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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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I bow down to y'all's insightful posts!

The only other thing that occurs to me is that so much of the marketing/musical direction/label talk is not based on anything Clay has announced at all - it is just what someone thinks he SHOULD want.

Then they go rocketing off basing everything that they think is happening with what they think Clay wants - the whole exercise get real meaningless, real quick, except I guess it shows what those people would do if THEY were a "hot pop rock star" or somehow became in charge of one.

But picking apart, criticising, and running everything through a series of filters and sekrit decoder rings - and pronouncing his career wobbly (if not over) if what has been opined is not what really happens - that stuff is no longer about Clay.

"Distancing himself from A.I." - no all he said was that it is addictive, he is not watching - and this keeps the interview about Clay, not other A.I. folks.

He didn't say he wouldn't appear on it. I think it silly, given where he came from and the extreme popularity and pervasiveness of the show, to think there is any clever spinny thingy that will distance him from A.I.

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Here's an example of how people know Clay in the "not-just-us" sector:

I got this from my Paul McCartney group, where they were discussing

how Paul gives reasons for not wanting to be on AI by saying that he

doesn't agree with how "these young people get famous so quickly.

He said that he had to work his way up in clubs and that way is a better

foundation." Someone then argued that lots had done some work before

appearing on AI, and it didn't make a big difference if you win or not -

"Ruben who?"

Then someone said

Ruben faded into obscurity, but Kelly Clarkson is doing very well

for herself ... hasn't she won Grammies? Clay Aiken isn't doing badly

either. I understand Carrie Underwood is doing very well in country music,

and Jennifer Hudson (who didn't even win on American Idol) won an Oscar

for her performance in "Dreamgirls".

(bolding mine)

Sorry - I think I paraphrased all that badly...

Then another poster offered this:

when the Beatles started The Mersey Beat ran

a popular band poll weekly. The Beatles would buy or get copies and send in

votes for themselves because the top bands had a shot at a recording contract.

The Mersey Beat was an AI of sorts. The reviewers/writers would be like the

judges on AI. AI isn't that different from what bands have done or gone through

in the past; just digital with a much larger audience.

imagine that!!

(of course that's not how they got the contract, but it may be how Brian Epstein

heard about them!

Thanks for the concerns for my BIL, he is at home resting today. I hope he

takes it easy now (he is 74)!

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Thanks Miz trusty, I don't belong to another fandom, so I would not see things like that. Still Like Paul though.

I admit to talking about my business knowledge - I was a self employed consultant for many profitable years and worked in more jobs than your average person for times ranging from 2 weeks to 8 years (I am thinking it is probably somewhere near 60-70 jobs, not to mention ones where I would go in for one day for just genericl advice) - you might say I have gotten around - add to taht the weird hours I would work, many times at night and the various people high ranking I would need to interview to desing or fix their systems, finally add to it, that I believed that consultants had to stay to themselves a lot (not in the jobs I had for years, but you know) and being very approachable meant that people told me things - most of which I keep to myself. Oddly enough these tidbits of information are now applicable to what we see in this fandom - there was the head of the legal department who took me out for drinks after working late and ended up ranting about how they underpay royalties as a regular part of business or the general increase in incompetence that I witnessed in executive decisions over the last 10 years. As executive compensation increased the intelligence of the leaders seemed to decrease. I also have some information about the music business, but, hey, no one cares about that.

What I am saying is that I would never try and tell Clay how to run his business, what to record or where to tour. It is his career and is more important to him tahn it is to me - so go to it, fella! As to all the others offering him advice - why not offer it to other idols and see how successful they are if they follow it?

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littlec of CV put together this list showing the order of the Gala auction items, which should be helpful in sorting out the Clack.

1-Lake Toxaway Vacation

2-Invisible Framed Sheet Music

3-Proud of You Boy Sheet Music

4-Wango Tango Shirt

5-Framed LTS

6-Framed "Lover All Alone" sheet music

7-Grammy Jacket, signed by Clay, Foster, and Groben

8-Tickets, backstage pass and hotel for the Skating special

9-Ring and Necklace

10-Dinner with Clay

ETA: Corrected the order of the LAA sheet music and the Grammy jacket... Thanks, luckiest1.

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Here are my grainy, not so great gala photos. But hey, what the heck, how often do I have the opportunity to do this stuff? ;) Anyways, they go in reverse order, so the jacket did indeed come after the LAL lyrics.











And here are the rest:





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Oh dear! Clay is apparently going to be in 2 places at one time.

According to THIS, he'll be in Tulsa on July 7th!


Dallas has been announced forever! They wouldn't change it now, would they????

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Curious on your thoughts about distancing himself from AI. Remember this isn't the first time he tried to do that...and it kinda backfired on him last time because he got a little bit of the who does he think he is stuff...but he was never overt about it and he always stayed involved so he never got the Kelly criticism.

Maybe its those half open eyes of mine, but I didn't read what he said as distancing himself from AI - not in the way Kelly did. All he was talking about was not watching the TV show. I thought he was actually complimenting the show by saying how addictive it was. That to me is not the same as distancing himself from his involvement with AI. He didn't say something like he doesn't watch it anymore because he has moved beyond AI in his career and has no place for it. All he said is for the very first time he is not watching the show because it becomes so addictive it leaves little time for the other things in his life. I see no distancing there and I still think if he were asked he would go on AI. They announced last night that Kelly would be performing on the "Idol Gives Back" program. IMO there is no doubt if Clay were asked and he could fit it into his schedule he would too. I think he would perform anytime if he were asked. (Can you imagine if he were on AI looking like he did at the Gala!! That would wake a few people up!) He just decided that this year he wouldn't watch the show. I honestly do not think it means anymore than that.

I think AI is sort of like high school to him. The first few years you're out you try and stay connected by keeping tabs on what's going on there, but after awhile you just stop doing that. Doesn't mean you won't turn up at the reunion, though.

Word to this. He said he wasn't watching this year, not that he was distancing himself from the show. I really hope he is involved with the "Idol Gives Back" show--and that they include footage of Mr. Ambassador at work. IMO, they'd be stupid not to, as he is the most visible Idol alum when it comes to charity and specifically to Africa.

YOu know I can sorta understand that people enjoy their fandoms in different ways. I know that the first concert I went to I had my camera and yet found it so distracted me I put it down after the first song never to pick one up again. Some people enjoy the experience much more living through the eye of the camera. And there are so many other examples. I do find it oppresive that everytiing these days is put throught eyes of marketing especially when it seems like a textbook exercise. Every time I read what someone woud do my first thought wuold be, but how would you do that as you have zero connections and in this business it's your bread and butter. Plus, sorry but this business is soooooooooooooooo different from anything else. So I read some things but after awhile my eyes glaze over. I felt the same way about the long missives regarding the recording industry and why CLay would do this or that. There was much more of that in 2005 and none of that panned out. Some of it was interesting but again, textbook, with no human element coming in to play. But whatever, I'm sure when I used to be a postho about whatever I used to be a postho about and I was a postho - people got sick of me too. LOL.

ETA: I am amused though that a person deemed not to know what they are doing has had multiple success seemingly, with Clay and her other charities. I thought the MoaM album release parties were also a great example of fan generated success. So many more local stories the first time around - a product of his hotness at that time, but just a lot of excited people who didn't know what they were doing that just struck a chord. I hope all that good press is saved and archived somewhere.

When I think about the gnats I know there are a lot of angry people about how that was handled. I just can't be because there is a human being in the middle of it all. Clay. He had a tough road to hoe, and I feel it will always be lumpy because of the concerted effort/hatemongers and the fandom reaction always in this tug of war so a light will be shined on it. IT's really easy to say..well they should have done this or that when the collective we couldn't really do our part by not reacting, not engaging. We did some positive things with the blogs after awhile yet the face to face combat continued. Maybe some of it worked..I don't really know anything about that one guy's site that use to engage the crazies. I believe and who knows if it is true that if Clay had taken the road of responding to everything he would have to issue a weekly press release for the rest of his life. You can try to throw out the good press -- but Clay had done plenty of good things during that year and stories were out there just not picked up. Who cares about UNICEF when there is smut to publish. He definitely went through the fire.

Just WORD!!

I bow down to y'all's insightful posts!

The only other thing that occurs to me is that so much of the marketing/musical direction/label talk is not based on anything Clay has announced at all - it is just what someone thinks he SHOULD want.

Then they go rocketing off basing everything that they think is happening with what they think Clay wants - the whole exercise get real meaningless, real quick, except I guess it shows what those people would do if THEY were a "hot pop rock star" or somehow became in charge of one.

But picking apart, criticising, and running everything through a series of filters and sekrit decoder rings - and pronouncing his career wobbly (if not over) if what has been opined is not what really happens - that stuff is no longer about Clay.

This is what frustrates me as well. Expectations are created by people who are only speculating (based on no true knowledge of the music industry) for what, for example, Clay's promotion should be, or what the timetable should be, or whatever, and then when those expectations are not met, someone has to be blamed for it. It was just fan speculation in the first place!!

It's kind of like planting the idea that Clay hates ATDW, and watching that take on a life of its own. :fca:

But what's really important is that in a few months, it'll be :TourExcite:

Edited by jmh123
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Oh dear! Clay is apparently going to be in 2 places at one time.

According to THIS, he'll be in Tulsa on July 7th!


Dallas has been announced forever! They wouldn't change it now, would they????




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"Distancing himself from A.I." - no all he said was that it is addictive, he is not watching - and this keeps the interview about Clay, not other A.I. folks.

He didn't say he wouldn't appear on it. I think it silly, given where he came from and the extreme popularity and pervasiveness of the show, to think there is any clever spinny thingy that will distance him from A.I.

You know you're right. It's so funny...I even read that the wrong way. And if he appears on the show...bwah, he'll be called a liar in some circles. And yeah, I know I would get sick of talking about each year's supply of idols.

So have we not inundated Dallas and Syracuse yet with demands for the right dates. I hope Dallas is still on because I'm sure a lot of plans have already been made based on two concerts in Texas!! See above emoticons!!

See you guys tomorrow... yesterday was cholestoral..tonight's class is diabetes. Tomorrow exercise. heee

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Oh dear! Clay is apparently going to be in 2 places at one time.

According to THIS, he'll be in Tulsa on July 7th!


Dallas has been announced forever! They wouldn't change it now, would they????




Well, this won't make you any happier - or me either! I found this at CV:

From RedHeadMiss at the CB:

Just spoke with Nokia and Tulsa. Tulsa says their date is correct and Dallas says their date is not confirmed yet. Great I have friends flying in for that date.


I thought once it was on the OFC it was "O"fficial???

Ansa....I love you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :allgood: I fawn in reference to your post elsewhere, defending the fan's press release that resulted in more press for the gala and Clay.


I saw that to and to Ms. Ansa I say BRAVO!!!!! :bravo:

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Ansa....I love you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :allgood: I fawn in reference to your post elsewhere, defending the fan's press release that resulted in more press for the gala and Clay.


I must agree with Ms. Muski. What was the "horrendous" act she committed in the past? I am so clueless when it comes to fan matters. I am thrilled that Clay is finally being recognized for his good works as well as his talent.

I wish I was walking with you two , couch and musk !!! I did walk around the Tidal Basin yesterday to admire the cherry blossoms. Come to DC anytime, FCA'ers!

Does Clay have a body double who is gonna take on the Tulsa and the Dallas dates simultaneously with Clay? Will he lip sync? Will this be a case of Milla Clanilli- or more to the point- just plain Claymydia? That's what I call my fandom at any rate.


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Not sure what this mean (but it doesn't sound good!). I emailed the Nokia and asked if they could confirm that Clay was going to be there on April 7th because we were getting conflicting information.

This was her very prompt answer:

So are we - we have him currently confirmed for 7/7, but also there is a

lot of TBD at the moment. I am not sure if the Clay Aiken tour knows


So they're getting conflicting information also????


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OMG...now Couchie's getting into the front lines! :Tour3: Dare I join them?

nah...gonna sit this one out since I can't even remember what the freakin' press release said. :medium-smiley-070:

But carry on, girlfriends... :rainbowsmile:

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Not sure what this mean (but it doesn't sound good!). I emailed the Nokia and asked if they could confirm that Clay was going to be there on April 7th because we were getting conflicting information.

This was her very prompt answer:

So are we - we have him currently confirmed for 7/7, but also there is a

lot of TBD at the moment. I am not sure if the Clay Aiken tour knows


So they're getting conflicting information also????


Dallas in the afternoon and Tulsa at night????????????



But I'll be in VA, so thankfully, not involved. Hope it gets sorted out!!

btw - I've updated the TOUR SCHEDULE page.......


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Clay Aiken calls 'American Idol' "a drug," planning to return to studio

By Christopher Rocchio, 04/03/2007

Clay Aiken is trying to kick the American Idol habit.


"I feel like Idol is a drug of some kind," Aiken told People magazine in an interview published Tuesday. "Like you think you can't live without it until you finally do, and then you realize, 'You know what? Life is fine without this show. I'm gonna be okay.' Not that I've done drugs!"

Kicking the habit can be tough, especially when you've been riding the Idol high for as many years as Aiken.

"[idol 6] is the first year I haven't watched it... Not one time. And I've done it on purpose. just don't want to. Too much stress for me. I don't know, I just always get stressed out when I watch it," Aiken told People, explaining that once he gets a taste for it he simply craves more. "I realized if I watched the first [episode], I'd probably not sleep until the next week and I watched the second one. And I just like not having that chain in my life that I'm tied down to watching it every week."

Since he was the runner-up on Idol's second season, Aiken has been busy with his music career, so it's a bit surprising he's had any time to watch previous seasons of the Fox mega-hit that made him a household name. He's released three albums with the most recent, "A Thousand Different Ways," being released last September. Howevver ten of his most recent album's 14 tracks were cover songs, making Aiken eager to return to the studio following a tour this summer.

"We're actually looking into making another album pretty soon," he told People. "This time we're going to do something more creative. And so I'm excited about that, 'cause I'm looking forward to having a little more free reign than I've had in the past. Each time I've done an album, I've had a little more creative control over what happens."

In addition to the millions of Americans who voted for him during his time on Idol in the spring of 2003, Aiken attributed his success to God and aims to give back through various philanthropic efforts. He was recently at the Champions of Change gala held in his hometown of Raleigh, NC to benefit his Bubel/Aiken Foundation for children with disabilities.

"Find something that you are passionate about that gives back to your community," Aiken told People. "I think there's a misconception that really upsets me when people say, 'If you're in the public eye you have an obligation to let me know when you're getting married, who you're getting married to and who you're dating.' That's bull. But you do have an obligation to be a role model. From the beginning, I realize I got this only because God wanted me to be here. I think anybody who has any microphone to use who doesn't use it for the benefit of those around him is remiss."

I admit that when I first read this, I scanned it briefly and the bolded parts stuck out to me as a subtlle diss to AI. Thinly veiled using a drug analogy. I don't recall Clay ever saying anything even remotely negative, even in jest, about this show. Until I read these last two articles. This one and the People one. I didn't find Clay pimping AI at all, as he usually does. Usually he is giving the show some kind of props.

He didn't watch it this year, on purpose. He discovered his life is fine without AI. He no longer wants that chain around his neck. I got the impression he was asking his fans, and others, to watch Jericho and turn Idol off. LOL So that is how I came to the impression that he was starting to distance himself from the show. I've always felt he had some contractual obligation to AI, through his 19R contract, to be their pimp. Maybe his 19R contract is about up and he no longer has to be used to pimp their show and up their ratings for them. Now that is not to say that I think he is not with, or will continue to be with RCA. After reading the People interview, I have no doubt that he is still with RCA and his next cd will be with them. However I could be all whacko and have contracted that dreaded secret decoder disease. :drugsneeded: If so I hope there is a cure. :cryingwlaughter: But that was my initial reaction to reading all of this.

I am a little confused. Who owns the EddieTheDawg blog/wesite? Is she the one who the freelance reporter talked to about interviewing Clay? The freelance reporter did this as a result of reading this person's press release she sent out about the BA/F Gala? Do I have this right? First I will say that this press release was much better written than the one for the last cd release party. I don't know who wrote the press release for the 1st cd release party but it got much more attention than the last one. I'm glad this press release had a positive result for Clay. Chances are good that most of the time fan involvement will not end in a good way for Clay. I still think that fans should not be doing press releases, contacting business', or anything else that can be construed as acting on behalf of Clay. He has paid professionals to do that sort of thing. That is JMO. Now I am in no way trying to put down anyone in particular. I'm speaking in generalities. I realize she talked with Aron and got permission.

luckiest1, thanks for sharing your pictures. I am green with envy.

Some very nice posts and a lot of common sense. It is so refreshing. So much stuff I agree with. I particularly enjoyed reading djs's post. Ansamcw good job. *g* :fca:

Well one of the dates is wrong and I hope they get it cleared up before the presale for Dallas. I want to go to Oklahoma because it is a mere 2 hours away from me. Well, at least we know it is confirmed that he is going to be at The Brady Theatre in Tulsa. WooHoo :allgood:

ETA: Edited to take out names.

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I've always felt he had some contractual obligation to AI, through his 19R contract, to be their pimp. Maybe his 19R contract is about up and he no longer has to be used to pimp their show and up their ratings for them. Now that is not to say that I think he is not with, or will continue to be with RCA. After reading the People interview, I have no doubt that he is still with RCA and his next cd will be with them. However I could be all whacko and have contracted that dreaded secret decoder disease. :drugsneeded: If so I hope there is a cure. :cryingwlaughter: But that was my initial reaction to reading all of this.

I've always simply believed that Clay Aiken "pimped" AI for two reasons: 1) he knows that this show is how he got to be famous. He knows that if Diane Bubel hadn't badgered him to go on the show, that he'd have no foundation, because of his resultant fame that came from the show. He knows that he pretty much owes much of where he is now to AI. JMO. 2) I also think that the MEDIA likes going to Clay and finding out his opinions on AI. He's a good "talker," and he has a good head on his shoulders for things like this. Again, just my opinion, but I truly think these are the only two reasons why he talks about AI so much. Clayzorback, I do agree with you though about RCA -- it sure sounded like he's going to be with them again next time to me too.

Well one of the dates is wrong and I hope they get it cleared up before the presale for Dallas. I want to go to Oklahoma because it is a mere 2 hours away from me. Well, at least we know it is confirmed that he is going to be at The Brady Theatre in Tulsa. WooHoo :allgood:

I hope they get it figured out soon too -- I've got plane tickets already and I'll be pissed if I have to change them for any reason. Even Clay.

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If this violates the TOS - please delete - I know we are not supposed to name someone, but these people have been discussed on many boards for this stuff.

The crime this woman committed previously - I remember, or was reminded by a little birdie

1. This is the lambikin person. Now I am very reluctant viewing the selling of stuff for BAF unless I know the person involved - hence asking for an accounting from the blinkie lady who was collecting money hand over fist, including additional donations to buy other blinkies - yet found to be travleling to see every concert (leaving her child and husband behind and getting broker seats close up) purportedly for selling more blinkies - can't trust other folks, you know. Back to lambikin - it was not the prettiest toy that she was selling to raise money for BAF - now a lot of people sell things for BAF - I just always question how you know the money goes there, as anyone who joined here can testify to, I have questioned people on e-bay as well because I am just leery of non-bonded people I don't know collecting money. So I guess I am pretty judgemental myself - mea culpa.

2. She formed a charity web site based on Gregory's diabetes - apparently with the blessings of the family - this brings her into contact with Elliot as well. So now she has several accepting connections - she has raised and donated money to BAF, she has raised and donated money for Juvenile Diabetes. She has put out press releases before and I have been smacked down for quoting one, myself, not by a mod, but by other posters acting as "post" judges.

On some sites, you can quote any damn blog you want (well, not all, I have learned from quoting the wrong blogs, but a lot of them), but if a fan puts out a press release, with one rather glaring exception, you better not quote it - of course it is a matter of judgement because the press release may mention Clay as an aside.

Edited cause no one really carees about Clique anymore. Remember when that was the fans biggest problem - hee.

If the press release was approved by BAF - than in my opinion - which holds Oh so much weight, it is no longer a fan press release, just a fan instigated one.

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I don't know (or really care) what caused Clay to stop watching AI this year, but I think he made the right decision. I was nodding off about 10 minutes into last night's show. Worst cast ever! <Comic Book Guy Voice>

Still not gonna watch Jericho, though... ;)

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I don't know (or really care) what caused Clay to stop watching AI this year, but I think he made the right decision. I was nodding off about 10 minutes into last night's show. Worst cast ever! <Comic Book Guy Voice>

Still not gonna watch Jericho, though... ;)

Actually with SATtv I get Jericho at different times on Wednesday night...its real main competition for me is ANTM...but although I have watched it from the beginning...I don't really get why Clay is so in love with it. I kinda like it cos it reminds me of The Stand...just not that intense...

BTW..there is nothing wrong with identifying fans that have done good for Clay and BAF. I think that is part of celebrating Clay and this fandom...to give focus on the positives that people do. So if Raleightravelor is the one responsible for the six degrees badge and this press release that got Clay the people interview...then props to her!!! :allgood::allgood:

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