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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Kimmel!!! squeee!!! He must be on Kimmel to introduce his new album cause it's spring and last time Kimmel said you don't even have an album out so now he must have one now or he wouldn't be back on Kimmel. squeeee!!!! Cause you know he isn't going to sing that boring old ATDW with the symphonies on his tour, on account of it didn't sell but half a million copies. So there must be a new album. squeeee!!!!!!!!! And it must be with a new record company, and it's, like a surprise album, which isn't the same as having NO promotion, not-at-all. [/snark]


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:dancingpickle::bounce: Been out of it for a couple of days - and it just keeps coming!! :TourExcite:

Clay and Tyra had dinner together? or did they leave after looking at the menus?

I couldn't figure it out! Did any pix show up!?!?

I miss the old AI guy. Those photos that surfaced are wonderful.

I just gotta say, Clay looked a lot better with the beard.

Main thing is, well, with his new teeth, it really filled out his face - a LOT.

The beard helps make it look - well - not so full. (I am trying to put this as

diplomaticly as I can!)


As for Jericho - I will watch it if Clay is on it - with or without clothes!!

If you're interested in catching up, you can go to cbs.com and watch full episodes.

Did you know Clay got a random mention at rickey.org yesterday?

During my naive and unwise days (has it really changed? LOL), when I rooted for Kimberly Caldwell (now a TV Guide American Idol “expert” who is still working on her first CD) and Corey Clarke (who was literally just a dick, hahaha), I thought that Kimberley would win — only to be proven dead wrong by the phenom that was Clay Aiken. (What?! He didn’t win? LOL)

The blog is about Kim Locke's new album.

Thanks for all the pix! :wub:

eta: I forgot to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over Clay's new Kimmel appearance!


also..... when is he going to blog about something besides Jericho? Like his tour

or new album, or photo shoot of something??? :dancingpickle::bounce::dancingpickle::bounce:

wow - I can't believe the board let me add this many emoticons!!! WOOT!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Cha Cha, your avatar is incredible -- the eyes change but the rest of the face moves as one. It's unbelievable. I've always seen a resemblance between Paul and Clay, but I never before realized how much. That's just remarkable!

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Wanna get the cold shoulder? Just post this around the boards and see how much non-reaction you get. ;)

From the CB:

Cary Concert Ad Heard on WRAL-FM

Just heard that sweet sounding voice and the lady advertising "An Evening with Clay Aiken and the NC Symphony". Started out with him singing Invisible and then went into "Without You", then "When I See You Smile" and advertised the album ATDW with "A Thousand Days" playing in background. Ended it with MOAM playing. Really good ad IMHO.

:Tour3: :Tour4: :Tour3:

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Yay...was this a Clay Aiken/RCA ad? I really really really really really want to hear Broken Wings, and Lover All Alone, and Lonely No More and Because You loved me and Moon River...ok skip that last one. heee and bwah. Clay better spell out his concert right now before people spend thousands on air and tickets and brokers. Frankly, I don't care, just sing Clay.

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Sounds like my kind of concert -- but then, I'm easy enough that all I needed to hear were the words "Clay Aiken" and I'm good.


:TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

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Y'all are mistaken. Don't you know that despite the newspaper articles, the website articles, and the TV and radio spots that have come up prior to this, all mentioning ATDW, we have NO idea what Clay's going to sing on this tour. NONE. Do not delude yourselves. These people are just extrapolating, they have no real information. The tour will be made up of nothing but songs from the new album, the one that Clay's going to announce on Kimmel next week. The orchestras are just going to be there on tour as set decoration. They aren't actually going to play. Clay will be performing rock songs with his rocking band. There will be No Covers. I know The Truth. I have Insider Connections. (I read all the hater blogs.) It's Spring. Clay said so. Trust me. onFire.gif

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I'm confused. The hater sites are saying what about the tour although I don't know why I'm asking since I'm perfectly happy in my blissful ignorance. One person has informed me that Clay wouldn't be singing any ATDW and frankly I'd be disappointed because I love the album but I'm fine with with whatever. I truly truly feel for her if he opens his mouth to sing one song from the album as it would ruin the concert for her as she seems so bitter about it, on Clay's behalf of course. I expect a little of everything including some new stuff. I really really really hope the band is with Clay this year or at least the backup singers. The symphonies are a lock and as I told Muski on our walk...just because Clay has a symphony doesn't mean he won't "act a fool" nor do I think it will be a dry concert. I just think he's incapable of that.

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Honestly I don't know what the hater sites say first hand, but I do think they are a source for some of the Insider Info. I saw a long post on another board about how a froggie dude claims to talk to Clay all the time (just last week he was in LA signing a record contract with Warner's--oopsie, turned out he was in NY), and even though this poster doesn't believe he really does talk to Clay, so much of his info does turn out to be correct (??? *@#$*@)#$ BSBSBSBSBS) that he must have some kind of inside source. So I have no idea what the hater sites say about the tour. Sorry for the confusion.

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I truly truly feel for her if he opens his mouth to sing one song from the album as it would ruin the concert for her as she seems so bitter about it, on Clay's behalf of course.

This comment totally cracks me up. Bitter about the album ... on Clay's behalf. That's rich.

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Y'all are mistaken. Don't you know that despite the newspaper articles, the website articles, and the TV and radio spots that have come up prior to this, all mentioning ATDW, we have NO idea what Clay's going to sing on this tour. NONE. Do not delude yourselves. These people are just extrapolating, they have no real information. The tour will be made up of nothing but songs from the new album, the one that Clay's going to announce on Kimmel next week. The orchestras are just going to be there on tour as set decoration. They aren't actually going to play. Clay will be performing rock songs with his rocking band. There will be No Covers. I know The Truth. I have Insider Connections. (I read all the hater blogs.) It's Spring. Clay said so. Trust me. onFire.gif

You totally CMSU. Are you sure you aren't really a poddie?

Personally, I think Spring (notice that it is always capitalized) is the perfect time to roll down the windows and blast ATDW while you are driving. :P

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nor do I think it will be a dry concert

Speaking solely for myself, of course, I can honestly say I've never sat through ONE 'dry' Clay concert.

(or did I misplace the adjective? hmmm...maybe it's more honest to say I've never sat through one Clay concert dry. heh...whatever. All the detractors are all wet.)

Edited by muskifest
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I'm back - and I am pretty good and ready to do the good battle with Cary tomorrow - although I am waiting to find out what seats were in the hole last year. Not that I expect to get anything but lawn. - but they have jumbotrons - so it's OK. I had a lot of fun last year waiting on line all afternoon talking to new people who were not all on the boards.

I can't wait to hear ATDW - although I have been called delusional and in denial because I refuse to accept that Clay is no longer signed to RCA and that he hates this album. alien26.gif

I was listening to MOAM while driving back and, although I did enjoy it, it sounded very produced to the point where Clay was not exactly neccessary to sing this, except a few songs (TITN, for one) and very young in a lot of choices - so I played my ATDW again and it sounds more full. I like it - a lot. cow.gif

Edited by playbiller
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I'm back - and I am pretty good and ready to do the good battle with Cary tomorrow - although I am waiting to find out what seats were in the hole last year. Not that I expect to get anything but lawn. - but they have jumbotrons - so it's OK. I had a lot of fun last year waiting on line all afternoon talking to new people who were not all on the boards.

I can't wait to hear ATDW - although I have been called delusional and in denial because I refuse to accept that Clay is no longer signed to RCA and that he hates this album. alien26.gif

I was listening to MOAM while driving back and, although I did enjoy it, it sounded very produced to the point where Clay was not exactly neccessary to sing this, except a few songs (TITN, for one) and very young in a lot of choices - so I played my ATDW again and it sounds more full. I like it - a lot. cow.gif

OK...I really can;t understand why we are the ones delusional. THERE is no sign at all that Clay is out of RCA. usually you would get some industry gossip or signs like his pciture gone from RCA...but nothing like that has happened yet. Even his interviews...nothing.

Look as soon there is some realnews he is gone from RCA I will believe it.

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Look as soon there is some realnews he is gone from RCA I will believe it.

What, you're not on the "if you promise not to tell anyone I can tell what I know" list? Somebody started that with me and I changed the subject. RCA is a large ass company that puts profits over their artists. Anywhere Clay goes will be the same. I just hope he is somewhere where he is happy and where he can have the freedom to be creative. If the struggles of the past give him more freedom in the future at RCA I don't care if he stays there. If going somewhere else affords him that opportunity..I will celebrate that as well. And I will just follow his lead. When I hear something official I'll celebrate along with him.

And Muski..heee you're too much but I love ya.

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I bring you news !!! First here!!!!

Actually, I was reading a Ruben site - yes, I like to follow him and wish him well - so there is good news about Ruben, but then they interview Kim Loke and she goes on about the 3 buddies.


eta - I forgot = you have to click on the video or you would not know Clay was in it. heh.

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The symphonies are a lock and as I told Muski on our walk...just because Clay has a symphony doesn't mean he won't "act a fool" nor do I think it will be a dry concert. I just think he's incapable of that.

I've thought more than a few times that the Christmas tour was a "dry" run (damn, there's that word again...sorry muski) for this upcoming ATDW tour. We saw what came out of that -- some of the funniest stuff from him in a LONG time. Mr. Clay Aiken, comedian. Just because he's got 40 other people on stage with him doesn't mean he can't talk to the audience and show his comedic intelligence.

And yes, I'm totally delusional because I believe that he'll do a great mix of songs on this tour, but the focus will be on ATDW. jmh, I know what you are saying -- and I know you're only trying to help us see the light -- but damn it, I'm going to go out on a limb and keep my belief in ATDW. I'm so sad, aren't I?

Personally, I think Spring (notice that it is always capitalized) is the perfect time to roll down the windows and blast ATDW while you are driving. :P

Me too! Love it!

What, you're not on the "if you promise not to tell anyone I can tell what I know" list? Somebody started that with me and I changed the subject. RCA is a large ass company that puts profits over their artists. Anywhere Clay goes will be the same. I just hope he is somewhere where he is happy and where he can have the freedom to be creative. If the struggles of the past give him more freedom in the future at RCA I don't care if he stays there. If going somewhere else affords him that opportunity..I will celebrate that as well. And I will just follow his lead. When I hear something official I'll celebrate along with him.

couchie, I love you. I'm with you in the "follow his lead" car.

OT: my husband got a promotion today! He'll now be the head of his library. He's happy but apprehensive. But I'm so proud of him.

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Y'all are mistaken. Don't you know that despite the newspaper articles, the website articles, and the TV and radio spots that have come up prior to this, all mentioning ATDW, we have NO idea what Clay's going to sing on this tour. NONE. Do not delude yourselves. These people are just extrapolating, they have no real information. The tour will be made up of nothing but songs from the new album, the one that Clay's going to announce on Kimmel next week. The orchestras are just going to be there on tour as set decoration. They aren't actually going to play. Clay will be performing rock songs with his rocking band. There will be No Covers. I know The Truth. I have Insider Connections. (I read all the hater blogs.) It's Spring. Clay said so. Trust me. onFire.gif
Veeeeery in-ter-est-ing .... and are these the same sources that believe the new album will consist of songs from the original album that Clay wasn't allowed to release because it was too good ... with a tracklist full of sure-fire big time radio hits that weren't allowed to see the light of day, or be heard on radio, because all the songs would have been mega-hit successful? The resurrected phantom album that Clay needs to get released before RCA gives the songs away to other artists they like better? What must these "insiders" think now that RCA is promoting ATDW on radio, both the album and tour? That RCA now wants Clay to keep on doing love song covers because they are scared he may threaten the popularity of Foo Fighters with a new edgy, rocking sound? I just can't keep all the theories straight anymore -- they have morphed, revised, and disappeared and reappeared too many times. But mostly these theories seem to be conveniently forgotten just as soon as disproven. I still don't get the point. And I can't believe they're still at it. Edited by keepingfaith
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I bring you news !!! First here!!!!

Actually, I was reading a Ruben site - yes, I like to follow him and wish him well - so there is good news about Ruben, but then they interview Kim Loke and she goes on about the 3 buddies.


eta - I forgot = you have to click on the video or you would not know Clay was in it. heh.

Thank you playbiller!!! This is so cute. Kim loves Clay. Kelly loves Clay. I love Clay. :allgood:

ETA: Oh, couchie, I so rooted for the Clocke--I really did. Sigh.

The Clocke, the Clangela, the Clyra--I'm not really into shipping, but when it enters my psyche there's a definite theme.

Edited by jmh123
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Y'all are mistaken. Don't you know that despite the newspaper articles, the website articles, and the TV and radio spots that have come up prior to this, all mentioning ATDW, we have NO idea what Clay's going to sing on this tour. NONE. Do not delude yourselves. These people are just extrapolating, they have no real information. The tour will be made up of nothing but songs from the new album, the one that Clay's going to announce on Kimmel next week. The orchestras are just going to be there on tour as set decoration. They aren't actually going to play. Clay will be performing rock songs with his rocking band. There will be No Covers. I know The Truth. I have Insider Connections. (I read all the hater blogs.) It's Spring. Clay said so. Trust me. onFire.gif

Veeeeery in-ter-est-ing .... and are these the same sources that believe the new album will consist of songs from the original album that Clay wasn't allowed to release because it was too good ... with a tracklist full of sure-fire big time radio hits that weren't allowed to see the light of day, or be heard on radio, because all the songs would have been mega-hit successful? The resurrected phantom album that Clay needs to get released before RCA gives the songs away to other artists they like better? What must these "insiders" think now that RCA is promoting ATDW on radio, both the album and tour? That RCA now wants Clay to keep on doing love song covers because they are scared he may threaten the popularity of Foo Fighters with a new edgy, rocking sound? I just can't keep all the theories straight anymore -- they have morphed, revised, and disappeared and reappeared too many times. But mostly these theories seem to be conveniently forgotten just as soon as disproven. I still don't get the point. And I can't believe they're still at it.

Yup--those are the ones. Don't forget the one about how DAUGHTRY!!11 didn't really sell all those albums. RCA actually bought them all themselves so that he could take Clay's place, that AIW was solely for the purpose of luring Clay's fans to the stores to buy DAUGHTRY's album, that Clay was forced to do covers so that he couldn't compete with DAUGHTRY!!11. I just read a post today that said we have No Idea what Clay will be singing on tour.

"Conveniently forgotten just as soon as disproven" is right--well said.

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