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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Hey Clazorback - do you want me to PM you the boards where the mods are pods? I can even lead you to the podlike threads, heh - you to can feel a real slap down. I still bristle when a simple question I posted was edited to look like I attacked a poster when I just asked what was the source of a figure that was being thrown about. It was a short post - When I came back there, I found I had been edited and what I wrote was bright red and said that I had better being careful in attacking a poster or I would be banned. I got a million PMs then from people asking what I wrote - it was a simple question damn it! I just asked for a source, I was not rude. I found someone answered with - oh, this is inside information and I can not reveal my source, but you would have known that if you read the rest of this thread - then that was removed and something innocuous replaced it without the post looking edited (hmm, a secret mod?). Funnily enough, I found that person had said that in a different thread same subject (there were only a few hundred of them on the same subject), not in the thread that I had posted my question in.

It is important that people realize that secrets (and lies) got us into the war and secrets cause most of the problems in this world, and why I post what I think and have nothing hidden, even my agenda is open - for people to realize this is the internet and you need to not trust every single person and every single post. people should use their brains - it is not just totake up space to keep your eyes for falling inside your head..

After that I went on a mini-rampage in trying to identify the poster until I realized I just did not care if people were going to be that dumb, I just did not want to play anymore. But I always keep a look out for that name and if it ever shows up at another board - I know that poddies run it. So far, that has proven true.

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You know I think I am a either a Pollyanna, shallow or just plain dumb because I had no idea there was all this sooper secrit back stuff and partial modding going on . I guess I just don't see it. When you mention other boards I don't know who they are or where to find them.

Do I care? No not really but I am human and my curiosity has been peaked.

I think I'll just go on in my merrie way and enjoy Clay Aiken for what he is - a great singer and humanitarian. Doesn't matter to me what he sings, what his label is, what tv shows he is on or who his friends are. I just love that guy!

Is it July yet?.

ETA cos partial and impartial are not the same*g*

Edited by merrieeee
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impartial modding is a good thing, partial modding would be bad - some of us have too much time on our hands - and yet we get nothing done (someone/we = I/me) .

Mods are fans and humans too and certainly have a right to have an opinion, I just wish that if there was a thread that was near and dear to their heart, they would pass that to someone who did not care so much. I post on one general board where the rule is the mods (who actually get paid a miniaml amount) are not allowed to mod threads that they post in - so the political mod doesn't care about politics and the AI mod doesn't watch the show. It makes it a lot easier on them. That and having a language filter - causes a lot of laughs when certain words don't go through. I will admit that I was corrected once on that board because I called Corey Craggle and that was considered an insult and insulting names for contestants is not allowed - you can hate their performance, looks, story or voice, but do not make fun of their names. But then again, I appealed to the mod and got the Clay junk removed for a similar reason of being off topic.

Actually, I am active on that board now to discuss the flavor of love girls since no one here would degrade themselves to watching it, or at least admit it when I asked. The show is a scripted reality riot.

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Well, merrieeee, sometimes ignorance is bliss, ya know? I know some of the stuff that's going on, but I just try to ignore most of it. It doesn't make my life any happeir, that's for sure, so what's the use in paying attention to it? I'd rather just enjoy listening to and lusting after boyfriend.



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Merrieeee - you aren't a pollyanna, shallow or dumb but whatever you are I'm trying to get there. I think I'm almost there and the air is much fresher.

ITA -- because I love merrieee to death, and even though I have never met her (woohoo for Texas!), I'm positive she's a smart cookie. Not shallow either. As for Pollyanna...well, I fully admit to Pollyanna tendencies regarding Clay. I like thinking about Clay, usually about him and me and a bathtub. Sorry, I suppose that should be shower stall....heh.

In other news...

CBS Cancels "Jericho"

I'm wondering if we'll get a blog from him very soon, due to this news? *g*

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In other news...

CBS Cancels "Jericho"

I'm wondering if we'll get a blog from him very soon, due to this news? *g*

Well, he will have that extra hour on Wednesday nights to fill from now on. He could spend it blogging. :whistling-1:

Is it just me, or is anybody else ready for this TV season to be over? AI is so tiresome, but I feel like I gotta watch it to the end. I was enjoying Heroes, but it's like "Just blow up the freakin' city already." Lost has made some strides in the last couple of episodes and answered some questions, but I don't think I'll particularly miss it on hiatus. Guess I'm just ready for the cellcerts to start...

So. it's been a few hours since we've had one of these slightly smutty pictures:


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Well AI is totally Ho Hum to me...Survivor was just blech...boring...

But I am totally loving Heroes, Lost and even Desperate Housewives...I will be sad when they are gone.

eta: (((Clay))) I know how it is to lose a favorite show...I watched it and enjoyed it...but the treatment of the story was just too straight forward and almost old fashioned...too bad. I do hope they can finish the story. What happens to the confrontation between the two towns...I wish they can finish up the story with a movie.

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Is it just me, or is anybody else ready for this TV season to be over?

Sorry bottlecap -- it's just you. :medium-smiley-070: I'm gonna be lost without "Lost," and I'll miss ER like crazy too. And last Sunday felt really strange without "Amazing Race." Sure, I enjoy the extra time I get not watching shows during the summertime....but then, I'm usually ready for the season to begin. Besides, I need the summertime to get hooked on "Heroes" -- if I can figure out bittorrent first. *g*

Ansa, you said something that made me think this -- I get the feeling that Clay likes things the old fashioned way. (Take that as you want, you smutty people...) From what I understand of Jericho, it was a fairly straightforward show, with maybe a twist? In a way, you could also say that about Clay's musical choices, from what I've seen -- taking a standard song (or even a non-standard) and giving it a touch of different flavor. I just think for some reason that Clay likes to throw back to the good-old, bad-old days. JMO.

Is it July yet? I need a Clay concert fix BAD.

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It's kind of short, but nice.
I said this once but it didn't make the guy feel any better.

I'm in Miami Beach! Of course, even though I landed at about 8:40 pm, I didn't get to my hotel until 11 or so. Why, you ask? Besides the fact that the gate where I deplaned was at the absolute opposite end of the airport from my baggage claim carousel, you mean? Oh...well, I got into a great conversation with the Cuban-American driver of my rental car shuttle. When I got to the rental place, he was urging me to try one more time to re-establish contact with my asshole birth father, also from Cuba. What? Just because they're from the same country I should assume my sperm donor is as nice and human as this bus driver?


Anyway, at the rental counter, the woman wanted me to use the kiosk. Can't do that, I said...tried it in Denver and it tells me the reservation isn't in the same name as my credit card although that's just a fat lie and I can prove it by showing you my name on my credit card and on the print out of my reservation. But the machine doesn't give a shit about all that and it tells me again that the name's different. I tell the woman, "See? Same thing happened last week and I ended up having to get the car the old fashioned way---by having one of you guys do it!"

(What I didn't say was..."and after wasting all that time in Denver at the freakin' machine, I figured I'd just come straight to a real person here this time to save time, but of course, you just sent me back to the freakin' machine, like I don't have any sense and so I ended up wasting time here, too.")

Ahem...they figured out that it must be because the reservation only had my first and last names on it but the corporate credit card has all three of them (I use my maiden name with my husband's last name---no hyphen, though...like Hillary Rodham Clinton, donchaknow) Whoop. Okay, go out to the midsize cars and the only thing I see are three funky pieces of machinary that look like glorified PT Cruisers. Yuck.

I get in, check things out, call my hubby to tell him I'm safe, etc. , get a radio station, find all the buttons and switches, look over the directions the rental car lady gave me and head to the exit. But...wait.

This car is just too funky. I don't like it.

So when I get to the guy at the exit booth I tell him I want to change cars---I'd rather have a smaller one. So I have to get out of hte car to get the two cars behind me to back up so I can turn around. Of course, the skies at that very moment decide to take a huge piss and so I'm soaking wet in the few seconds it took me to do that.

I park the funky car and pick out a cool cobalt blue sporty looking compact---sunroof, spoiler...nice. I wave at the nice man at the exit and head out. Okay...turn left here, then the second left...and end up back in the airport. It's dark and the directions suck. So I do a circle thingy and somehow stumble onto the right road. Toll. Okay....no problem...get a receipt. Fine...

Think I'll call CG and tell her hi since I"m in her time zone...

SHIT! I left my cell phone in that first funky car I rejected! Crap! Shit!

So I ride until I get to some exit and hope I can turn around easily. I'll spare you that little side adventure. I finally did get back to the car rental place and get my phone, but the whole time I was driving back, I just KNEW that funky fuckin' car had been rented. There'd only been three of them when I took one and someone else took another at the same time.

But it was there. I got it. Whew! Guess the car was too funky for other people, too.

Back to trying to get to the hotel. Another toll. I went through a different booth the second time so the same woman wouldn't see me again and recognize me and think I'd done something stupid like leave my cell phone in a rental car at the airport and have to pay the toll twice.

Maybe it was the fact that the radio presets took me to "The 60's" or "The 70's" or "The 80's" or "The 90's" at the touch of a button and I got distracted by RIck Springfield and Bread and Duran DUran and Counting Crows...or maybe the freakin' directions stunk. EIther way, I ended up not midway along the main north-south road in Miami Beach and therefore close to MY hotel....but instead I found myself very south near the cruise ship ports and at the very end of the road (or beginning in my case)....

No worries. I drove through South Beach and got to see all the pastel neon lights on the hotels and restaurants and some beautiful people walking along the sidewalks with their drinks and tans, and lots of taxis. Finally....I made it and now am ensconced in my one-bedroom suite that overlooks the pool, deck and ocean. I'm hungry and tired and luckily the hotel event manager who is hosting this visit of mine had a half-bottle of wine and some cheese and crackers waiting for me in my room.

The crackers are somewhat soggy from something that became runny from the cheese that had to wait so long for me to get here, however, so I'm gonna pass on those. I'll take the grapes and the wine, though, and finish my bag of trail mix I took with me on the plane.

Internet works, though, so :allgood:


wonder what's on tv?

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:00003653: I thought we put Muski in charge of birthdays. Geesh. Happy birthday SOLO... It's not too late heee!!

Count me in. Sports has kinda interurrupted my tv watching and really the only thing I'm excited about is Lost. I wasn't into either Survivor or TAR this season. Grey's Anatomy has been a huge disappointment to me. I do look forward to the Addison spin off next season. I've lost track of ER because of basketball. And I stupidly gave up Heros to 24 which to me had a lackluster season. I plan to buy the Heros DVD as soon as it is available.

Ahhh poor Clay and his Jericho. I know how that feels to lose a show to cancellation and not getting any closure. Very rarely do cancelled shows get to come back to give the audience any satisfaction.

ETA: BWAH..oh we must have a Muski/KAndre trip report off this summer. heee

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Wow, Muski. You sound so calm about it all. I'd be ripping my hair out. Thank god for the boards when you travel a lot, eh? :F_05BL17blowkiss: Sleep well.

I just found this at the Clayboard. American I_dull. It was in in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution today with a color picture of Clay and Ruben. The really nice one with him leaning on Ruben's shoulder. You can see the photo here: CB thread.

Here's the part about Clay.


Season 2: Silky-smooth teddy bear Ruben Studdard (right) ultimately edged out geek-chic Clay Aiken. But the “Claymates” got the last laugh: Aiken has sold vastly more CDs than Studdard.

The other showdown cited as compelling was Season 5, including DAUGHTRY!!!!11 and yet they used Clay & Ruben's picture, in color, to illustrate the article. If AI were smart, they'd bring those two back to sing a duet at the finale. They need a watercooler moment, and I know a guy who's great at coming up with those. Bringing them back this season when the papers/pundits are talking about how they miss that season would be brilliant. I guess I still like to see Clay on that show. It makes the show for me to see him on it. I don't think I'm the only one, or even that Clay fans are the only ones that feel that way.

Wonder if there will be more such mentions in the press as the finale comes closer.

Many great posts for the last 24. If I included all my quotes it would be a page long. Love the deep conversations here. Y'all express yourselves so well.

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Y'all know you can watch Heroes on the NBC website, don't you? It says it has the full episodes. I haven't used the viewer on the NBC site, but I have watched a couple pf episodes of Lost on the ABC site, and I thought the quality was very good. They make you download a viewer, but the picture quality was great and it ran smoothly on my DSL - much better than youtube, for example.

See, the Jericho thing is the whole reason I'm very, very hesitant to start watching new dramas - the networks don't give them a chance to develop and pull them off the air so abruptly. I don't want to get invested, and then get the rug pulled out from underneath me.

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I just think a lot of the OTT things we see with Clay's fans hurt him, his image, & his career. A lot and I feel so sorry for him. Some things are so juvenile in this fandom. It would be appropriate, or at least understandable, behavior for teenagers, but it comes from grown women who claim to be professionals. I guess I lead a sheltered life. On second thought, no I didn't, really. LOL

I've been a part of a lot of fandoms and I honestly have to say that I've never seen another one quite like this. I agree that in certain instances, the actions of the fans have hurt Clay.

luckiest1 I owe you a lot for telling me about this place. Like I said earlier I am not a member of CH but I do read there, and it has been because of posters like the ones here, who post there. I have to say in all honestly with no mean spiritedness involved, that as a lurker there, I have noticed how unfair the moderating is.

Glad you are here! The thing with message boards in general, is that it is hard to get an accurate feel when you are an outsider looking in. I think all mods have a thankless job, but what moderating you see on the surface is only a fraction of what might be going on behind the scenes.

I agree that most people's board personality is not the same as their real life persona. Anonymity is a wonderful thing. Seriously, I stand by what my posts and feelings are and I'm not intimidated or afraid to attend fan pre-parties and meet other people. I enjoy them. If somebody has something they want to say to me bring it on. If they want to give me dirty looks so be it. I don't hide what my screen name on the boards is, if someone asks. I don't go to other boards and secret places under an alias screen name and trash people. I don't claim, at these parties, that I am a fan but don't post on the boards, as so many people do. I think it is a tragedy, though, that some fans are wanting to back away from attending fan parties because of some other fans.

I don't have much interest in large board parties anymore, for a variety of reasons. One - they are usually an added expense, and since my budget is quite limited, I try to make each concert experience as cheap as possible. Two - since I am not the type to "mingle" with people I don't know, I sometimes don't get much out of them, unless there are a lot of people I've already met attending. Three - most often I am rushed for time, and it is more convenient for me to either go through a drive thru or grab a quick bite with a few friends before a concert. I don't worry about running into "fans" who I may have argued with on the boards.....because anything I've said on any board, I stand by. I also don't do the alias thing - my name is the same on this board as on any other board, Clay-related or not.

A new cd out this year? Bwahaaaa!!!!!! lightmyfire it's time for one of your "You Can Not Invent This Stuff" post..........I suppose anything is possible but man that is really doing some creative daydreaming on some people's part.

I think it's quite a stretch to think that Clay is going to have time to record a new CD and have it released before the end of this year. I think it's entirely possible that he could have it released early next year. However, I still think the most realistic scenario is fall 2008 or spring 2009. I've been accused elsewhere of being a bad fan for hypothesizing this, because dontcha know, it would be the kiss of death for him to wait that long. He needs to release his awesome rawkin' album ASAP!!!!1!!!11!!! if he wants to be the superstar of the century! Except........I don't think he really cares about all that. And I think he won't release it until he's good and satisfied with it. That might take a while. That's ok - I'm patient. I've got two tours to look forward to this year. I've already got an awesome album (ATDW) to listen to. I trust Clay will do what he needs to do for himself - so that he is happy and comfortable in this career of his. :allgood:

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Well, Luckiest - I know you do go to some parties since I met you at Cary.

My real personality is different than my board personality - well, my close firends say I talk too much, so I thinkit isi just that everyone has syuch a different way of talking (cadence and lingo short cuts) that I have to listen when I first meet them before I know how to reply. When you are posting, you can do it while someone else is - but when you are talking, you are supposed to wait for the other person to finish and you are expected to actually listen to them - ? Doesn't give you as much opportunity to talk to them. When you don't talk to people every day anymore, it makes it harder.

If - a big if - Clay is recording a new Christmas album, it might be possible for him to get it out this year. How much would that drive people crazy? I would rather he remix MCWL - that one loud Hark startles me every time in the middle of the album - I should pull it to MP3 and edit that out nand burn a new disk.

good morning - ready for more writers to write about the best top 3 ever and then the best top 2 ever. Heh.

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Well, Luckiest - I know you do go to some parties since I met you at Cary.

Hee, that was almost 2 years ago. And I know a lot of people in NC. ;) Plus, I gotta go where the car is going (becoss I am lucky enough to get chauffered around by my friends who live there).

If - a big if - Clay is recording a new Christmas album, it might be possible for him to get it out this year. How much would that drive people crazy? I would rather he remix MCWL - that one loud Hark startles me every time in the middle of the album - I should pull it to MP3 and edit that out nand burn a new disk.

Hee, that would be a hoot if it's a new Christmas CD rather than a new pop CD he's excited about, wouldn't it? I've actually thought along those lines, too. Kind of makes sense since he's got another Christmas tour planned and is doing that Holiday on Ice special with 8 songs........hmmmmmmmm.

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AH Luckiest1 - you are not a bad fan. heee. Anyway, my main problem with ATDW was the PRE album publicity. It was like there was nothing until the Friday before the drop. THis is why I was criticizing things long before it suddenly became all you were supposed to do. (and probably why by the time the album came all I cared about was the actual music since I had no control over the rest) I read PodSoda's post at CH yesterday and I'll have to agree with her regarding what RCA might have been dealing with. Like I said, it's so easy to say what Clay SHOULD have gotten cuz you know as fans it's so easy and we'd just snap our fingers and everybody would come running. All I remember is people who couldn't get CLay in the middle of that year wanted to interview his fans mostly about the gossip. The is he or is he not gay issue that did come to the forefront is a long way from did you troll the internet for sex with repeated regurgitating of the entire mess. The former ain't so bad - nobody really focused on the other stuff. And he got to talk about it in People in a sypathetic way IMO - one of my most favorite interviews EVER.

OK I went off the track. If Clay is touring in July and August, November and December and some where in there he has to prepare for both those tours- why on earth would I want an album out THIS year. I can't say for sure what stage he is on in the process -- but interviewing producers to me means he hasn't recorded yet. And you're a bad fan for suggesting next year would be better?

ETA: I actually don't want another Xmas CD..I think they could repackage MCWL rather easily and add some of the songs from AIW and let that baby keep selling 100K or whatever it sells for the next 20 years.

I'm a party ho normally but I'm doing everything on the cheap this year. If I can arrive at the party and order off the menu or spend somewhere close to what I'd pay for a dinner I'll go. If not, probably not. But usually there's fun impromptu after parties that are lots of fun too.

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muski, I know of that "funky" car they gave you the first time -- Chevy HHR, wasn't it? Must be a Florida thing, because that's what my hubby and I got when we were there in April. It actually wasn't too bad of a car, except there were some major blindspots in it.

OTOH, I think you seriously need to wear a Velcro vest and then attach Velcro strips to all your electronic devices. You seem to have the worst luck with that....at least this one worked out OK.

I guess I still like to see Clay on that show. It makes the show for me to see him on it. I don't think I'm the only one, or even that Clay fans are the only ones that feel that way.

I think I agree with you -- it kinda gives me both the warm fuzzies (for sentimental value) and shocking chills (because he's usually so HAWT) whenever he appears on AI. It will actually feel rather strange if he doesn't show up this year -- it would be the first time with no appearance, right?

Y'all know you can watch Heroes on the NBC website, don't you? It says it has the full episodes. I haven't used the viewer on the NBC site, but I have watched a couple pf episodes of Lost on the ABC site, and I thought the quality was very good. They make you download a viewer, but the picture quality was great and it ran smoothly on my DSL - much better than youtube, for example.

EEEP! I think I knew that about Heroes being on the NBC site, but kinda spaced out about it. It's one of those shows, though, that I've not seen any episodes, but so many people have said "you'd love this show." Just wish I didn't have to watch it on a 19 inch monitor, especially since my hubby will also want to watch too. But I'll talk to hubby tonight and see if we want to schedule a time to catch up. BTW, the DVD set is supposed to come out in August, and I've read that the Sci-Fi Channel is doing a marathon, minus one episode, this weekend. Unfortunately, the DVR in our house doesn't have enough room on it to get them all.

Parties? I usually don't mind them, and for me, with no kids and a semi-secure job, my Clay trips are splurges. Also, I usually try my best to mingle and meet everyone (sadly, this was NOT me a few years ago, I've learned since then). This tour, since the eHP is planning one of the parties, well I just HAVE to go, it would be rude otherwise. The Tulsa party sounds fantastic too, but timing could be an issue for that one.

I've been accused elsewhere of being a bad fan for hypothesizing this, because dontcha know, it would be the kiss of death for him to wait that long. He needs to release his awesome rawkin' album ASAP!!!!1!!!11!!! if he wants to be the superstar of the century! Except........I don't think he really cares about all that. And I think he won't release it until he's good and satisfied with it. That might take a while. That's ok - I'm patient.

Can I join you in the "bad fan" (BLECH!!) car then too? I keep looking at what I see as Clay's schedule. He said he was just looking for a producer less than a week ago. Maybe he found one -- but do we know. Next month surely would be preparing for the tour. July and August is the tour itself, plus I'd work in another vacation for the man after the shows are over. Then, things get dicey, because we don't know when the Christmas tour will start. He'll have a month, maybe two, to work on an album. But can it conceivably be done in that time frame? Not in this day and age, and also not if Clay thinks it's not good enough (or even, shudder, Clive. *g*).

To me, so much of the concern about getting that new album out isn't really about Clay, it's about Clay's image to particular fans. I really do think that since Clay isn't showing "rock star" tendencies right now, some fans are afraid of really being pegged as "uncool." Listen, I've been called "uncool" for practically my entire life -- and I've surived. Thrived, actually. Being cool isn't all it's cracked up to be, IMO. I'd rather be proud of being a Clay Aiken fan, no matter what he does.

If - a big if - Clay is recording a new Christmas album, it might be possible for him to get it out this year. How much would that drive people crazy? I would rather he remix MCWL - that one loud Hark startles me every time in the middle of the album - I should pull it to MP3 and edit that out nand burn a new disk.

You know play, the more I've listened to MCWL, the less that one "JOY" startles me. (That is the one you're talking about, right? Or is it really part of "Hark?") And yes, I've considered him releasing a new Christmas album this year -- an expansion of AIW, perhaps. Watching the heads of some people explode while they are also simultaneously having orgasms would be kind of fun, actually.

couchie, the prepublicity for ATDW did seem sparse to me too. However, I think my worry about that was unfortunately overridden by the worry that so many others had -- I guess I felt like I needed to at least try and stay a bit sane about the whole thing.

And ITA about the People article -- one of the best interviews ever. And it brought us this lovely gem:


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muski, muski, muski...

I walk into Hertz and if they try to hand me something that is even just the wrong color, I throw a hissy fit up front. That way they know where they stand with me.

As it's just me, I splurge while I can. Parties? I've gone to those that suck and I've gone to those that totally rock (the impromptu ones have a better track record of rocking - the planned ones hit about 50/50). Oddly enough, I never hear anyone say to me, "you are nothing like your board persona." Fancy that. I also don't tend to worry about avoiding people who think I'm horrible - they seem to manage to do that (not particularly skillfully, but I'll give them credit for trying. Not a lot of credit, but credit.)

I am a perfectly fine fan as I shall enjoy "new" stuff from Clay whenever he gives it to me (Notice to all you 'cover lover' wannabes - I am the very definition of a 'cover-lover' - I would change my avi but I love my current one so very, very much). Never really cared about pre-album promotion so that didn't even bother me all that much. I got my CD on the first day possible, therefore I was happy.

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Heh,hehe, hehe - I know this belongs in the idol thread - but there is someting to do with AI2 so can I please post this here ?

http://tinyurl.com/yrpcdeHouse Is Tuesday's Demo God

Drama beats Idol in 18-49, FOX rules night

So congratulations to all you house fans.

For the first time in who knows how long, "American Idol" wasn't the top show among adults 18-49 Tuesday. But the honor still went to FOX, which rolled to another overall win as well.


"American Idol" drew a below-average 13.6/22 at 8 p.m. but still won the hour handily. A repeat of Monday's "Dancing with the Stars," 6.3/10, put ABC in second. CBS' broadcast of the CMA Awards earned a 5.4/9. NBC's "Dateline" was fourth, and the series finale of "Gilmore Girls" delivered a 3.0/5 for The CW.

This puts the ratings below season 4(14.9). season 3(13.7) and even season 2(13.7)!

Of course, tomorrow should have excellent ratings with Maroon 5.

Thanks to Quiet1ne for maintaining the figures to make comparison so easy.

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As it's just me, I splurge while I can. Parties? I've gone to those that suck and I've gone to those that totally rock (the impromptu ones have a better track record of rocking - the planned ones hit about 50/50). Oddly enough, I never hear anyone say to me, "you are nothing like your board persona." Fancy that. I also don't tend to worry about avoiding people who think I'm horrible - they seem to manage to do that (not particularly skillfully, but I'll give them credit for trying. Not a lot of credit, but credit.)

LOL.... I think people wouldn't have to guess too much who you are -- and it's not just the bling. heee. And It's funny how I'm always confused for every other black person in the fandom but never KAndre. I remember at the JBT in AC... people were looking at her in awe at intermission. CMSU. hee. I've enjoyed every party I've attended. I just love meeting people, including those of ya'll that are standing off in the corner.

Something else about PodSoda's post on CH yesterday...where on earth DO they play music videos these days. Not on MTV. Is VH1 also reality tv hell now or do they actually play videos for most of the time still. They actually seem old school now.

Also, Play, you come up with the most interesting TV shows. What is the one you mentioned yesterday and what is it about. Speaking of reality shows, I saw one this past weekend that's just perfect for me. When my sister is over she turns to those channels I never watch ...Food Network, Home and Garden and now TLC. They had this show where all your friends and family trick you into coming to a place and then they tell you that you have absolutely no fashion sense. Then these two chipper people show up and give you 5000 to go shopping. And they snark on your choices and the girls cry when they have to get their hair cut or put on makeup and then everybody tells you how great you look in the end. I'm perfect for that show...in case anybody wants to recommend me LOL.

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Something else about PodSoda's post on CH yesterday...where on earth DO they play music videos these days. Not on MTV. Is VH1 also reality tv hell now or do they actually play videos for most of the time still. They actually seem old school now.

VH1 only plays videos during the overnight hours, as far as I know. And don't be dissin' ALL the VH1 reality shows -- I LOVE "Celebrity Fit Club" (and KLo is rockin' the house over there!)

Also, Play, you come up with the most interesting TV shows. What is the one you mentioned yesterday and what is it about. Speaking of reality shows, I saw one this past weekend that's just perfect for me. When my sister is over she turns to those channels I never watch ...Food Network, Home and Garden and now TLC. They had this show where all your friends and family trick you into coming to a place and then they tell you that you have absolutely no fashion sense. Then these two chipper people show up and give you 5000 to go shopping. And they snark on your choices and the girls cry when they have to get their hair cut or put on makeup and then everybody tells you how great you look in the end. I'm perfect for that show...in case anybody wants to recommend me LOL.

"What Not to Wear" -- LOVE THAT SHOW. Clinton and Stacy are so funny, could be considered cruel by some standards, and yet, I get that they really care for their "students" by the end of the week.

I think TLC has some great shows. Besides WNTW, I also try to catch "Little People, Big World." Discovery Channel has one one my favorites too, with "Dirty Jobs" (anyone here a fan of that one? I'm missing it so much lately!) and "Mythbusters." And, if there is absolutely nothing else on TV, I'll put on the Food Network (Ace of Cakes, Dinner: Impossible, any of those silly challenge shows, and of course, my favorite, Alton Brown's "Good Eats," which recently won a Peabody Award for excellence in quality TV. Alton is my other Southern Geekboy boyfriend.)

Topic: I'm hoping that Clay will pick up on one of these shows now that Jericho has been cancelled. *g*

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Oooo! That's "What Not To Wear" - another British knock-off. I like it even though I think the hosts dress crappy too - and it's way, WAY too influenced by "New York style".

I'd be a bad contestant because I would still buy whatever the hell I wanted! I'd like the five grand to do it with though.

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What - you never heard of the flavor of love girls? The Flavor of love was 2 seasons of Flavor Flav looking for the girl of his dreams and basically it was funny and scripted and a tad disgusting. Well after 2 seasons thay had to move on - so they decided to take all these seriously (portrayed as) disturbed woman and sent them to a charm school run by Monique - she gives them tests each week on proper behavior, and vioaltes the rules as she decided who needs to leave - she just expelled someone who was too nice already and did not need the school, rather than the raunchy one who has abad temper and really needs it, heh.

Yes, I am sure it is scripted and the people are playing characters abnd told to go to the extreme - but I did read an interview by one who was told she was lied to about what to expect - she did not expect camping out and sleeping on what you could carry (I believe she brought a bag of M&Ms and a fake fur coat while others were dragging tents and sleeping bags and bottled water and food). It is just so funny to hear someone stand up in a college debate saying "I have learned that spitting on New York (a person) was not a good idea at the time" while trying to convince the audience that she should not be expelled or another one say "did you or did you not shake your bare tits near that other girl's mouth" - not your normal debate. What is even funnier is that I just realized where I saw the top that Kelly wore on Ellen - one of the Flavor girls (the stripper) wore this when asked to dress to impress. This is just so much better than the apprentice.

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Wheeeee! I tried to watch Idol last night, but by the second Blake song I couldn't stand it any more, so I got up to take the dog for a walk and kill the last half hour before House, which has become my most favourite show EVAH! :)

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