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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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And I'm not really a fedora fan, so why is THIS gif in my photobucket account?


Probably the same reason I have this one in my photobucket account.


Speaking of fedoras. I'm, not usually a fan either, but I was looking through my JBT pictures and found this one. Its one of my favorites of any of the pictures I ever took.


And I like this one because he just looks like he id having so much fun!


Ah, good times - and more are coming very soon! :Tour3:

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I think my thuds were at their thudliest for Martha. Good Golly, this man showed off some seriously sexy stuff right in front of Mama and Granny! His eyes were broadcasting carnal knowledge that afternoon -- and I like it. I like it a lot.









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I think my thuds were at their thudliest for Martha. Good Golly, this man showed off some seriously sexy stuff right in front of Mama and Granny! His eyes were broadcasting carnal knowledge that afternoon -- and I like it. I like it a lot.


Whoa bay-bee. I had forgotten the smokin' hawtness that was ATD on Martha until y'all brought it up today. If Grannie's pineapple salad brings on this reaction, perhaps we need to slip an extra page into the Summer Tour rider requesting that the venues stock the star's dressing room a generous supply of canned pineapple and sleeves of Ritz crackers.


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OH look at all that pretty. I spent this gorgeous day at the Asian Art museum with Roseviolet. It was a good day. Now I'm babysitting.... and my nephew just made a concoction he called a special secret formula... I swear I just took my eye off him for a minute. Sigh.Props to all you mothers out there. Don't know how you do it. I don't care if he's Einstein, that crap was nasty looking.

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OH look at all that pretty. I spent this gorgeous day at the Asian Art museum with Roseviolet. It was a good day. Now I'm babysitting.... and my nephew just made a concoction he called a special secret formula... I swear I just took my eye off him for a minute. Sigh.Props to all you mothers out there. Don't know how you do it. I don't care if he's Einstein, that crap was nasty looking.

So much fun! But, boy, now I feel like I was run over by a truck. It didn't seem like we were there for 5 hours. Whew!

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Dear Lord. Those gifs are killing me. Do you all remember how much we used to spend analyzing such pictures? Diva, I have a theory that at least in the beginning - those first couple of tours in 2004 - that he was slightly or more than slightly aroused most of the time when performing. :)

Muski and I were at that RI concert, where he was sitting on the stool, but unfortunately completely unaware of how much fun he and Angela were having until we watched the Clack. What a moment!

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Heh, I never got off today - I guess that is a problem when you have endless time - you have no deadlines - when it started to get dark, I knew it was too late to leave for the beach. Must.get.off.early.tomorrow.

So I wasted some time ranting at the OFC - what the heck, I paid for it and I never go. The people who believe will like it, the people who don't will hate me - cest la vie.

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Heh, I never got off today - I guess that is a problem when you have endless time - you have no deadlines - when it started to get dark, I knew it was too late to leave for the beach. Must.get.off.early.tomorrow.

Where the hell is muski? I can't believe she hasn't touched that smut. ;)

So I wasted some time ranting at the OFC - what the heck, I paid for it and I never go. The people who believe will like it, the people who don't will hate me - cest la vie.

I went over and checked it out, and was tempted to jump into the conversation, WORD you, and put in my own $0.02 but I restrained myself. It's pretty pointless to argue the respect issue with someone who has publicly stated that they don't respect "Aiken".....

I guess, since it looks to be another slow day on the boards, that I should get my butt in gear and go out and cut my back lawn. Hey, at least the sun is shining for a change! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I came to ldyjocelyn’s question about twenty minutes ago. It literally took me that long to drool all over scroll down through all these pictures. You guys are killing me.

Now I'm really confused. OK, so this guy posts his blog, with the picture from the AMA's with Clay and Tori, with the comment he did. People got pissed (not around here) and started posting crap on the comments section.

It wasn’t a blog. It was a detailed feature of an upcoming event in an online newspaper for the Dallas area. The guy saw an easy shot and he took it. Despite what he said…that the paper always snarks on upcoming acts, I looked through past entries and didn’t see any smart ass comments under any other artists pictures. I agree with bottlecap that trying to argue with the people who print such stuff is a waste of time.

I read through most of the comments and didn’t see any crap or hate…so I’m not sure what Mike is talking about. The paper took a fun upcoming event and spit out the side of their mouth at it. People just voiced displeasure at seeing yet another ‘prerequisite’ slam on Clay Aiken. At least that’s all I saw.

Mike Orren the guy who runs the site closed the comments after only about thirty or so entries…six of which were from the staff. What a wimp….and very typical. They can dish it out but can’t any criticism for it.

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It wasn’t a blog. It was a detailed feature of an upcoming event in an online newspaper for the Dallas area. The guy saw an easy shot and he took it. Despite what he said…that the paper always snarks on upcoming acts, I looked through past entries and didn’t see any smart ass comments under any other artists pictures. I agree with bottlecap that trying to argue with the people who print such stuff is a waste of time.

I read through most of the comments and didn’t see any crap or hate…so I’m not sure what Mike is talking about. The paper took a fun upcoming event and spit out the side of their mouth at it. People just voiced displeasure at seeing yet another ‘prerequisite’ slam on Clay Aiken. At least that’s all I saw.

Mike Orren the guy who runs the site closed the comments after only about thirty or so entries…six of which were from the staff. What a wimp….and very typical. They can dish it out but can’t any criticism for it.

Maybe I'm just an insensitive bitch, but I didn't see any "slam". As I said when I brought that article over here, I thought it was funny! I just saw it as snarky humor (and they used a good picture). And maybe I am naive, but I also believe that except for - with all due respect - over senstive Clay fans, no one reading the article would see it as a slam. And those fans always seem to make matters worse by jumping to the defense of poor defenseless Clay.

While it is understandable that some of Clay's fans are over-sensitive and always waiting for the next slam to fall, I think sometimes they read something into articles or mentions that isn't there. I think some need to redevelop their senses of humor and stop dissecting every mention that isn't all about how wonderful and perfect Clay is until they find something they can interpret as a slam. IMO I think that is what was done here. I thought when I first read it - and still do - that it was just snarky humor and not a slam and that many in the Clay Nation jumped to Clay's defense when no defense was needed.

But then again, as I said, maybe I am just an insensitive bitch. Or maybe I just don't think everyone is out to get Clay.

ETA: Who is the 10-year old boy with the dog in this camera phone icture from LaGuardia??


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Heh,m I am packed - really 0 it was the cookingthat slowed me yesterday and the phone calls -

The topic I posted in was the one about fixzingthe board to show respect to each other, some had added showing respect to Clay. I found some of the postes very amusing because ofthe posters and I went off into a rant about people abnd agendas. -

On an interesting note - I must have really been in a mood, I went into a a rant on someone else's second home board here about fans and ATDW and got an interesting reply. I was rtanting about Amazon reviews by fans that said Clay being forced to do this album but your should really buy it anyway and got a comment from a Bo fan about how much they thought it helped sales for Bo fans to go to every board saying that Bo was forced to record the album he did, and even though he got some material he wrote on it and he kept saying how proud he was of it, these fans insisited he hated it, but you should buy it anyway. Similar sales, interesting, no?

Then I jumped in a thread about Clay's new album coming out and wondering what label it was and you know I could not resist to mention that RCA still features Clay and updated his information and the album will be out 'soon' - duh?????

ETA - Hey, Claygasm, I find you insensitive sometimes, and I am sure you find me that same way - think it might be because of the attitude that Clay is not the center of the universe?

He is cute though.

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Claygasm Having spent time with you, I most certainly don't think you're an insensitive bitch. I did, however, find the picture and heading of Clay with Tori to be both a little funny and a typical Clay slam. It's the kind of thing we see and hear all of the time - kind of like racial slurs and gay jokes that people get desensitized to because they become culturally acceptable (I think Clay slams are now both culturally expected and acceptable). I think it was unnecessary and unwelcoming of this Mike guy, even if it was an attempt at humor. It was humor at Clay's expense.

No doubt some of Clay's fans can be overly sensitive about that stuff and defensive, but perhaps with good reason. He and we have endured a lot of crap over the years. I just wish the fans would do what Clay does and smile and ignore it, because their reactions don't do anyone, including Clay, any good.

Just my two cents.

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Right, Totally, and I also think that bad comedians always go for the easy , lazy joke. No imagination. Barry Manilow used to get it all the time- as he laughed all the way to the bank- as did Liberace- the inventor of that phrase!

Keep laughing, Clay! You are a winner!

I do hate the idea of culturally accepted slams though of anyone. :TourExcite:

Off to bird and later on watch my belly dancer friends perform. I'm thinking about taking it up. Wish we could all do it together! Definitely going with an African dance class this summer- my favorite.

Edited by Divayenta
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No doubt some of Clay's fans can be overly sensitive about that stuff and defensive, but perhaps with good reason. He and we have endured a lot of crap over the years. I just wish the fans would do what Clay does and smile and ignore it, because their reactions don't do anyone, including Clay, any good.

Just my two cents.

Yes I wish they would just announce that Clay is coming to town without throwing in an extra dig. I remember getting a particular so-called concert announcement in a respectable newspaper for Clay's Xmas concert last year. But unfortunately, I have received more google alerts from writers, who have all the power in this situation, who turn around and write full columns about Clay's stupid fans because they insist on "defending" Clay at every turn. Or receiving alerts just form the comments sections of papers becuase Clay fans and the haters have converged to battle it out once again. At some point, you have to take a long look at what you're doing and wonder if there is a better way. Perhaps just responding positively to the fact that Clay is coming to town and how excited you are -- hundreds of those, rather than engaging with the writing staff and then people who agree with them -- is at least worth a try. Or at least, be a bit more circumspect and write someone in a higher up position than the person who wrote the crap in the first place. A private email or letter to that person might work better.


ETA so I just went to read my google alerts for today and her's an example of what I mean..this was the alert:

Comment by Kaonashi on TV Review: American Idol 6 - "Idol Gives Back"

... are so tired of the lame jokes, etc. about Clay. That's what's truly amazing about you Claymates. You think you're the only fan base on the planet that cares about their favorite. You think that everybody has it out for Aiken. ...

Blogcritics Comments - http://blogcritics.org/

Don't even have to click the link to undestand that we have once again converged on some site in mass, mostly stes that nobody gives a damn about and would never go to, and now I've got to get google alerts about the Claymates. Just hope nobody wrote that Clay wasn't invited to IGB and AI hates Clay..slaps own self, but of course they did. And now we know Clay had plans clear across the country.I won't even click on this link.

Oh god, I looked..and the first thing I read was a dressing down of Fantasia for listening to Clive and now she has two awful CDs. I beg to differ - Fantasia's first CD was kick ass. Looks like a little idol war going on... click out.

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I truly feel that some parts of this fandom thrive on unhappiness. In Clay's life lately there have been so many wonderful things---his UNICEF trip to Afghanistan, the amazing fundraising and answer to his challenge, his very prestigious award for children's advocacy, his CD going gold, a summer tour announced to showcase his uniquely beautiful voice and uniquely engaging presence---with a freaking symphony, no less!---fun and funny and serious and impressive television appearances...just...so...much....beauty from the man....

Yet, some fans fill their time seeking unpleasantness, which they will surely find as there is plenty of it in this world and maybe an inordinate amount targeting this particular young man.

Hopefully, Clay himself is doing once again what he says---he's walking his talk and taking his life back and enjoying it. I only wish his fans could be so wise.

Me? Watched my daughter kick butt on the softball field on a beautiful day, went shopping with my teenager and laughed a lot, went to bed early with my hubby. Today---got a latte, turned KFOG's "Acoustin Sunrise" hour of uninterrupted, 'unplugged' music up on the stereo and am now going to peruse the fat-assed Sunday newspaper before planting those flowers that have been patiently waiting for me to give them a permanent home and then gonna watch my older daughter kick ass on the indoor soccer field in the semi-(and most likely final) championship game(s)!

Life CAN be good if you look for the good. I don't always remember that, but sometimes(as my wonderful grandmother used to say) I "go around my ass" to get to my elbow in order to avoid see all the good stuff!

Muski Sermon over for the day, folks! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :allgood:

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ETA - Hey, Claygasm, I find you insensitive sometimes, and I am sure you find me that same way - think it might be because of the attitude that Clay is not the center of the universe?

He is cute though.

Play, I never find you insensitive. A little nuts sometimes, but aren't we all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Maybe I'm not so much insensitive as just plain stupid because I swear I don't see where the slam was in that caption! I just didn't! I just thought it was funny!

Oh well, if I am stupid and just missed it I'm happier being stupid so I don't think in this instance I will try and become educated. I figure if I didn't see the slam part the first time, I am not going to go looking for it!

Sometimes it is hard to see good or happiness in life. Some times are harder than others. I choose to concentrate on the good parts of being a Clay fan - all the joy he gives me and all the fun and friendships being a part of this fandom have sent my way. I have my own problems to deal with. I refuse to take on Clay's too.

Besides, he seems to do a pretty damn good job of handling that himself!

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A couple of reports re: Clay at Faye's dancing competition in Raleigh...See? He's just doing...stuff...and having fun!

I just got a call from a friend in Raleigh. Clay was at the Southern Women's show where Faye was in the dancing competition. He was sitting in the front behind the judges. No one knew he was there until Faye danced. Alison Laurence was the emcee and announced he was there. He was surrounded by security, and was wearing khaki shorts, white t-shirt with a light green design, tennis shoes, no bangs, no stubble. Faye danced to Clay's song, Perfect Day. She got all "9"s. Clay stood up and clapped for her.




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Yet, some fans fill their time seeking unpleasantness, which they will surely find as there is plenty of it in this world and maybe an inordinate amount targeting this particular young man.

Hopefully, Clay himself is doing once again what he says---he's walking his talk and taking his life back and enjoying it. I only wish his fans could be so wise.

I'll agree that the caption on that photo was a little diss, but I still chuckled. Sometimes I can't help myself. For me the real insult are the fans who haul out the recrimination handbook and start admonishing the transgressors. It just doesn't sit well with me at all. If only everyone could sit back and chill out before they hit their keyboards where, in my opinion they look plain silly. I know everyone has a right to express their opinion and all that but it looks foolish to me. I think Clay might have chuckled at the article, too.....put it down as par for the course...or took it as a challenge, perhaps? Isn't he the guy whopointed out on tour that his own album was on a list of the top 5 worst albums of the year?

Diva, you posted those caps from Martha and now I've gone and opened up the file here again. DAYUM! My favourite favourite favourite!

I just got a call from a friend in Raleigh. Clay was at the Southern Women's show where Faye was in the dancing competition. He was sitting in the front behind the judges. No one knew he was there until Faye danced. Alison Laurence was the emcee and announced he was there. He was surrounded by security, and was wearing khaki shorts, white t-shirt with a light green design, tennis shoes, no bangs, no stubble. Faye danced to Clay's song, Perfect Day. She got all "9"s. Clay stood up and clapped for her.

Is is too much to want flack when he's out having a good time on his own? Yes, I know. I'll be good.

Are there any sales or presales I should be aware of for tomorrow? I think I need to check the credit card balances and see what I've been doing this month.....but I'm skeered. I wonder if next summer I'll be scoping out campgrounds instead of hotels in the area of a venue. The year after that I fear it will be park benches.....except I'm worried that the park benches will have to do even when there is no tour going on....totally doable because the City of Houston is going wireless citywide. Ya gotta love this place!

Edited by Karen Eh?
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the City of Houston is going wireless citywide. Ya gotta love this place!

Bwah! Supposedly, all the coffee shops in San Francisco are going to offer free wireless, too! Unfortunately, there was an oil-truck accident on the Bay Bridge that resulted in a horrible explosion in the middle of the night (Amazingly, no one was killed. The driver escaped with second degree burns.) and there's no EASY way to get to San Fran now since some of the Bridge is melted, for crying out loud! (Ask me if I'm glad I no longer have the trans-Bay commute---go ahead, ask me!0

I'll join you on those park benches, KarenEh...I've stopped flogging myself about what I spend on Clay, though. (sorta)...Life's short...and then you die, so life's for living, right? I choose to live with Clay Aiken and all that he brings to whatever time I have here.

How appropriate! A new Paul Simon song just came on the radio...it's called "Who's Gonna Love Ya When Your Looks Are Gone?"

Bwah, again!

ETA: I see that CV has some pics of Clay at Faye's dance competition. He's with Jamie (insert whisling emoticon here) and Brett...Hey! This must be natural Clay on a regular day. Okay.

Scroll down this CV page for Pix!

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I'll agree that the caption on that photo was a little diss, but I still chuckled. Sometimes I can't help myself. For me the real insult are the fans who haul out the recrimination handbook and start admonishing the transgressors. It just doesn't sit well with me at all. If only everyone could sit back and chill out before they hit their keyboards where, in my opinion they look plain silly. I know everyone has a right to express their opinion and all that but it looks foolish to me. I think Clay might have chuckled at the article, too.....put it down as par for the course...or took it as a challenge, perhaps? Isn't he the guy whopointed out on tour that his own album was on a list of the top 5 worst albums of the year?

Karen Eh?, you are me. I could see the diss, kinda went "oooo," and then laughed. But then, what did I do? I clicked the link closed and went on my merry way. Frequently, even when I see something as a major diss, I just simply ignore. Maybe I'm burying my head in the sand, but it seems that people frequently want people to make a big deal out of what they've written. Ignoring it sometimes gives them a signal that they may not be saying something nice.

I guess, for me, it all boils down to my feeling that some fans (not all) feel that every single person in the world must LOVE Clay Aiken. OK, I'm sure it's not that way for most...but it feels like it.

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the City of Houston is going wireless citywide. Ya gotta love this place!

Bwah! Supposedly, all the coffee shops in San Francisco are going to offer free wireless, too! Unfortunately, there was an oil-truck accident on the Bay Bridge that resulted in a horrible explosion in the middle of the night (Amazingly, no one was killed. The driver escaped with second degree burns.) and there's no EASY way to get to San Fran now since some of the Bridge is melted, for crying out loud! (Ask me if I'm glad I no longer have the trans-Bay commute---go ahead, ask me!0

I heard about that! What a mess that is going to create!

Philly is supposedly wireless now. I think it was the first major city to go all wireless, but since I am laptop-less I can't tell you how it works. Of course, while you're on the park bench using it you might get murdered. Seems Philly is also the murder capital of the nation!

I'll join you on those park benches, KarenEh...I've stopped flogging myself about what I spend on Clay, though. (sorta)...Life's short...and then you die, so life's for living, right? I choose to live with Clay Aiken and all that he brings to whatever time I have here.

Ooo! Good rationalzation! I needed that today because I was feeling very guilty and concerned about how much money I am spending on Clay this summer - especially since as of July 1st I will be unemployed!

ETA: I see that CV has some pics of Clay at Faye's dance competition. He's with Jamie (insert whisling emoticon here) and Brett...Hey! This must be natural Clay on a regular day. Okay.

Scroll down this CV page for Pix!

He and Brett looked bored!

And I don't care if she's a blood cousin or not, if you grow up thinking of someone as your cousin, its would just be weird to think of them in a romantic way! Ewww! I am sure she is just there to support or Aunt Faye - or to do her hair!

ETA: More pictures:




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