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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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couchie, that blog was interesting, although it was time-consuming to read, because it was incredibly thoughtful and dense with information. And Diva, that pisses me off with what your brother has had to go through. NO ONE should go through anything like that.

Good guys DO end up on top. Asshats and gnats DO end up eventually being alone and hurt, one way or another. Clay is a strong soul. He's a winner.

I will believe this until my dying day....thanks for stating it so beautifully.

My husband today told me that when I have the eHP over to the house this weeend i need to call it a Super Bowl party, that way the cops won't be suspicious*g*

:cryingwlaughter::hahaha: And I have GOT to get me in with the eHP, although I'd be one pulling my hair out because of the late thing. It's a fault of mine. *g*

Heh, I also have to admit meeting Luckiest1 in the Cary afterparty. We must have met in Winston Salem and in Greensboro as well, but there was a lot going on and so many people met that night. They were big parties. In Winston-Salem I was giving out quizzes and having people argue that their answers were right, when they were wrong*!!!smileys7.gif and trying to figure out how to give out prizes fairly when some people were working in colaboration and wanted multiple prizes and others were struggling alone.

Guilty as charged. *g* Yeah, I was working in contingency with others that night...and still didn't win anything. *g* I also vaguely remember meeting luckiest1 that night, although I was handing out name tags, and was probably just as busy as play!

Chick, the maximum I walk in my normal life is like maybe 400 yards and I want to put on tracks shoes for that - and it's 54 degrees outsides now - and I think it's freezing. You Northerners clearly have anti-freeze in your veins - but I think that's cute!

Hey -- come on up and try us Midwesterners at the moment. It's 12 degrees, according to my Weatherbug. (Heh, colder than playbiller, although we don't have snow at the moment...) Wonderfully brisk. As for the walking, I do walk, but would rather do it in comfy shoes....

God, what a cute guy. Why couldn't I see it 4 years ago?

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My husband today told me that when I have the eHP over to the house this weeend i need to call it a Super Bowl party, that way the cops won't be suspicious*g*

That reminds me. I need to call you to get the details about the party. Uh, you still have "Right Here Waiting" for your call tone, don't you?

And when the cops show up, this time we must remember not to assume that KAndre hired us a stripper. Even if the cop's name is Officer Claypool like last time.

I'm a bit late on the pictures and videos but here's a video where KAndre and merrieeee explain the difference between "Mary" (as in Mary Did You Know) and "merrieeee" (as in merrieeee the binoculars lady).

There are lots of pictures but these pre-concert ones need to come first since they feature Muski:

KAndre, Muski & DD

merrieeee, KAndre, Muski & DD

Solo, PerusingOne & the webcats

Muski with Ficus

Rare picture of the eHP together -- KAndre found a willing gentleman

Because they took a picture of my rear, here are theirs

I fully support regional chains... or visit them at least once

KAndre gamely tries something new



I was trying to mop up the white space surplus that KAndre created, did anyone notice? *giggles*

Edited by Scarlett
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yay another reason to not go wash closthes...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thanks Scarlett... Those are great pics. thanks for sharing. I love Ficus. She's a hugger! And what cracked me up most was the sign in the White Castle window that said "upgrade today." Perfect for a Clay fan.

And I don't know if she'll remember but I think it was Anaheim where I shared a room with Persuing One..got to the hotel first and couldn't remember anything but her first name. Lady looked at me like I was crazy that I was meeting some stranger off the net.

Mini Muski got a big time baptism by fire meeting up with the eHP. heee.

Now off to watch the video.

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Let's see--my story. Well he had me from "Take"--at least partly. I was living far from home and had been for some years, and I was homesick (my board name a couple of places). I had watched the last six or eight weeks of season one and enjoyed it, so I started watching season two right away. I heard them say XXX from Raleigh and then heard him speak, and I was like OMG it's HOME. And of course the VOX was amazing. I wasn't so struck that I was completely devastated when he didn't make the final group--I think I also had a strong suspicion that he was a shoo-in for the Wild Card. Somewhere shortly after that I started telling my mother to watch this guy from Raleigh, and then she found out a friend of hers was a former co-worker of his, so he was "ours" from then on. We'd watch every week and then talk about it on the phone. So I rooted for Clay, and enjoyed some others nearly as much--I really liked Kim Locke. Sigh, what a great year that was. The group numbers, the house stuff, it was all a lot of fun. Confession--I never voted. Not once all season. I think on the last night I might've picked up the phone and dialed once or twice and got a busy signal. It never occurred to me that Clay wouldn't win. Then, when he lost, I was really depressed. I thought I might never see him again.

Time went on and I searched him on eBay and found out about the demos. I bought them, which wasn't easy, because fans were getting the sales cancelled before they could be completed. Yikes, people, I just wanted more CLAYYYYYY!!

I didn't think he was particularly hawt for a long time. I loved his voice and I loved him, but he was young enough to be my son for Pete's sake. I had a teeny twinge when he sang Everlasting Love and a bigger teeny twinge when he sang To Love Somebody. But it was listening to the demos that put me over the edge. I'd listen to those and there'd be a thrumming in my girly parts--oh my!!

I started watching the entertainment shows every night hoping for a glimpse of him. I'm a little confused at the order of things at this point. At some point I discovered the boards as a source of information on when he'd be on TV, but I know I downloaded from Neurox for quite awhile without ever reading any of the discussions on the boards. I also remember downloading the AI performances from the main page at ClaytonAiken.com, and making a copy for my mother too, but not going to the message board there. At some point I started reading and posting at TTC--I think around the time of the LWLHD auction.

It was that summer that I did one of the craziest things I ever did. I didn't go to the AI tour when it was near me because I had no one to go with and hate to drive. I figured I didn't want to see the whole show anyway, and Clay only had a few songs. It just wasn't worth it, I thought. I was downloading clack and enjoying it, and the tour was coming to an end. I spotted a sixth row ticket for Anaheim on eBay on the day before the concert and bought it, booked a flight and a hotel, and flew across the country. I was too shy to talk to anyone, although I saw fans in the lobby of my hotel.

Then I began to meet people who lived near me in RL via the boards, and the PA Posse was born. I went with Shadylil to several IT concerts, we had a blast, and the rest is history. And now I'm back in the Triangle area--home at last--and Clay's home too. He lives really close to where I used to live before, except I lived in a trailer park and he lives in a mansion. I really miss my Posse, but I'm so happy to be home. And that's my story, which went on longer than intended. The end. LOL.


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Hee. KAndre, were you drinking wine with a straw in the first picture? :wein: The eHP and their adherents look like they had entirely too much fun in NY / NJ.


The "Take" stories have been great today. I love hearing how all these diverse people got connected because of one skinny white nerdy boy who can "sang."

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Heh, I am thrilled to see paragraphs and oh so flattered - and quite amused to see what was left out of the Red Bank dinner story. I am also a little sad because most of this story takes place about 4 miles from my house.

I don't see where there was a great walk from the train station to the restaurant to the theater, but maybe that dog walking is getting me in practice. It wasn't even that cold that night. I won't spoil it for others, but the ceiling enthralled me that night.

Heh, I also have to admit meeting Luckiest1 in the Cary afterparty.

I was also thinking about what was left out because I vaguely recall our spending 2 hours at the restaurant, even though we did arrive late. Commiserates with playbiller... I missed out on most of the after "dinner" part because I went to the ladies room and ran into a bunch of meers outside it.

Luckiest! You were at Cary?!! Oooh, we've shared a sauna. We have a connecshun!

bottlecap, Ohio is still one of my favorites! Hugs memories of Toledo (that I will find Clack of after ldyjocelyn's awesome Boston waiting. I'm really amazed that you two haven't driven here to hold me upside down and shake out the Clack by now. What patience! *gets an idea* How about doing just that next weekend and stopping by merrieeee's along the way. (pssst, sometimes yelling at me helps)

Edited by Scarlett
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JMH..you were at Anaheim too. After not even thinking about going to a concert at all I ended up at 3 AI shows, including that final one. I thought I was impulsive...but wow. I bet that air ticket cost a fortune!!

From Moonhead at the CH:

"A Thousand Days" spins...

The 7 day period ending 01/27/07 saw 89 spins for ""A Thousand Days"", an increase of 6 spins from the 7 day period ending 01/26/07. ""A Thousand Days"" is currently #35 on the Mainstream AC Chart with 89 spins. It is #19 on the Mainstream AC Jump Chart with +22 spins and 16 stations playing.

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Yeah, that's the 'innocent' one alright. We haven't even put up your butt picture yet!

Did y'all see the look of horror on mini-Muski's face?

hee...I loved that one...Its so great to see the eHP and to match the stories and the adventures to the faces...Y'all looks so sweet and innocent...and so dignified. I want to have similar adventures...I hope this is the year we can finally have an FCA and eHP get together!!!

Muski great to see you and you DD is lovely!!!

Craziest thing I did for Clay!!! I guess go to Toronto to see him...yup that's it, that's the biggest thing...sigh I am just a bad fan...oh unless you can call working with Couchie Crazy...heh

hee...love the recaps KAndre...can't wait for Redbank...

soo when did I really go nuts on Clay...I tell you...its those demos. Before Clay I only used the internet to download music. KAZAA was usually my first destination. So when Clay got me with DLTSGDOM...I just had this crazy thought of searching for him on KAZAA and was shocked to see all these songs. I DL all of them right away...they were all the Redefined songs...and there were two that were not him and I knew right away they weren't. I was so amazed at how great his voice was on the demos...I didn't know a lot of the songs so I even downloaded the original versions and knew right then...he sings most of them better than the original artists. BUT...I was not too sure if these were all Clay cos it seemed soooo good. I just needed to know the story behind these songs. I was afraid that I would later discover that it was a different Clay Aiken. This is the reason why I went on the AI official site and joined BOLT...yeah...I was a BOLT Babe at first.

BOLT was interesting in those early days cos there were a lot of people from Raleigh that would go on and tell stories about the Clay or Clayton that they knew. Very quickly...I learned that he was a very unique guy that loved children, and was funny and truly interesting. That was how I fell in love with the man he is. I didn't stay in BOLT for long...cos I found I tend to be a thread killer...hee. as soon as I discovered PROC...I was hooked on the TWOP Clay thread and I never looked back.

Being Canadian I never got involved in the voting but I was fascinated by the voting stories and the two hour pledges. I knew though...that Clay lost when it was known there was an anomaly with the voting. I remember betting with my girls that Ruben won...and going under the covers as they announced the winner and calling out Rubens name as Ryan announced it. I was sad...but I was not afraid about not seeing Clay. For some reason I always knew he would make it big...

thanks for the lovely pictures...the funnies and the entertaining emoticons...and the memories...

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JMH..you were at Anaheim too. After not even thinking about going to a concert at all I ended up at 3 AI shows, including that final one. I thought I was impulsive...but wow. I bet that air ticket cost a fortune!!

Actually, not. I used frequent flyer miles, but to get them I had to stay a week, so I turned it into an impromptu "research" trip in the LA area. (I think I went to Hsi Lai--great lunch there, and beautiful art objects--the LA County Museum, and Chinatown. Pretty lame as "research", but fun. I got a pretty good deal on a hotel room for the week, less than half of what the plane ticket would have cost.

I remember watching Clay on the telethon on the television, downloading it from the net, and watching it on the telethon site, all at the same time, from the hotel room. I downloaded clack like a maniac the whole time, being on dial-up at the time. The trip was supposed to cure me of this obsession that was getting out of hand. Get it out of my system. Oh, and make me quit smoking too. Laughs hysterically.

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(pssst, sometimes yelling at me helps)

Oooooo, I'd almost forgotten. (I said, almost, OK?) But I won't yell at you, because I'm sweet and demure. (Hey, cut out that laughing. I AM SWEET AND DEMURE... *stomps foot on the ground*

But I will not yell, because I don't want much yelling at me for not getting my OCOCE recommendations out yet....


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Crazy things we did for Clay?

Hmmm. I guess the first truly crazy thing I did for Clay was during the IT when I flew to San Jose from Philly for 24 hours to see Clay sing for 1 hour. I had seen him in Philly and Wilkes Barre and damn - I just needed to see him again. I found good tickets to San Jose (right at the end of the catwalk where I got the best eyefuck during ISY) and found a good airfare so........ Side benefit: That's where I met Muski in person for the first time!

The other truly crazy thing I did for Clay was during the NAT where I sat out in a deluge, complete with thunder and lightening - you know, the kind of lightening bolts that come down from the sky and hit ground - to see Clay at the Delaware State Fair. He thought we were nuts! And we were! He just couldn't believe we were there! I couldn't believe they didn't cancel the show! Somehow despite being soaked to the skin, it was still a good time.

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The other truly crazy thing I did for Clay was during the NAT where I sat out in a deluge, complete with thunder and lightening - you know, the kind of lightening bolts that come down from the sky and hit ground - to see Clay at the Delaware State Fair. He thought we were nuts! And we were! He just couldn't believe we were there! I couldn't believe they didn't cancel the show! Somehow despite being soaked to the skin, it was still a good time.

I was there too. It was amazing, wasn't it. Sigh.

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Scarlett, my dear...your sweet ass is grass. <_< Now you KNOW I love your videos...but woman! When you post pictures of


Would you PLEASE throw away your damned ZOOM?!?!?!??! :scream:

dayum... :crying1:

Oh, and I didn't see MiniMuski's look of shock...which picture?

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I honestly don't remember if Clay had me at "take". I do remember rooting for him for most of the season.

I too, was postitive that he would be "America's Choice" for the wild card. It's funny, looking back, that was the start of saving Clay til the end of the show, they probably learned right then what a ratings boost he could be. I do think I was a goner by "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" I never did vote much during AI 1 or 2, I do think I threw in a few votes during the last few episodes. I tried to vote after the final 2 show, but never was able to get a single vote in.

I think I've mentioned before, that I knew nothing of the internet ground swell that had started. Nothing about the message boards, nothing about the demos. I had never heard of TWOP, PROC, you name it, I hadn't heard about it. I discovered the message boards sometime around Thanksgiving of 03, and found I had a voracious appetite to find out all I could about Clay Aiken. I had bought the single and the CD, I knew it was selling very well, but all this other stuff was new to me.

I lurked on the Lecherous Broads site, and I remember what I thought was a funny story from there. I don't remember who said this but, anyway. One of the members was trying to figure out how she could see Clay's performance at the Disney World Parade, because it was scheduled to be on at the same time as her family's Christmas Dinner. She finally said, she thought she would set up the video camera on the tri-pod in the dining room to video her family having dinner, so she could watch Clay at the Christmas parade." I'm pretty sure she was kidding, but it gave me a pretty good feel for how high Clay ranked with his fans.

As I read through everyone's craziest Clay adventures, I realize I can't touch most of your stories. I haven't flown to see Clay yet. I didn't see the AI Tour, it never occurred to me that I might enjoy that, but I have seen every one of his tours since that, that's a tradition I hope to be able to continue, and most of my family and friends think that is pretty crazy, but they don't know the rest of you.....

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Hi all!

Heh. Craziest thing I did for Clay had to be the three-hour trip I took at night through the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania...through a freaking blizzard!!! I had decided a few days beforehand that I wanted to go to the Wilkes-Barre IT concert very badly. I asked RunningFree if she would like to go and she said yes. Now mind you, I always check weather reports when I am driving any long distances, especially if I am driving through mountains in winter! For some reason, I totally forgot to check the weather reports. I think subconsciously I just didn't want anything to stop me. Because if I had any idea that there was going to be a blizzard that night I would have not gone, and then I would have missed one of the most memorable moments ever when Clay got misty-eyed when we sang MoaM.

Did I mention that I drove through a freaking blizzard? Though the very dark Pocono Mountains? It did stop when I passed the mountains, but then there was rain. And fog. And more rain. And then sleet. I was so happy when I finally got home at 2:00 a.m.

Of course, having dinner with the eHP in Long Island was kinda crazy too... :bolt:

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Did I mention that I drove through a freaking blizzard? Though the very dark Pocono Mountains? It did stop when I passed the mountains, but then there was rain. And fog. And more rain. And then sleet. I was so happy when I finally got home at 2:00 a.m.

Hee. I did that too. Shadylil and I were driving back together and she decided it was safer to take a back road because there was so much traffic and conditions were so bad on the highway. We couldn't see shit. There were no lights on the road at all, and whiteout conditions, and no shoulder to pull off on. My job was to sit right in front of the windshield and peer out and let her know when I thought we might be going off the road. We played Clay and sang along, and went about 20-30 MPH. Somehow we made it.

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Hee, that reminds me of the day I drove 17 hours straight from New Hampshire to Toronto to drop off Kav and Sylvie and then down to Detroit to catch a flight home. And that was after driving 15 two days earlier from Toronto to NH. I've never been so tired in my life. Best trip ever though!


We even stopped in Vermont for a Mooses On Parade lunch.


Or, maybe it was cancelling my flight home from Delaware the morning of the DC IT because I just couldn't NOT go (even though I'd already been chasing Clay from Philly thru NY). We found tickets that morning in the 2nd row at the end of the catwalk. We drove from Delaware 1/2 the way, then took the train - we had no idea what or where we were going, and we made it about 10 minutes before the show started. I took my first stubble shot there! th_DC_YSRN_WMS.jpg

WooT! I was SOOO excited. Then we took the train back at midnight and got off at the wrong station. We were all alone in a bit of a seedy area for about an hour and we couldn't have cared less. We swooned the whole time... mmm, sweaty Clay. I think I started reading fic the next day! Hee.

Ahhh, memories!

jmh123, I totally remember you doing the Anaheim trip. I remember thinking you were quite the business-woman doing that! Hee.

Luckiest1... what does your siggy mean...I've been meaning to ask for weeks!

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