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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Hey CG..... . call me heartless... and while I agree the system is fucked up... it's really hard for me to feel for her. She's the Yankees of useless celebrities. Sorry to any Yankee fans heh. There also seems to be a connection between a certain sheriff and a Hilton campaign contribution. Might be tabloidy trash at this point though. I do like your pretty pictures though.

So excited for the tour... that blog made me so excited for what's coming. Whoop...

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Holy Sheet, people... it took me forever and a day to catch up and now I can't think of a friggin' thing to say. I don't know squat about Paris Hilton, I'm all talked out about the bit..er, OFC, I'm beat to a pulp from work today, so....


What to do?

Heh. What a nice surprise to click on the link and see that video. My crowning glory as a videographer. Just shows that it sometimes pays to have cheap seats.

What a masterful performance that night.

And of course, right now, I had to watch the thing all over again, and sing along at the top of my lungs. I've only watched that clip 50,000 times. So....now it's 50,001. Sue me.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: YSRN!

Hey CG..... . call me heartless... and while I agree the system is fucked up... it's really hard for me to feel for her. She's the Yankees of useless celebrities. Sorry to any Yankee fans heh. There also seems to be a connection between a certain sheriff and a Hilton campaign contribution. Might be tabloidy trash at this point though. I do like your pretty pictures though.

So excited for the tour... that blog made me so excited for what's coming. Whoop...

I know where you're coming from CG -- as much as I don't understand at all why Paris Hilton is even famous to begin with, and think that the whole judicial system is whack, I really don't like anyone being hurt all that much. Even poor wittle Paris. She IS a human being. But at the same time -- I totally see couchie's point too. I'm so conflicted.

I'm still smiling over the blog, although I had another thought later today about it. Remember how it hit me that he was still in Paris? Well, then I coupled that with when the blog appeared, which was approximately midnight EDT. So, what time was that in Paris? 6:00 a.m. (if my research is correct). He was writing a damn blog at 6:00 in the morning. For us. Probably because of the OFC fiasco. But one that gave lots of information too. As much as I loved the blog, I really feel a twinge because he had to write the thing while he was in Paris, and at an early time in the morning to boot.

ETA: More Megan M. pictures:






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Ooooo! I was looking through some old pictures and look at the pretty I found!


And then I found this extreme close-up of waldo!


Oh, ok, that was a dirty trick, but maybe a little giddy-up will help make up for it...


Now, I think I will head to bed.

ETA: Damn! Ladyj beat me to the giddy-up!

Edited by Claygasm
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Holy Sheet, people... it took me forever and a day to catch up and now I can't think of a friggin' thing to say. I don't know squat about Paris Hilton, I'm all talked out about the bit..er, OFC, I'm beat to a pulp from work today, so....


What to do?

Heh. What a nice surprise to click on the link and see that video. My crowning glory as a videographer. Just shows that it sometimes pays to have cheap seats.

What a masterful performance that night.

OMG - thank you both for that. What perfect timing. How can anyone worry about the ability of that guy to take care of himself, or believe that he doesn't know how to smite his enemies and who they are?

And he loves his fans, even when his board implodes. That's pretty special. :RedGuy:

Couchie, thank you for retelling that meet and greet story. I hadn't heard it in a long time and I love it even better now that I know you better.

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Family will be on the softball fields all day tomorrow---3 games tomorrow! 9:30, 2:00 and 7:00 pm! We're just gonna stay at a hotel nearby instead of driving back home late and then having to drive back Sunday morning for another day. WOn't know what time our Sunday game is until the results of all the Sat. game. I'm SOOO excited! :clap:

And still shaking my head that some people (not here) still insist on looking for (and therefore finding) potentially negative things 'hidden' in Clay's blog.


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And still shaking my head that some people (not here) still insist on looking for (and therefore finding) potentially negative things 'hidden' in Clay's blog.

I think some people just have a negative mindset. It's hardwired. My oldest son is like that. Even when he was a little boy. Still is at 31.

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And still shaking my head that some people (not here) still insist on looking for (and therefore finding) potentially negative things 'hidden' in Clay's blog.

I think some people just have a negative mindset. It's hardwired. My oldest son is like that. Even when he was a little boy. Still is at 31.

I know people like that too. Just wonder if people are the same in life as they are in the fandom.

I think the only thing I've really seen is the sentiment that Clay is saying he's doing covers again. I can't make that leap at all. I don't think he will stray too far from anything we've seen from him already. It's exciting time for me though... just knowing it's underway. I'm more focused on tour number 1, tour number 2, and ice skating thingie. Like Scarlett I'll think about the album next year and by then maybe we will know more about his direciton from what he sings on tour.

So they still haven't chosen a producer yet. Do we have any experts here yet :cryingwlaughter: I don't know much about that stuff.

Totally off topic - skip if you hate sports

WHEN WILL THESE FREAKING MAJOR LEAGUE PLAYERS LEARN HOW TO SLIDE???? It's Jeremy Giambi all over again. LOL. Guess I'll be dreaming about the only Yankee I can stand tonight...Derek Jeter. Too much respect for him to hate him.

excuse me..extra innings make me naseaus. :cryingwlaughter:

This game is whack. The Giants seems to have run out of players. They now have put a starting pitcher in right field, a right fielder at third base, and a third base man at catcher.

ETA LOL YSRN - you Giant fan you. heee

ahem..back to Clay..I keep trying to caption the picture Play and CG are captioning..but I keep thinking dirty thoughts...like if he opened his hands and .....

hmmm 4 posts on one page...good thing there's no rule against that :cryingwlaughter:

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And we're losing too! Make that, we lost!! Damn you, Oakland!


Thank God there are eleventybillion games in a season!

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I actually feel bad for Paris Hilton. It wasn't her fault she was released and it just seems cruel that she should be a victim of a power play between a sheriff and a judge. The judge should have been told before she was released.

I feel bad for her also just for the fact that driving on a suspended license is a misdemeaner and usually warrents a fine and community service. I think the judge is just being an ass because she is rich. They were saying on Fox news that some teacher that slept with a student acctually got the same 45 day sentence.

Loved the blog and Clay so much so that I am watching The Riches. It's ok so far I found a site where you can watch all the episodes for free. It's really kind of a weird show.

Edited by jerrijan
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I think the only thing I've really seen is the sentiment that Clay is saying he's doing covers again. I can't make that leap at all. I don't think he will stray too far from anything we've seen from him already.

And I think he was pretty clear about that in his blog, too. I never got the impression that he was trying to insinuate he was going to do another cover album. I'd bet a lot that he'll have at least one cover on there, though, because I think he likes taking a song and reinterpreting it. But I expect the majority of them to be originals, written for him or maybe even a few partially written by him. I don't think there'll be a big departure in the sound he goes for (which I do think is what he was insinuating). I think it'll be ballad heavy but not necessarily all ballads. And since he specifically mentioned that Clive was being very supportive, I can't even begin to fathom how some are translating that into "evil Clive is making him do it again". Oy.

But right now I can't even think that far ahead. I can't wait to find out what he has in store for us this summer. He's got me really intrigued about songs that he's never sung before. Standards? Covers? Something for the new album (but I'm not convinced he's that far along in the process)? Or songs that he's recorded but never sung live (like old demos? or maybe even Touch?) Maybe a full version of a song he sang on AI2? *please God DLTSGDOM please God* And the way he talks about finding ways to incorporate some upbeat "diddies" into a symphony show excites me, too. What will he do? Is it July yet? :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

And last, but not least, my beloved ATDW. I am dying to see and hear him perform these songs live. I have lived with them every day since last September, just dreaming of the day I'd finally be priveleged enough to hear a live version. I know he probably won't be able to sing all of them, and I'll miss whichever ones he has to skip, but I am thrilled that he mentioned singing a good number of them on this tour. Not that I ever believed he wouldn't. Funny how many people are now backtracking on that point, though, isn't it? :cryingwlaughter:

Edited by luckiest1
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Geez, even the guy from TMZ.com just admitted that we are seeing the decline of Western Civilization (re. the Paris Hilton dealie.) Ya think?! Just go away already!

:Tour3: Can't wait to hear what Clay's gonna sing! Of course, even if he tests out new stuff, the JBT sure demonstrated that there's no guarantee any new songs will make the CD.

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Clay was right. People are going to read into his words/blog no matter what. I didn't get any feeling about the next CD being covers.

I was happy to see Angela's name show up as part of the summer tour. I know some don't care for her voice as much as Quiana's, but I think she sings up tempo music better than Quiana. Quiana has a fantastic voice (they both do really), but I hear a more ballads coming from her.

I am just waiting to hear HYCA sung to me this summer, then I can die happy. :TourExcite:

Paris H. is a sad girl/woman/child. It doesn't appear as if she's ever been held accountable for her actions. I would like to think this will help her, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I don't think this is about driving with a suspended license. It's not that simple and really I'm not surprised Fox news painted it that way. Paris Hilton is a drunk driver. While she didn't this time, she could have killed someone driving while impaired. She got a slap on the wrist originally. Her license was suspended. Now had that been me I'd be on the damn bus. And had that been me with her money I'd have a cute boy driving me around. She chose to drive on that suspended license. She got caught. Again, they sent her on her way. And she once more got caught driving without a license. Court TV junkie right here.She almost may have ignored other parts of her sentence like community service but not quite sure. And instead of taking her punishment like a woman, she's trying to cry her way out of it. However, I do not believe that her being released is her fault and she should not be penalized further for it. She should just do her little 20 days and be done with it. (and I do think her 43 day sentence was probably high because of the intense focus - she's taking the fall for OJ, Robert Blake and every other celebrity that had money buy them out of a jam) But being sent home cuz you're depessed... well aren't all prisoners depressed and stressed, especially first timers? Let's see how far that strategy takes them. .

So I hear the fanclub mess will now be tabloid fodder. "We" only have ourselves to blame. But that won't stop us from not taking responsibility and it being the other fan's fault.

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Hey CG..... . call me heartless... and while I agree the system is fucked up... it's really hard for me to feel for her.

Yeah...call me heartless too.

And I certainly don't think anyone would get 4 years for what she did. I was implying that I thought the hystryonics, attempts at manipulating the judicial system and/or calling in of political favors was seriously OTT for 45 days of punishment. This will be a blip in her life. Really.

My XSIL was severly head injured in a drunk driving accident when she was 17, she's in her 30's now and still living a dependant life with no chance of that ever changing.

So I know I can do anything I HAVE to do for 45 days.

She's the Yankees of useless celebrities.


We have some word filters on my baseball board. One of them is f'in &%^kees & the other is blahblahblahderekjeter. It's always funny when someone brings over an article from the NYTimes and your reading along and still see them.

I too apologize to any true Yankees fans. If I send any snark their way know that it isn't really even about the Yankees it's about the the E.astern S.ports P.ropaganda N.etwork and other sports press. Which reminds me ... I have a whole media thing I can go into that relates to following sports and sports media and being part of a local news story for the past several years and what I learned from that but sadly I don't have time now. So we'll talk later.

Today I'm helping my daughter move. She just recently got her first big girl job and is now getting her first place all by herself, no more roomates. She's very excited. But you know, helping someone move makes for a less then exciting Saturday.

Edited by jamar1700
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Morning all.

Couchie thanks for sharing your meet and greet story. I had never heard it before. I bet Clay is very thankful for the wonderful way you have chosen to support him. FCA is a true testament of your love for him. I always appreciate fans who have the talent, time, and attitude to do things I wish I could for Clay. I think you are very lucky to have Ansamcw and ldyjocelyn and, well, all the mods and admins you have here. Since everyone seems to be one. LOL I love the comradery here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I would love to high five YSRN, playbiller, couchie, and Ansamcw for their wonderful posts at CH. I was reading, some, over there this morning, in the chatterbox. So much truth in what you and some others had to say.

I'm going to have lunch with some girlfriends today. We haven't got together for awhile, so off to get ready. I hope everyone else is going to do something fun this weekend.

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I am just waiting to hear HYCA sung to me this summer, then I can die happy. :TourExcite:

Me in a nutshell. I think for me that's the only true expectation I have for this tour -- to hear HYCA. I'm fully expecting to hear it too, since he did it live for the WalMart Soundcheck. I'm patiently waiting to hear those low notes live, so that they vibrate all sorts of parts on my body. *g*

As for other expectations regarding the album -- IMO it's just way too soon to tell. At this point, extrapolation seems rather pointless. Let's see how the tour shakes out first.

So I hear the fanclub mess will now be tabloid fodder. "We" only have ourselves to blame. But that won't stop us from not taking responsibility and it being the other fan's fault.

You're shittin' me, right? Oh good Lord. And people wonder why we've been painted with the "crazy Claymate" label.

A lot of mistakes were made with the message board. While I'm not totally convinced that posting the original story was either bad or good, and the modding there leaves a lot to be desired from what I hear, it all seems to me to boil down to an issue of respect, and knowing when to say "enough, I'm out." There were too many tenacious bulldogs on both sides of the fight who just kept gnawing and gnawing and gnawing. And, IMO, this was something that was a long time coming, it just needed a "spark," and that article was it.

In the meantime, I'm back to being pissed off at a fandom who can't look themselves in the mirror and see what the f*** is going on.

Let me know when YSRN hears about this. I'll put some Kevlar armor on then.

Today I'm helping my daughter move. She just recently got her first big girl job and is now getting her first place all by herself, no more roomates. She's very excited. But you know, helping someone move makes for a less then exciting Saturday.

Very cool! And remember -- lift with your legs.

BTW, I forgot -- luckiest1, congrats about your son. That's fantastic that he's getting to play regularly.

OK, even though the weather outside is perfect today, I'm going to work on cleaning my office. It hasn't been vacuumed since the Dark Ages, I think.

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We have some word filters on my baseball board. One of them is f'in &%^kees & the other is blahblahblahderekjeter. It's always funny when someone brings over an article from the NYTimes and your reading along and still see them.

I too apologize to any true Yankees fans. If I send any snark their way know that it isn't really even about the Yankees it's about the the E.astern S.ports P.ropaganda N.etwork and other sports press. Which reminds me ... I have a whole media thing I can go into that relates to following sports and sports media and being part of a local news story for the past several years and what I learned from that but sadly I don't have time now. So we'll talk later.

OMG I have a soul sister on board...or a bobbsey twin YAY. I have two screen names that I use online. I'm either couchtomato or I'm hoopsdreaming. heee Gonna go clean up and make pretty the sports thread..it's quite dusty cuz there hasnt been a post since last year in all likelihood.

It is my dream that he sings HYCA as his opening song...."looking better than a body has a right to" thudpile.gif

oooh remember we were doing our whole concert wish list awhile back......we'll have to drag that back up. OK for this tour I MUST hear

Oooh look what I found....this is JMH's post..I think she was the last one to post something...

OK, presented for further refinement and revision by FCA:

Right Here Waiting

Short Banter (hello FCA)

Everytime You Go Away (audience participation)

Everything I Do (I Do It For You)

A Thousand Days


Here You Come Again

Because You Loved Me

If You Don't Know Me by Now

Banter - here come the sad songs:

Broken Wings

Without You


Lonely No More

Lover All Alone

Interlude of some sort - short break for Clay

Moon River


When A Man Loves A Woman

For Once in My Life

When I See You Smile

Ya Gotta Have Faith


MOAM medley f. Run to Me, Perfect Day, The Way & I Will Carry You (the Oprah arrangement, with added strings)

I Want to Know What Love Is

These Open Arms (no, I swear, it was there all along)

Everything I Have


This is the Night

Measure of a Man (a la Capitol Fourth)

Bridge Over Troubled Water

Then a few new original songs as a final segment

and Invisible & Back for More at the end

That's not too long is it? :wicked grin:

time to dust this off..insert fast upbeat "diddies", get some new blood opinion whooo hoooo.. and then after first concert we can all come back here and laugh as I'm sure CLay will do something totally different.

BRoken Wings, HYCA, Lonely No More, Lover All Alone are what I would love to be included. I want to hear the duet because I was so excited for that when I heard the snipped and then felt disappointment after hearing the whole thing. I think Ang or Quiana could tear it up with him. I also definitely want to hear Sorry. I want to see if he can make me love When I See You Smile. heee I have a feeling he will...isn't that one of his favorites? And I need a little soul with If You Don't Know me By Now....

Oh and I'm happy Ang will be back. She brings out the sexy even more.

O.M.F.G. And the idea that the fans actually caused this is not being accepted, from what I can tell. Insanity. Makes me want to wring a few necks. Time to get offline and enjoy my weekend.

enjoy your weekend. I want to do that as well. I know the basics and now I'm done unless. I'm all for discussing some solutions for the fan club though and how to make it a better place. I mean I don't need or want to be right. Can we move on from whether the paper is a tabloid or not or proving old points? THis one has been tough for me because I can appreciate all sides of this issue. ANd there are a lot of them. But it's time to say... how can we as fans stop hurting Clay, pull ourselves together and create a real community. I hope all the focus is on the fans in the tabloids and not Clay. In this case, I won't mind being called nutty and hysterical. Don't think the description is so wrong anyway.

OK I iwll have visitors in 2 months so of course need to spruce up a few things. heee. So I "hired" my sister to put her damn H&G watching self to work and design on a dime my place for me. Should prove interesting. heee

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So I hear the fanclub mess will now be tabloid fodder. "We" only have ourselves to blame. But that won't stop us from not taking responsibility and it being the other fan's fault.

O.M.F.G. And the idea that the fans actually caused this is not being accepted, from what I can tell. Insanity. Makes me want to wring a few necks. Time to get offline and enjoy my weekend.

Thanks for the congrats about my son. What's difficult is that his old team (2nd string) played what will be their last game last night. They won, which was cool. But no one, other than my son and one other boy who was also called up to the 1st string team, know it. I am not sure when they are going to drop the bomb to all the other kids that their team is disbanding, but it won't be pretty. Poor kids.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Off into the sunshine for me. :RedGuy:

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So right after the tabloids tell everybody how Clay stunk up a first class airplane cabin with his feet, they can tell everybody how his crazy fans stunk up the fanclub message board with their rudeness.

Yeah. Way to go.

YSRN....any time you want to go Clay Aiken fan on some of these Clay Aiken fans, you just let me know. I am SO there.

Paris Hilton---do the crime, do the time. Good grief, it's not like she's going to San Quentin or Riker's Island. Maybe that time alone will force her to think about doing something other than buying out Rodeo Drive.

I'm off! Heading to watch a full day of awesome fast pitch tournament softball! :clap::rainbowsmile:

Later, peeps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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