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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Well, I went to the cemetery and planted flowers on the grave for Mother's day. I hate the Sunday crowd - no place to park and creepy crawler drivers. - should you ever need to know - to have a nice looking flower bed portulaca. You don't have to go back and water and they just thrive (well, if it doesn't rain at all, go back once a month). Then I mowed the lawn with my old hand mower (well 1/3 - that is all I can bear to do at one time with the mulch from my neighbor's yard getting caught in the blades - it came into my yard in the rainstorm. and other stuff (dog, dishes, cooking, laundry).

Kelly's interview wa quite the contrast - she seemed to wait for questions and then answered them - she apparently thought she would be interviewed after the concert - when they brought her out, hence no shoes. She seemed happy - no new information, but then again - we are too tied into all the idols so I doubt there is anything she would say that surprised us. Oddly enough, I have seen that top recently - I just need to remember where I saw it - it was on some reality show and it was being criticized - weird, huh? I watch too much reality programs. Anyone else watching sheer genius?

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These are from Ellen the other day... looks like Ang to me.

th_Ellen014.jpg th_Ellen011.jpg

Back to shoveling dirt - have to reline the compromised veggie box with gopher wire (grrr)... then another nap... then I think I'll join Claygasm in a Netflix movie.

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Interesting....just clicked the remote and stumbled into an Extra show on American Idol. They talked about all the album sellers--Carrie, Kelly....


no Clay. Interesting. If the THRUST of the segment was about how AI sells records, and they included DAUGHTRY, you'd think they'd also talk about Clay's sales. They talked about Daughtry's single debuting at over 300,000 (uh...okay) and then how his CD sold 2 million (uh...okay)....

Oh well....that twit who's Simon's girlfriend was part of the team of 'reporters', so....

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Ha! Got you all beat! My husband and I walked with 20,000 of our closest friends in the Race for the Cure here in central Illinois. This area hosted one of the first RFTC's back in 1986, and it's still going strong today. It helped that we had a gorgeous day to walk -- 60 degrees or so in the morning, so it was a bit chilly, but a beautiful sunshiny day.

Thanks for doing that! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ugh got tulsa tickets..WHILE holding a garage sale....not fun...seats are not good...why do I never have good luck and some always do???

oh well still cant wait to go!!!!!!!

Where are you sitting? Mine weren't the best either, but not too bad. Section B Row N Seat 7

Well my day was tough too. I sat on my arse on this computer for the most part. First getting ticket stress this morning. Then answering PM's and emails. Going to this board and that. Yuck. I should never leave here. Spent time on the phone talking with my friend. Then my sis called to wish me a late happy birthday. Let's see what else. Oh I cleaned myself up, brushed my teeth and washed my hair. Shaved my legs. I now have a load of clothes in the dryer and am getting ready to go make a milkshake........ Whew. I'm tired.

Sec C row R

could be worse, could be better.....

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Interesting....just clicked the remote and stumbled into an Extra show on American Idol. They talked about all the album sellers--Carrie, Kelly....


no Clay. Interesting. If the THRUST of the segment was about how AI sells records, and they included DAUGHTRY, you'd think they'd also talk about Clay's sales. They talked about Daughtry's single debuting at over 300,000 (uh...okay) and then how his CD sold 2 million (uh...okay)....

Oh well....that twit who's Simon's girlfriend was part of the team of 'reporters', so....

I'm not really surprised about this. To the media you are only as good as your last project. This does not happen only to Clay but to a lot of artist in music, movies and TV.

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Well, if they are talking about this last year - they are right, now if there were more Christmas albums on the shelf - MCWL would be triple platinum - that sucker always sells out way before Christmas. The second year alone it sold out the first wekk and was not restocked. It does not help ATDW that you can't find it anywhere anymore. They used to stock it and it would sell in my local target, but they don't have it anymore. Ditto my urban Kmart - FYI - there is no Ruben or Fantasia anymore either - and tons of Taylor (I think it is the ones they have not sold yet)

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Heh, I'm not shoveling, am I? :lol:

Here are some pics from the x17 site... you can't right-click them there and the text around them is just plain dumb... no mention of where these are from.

th_CAiken051107_3.jpg th_CAiken051107_2.jpg th_CAiken051107_1.jpg

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Heh, I'm not shoveling, am I? :lol:

Here are some pics from the x17 site... you can't right-click them there and the text around them is just plain dumb... no mention of where these are from.

th_CAiken051107_3.jpg th_CAiken051107_2.jpg th_CAiken051107_1.jpg

Looks like the Outer Banks, YSRN. I recognize that bench and shop and area in general.

Looks like Jamie in the UNICEF shirt. Hmm, Clay adjusting his huevos rancheros! That is one stealth paparazzi!

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And one more thing..... I really, really do not think that Angela is one Kelly's back-up singers.

If you've got it on tape, check out the last shot before the end of the show. That's Angela.

See, it was that shot that made me think it wasn't her!

Bottle thanks for the kelly recap. I am really interested to see how her CD goes. It seems that even if she made RCA lots of money she is still not getting full support for her own compositions. Would be interesting to see if the change in date means she gave in on some of RCA's demands. Apparently her single is floundering in the radio charts. I wonder if RCA is keeping payola back this time. Major labels give an artist some leg up but they are also pretty demanding.

Her single is doing well at iTunes. My home page always shows the top downloads at iTunes and she hasn't been below #5 in weeks - and considering her album isn't out yet, I think that's pretty good. I don't mind "Never Again" live - in fact, I have had it spinning around in my head all day... Not sure that's a good thing.

These are from Ellen the other day... looks like Ang to me.

th_Ellen014.jpg th_Ellen011.jpg

Back to shoveling dirt - have to reline the compromised veggie box with gopher wire (grrr)... then another nap... then I think I'll join Claygasm in a Netflix movie.

Ok, in those pictures it looks like Angela. I give up! I read where someone said she named her back-ups on one show and Angela wasn't one of them.

Gee, what kind of friend of Clay's is she. He said during the JNT05 that he wasn't giving her back to Kelly! She stole her from him!

Heh, I'm not shoveling, am I? :lol:

Here are some pics from the x17 site... you can't right-click them there and the text around them is just plain dumb... no mention of where these are from.

th_CAiken051107_3.jpg th_CAiken051107_2.jpg th_CAiken051107_1.jpg

Doesn't he own another pair of shorts???

Ok, off to get another glass of wine :wein: and then I'm watching my movie.

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Claygasm...I think after Kelly's huge success...it is expected that the radio stations will play her first single even without payola since she is now one of those artists that is expected to bring in the listeners. But there is currently a slow down with her radio play. Usually that means the feedback on a single is not too good...or Payola is not coming in yet. yes in comparison to a lot of artists...she is doing well, but a lot of it are the result of her previous success. I just feel that compared to the other RCA female pop rocker...Avril..there does not seem as much excitement surrounding her...not as much promotions beyond the usual TV appearances. I am certainly not saying that she is doomed or she won't be getting a huge promotion once the album drops...its just that based on the fact that Kelly and RCA are not in the same page about her CD...the promotions has also been sluggish, IMO.

With regards to Angela...its very possible she is just doing back up during Kelly's TV promo...but will have another back up for the tour. Remember Clay did that too. Also...Angela was Kelly;s back up first. She was with her all through her last tour and its possible since Kelly is doing more tours it would be better financially for Angela...These are just some possible explanations.

Are we sure that Felix is staying with Taylor??? I thought he told someone that he was leaving taylors tour to join Clay???? Oh well...I like Felix and Angela, I hope they will be in the tour but if not...won't really matter. the only one irreplaceable is Clay.

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I love the hair flying picture, but I am having a moral dilemma about right clicking and saving stealth paparazzi pictures. When he's stomping through LAX and he knows he's being photographed, it's one thing... but these definitely look like stalker pictures to me. What to do, what to do...

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bottle, you're a better woman than I am, 'coss I right clicked and saved those puppies as fast as you can say, "Holy holdhisnuts, Batman!"....

And as much as I agree with you re: the probable nature of the photos' origin, I'm merely mortal and in love with the frontal area of the shorts in that second pic. Was he having a daydream of Tyra, one wonders?

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Are we sure that Felix is staying with Taylor??? I thought he told someone that he was leaving taylors tour to join Clay???? Oh well...I like Felix and Angela, I hope they will be in the tour but if not...won't really matter. the only one irreplaceable is Clay.

Someone somewhere said their sister was at Taylor's cooncert recently and asked Felix if he would be with Clay this summer and he said no, he would be with Taylor. Maybe Clay has decided to forgo any member of his band? I do hope Angela and Quiana are with him, though.

Lookie - new gifs! At least I hadn't seen them before. The pointing one crack me up so I decide an avatar change was in order - at least for awhile.




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Are we sure that Felix is staying with Taylor??? I thought he told someone that he was leaving taylors tour to join Clay???? Oh well...I like Felix and Angela, I hope they will be in the tour but if not...won't really matter. the only one irreplaceable is Clay.
I think I read somewhere recently that Felix is staying with Taylor....someone who saw Taylor very recently asked Felix at that time. This was after the previous report of Felix going with Clay.

I love the hair flying picture, but I am having a moral dilemma about right clicking and saving stealth paparazzi pictures. When he's stomping through LAX and he knows he's being photographed, it's one thing... but these definitely look like stalker pictures to me. What to do, what to do...
I think I'm with you bottlecap on this one. I like how cute he looks, and I'm sure I"ll probably download as soon as I get back to my desktop computer (gotta watch Alton Brown on the Food Network, and the laptop is the best way to surf while watching....), but at the same time, I feel a bit squicky with these too. I don't know...I get so confuzzled with these moral controversies.

That second picture? Dude...no need to show off, OK? Or are you worried about that comparison with the horse from the other night?

He does look adorable though. And I think he must own 25 pairs of those docker type shorts!

P.S.: Our Netflix movies for the weekend: "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" (very strange movie, but in a good way), and "Cars" (incredibly funny, lots of great sight gags, and a sweet story as well).

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Apologies in advance if anyone is offended by seeing this ... but I think when you look this good it deserves to be seen and enjoyed! He looks exceedinly HAWT in this picture ... and it's not even the huevos rancheros one! Okay, I confess, I've been staring at this picture for a while. It has powers.


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Apologies in advance if anyone is offended by seeing this ... but I think when you look this good it deserves to be seen and enjoyed! He looks exceedinly HAWT in this picture ... and it's not even the huevos rancheros one! Okay, I confess, I've been staring at this picture for a while. It has powers.


Oh, yes, that pic does have powers. Clay has so much attitude in that pic. He knows he's cool, but he's not arrogant about it; it's just the way he is. And it turns me on. The stance, the sunglasses, the casual clothes, and the set of his mouth all scream coolness. The hair doesn't hurt, either.

And the chest and shoulders look bigger. Manly. Strong. YUUUUUMMMMM!!!!

Edited by Gibby
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:unsure: I'm getting weirded out by the fact that everywhere that Clayton goes, the girls are bound to follow: Jamie, Mary, Jaymes....

I mean....c'mon. Does he NEVER hang out with the GUYS?

'sup widdat? :blink:

Seriously, what's the last candid shot of Clay that doesn't have one or more of these women in the very near vicinity? :ph34r::ph34r:

He must be very, very good. :hubbahubba:

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After sleeping on it...I downloaded all three pictures. Heh. I can't decide if I like the first one or the last one better. Everyone's right in the fact that the attitude just SHOWS in that first picture. He's so confident. But then, I love the flyaway hair picture as well. It's funny.

:unsure: I'm getting weirded out by the fact that everywhere that Clayton goes, the girls are bound to follow: Jamie, Mary, Jaymes....

I mean....c'mon. Does he NEVER hang out with the GUYS?

'sup widdat? :blink:

I've noticed it too....but I guess I've never really questioned it. He said in LTS that he was always comfortable hanging out with women, because he was raised only by women. He seems to find women that he can trust, and once in place, they are with him for a while! Anyway, I've always taken that as a "just the way he is" kind of thing.

BTW, anyone know what happened to Nick? It seems like I remember reading it somewhere, but I've forgotten.

Happy Mother's Day! I'll be off to my Mom's very soon. And as far as I know, the cats didn't get me anything this year. Maybe a new stuffed mouse to put on my pillow.

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And no visible security, at least in the pictures, so maybe Clay feels more comfortable flying under the radar with just his wimmens. I'm still conflicted - it's sorta cool that he's still hot enough to be photographed, but I also want him to be able to have a normal-ish life.

ldyjocelyn, the last I knew, Nick was living in NYC and was trying to do something in broadcasting - sports I think? I don't know how accurate that is, though.

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:unsure: I'm getting weirded out by the fact that everywhere that Clayton goes, the girls are bound to follow: Jamie, Mary, Jaymes....

I mean....c'mon. Does he NEVER hang out with the GUYS?

'sup widdat? :blink:

Seriously, what's the last candid shot of Clay that doesn't have one or more of these women in the very near vicinity? :ph34r::ph34r:

He must be very, very good. :hubbahubba:

I've noticed the same thing, muskifest. Always has those same women with him. Where's his male friends? What happened to Nick? I don't think he is sleeping with any of these women. They are more like stalker friends. LOL

Thanks YSRN for showing all the pics. That's Angela alright. I think Angela is very pretty. I like her and Quianna personally. I hope they get to come with Clay on this tour along with Felix or any of Clay's band. The only problem I ever have is when they sing over Clay, or take concert time away from Clay, then it makes me unhappy. They could be anybody at that point and it would piss me off. It's not a personal thing against them personally. It's just that I'm a Clay fan and I came to hear Clay. Selfish bitch that I am...LOL Somebody slap me. Tee Hee I never cared for Jacob and was glad to see him go. I think he was soooo jealous that the women didn't give him much of a second thought. It was Clay they lusted after not him. Hee Hee...........

I have no comment about Kelly's success. I don't follow her because I am not a fan of her singing. My son and his wife love her, though, as do many other people.

Clay Clay Clay....Tsk!!! Tsk!!! Tsk!!! I have some suggestions for you sweetie. Get a good high numbered sunscreen and ditch the long sleeve shirts and T-Shirts. It's equivalent to wearing those sandals and shorts in the middle of Winter. With 6 feet of snow. Not only is it dressing inappropriately for the season it just looks rather dumb and couldn't possibly be comfortable when it's 90 degrees outside. The shorts? Well, I think I have a good idea what to get you for Christmas and your birthday. :cryingwlaughter: Before I get flogged, yes, I'm aware he is trying to cover himself up as to not get highly freckled. *g*

Speaking of adjustments, here's a little gift for you:

Happy Mother's Day to all my new FCA friends.


I guess our kids that live here will be over today. I'm hoping that they will want to take me out for lunch..... I imagine the others will call. The daughter has sent flowers already. They were just beautiful and I expect I will get more flowers and cards today. It's funny. I always get one gift to be for both my birthday and for Mother's Day...........Hee It's alright, though, and I don't mind. It's the kids after all and I love them. HaHaHa However, I know how my mother must of felt when she got all her birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper and one gift covered both holidays. Her birthday was the day after Christmas.

ETA: Thanks Bottlecap for the Nick information. I have been wondering where he is. I need to type faster.

Edited by Clayzorback
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And no visible security, at least in the pictures, so maybe Clay feels more comfortable flying under the radar with just his wimmens. I'm still conflicted - it's sorta cool that he's still hot enough to be photographed, but I also want him to be able to have a normal-ish life.

ldyjocelyn, the last I knew, Nick was living in NYC and was trying to do something in broadcasting - sports I think? I don't know how accurate that is, though.

Bottle...I think this is normalish life for someone with his career. They do expect a certain amount of attention from the press. As you said...if the interest is not there...that may be a more worrisome situation. I don't mind these pictures of him in public places like the airport or the street. Even shots in a restaurant is almost normalish because when a celebrity goes somewhere public, they have to expect that people will look or if they go to a popular celebrity hangout or restaurant that there will be paparazzi's there. What I feel are invasion of privacy is when the celebrity is in their home...or when they are in a private vacation spot that are not really normally accessible to the press. Pictures from that situations are stalkerish to me. But in this instance its possible this paparazzi just covers this spot and waits for a celebrity to come by. If this shot was taken recently then it must be in LA...and that is paparazzi city. In Raleigh we really don't see anything cos people probably have learned to leave him alone.

With regards to his traveling harem...hee...we have to remember that these women does have an official role in his career. We also have to be careful about making conclusions from shots that really does not show the people in context. We really can't see the whole entourage in this pix and although I tend to agree that it looks like Jaymes and Jamie...those are still very small portion that can't be used for positive ID.

Since Nick is no longer his assistant he does not need to travel with him anymore. I bet they still hang out together but in his house or maybe around Raleigh where they don;t get photographed...same with any of his personal friends. Mary I think is not just a tour manager, she is part of SAM so she probably is there to help in any planning and negotiations they need to do. I think she has the most reason to be around him cos as part of his management team she would be involved in any of his projects. Jaymes should be involved in any project that has to do with his singing career and Jamie...whenever he needs to make an official appearance and needs a stylist. Faye's dance competition is a family event and I bet other family members were there and Jamie was there in that capacity...Mary, probably was in Raleigh to work and was brought along for the evening. I think she was also a convenient date on the award night. NOW not saying that there can't be a Clary...but these are just possible explanations.

Frankly...the pictures we have of Clay is such a small portion of his daily life. I am actually glad that Clay is not the type of celebrity that likes to have his every move chronicled by the press like Brit or Paris.

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I know how my mother must of felt when she got all her birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper and one gift covered both holidays. Her birthday was the day after Christmas.
My dad's birthday is December 26th. Poor baby, he said when he was a kid he always got one present for Christmas and birthday and always ate Christmas dinner leftovers for his birthday. We try to make a big deal out of it now with real birthday presents and dinner at fancy restaurants -- and no turkey!
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