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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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pkmiller...what kind of radio station is that? is it an AC station..hot AC or top 40?

I think the problem is since Invisible Clay hasn't had a song that could easily be promoted in radio. With ATDW their only hope was with AC.

eta: I also think your dj firend hit the nail on the head. Clay has an identity crisis when it comes to radio. Radio station likes to play things that are familiar to their audience. They like to put artist in a box...and Clay is difficult to classify. Invisible was the only song they released that easily fit a format.

In AC, the stations like to stick with artist that they listeners are familiar with. Clay is known for his christmas songs but sometimes his other songs like ATD is not AC enough. Because Clay has such an identity crisis it will take a lot more money in payola to get him to go up the charts. The payola money actually comes from the artist share of the profits...I suspect Clay thoguht that its not worth it anymore to push this CD on radio. They may still push another song closer tot he concert...but we shall see.

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pkmiller...what kind of radio station is that? is it an AC station..hot AC or top 40?

I think the problem is since Invisible Clay hasn't had a song that could easily be promoted in radio. With ATDW their only hope was with AC.

It is AC. (I think) Could be Hot AC but I think it is AC.

ldyjocelyn, I have thought about that...what Clay wants. We have a large fan group that gets together monthly here and everyone is always talking about how evil RCA and Clive are. I used to believe that too but then it just didn't make sense to me anymore. Why would they not want to make money? We had a DJ come talk to us about 2 years ago. We asked him why Clay wasn't played on the radio and why there was no push by RCA. He said Clay didn't need it...RCA would spend the money on those who needed it. I have always wondered though, if he can sell 500,000 with no promotion, wouldn't they want him to sell more which in turn means more money for them (the failing record business)? Anyway, back to my group here, my only argument has been "what if this is what Clay wants?" Maybe he's happy with things the way they are...it lets him do other things that he likes. They don't agree with me. I think I heard a while back that the payola came from the artist...is that right? If so, I would definitely believe Clay didn't want it (not that I would know, of course).

Edited by pkmiller
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I personally think Clay does want radio play because he is competitive.. I do believe he has songs that will fit on AC radio and maybe even hot AC. But as far as I can tell no money has ever been spent in that direction or at least not that much.. Money can't buy a hit although it can take it to a certain point. I'm really curious about the information they gather from radio station listeners. Clay can be such a flashpoint - and I still really don't understand that at all. For ATDW it was a mistake IMO to choose a song that already had 2 versions in rotation on AC. I think he will get a foothold one of these days. But he needs the right song. Frankly I think the only way he'll break through is to do a duet with a radio darling. Let Clay ride on the back of somebody else. I know DJs will play whatever they are told to play but I'm not going the whole RCA is evil route. Maybe his audience was perceived as older so they went with other promotion. Seeing where his TV spots ran - and those aren't cheap I don't think - tells me a lot about what they think his audience is. I wonder how the "fact" that he has a predominantly female audience plays into radio at all. And what the hell is it about men and Clay. Yes I know he has male fans but for instance my brother has always liked Clay so I thought he would love to see him in concert finally - at Pala. And he's all like.>I don't want to be the only guy there. I'll wait to see what this concert series is all about and then I'll go to work on his wife...she's the boss anyway. heee.

I'm alive. .

ETA: I personally don't think AI is rigged, never have. I don't believe they were equipped to handle the onslaught but that's a different thing. They've made changes and improved the systems. Ruben on the other hand... he is in a totally different market and radio gave him a chance. The DJ on urban station love Big Rube as well. I think I cringe at the thought of Clay on pop radio for the stupid comments that will come out of the mouths of the DJS every time they play him. I would think AC is a different animal.

BTW< how tall is your brother PK. heee.

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Couch, my brother was the exact opposite when I asked him if he wanted to go to a concert. His exact words were "Hell yes, me in a room with hundreds of women, you bet!" haha And you know what? He loved the concert and wants to go to more! And this is coming from a "hard rock" guy. BTW, he's single, 51, and lives in Grand Prairie ladies. Cute too if I say so myself.

I also think Clay wants to be played on the radio...remember how excited he was during the DS interview when he heard Invisible on the radio?

Here's another thing that confuses me about Clay and radio. There is so much talk in the media about how Clay should have been the winner and how much better he has done than Ruben, that AI is rigged-just look at Clay and Ruben, etc., so everyone knows how great of a singer he is, but no one will play him on the radio. Doesn't make sense to me. I guess it is just one more thing that makes me go hmmmm.

Oh and just so you all know...I've been on the waiting list for that elite board for 3 years! :medium-smiley-070:

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so everyone knows how great of a singer he is, but no one will play him on the radio. Doesn't make sense to me. I guess it is just one more thing that makes me go hmmmm.

Just as Ashlee Simpson or Paris Hilton getting played on the radio make no sense to me either. I truly would love to hear Clay's glorious voice on my radio, but since it seems to me that (at least for top 40 anyway) image is much more important than actual talent. AC seems to be a different animal, but AC works sooooooooooooo slowly from what little I've seen.

This whole discussion gets into the whole business side...and that honestly is something I know nothing about, or very little at least. Or, maybe I should say -- I just don't care all that much any more. I used to be interested in it, but my time in the fandom has kind of soured me on it....because again, some people just KNEW exactly what was going on in the background. These people then, IMO, thought that everyone should know that "information" too.

I honestly don't know if Clay wants radio play or not. Honestly. Truly. And that's why I just can't get all worked up about it. If it happens -- fantastic. If it doesn't -- Clay's still gonna have a career.

Of course, though -- I'm one that believes to this day that HYCA would sound fantastic as a single on the radio, and still thinks that it might have a chance somewhere down the line.

But I've been known to talk out of my butt more than several times. I'm like that.

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Very interesting questions pkmiller. I will be very honest about this, it is hard to understand and I really don't know the answer because I am not in the industry...but I do have a theory...

The pods always point out that the label must want to make money so why won't the promote this to sell more. The answer is simple...the labels have other products to push that they feel will give them a bigger return for their investment. so if Clay sells without much promo...they are happy and satisfied with that and just earmark their dollars for products that need it or their high profile releases like JT, Christina or Avril.

As I said earlier...Clay's radio identity crisis makes it a hard for him on radio...he needs more promo dollars to create a hit. I think they have relized that the ATDW songs are not the best to get Clay a radiohit, so right now they are just cutting their losses...they may still push another single closer to the tour to help promote it, but I think they figure it would be too expensive to push a song to the top of the charts when the sales may not give them return for their investment.

eta: I have realized that right now the music industry is more concerned about great song and not just great voice. If you can find a good combination of voice and great song...that will be awesome. I think that was the combination they got with Kelly's Breakaway. BUT a great song does not really need a great voice ...and what makes a great song...or a hit radio song is not just the melody and lyrics but the rhythm and even just a fun hook and familiar style. I just think they haven't promoted the right song for Clay. Invisible was a good radio song. But TW, IWCY and Solitaire were not good choices IMO. from ATDW...WY as couchie said already have two very popular versions on radio rotation and I think ATD is just not AC enough. I actually think he has more chances with LNM, EIH, HYCA or BW. LAA...is another one that has potential to be a hit but I think its best format to get noticed is as part of a soundtrack.

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Oh and just so you all know...I've been on the waiting list for that elite board for 3 years!

This is going to sound pretty dumb but how does one know which is an "Elite" Board and which isn't? I guess I haven't followed the boards too much as I really don't have a clue as to the make-up of any board.

Is there a sooper secrit list somewhere? Hee Hee

I joined one board and found another one I liked and applied and became a member! No big deal, I thought it was that easy all over the fandom. Isn't it?

I must say that since I recently found a home here, I am really enjoying the spirit of this board. Great conversations...respecting everyone's viewpoint. very refreshing. Thanks

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Oh and just so you all know...I've been on the waiting list for that elite board for 3 years!

This is going to sound pretty dumb but how does one know which is an "Elite" Board and which isn't? I guess I haven't followed the boards too much as I really don't have a clue as to the make-up of any board.

Is there a sooper secrit list somewhere? Hee Hee

I joined one board and found another one I liked and applied and became a member! No big deal, I thought it was that easy all over the fandom. Isn't it?

I must say that since I recently found a home here, I am really enjoying the spirit of this board. Great conversations...respecting everyone's viewpoint. very refreshing. Thanks

merieeee, usually its as easy as that. I am a member of CV and CB...althoguth I don't really post there...and it was pretty straight forward. I think the problem is the board in question does not have the same entry policy for everyone. If it was easy for you...thats great, but I know that there are people that have been in the list for years and haven't gotten invited yet. I think this is why there is a perception that this board is being elitist, there is no clear policy in accepting members. I mean if its just a matter of first come first serve...then there wouldn't be a problem, but I don;t think that is the case here at all.

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I do think much of the battle that Clay faces is he is up against predominately male decision makers, who just do.not.get.it. Sure some of them will admit he has a good voice, but when it boils down to it, a lot of men don't care for guys who sing well. As a matter of fact, probably the rougher the voice the better for a lot of guys. Oh, and for guys, playing an instrument or writing music will give you a little more cred. I know this sounds like a big fat generalization, because it is. But look at the decision makers in the music industry.

-Record executives, producers, writers, management, it's probably 90% men. Yeah, they'll push the records of every tartlet that comes along, but it isn't enough that she has a great voice, they want to skank her up a bit to sell to young male segment. So it's okay if a female singer has a great voice and really it's okay in some cases if she doesn't.

-DJs and station PDs, I guess they play what is profitable for them to play, but still it's a mostly male dominated field. I think I could live with them not playing his music, if they'd just get off his case. You know these macho types they've gotta be cool and get their jabs in, and of course Clay can't be cool if most of his fans are blue haired old ladies. It seems they have a lot of fun yanking our chains though.

-Critics and entertainment writers, I'd guess 75% of them are men too. Call me crazy, but I think if you don't like a CD, you should still be able to write a review that isn't vicious and hateful that has little to do with the music or the artist's interpretation of it. Oh, and oddly enough I don't think a CD review needs to bring up tabloid rumors, but some of the good ole boys who wrote reviews just couldn't resist.

I guess the label tries to put together the promotion they think will work best for each artist. Clay's history with radio hasn't been good, so as Couchie said, they probably put minimal effort/dollars into radio, and more money into commercials. I also agree they targeted the stations they think that blue haired old ladies watch.

Forgive me for going on this little rant, I don't even listen to radio and I quit long before Clay came into my life. When we go on trips in the car, if the radio is on, it's either on talk radio or an oldies station. It still bugs me though, when I hear others talk about what is getting played, it doesn't make sense that Clay's songs wouldn't fit.

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I don't mean to sound all Pollyana here....but the reason why I don't stress out about his radio play and disappointing sales of ATDW...is that I just know that it will happen for Clay one day. He has an authentic and phenomenal talent and connection to his audience. Artists like him sometimes don't need a huge hit to be successful. He will always have an audience that will love him and follow him everywhere. He will also continue to grow his audience because that kind of talent will always find fans all over.

However...I also feel that he will get that hit cd...he will get to the next level. I really think that somehow he simply needs to find his true style...he needs to be free to create that music that comes from deep inside him...not necesarily written by him but music he collborated on. I think he needed to have these challenges in order for Clay to continue to grow artistically. Once he comes in touch with the music that comes from deep with in him I bet it will find its place in radio and he will get the accolades from the industry.

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I think all non-general boards are elitist in one way or another. Everyone thinks they have the best board or why would they post there? Many boards require approval to enter (some are troll issues, some are management issues) - some won't allow people to be invisible, but the software allows it (I like to post as invisible because of this weird thing where get real tired and fall asleep with the computer on and I don't want people to think that they can PM me and then I don't reply - this has happened in the past where someone thought I was ignoring them) - some insist you post or you can't belong, no lurkers allowed (I like to lurk to get a feel for a board "post style" and have been known to lurk for years before posting).

[Hee, I am looking at VH1 and an the ad, Klo really goes after Asshole! Go KLo!]

Hee - PD's can't believe them as far as you throw them - why not ask him what he means by they aren't bothering him about playing Clay - what does bothering him entail, pray tell daily e-mail or objet012.gif Now it would be interesting to hear what he responded!

I have seen pictures of Clay, he has never seen happier - I figure he knows and he is happy, why can't I be happy?


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I don't mean to sound all Pollyana here....but the reason why I don't stress out about his radio play and disappointing sales of ATDW...is that I just know that it will happen for Clay one day. He has an authentic and phenomenal talent and connection to his audience. Artists like him sometimes don't need a huge hit to be successful. He will always have an audience that will love him and follow him everywhere. He will also continue to grow his audience because that kind of talent will always find fans all over.

However...I also feel that he will get that hit cd...he will get to the next level. I really think that somehow he simply needs to find his true style...he needs to be free to create that music that comes from deep inside him...not necesarily written by him but music he collborated on. I think he needed to have these challenges in order for Clay to continue to grow artistically. Once he comes in touch with the music that comes from deep with in him I bet it will find its place in radio and he will get the accolades from the industry.

Ansa, I like your scenario

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I don't mean to sound all Pollyana here....but the reason why I don't stress out about his radio play and disappointing sales of ATDW...is that I just know that it will happen for Clay one day. He has an authentic and phenomenal talent and connection to his audience. Artists like him sometimes don't need a huge hit to be successful. He will always have an audience that will love him and follow him everywhere. He will also continue to grow his audience because that kind of talent will always find fans all over.

However...I also feel that he will get that hit cd...he will get to the next level. I really think that somehow he simply needs to find his true style...he needs to be free to create that music that comes from deep inside him...not necesarily written by him but music he collborated on. I think he needed to have these challenges in order for Clay to continue to grow artistically. Once he comes in touch with the music that comes from deep with in him I bet it will find its place in radio and he will get the accolades from the industry.

Ansa, I don't think this perspective is 'Pollyana' at all---since I share it, heh. I believe those 'tra-la-la' bolded parts. There just seems to be such...truth...in them.

And atinal, I think there's something to what you said about the predominately male-controlled music industry. I think Clay is still a long way from being considered 'cool' or 'manly' enough to be 'one of the guys'. Actually, if there's any justice in this world, Clay AIken will NEVER be one of the guys. He's so much more than that.

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I wonder how the "fact" that he has a predominantly female audience plays into radio at all. And what the hell is it about men and Clay. Yes I know he has male fans but for instance my brother has always liked Clay so I thought he would love to see him in concert finally - at Pala. And he's all like.>I don't want to be the only guy there. I'll wait to see what this concert series is all about and then I'll go to work on his wife...she's the boss anyway. heee.

I do think much of the battle that Clay faces is he is up against predominately male decision makers, who just do.not.get.it. Sure some of them will admit he has a good voice, but when it boils down to it, a lot of men don't care for guys who sing well. As a matter of fact, probably the rougher the voice the better for a lot of guys. Oh, and for guys, playing an instrument or writing music will give you a little more cred. I know this sounds like a big fat generalization, because it is. But look at the decision makers in the music industry.

-Record executives, producers, writers, management, it's probably 90% men. Yeah, they'll push the records of every tartlet that comes along, but it isn't enough that she has a great voice, they want to skank her up a bit to sell to young male segment. So it's okay if a female singer has a great voice and really it's okay in some cases if she doesn't.

-DJs and station PDs, I guess they play what is profitable for them to play, but still it's a mostly male dominated field. I think I could live with them not playing his music, if they'd just get off his case. You know these macho types they've gotta be cool and get their jabs in, and of course Clay can't be cool if most of his fans are blue haired old ladies. It seems they have a lot of fun yanking our chains though.

-Critics and entertainment writers, I'd guess 75% of them are men too. Call me crazy, but I think if you don't like a CD, you should still be able to write a review that isn't vicious and hateful that has little to do with the music or the artist's interpretation of it. Oh, and oddly enough I don't think a CD review needs to bring up tabloid rumors, but some of the good ole boys who wrote reviews just couldn't resist.

I guess the label tries to put together the promotion they think will work best for each artist. Clay's history with radio hasn't been good, so as Couchie said, they probably put minimal effort/dollars into radio, and more money into commercials. I also agree they targeted the stations they think that blue haired old ladies watch.

Forgive me for going on this little rant, I don't even listen to radio and I quit long before Clay came into my life. When we go on trips in the car, if the radio is on, it's either on talk radio or an oldies station. It still bugs me though, when I hear others talk about what is getting played, it doesn't make sense that Clay's songs wouldn't fit.

Wordy, McWord, you are smoking today!! I think is the bottom line. Most of Clay's fans really are women. He's working on it, but it's a challenge. I think ordinary guys would like him a lot more than the decision makers, those male decision makers, realize.

I also think that for whatever reason, he doesn't test well. In AC the test is familiarity, which is why most of what they play made it on another format first. And his people don't cultivate radio for whatever reason, in the sense of making whatever back door deals are made on behalf of some artists. They do make sure he makes it to the charts, again and again and again, but his songs never break that barrier into the Top 10 or 20. What you say about the songs is true, Ansa--"Back for More" would've made it on Top 40, I think, but it certainly isn't "a song for singers." How do you break a song for singers on the radio?

On the other hand, I think a lot of Clay's songs are as good as any we do hear--not all songs that make it are all that special, so I do think he's facing prejudices and unreasonable resistance. Pkmiller, your DJ said, "I don't mind him." Not I like him, just "I don't mind him." It's an uphill road.

But, like ldyjocelyn said, he's going to have a career, radio or no radio. Plenty of other respected artists have had the same issue, from Dave Matthews Band to the Grateful Dead.

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What the hell is a salad spinner. We've never used it but wonder if my mom would notice it's missing if I kinda sorta put it in my sister's garage sale box. Cleaning this kitchen from top to bottom has proven to be a lot of trouble. Does everybody have a whole bunch of kitchen crap they never use? Do you have an electic wok with missing cords? How many thermoses does one need? But yay I found my omelet pan. What a pain!

You guys are kicking butt. Atinal your post about the male dominated music business made as much sense as anything I read in 3 darn years. My mind was heading that way but would not have been able to express it. PK thanks for starting off this great convo.

I have tomorrow off. It's nice to work somewhere where the boss may just walk in and add another holiday to the schedule.

I think Clay is still a long way from being considered 'cool' or 'manly' enough to be 'one of the guys'. Actually, if there's any justice in this world, Clay AIken will NEVER be one of the guys. He's so much more than that.

Ah... that made me shcmoopie. I don't get schmoopie.

Play I have noticed a lot of the rules some boards set. I don't censor FCA links ..will pretty much put up anybody but I do like to be able to see if things are active. I mean if it's a dead board why add a link. But many times you have to register and be accepted. The Clellies turned me down. LOL. That seems pretty willy nilly since I have no problem with them. Anyway, I register everywhere but that's just so that once or twice a year when I cleaning things up I'll have access. But like you say, if you don't post, or if you don't visit you get dropped pretty fast. Quite the dilemma sometimes.

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I tried to catch up with all the posts today.... geez..... you spend one 18-hr period doing some things in RL ... and the board explodes on ya!! My eyes started to glaze over soon after that post which I totally agreed with, both she who said it (Claygasm) and she who put together this very pretty and eye-catchingly composed post agreeing with it (and the others who said poignant things)! (Clayzorback)

:ilovemypc::bravo:Claygasm :bravo:atinal :bravo:jmh123 :bravo: To all the wonderful articulate spot on posts. OMG. :andthetruth::nothingtoadd: Because I never thought I would see the day that my thoughts and feelings would be expressed and so eloquently. :clap::da_best:

I am a Clay fan, pure and simple. Fans buy records, go to concerts, sing along with the songs at the tops of their lungs (even when sober, definitely when you get a few drinks in them), collect memorabilia (spending waaaaay too much $$!), act fangirly at times with other fans, some even run fan websites just for the hell of it, and enjoy every minute (well maybe not every steeeenking minute...) of it.

I don't run Clay's life/career/fandom.

I so agree with the Buble fiasco last night.... was the feeble attempt at humor scripted?? One has to wonder. I thought I would enjoy hearing him sing, but I was wrong! I would love, Diva, to hear what *Ole Blue Eyes would say about Clay's rendition of Mack the Knife.

*I know that's what Sinatra was called, but I think I've heard Bennet called it as well.

Last night in between pausing my fave tv shows so as not to have to watch the commercials (I hates commercials, especially the drug-related ones!), I threw this little web page together that might just remind you just how HAWT Clay looked in the tuxedo, when he was dubbed "so hip, so cool." I think I have the technique down now!

It's a COLLECTION OF AMERICAN IDOL VIDEOS all together on one page. One-stop viewing!! I found a really good montage of the audition that I'd never seen before for the top of the page. Disclaimer: Not responsible for viewers staying up past their bedtimes!!


::did I mention I love Clay Aiken???::


Edited by cha cha trusty
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It's a COLLECTION OF AMERICAN IDOL VIDEOS all together on one page. One-stop viewing!! I found a really good montage of the audition that I'd never seen before for the top of the page. Disclaimer: Not responsible for viewers staying up past their bedtimes!!

It's probably a good thing I don't have youtube access at work - otherwise I'd be hunched over my monitor surreptiously and silently squeeeing over these videos all day long instead of working on my spreadsheets. I will definitely be hitting this page over the week-end, though.

Your site RAWKS, cha cha! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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y'know play you are absolutely right...lots of private boards out there, invitation only boards that don;t let you lurk and every board whatever the size has the right to establish their own set of rules by which the board is run. I think if the membership policies are pretty obvious then there is no problem IMO. Its up to each applicant to determine if its worth the price of admission.

so what's up with OFC...I'm still getting that strange site. HAs any credible explanation emerged yet???

I'm sure the Dallas people are pretty anxious.

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I honestly don't know if Clay wants radio play or not. Honestly. Truly. And that's why I just can't get all worked up about it. If it happens -- fantastic. If it doesn't -- Clay's still gonna have a career.

Of course, though -- I'm one that believes to this day that HYCA would sound fantastic as a single on the radio, and still thinks that it might have a chance somewhere down the line.

I think Clay would love to get radio play, just based on how excited he seems to have been hearing himself on the radio originally, and his comments since then. But if the payola in any way, shape or form depends on him, I can see him getting his back up about it and saying "no way". I would wager he doesn't agree with payola, and he can be a stubborn guy, even if he ends up shooting himself in the foot because of it. Of course, I know nothing, and could be way off base! Who the heck knows. But I don't think that his music isn't radio friendly. I think HYCA would fit right in on AC. I think The Way would have sounded lovely on AC or even Hot AC. I am not sure I agree about the men-dominated theory, either. Heck, Josh freaking Groban (who has a lovely voice but whose music I would consider 100x less radio friendly than Clay's) is all over the air waves. Makes no sense to me.

Elite boards........hmmmm. I would say the ones that do not allow people to register freely are considered "elite". Some have waiting lists, and some do not even post the rules for how a member is chosen, instead leaving it for people to wonder if they need to "know" someone to get in. Sometimes they insinuate that it is a first come, first served policy, but that can be easily disproven when there are people who have been waiting for 3 years to get in, but others have suddenly found themselves accepted after a few months. When I first discovered the boards in 2003, I registered at every one I visited. In hindsight, I guess that was a pretty good idea. :)

so what's up with OFC...I'm still getting that strange site. HAs any credible explanation emerged yet???

I have read the theory that it is a DNS issue, and perhaps TC or whoever is responsible didn't think to renew the domain name, which apparently expired yesterday. Depending on your ISP and how often they update their DNS server, you may or may not still be seeing the site. I guess we'll know for sure by later today if it disappears altogether.

Edited to WORD ldyjocelyn's post below.

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However...I also feel that he will get that hit cd...he will get to the next level. I really think that somehow he simply needs to find his true style...he needs to be free to create that music that comes from deep inside him...not necesarily written by him but music he collborated on. I think he needed to have these challenges in order for Clay to continue to grow artistically. Once he comes in touch with the music that comes from deep with in him I bet it will find its place in radio and he will get the accolades from the industry.

Two things about this, one that's gonna make me sound so very negative, one that I think doesn't:

1) Let's say he does find his "true style" with the next album (and he says it in a few interviews, so those of us without supra sekrit decoder rings will understand). What if it ISN'T a hit? I guess what I'm feeling is that his style may not EVER be the type that will truly fit in on radio. Now, getting a song to fit on radio has so much behind it, including atinal's wonderful list. So I just really wonder if I've come to simply see as a viewpoint that most don't share, that he may NEVER make it to radio at this point. Again, I do want it, and if Clay wants it, definitely. But I think the road is awfully long at this point. Stone me, I don't care.

2) "the music that come from deep inside him": I actually think ATDW was a good start in this regard. Sure, it sounds like he was not given many options of songs to record (I'm not using the "m" word, it's become a dirty word in my household), but I think he took what he was given and made the most of it by far. His artistic level went up by leaps and bounds to me -- especially with HYCA and BW.

Great -- the OFC doesn't work for me. I'm having nightmares now about the Dallas/Tulsa fiasco, and I can't even check with them to try and keep updated. play, I'm terrible about waiting for airfares and such -- I like to get things planned! It's just that in this case, a major screw up happened, and that makes me sick.

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Is there anything those who run the OFC do right????? Geez! I hope there were no presales scheduled for today!

I checked Ticketmaster this morning. Dallas is still not there. That makes me very, very nervous. It won't effect me as much as some because I haven't bought my airline ticket yet - plus I will fly Southwest where you can bank the full value of your ticket. I wait with airfares unless its to a destination that may sell-out or where there are few flights from here. I have spent enough time with the airlines to know nothing about them makes sense. If flights are cheap today, they'll be cheaper tomorrow, then more expensive, then cheap again. Hotels I'll book. They can always be canceled. But flights I don't get until I have tickets in hand. Then I'll start looking for good fares.

But it will really, really annoy me if Dallas is eliminated or changed. Especially since Clay told us that its only "O"fficial when its at the OFC. Tulsa isn't there. Dallas is.

Of course right now, there seems to be no OFC! <_<

Clay and radio. I may be in the minority but I don't think he needs radio in the same way other artists do. Clay is as much a TV personality (maybe more so) than a musical artist. His best and probably most effective means of promotion, IMO, is TV. When he makes the rounds of the talk shows he gets far more face time than the vast majority of singers who appear. Most sing - maybe get a few minutes of gab time. Clay gets couch time. Clay gets half a show turned over to him. Clay goes on shows as the only guest. Clay cohosts. Oh, and he also sings. Each one of those TV shows gets more viewers than the number of people listening to the radio at any one time.

This is not to say radio is useless to Clay. The repetitive nature of radio makes some songs into earworms, songs you can't get out of your head. Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes not. I think if a song becomes too ubiquitous it can turn you against the artist! I think radio is more important in markets like Top 40 than in other markets like AC or even Hot AC. AC tends to play songs after they are already hits. Turn on most AC stations and you hear very few new songs.

The trouble with Top 40 is everything seems to sound the same. I don't want Clay to sound like everyone else. It really doesn't matter to me if Clay ever gets radio play. I do listen to radio, but I mostly listen to a public radio station from the University of PA. They tend to play music no one else does. Sometimes those songs go on to become hits, but more times than not, they are indie artists and artists that can't be termed superstars but yet are very successful. I have discovered a lot of artists from listening to that station. I can't remember the last time I heard a song on regular radio that made me want to go out and buy it! There have been a some, but they are few and far between.

I have no worries about Clay's career. Unlike many artists, I don't think Clay started his career with a clear cut vision. He likes to sing. That's about as much as he knew. He is still evolving. He is young and will likely go through many incarnations in his career. But talent and charisma like his cannot be hidden. He will keep shining brightly for as long as he wants this. I have no worries about this. He may never be the biggest pop star on the planet as some want. He may not sell triple platinum ever again. He may never win a Grammy. But I will bet he will be around a long, long time, singing to us and making all our girly parts tingle.

There is not a doubt in my mind.


ETA: cha cha - I haven't had a chance to check out your latest page of goodies, but I will when I get home! I do want to thank you, though, for sharing your wonderful site with everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oh, and that link to the OFC you posted? It doesn't take me there!

Edited by Claygasm
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Even if your domain expires, it now has to go into a holding place until you ransom it - this happened to me - so no one else can just snap it up the day it expires.

I'm kinda done with the radio stuff - if it happens, it happens. I don't see conspiracy, I just don't see a really catchy song, and I doubt that pouring jillions of dollars into getting play is a good investment.

Just an ego thing any more, for some. It is a crapshoot anyway - like Mario Vasquez, great radio play, poor sales.

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