet. :D

ETA: I checked out the website for the Nokia, and apparently it has configurations of 1800 and change, 3500, 4500, and the full 6300. So who knows?

Sooooo....apparently David Foster talked about being with Clive Davis in New York two days ago, on a CBC program last night. Hee! I wonder if maybe they could be collaborating on a project for Clay. :medium-smiley-070: Apparently, they were also discussing Whitney Houston.

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Geez, it's hard not to watch the current season of AI through my "AI2 was the Bestest Season ever" filters. As Ryan was calling some of the kids up in pairs last night, I kept waiting for the guys to offer the women a hand to get up the steps instead of just barging on ahead of them, 'cause you know that's what Clay would do. I couldn't help but think that the celebratory hugs among the Top 12 were a little half-hearted, because I see everything through such a cynical and jaded haze anymore. I love to think about how the Hugging Machine went into overdrive at the end of the AI2 Wildcard Show, when Clay grabbed everybody as they were introduced, and you could see the special affection he had for Kimberley Locke and for Ruben. I think he even hung off of Ruben's neck for a moment - I'll have to dig out my DVD and watch that again. Hee - it's making me smile just to think about it....

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Something else to speculate about. What is Clay going to do between now and then that makes them think he can fill the Nokia this summer (or enough seats to make it worth it)? Cause I think they wouldn't be going for venues of this size if they weren't aware of some big publicity coming down the pike. They could just as easily have gone for small theaters with this type of show.

Heh. I first read your question, and then went to see how big the Nokia is -- 6500. Now, in Texas, isn't that considered a SMALL venue? Heh. But yeah -- while I do think that Clay can sell many tickets just by being Clay Aiken (both to his devoted fans and those who still just remember him from AI2), it sure seems as if something else may come through shortly. Don't know what it is, and honestly....don't care to know right now.

I'd rather have those full tour dates instead. *g*

Ooops, I see luckiest1 has posted about the different configurations for the Nokia. At this point, who knows.

Sooooo....apparently David Foster talked about being with Clive Davis in New York two days ago, on a CBC program last night. Hee! I wonder if maybe they could be collaborating on a project for Clay. :medium-smiley-070: Apparently, they were also discussing Whitney Houston.

I watched this interview last night via the CBC website. (Have no idea how long this link will last...) I almost choked with laughter when he mentioned the lunch thing with Clive Davis. All I could think about was a few poddie heads exploding. But there was some other good stuff in this interview too. One of the things he said is that he used to take on any and all projects offered to him -- now he doesn't. He only does projects where he thinks he can "do good." I took that pretty well. The other thing was that he mentioned his two "talents." I can't remember the second, but the first was "I can recognize someone who can sing." Again, I think that's a pretty good sign, in that he knows what Clay can do.

Geez, it's hard not to watch the current season of AI through my "AI2 was the Bestest Season ever" filters. As Ryan was calling some of the kids up in pairs last night, I kept waiting for the guys to offer the women a hand to get up the steps instead of just barging on ahead of them, 'cause you know that's what Clay would do. I couldn't help but think that the celebratory hugs among the Top 12 were a little half-hearted, because I see everything through such a cynical and jaded haze anymore. I love to think about how the Hugging Machine went into overdrive at the end of the AI2 Wildcard Show, when Clay grabbed everybody as they were introduced, and you could see the special affection he had for Kimberley Locke and for Ruben. I think he even hung off of Ruben's neck for a moment - I'll have to dig out my DVD and watch that again. Hee - it's making me smile just to think about it....

Oh, I know. I may have to watch that again myself. The show seemed so innocent back then, and IMO it was very heartwarming. I think a lot of true friendships were born that season, and it showed onscreen. Yes, I have the episodes on my computer, but I'm seriously hoping American Idol Rewind does season two next year. While the revisionist history might be in full throttle, it will be cool to see that magic again.

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I've been watching some of the Season One Idol Rewind from time to time. The most interesting stuff I've seen so far was Simon's lack of confidence in Kelly Clarkson in the Hollywood rounds. Good call there, Carnac... The other thing that struck me was how freakin' affected and over the top so many of the singers were, because that was what was being rewarded at that point in time - along with the requirement that you be a hottie. I don't think they'll be as much behind the scenes stuff in the performance shows as there was in the early sections because of time constraints.

Anyway, I think Rewind is doing well in syndication, so I'm pretty sure we can look forward to Season 2 ("The Good Season") next fall.

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I watched this interview last night via the CBC website. (Have no idea how long this link will last...) I almost choked with laughter when he mentioned the lunch thing with Clive Davis. All I could think about was a few poddie heads exploding.

Do you mean the man who is going to save Clay from the evil clutches of Clive Davis actually talks to the man? You mean he may actually like the man? Maybe even admire him? TREASON!!!! That's just TREASON!!!!

Or...... He is on a super seekrit spy mission on Clay's behalf to find out what is next on Clive's "Destruction of Clay" list. That must be it because since DF and Clay are so close and DF is going to be Clay's salvation he can't possibly like Clive! :medium-smiley-070:


I haven't been on any of the other boards yet today, but before I went to bed last night I noticed some were just appalled at the AI charity thing they're doing because they (especially Simon) couldn't possible be sincere about caring about anyone but himself so they find it very hypocritical. First off, much of what we see of Simon is what he has created as his public image. We don't know what Simon is really like. Maybe he is a very charitable man. Some were scoffing at him because he supposedly visibly rolled his eyes when people like Clay talked about making a difference. I tend to think that intepretation is being filtered through their own dislike of the man because I like him (I know, I know - but someone has to!) and I don't remember him doing that. But even if he did, could you blame him for being somewhat cynical? I mean, it can sound a bit like a Miss America contestant saying she wants world peace! Many say it to score points, but don't mean it.

But let's say those people are right and it is total hypocrisy on Simon's part, on AI's part. Let's say no one connected with the show, no judge, no producer, not even a single one of the contestants gives a hoot about the children in Africa and in the U.S.. Let's say all they want out of it is good publicity. I say, so what! That show is watched by 30 million people every week. If every person watching were to give just one lousy dollar they could raise $30 million dollars in one night! Think of all the good that kind of money could do! Who cares if those who organized the fundraiser are hypocites (and I don't think they are). If they can raise $30 million dollars, do you think the recipients of that money will care how sincere they were? I don't think so!

I think its a wonderful thing they are doing. I think it will make a HUGE difference and they will be able to raise a shit-load of money. I think its something Clay would applaud, even if he is not involved at all (as I don't think he will be). I hope those who think the AI people are hypocrites and who hate Simon can look beyond that to the bigger picture and appreciate how much good this can do.

Ok, off my soap box now!

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JMH I know we have been spoiled having Clay all to ourselves but frankly I think it would help him to do a co-tour with somebody who can bring in about 3-4000 people. Maybe somebody that has some crossover appeal but will bring in new fans. I've also thought that the only way Clay would get radio play was to do an unexpected, interesting duet with someone.

Now I have no idea who that person is but I read your question before I went to bed and dreamed that Clay and Carrie went on tour together. LOL. Don't ask me why I dreamed about her. Am not particularly a fan although I have really grown to love her after AI and have rooted for her success. Now, let me duck and run before the tomoatos hit.

But anyway, I am interested in what others think about a co-tour - who could it be with..and also a duet... what radio darling (and for my sanity's sake let's say NO IDOLS on this one) could he be paired up with.

Of course I think fans of Clay always think other people are using him but for me Clay needs to use some other people's strengths some of the time. I really think a hot duet could help him.

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I think the "Idol Gives Back" thing, however it was conceived, has the potential to be a highly effective means of drawing attention to the issues of poverty and disease in Africa and America, particularly considering the size of the audience it reaches. IMO, the addition of Bono adds some credibilty to the whole endeavour, at least to me, considering his very vocal and long-term support for African health and economic issues. As always, YMMV, and I realize the Simon thing will be very hard for some people to get past. And I do agree that there is probably a big public relations / image polishing motivation behind the whole program - I can't completely turn a blind eye to that.

As for me, I may actually spend some time voting if it turns out that the sponsors (Coke and AT&T so far) will actually pledge a per vote amount. What I won't do is donate through the "Idol Gives Back" mechanism. I am willing to donate to UNICEF directly because of the Clay connection and because they have a proven track record for handling donated funds effectively.


To Couchie's duet question - I would think a country singer would be good. I'm not really up on that genre, but maybe somebody like Martina McBride or Allison Kraus. That would help him reach another type of audience that would appreciate his voice.

Co-tour? Not a clue, although I have considered it on those days when the vocal voices on the boards seemed convinced that Clay can't support decent-sized venues on his own anymore. [And yes, I worded that sentence in that way to try to distinguish anguished and loud fanwanking from reality...]

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I don't know much about how they decide to book venues, but sometimes I think it may have hurt Clay in the past because they oversaturated some of the areas, like Pa and Mi and Oh and NY, and ignored others. I'm sure they look at past ticket sales and cd sales by area to determine interest. To use an example, I always wondered why they didn't come back to St. Louis, he and Kelly drew a pretty big crowd there for the IT and it was obvious by the crowd response that most of them were there for Clay, so I think he could have sold well there. I'm sure there are lots of things that go into the equation, like tour route, and availability of venues, anyway I want him to do well with his ticket sales, so I can continue going to see him for years to come.

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OK, you may think this is just a persona he developed for TV, but I have read enough about him, saw sopme sort of biography, listened to his mother talk about him to see a ME ME ME ME ME ME ME person - I do not understand why he would havea girlfriends since he has said many times he prefers prostitutes (Clay's hooker statement was not out of context).

That aside, Sure this may bring attention to things, no one in the arts can be immune to hearing about various movements to give back, seeing people may make you understand a learn better. From what I understand, Simon's greatest suffering was having to move back into the mansion with his parents after his business failed when he was 30. Seeing these children well might have touched him. People can grow at any point in their lives.

AI give back

I am sure that getting idol involved is PR for it, it gets more stars on the show, etc. But all that aside, it can still do good and raise awareness. I just hope people do not get all invested in Clay appearing. I am assuming he will not, if he does, good, if he doesn't, no loss..

David Foster

BWAH - and look, it is not Clay he is helping, but Whitney! traitor - and he did not sing Clay's praises in his interview, some friend! Eh, I always thought he might have some influence on the number of strings on ATDW anyway, who needs him.

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Personally, I will be VERY disappointed in this fandom if they do not support this "Idol Gives Back" because of their dislike of Simon or their continued hatred of AI because they think it was their fault Clay lost. This fandom has always opened its wallets for anything Clay is behind - even if it is not a cause they would otherwise embrace. I suspect Clay would and does support Idol's efforts. It will be interesting to see how many change their tune if Clay were to blog that he hopes all his Claymates will support this effort. Talk about hypocrisy!

I have no doubt the funds AI raises will be distributed properly. AI is so high profile they will be watched very carefully. I also suspect before the big event more information will come out about how exactly the funds will be distributed.

I have no ill will toward AI or anyone involved with the show. I have never been one to take residence on the grassy knoll when it came to the AI2 results. It is a TV show - a very successful TV show. Everyone involved has made a lot of money from that show, as have many of the contestants that have passed through its gates. Now they are choosing to give back. Why can't people just be happy for that and stop trying to find the evil that they think lurks within?

I don't know Clay, but I would be willing to bet he would be appalled at the way some of his fans are reacting to this effort. I can understand not donating because you don't have the money or you have other causes your limited charitable funds go to or even because you just don't care about the cause. But to diss the entire effort based primarily on the perceived injustice done to Clay by AI, IMO that's just wrong. Thank goodness the vast majority of those who watch AI don't care about that.

I sometimes think I am alone in this fandom with my feeling about AI and Clay. I have never seen any indication on Clay's part that he hates AI (witness the AI5 finale). Besides, how can I have any disdain for the show that gave us Clay?

And that's my last word on the subject. (Stop cheering!!!)

As to Clay co-touring with someone, I can't say that would excite me. I get that if he tours with someone popular it could expose a lot of new people to him and potentially gain him new fans - if the other act was compatible in style. On the other hand, co-touring with someone big would make it seem like he has been reduced to an opening act, and I wouldn't like that at all. Besides, it would mean less Clay!

I would rather this time around he play small venues, preferably with subscriptions like there are in San Diego and Chatauqua. The people who buy subscription may come see Clay because of that. Of course, in San Diego Clay is an extra purchase above and beyond their subscription, so maybe that won't come into play there. I think unless there is some as yet unknown publicity push to come, this tour is mostly for us and so he can get out there and perform which he clearly loves to do. If he can pick up a few new fans along the way because of venue subscription packages, then great. If not, maybe next time.

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Chick, I'm just about always keeping you company - hell, I think Clay actually likes AI - because he does like the cheese. I also think as long as a charity gets something out of it, Clay will think it's cool.

A co-tour? I'm fine with it as long as it's with somebody I wanna listen to because I'm selfish like that. So it would have to be Prince, Beyonce (the girl does put on an entertaining show), Jon Stewart, Madonna, or Nelly.

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Hey - need opinions.

I am in desperate need of an external hard drive and while I still have a little money I thought I better get one. My poor iMac is bursting at the seams and I have burned as much to disc as I can. I need space for the clack that is sure to come! Do you all think a 200GB hard drive is big enough or should I get bigger???

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Quick answer to CG's question (I want to talk more later about the other stuff she's written): my husband recently had a fairly new Western Digital 350 gig external hard drive simply die on him. After doing some research, in his opinion -- the bigger the hard drive, the more likely it is to fail. We then ended up buying a couple of 160 gig drives. I think I'd stay with no more than 200 gigs for now, and buy another one later.

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Now that was totally cute! And I saw the preview for "The 300" and planned to go see it! But I have to admit, I didn't think the King of Sparta was actually "hot" - I thought the digital effects were neat.

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CG...Of course, I know of your love affair with Simon (hee) but I do have to say that Simon HAS indeed made very obvious, dismissive and denigrating expressions AND verbal statements about people who say they're interested in using their success to help others. I especially remember that Oprah visit to AI when it was down to Kim, Clay and Ruben...Oprah asked each what they hoped AI would do for them. Kim said be a step in her career success. Clay said he hoped to used his celebrity as a bigger platform to call attention to important issues (or something similar) Simon very obviously rolled his eyes on camera...he's also made more than one comment about the insincerity of contestants who talk about things like that.

I don't know the man, but I'm sure he'll understand if I do some eye-rolling myself now at the idea of him suddenly feeling all gooey and mushy inside about using HIS celebrity to bring world peace and an end to world hunger, etc. I applaud the show for actually acknowledging the existence of the needs of those poor people and for diverting some of its billions to something other than more bonuses for the bozos...but I can't get too schmoopie about their real motives. It's good PR for them (and though the ratings are still ridiculously money-making, the media's treatment of the show has shown some nastiness lately) and adds another hook for them to claim 'the bestest most awesome season ever', etc. And wonderfully, (hopefully) they'll actually be helping people at the same time. And that's very cool.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Clay "live from Afghanistan" or Uganda or somewhere, representing UNICEF in a segment on AI---that would be uber righteous! He'd be there, wearing his glasses, stubble visible, and that UNICEF armband prominently visible. The text under his picture would say, "Clay Aiken, UNICEF Ambassador"....


Clay and AI? Clay's smart. I can't imagine him ever turning DOWN an invitation to appear. Audience is too big and the chance to say and sing his thing is too great. And hopefully the show is too smart NOT to invite him from time to time. Yeah, they don't need the ratings boost, but he's a great guest who can entertain with his wit and intelligence and can sang purdy, too. Not too bad on the eyes, either.

Not holding my breath to see him on the show, but I'll be happy if it happens.

Tour partner? Not my preference but if it's a smart business move, I'm cool widdit. I'd love to see someone sing with him for a song or two, though, at each show---maybe different people! Like he could sing with Martina McBride or Carrie when he's in their "country" part of the country and then with some more Pop person when he's in LA, etc. OOH! and in Detroit, he could sing with some hot Motown-sounds! Just a song or two...I think that'd be cool. Not likely, but fun to think about.

And thus endeth my treatise for today. Hello? Anybody still there? :P

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I always like seeing Clay on AI because of the size of the audience, but I have my doubts about this year because of the roster of guests already seems pretty extensive. I assume the Diana Rosses, etc. will be shown working with the kids on Tuesday and then singing on the Wednesday results show. That doesn't leave a ton of openings for alumni, of which there is an ever greater number. I have to think someone like Kimberley Locke, for example, would love to get a chance to get back on AI to promote her new album - if it ever gets a release date. Ruben would also benefit from appearing. It sure doesn't bother Carrie to show up every year, and it could be argued that she needs the least amount of help of any of the past contestants.

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I didn't watch the David Foster thingy but this from Corabeth's summary of it on CH was interesting to me.

One thing David said that was very interesting is that he does three things well.

1. Play piano

2. He can tell when someone can really, really sing.

3. He knows when and how to retreat and attack in a different direction.

#3 sounds like Clay.

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Simon? Can't stand him, never could. I think he's an arrogant ass. But to me, when he rolls his eyes at contestants who talk about using their success to help others, it's because he's cynical like that, and just plain doesn't believe them. Personally, 9 times out of 10, I don't either, because that's just the way the world works (especially the entertainment industry). People will say *anything* to advance themselves.

So, I have no idea whether Simon is actually charitably generous in his personal life. I'm sure someone here must know more than I do about that. But I don't object to the Idol Gives Back show, because as long as the funds go where they are supposed to, no matter what the means of getting the funds is, it's worth it. I also think that somehow, someway, in some capacity (whether it's only as an audience member or as a taped message), Clay will be included. It's just too much his thing not to be.

Touring partner? I'd rather he didn't, but if it helped him gain new fans, it'd be ok, I guess. There's no one except Canadian Amanda Marshall who I'd be interested sitting through, though. They'd kill on a duet! At this point, I don't think it's likely to happen, since neither of the two venues we already know about have mentioned a co-tour.

I can't belive how dead the boards are today.

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But to me, when he rolls his eyes at contestants who talk about using their success to help others, it's because he's cynical like that, and just plain doesn't believe them. Personally, 9 times out of 10, I don't either, because that's just the way the world works (especially the entertainment industry). People will say *anything* to advance themselves.

This is what I have always thought. The eye rolls with Clay on that subject weren't so much about Clay as it was Simon doubting his sincerity. And as long as Simon has been in and around this business he probably has encountered more insincerity than most. I think most of us would be cynical about this kind of thing. In fact, I am. I cannot honestly remember what I thought when Clay said it, but I do remember thinking many times that season that he was a bit of a goody-two-shoes and wondering just how sincere he was or whether he was just saying things that might get him votes. And I liked Clay! Wasn't obsessed with him or anything yet, but I liked him!

As to the actual big event, I cannot imagine they won't have some of the AI alums involved somehow - especially the more successful ones. Clay does seem a natural fit (if TPTB even know he's a UNICEF ambassador...), but who knows. I just cannot imagine AI would have something like this and not show off the fruits of their labor.

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JUst watched the David Foster interview download. Man, I bet he and Clay have a snark fest to top all snark fests! He's sharp and biting and WHOA! I'd LOVE to eavesdrop on time spent between those two! I have a newfound interest/respect for the man. Seems to be very much in line, philosophically---in terms of music and life---with Clay.

Of course, what do I know. :medium-smiley-070:

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