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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Claygasm I stated that it was crystal clear to ME and that others disagreed. I don't have a problem with others disagreeing. I don't believe others who read the column and agreed with my conclusion of the intent should be cast as paranoid. I have my own beliefs that are not slanted or geared or catered to a group think tank. I am just me and Clay is just Clay. Now, I have stated my piece/peace and I hope I have done so peacefully.... Edited by lightmyfire
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So, I either I am just dense or it wasn't "clearly a sexual orientation dig" to everyone.

And therein lies the rub -- I totally agree that not everyone saw it that way. Where does the line get drawn? And who gets to draw the line? Eternal questions for the ages.

Honestly, I read the first few lines of the blurb, kinda winced at the wording of it, and went "not worth my time" before even finishing the article, therefore totally missing the synchronized swimming reference. How many others did that? I'm hoping more than people realize.

lightmyfire, I appreciate your viewpoint as well.

Is it time to derail the conversation with pretty pictures yet? :eusa_whistle:

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So, I either I am just dense or it wasn't "clearly a sexual orientation dig" to everyone.

And therein lies the rub -- I totally agree that not everyone saw it that way. Where does the line get drawn? And who gets to draw the line? Eternal questions for the ages.

Honestly, I read the first few lines of the blurb, kinda winced at the wording of it, and went "not worth my time" before even finishing the article, therefore totally missing the synchronized swimming reference. How many others did that? I'm hoping more than people realize.

Probaby a lot, and a lot more may have read the whole thing and didn't see anything to it and even more probably read the whole thing, turned the page and never gave it another thought.

At least until the calvary came charging in to defend poor Clay......

Is it time to derail the conversation with pretty pictures yet? :eusa_whistle:

Sure! How about these?










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Clay looks so mature in the Afghanistan pictures.

OK well I'm going out into the semi sunshine. Have an odd question. My neice turns 5 this month and besides the 12 girls band...I want to get her something so she can begin to learn about her Filipino heritage. Both the kids are kinda confused heee. Can someone recommend anything? A book, a toy?

Pretty pretty pictures.... good convo too.

waves to Karen Eh? Can't where to see where she has landed this time!!

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YSRN You KNOW I heart and you don't need to apologize. I just had the desire to express my feelings on the subject and my participation in that specific thread. I sincerely feel bad for the young fans.
:F_05BL17blowkiss: I heart you too!

Ok, I really have to let go of this. It's the same ol' fan battle and it's never going to end and that's why I never get involved in it and yet this time I couldn't help myself.

Why can't people just put their energy in the bigger picture. Spend that time lobbying congress for more professional journalism or something. Jeez.

In more boring news, I moved my blog to:


It's not all that exciting, but it's proof that I do have a life! :lol:

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Couchie, I'm roosting in the same darn seat in Starbucks I occupied yesterday. We drove up the coast this afternoon for a while (in the bright red Mustang GT we rented for a laugh) and got back in enough time before dinner to sneak in an hour or so here.

I haven't read anywhere else but here since I've left home, this is enough to read in the short spurts of time I'm getting but I'm happy to say I'm caught up!! I'm with keepingfaith and in tour mode right now. That's where my head is and will likely be for the next couple of months. It's a very nice place to be.

Did someone mention covers? I'll send him a memo to remind him that we don't need really need them. They only end up on the floor anyway. Ah, but if he insists I'll just put it down to the fact that someone likes to show off how well he can build a tent on the bed.....will he EVER grow up?


Muchos gratias for the photos today. I must say, those ones from the Megan Mullally Show show a pair of jeans full of promise.

Can you tell I did a little skimming? I hope I've hit on a few important points. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow. We're migrating to my sister's for the next week....well.....maybe it will only be a few days. They have wireless internet there but the sound of me typing on the keyboard interferes with my brother-in-law's enjoyment of the Ultimate Fighting Challenge. I got a special manicure just for him. I wonder if some Dr. Scholl's cornpads would help soften the blows to the laptop?

The End.....did you know that logging off until the very next day actually hurts. But here I go...

***Waves to all the new folks***

Edited by Karen Eh?
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Honestly, I read the first few lines of the blurb, kinda winced at the wording of it, and went "not worth my time" before even finishing the article, therefore totally missing the synchronized swimming reference. How many others did that? I'm hoping more than people realize.

I didn't get it when I read it. I honestly didn't get what all the commotion was about maybe I am so use to the Clay digs that they just don't bother me anymore. There are so many real life things to worry about that blurbs in the tabloids don't seem that important and I doubt that Clay loses sleep over them either.

I think if and when the OFC opens again that not much will change. You have the group that constantly brings up what goes on at another board, the ones that have never gotten over the mods Clay picked, the group that just can't let anyone think for themselves and the ones that think Clay is a Saint and needs to be protected from us that don't have 100% pure thoughts when it comes to him.

Edited by jerrijan
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... the ones that think Clay is a Saint and needs to be protected from us that don't have 100% pure thoughts when it comes to him.
I don't think I can be deterred from impure thoughts about Clay! So, mmmmm, does this mean somebody is trying to protect Clay from ME??? HaH!
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Again, it is not about the original sentence she was given that has me feeling sorry for her. It is about the fact she seems to have had that sentence increased, in essence she is being further punished, for something she did NOT do. She is being used as a scapegoat because she is rich and famous. All she did was go to prison when she had to and leave when she was told she could. And I do not believe anyone should be punished for the actions of others.

I didn't mean to imply that you or anyone else was condoning drunk driving. Just that life often isn't right or fair. Shit happens to everyone. She's a fully capable functioning adult and can deal with it and move on just like anyone else. What happened behind the scenes on her behalf may not be her doing but she is the one ultimately responsible for the behavior that got her into the situation. Choices and consequences. FWIW I do happen to think the others responsible should be punished. And not just legally. They are the ones that made it worse for her. IMO our judicial system is litered with inequities. If she's being singled out because she's rich and famous I'd say the line to complain about profiling starts to the right and winds around the block a couple of times.

45 days may be a rough stint for her but it is still a finite amount of time and not a grand one at that. My point was not that anyone should feel sorry for my XSIL. She knowingly got into a car with someone who was very very drunk and she was impaired herself. All of the other people involved in the accident were killed. When weighed against a lifetime, I still consider 45 days a "blip".


I staid away from the OFC board mainly because I didn't have time to get involved in another board. From the times I read, I saw some stuff I really liked and some stuff I didn't. Just like most boards.


Is it Tulsa time yet? :RedGuy:

Edited by jamar1700
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OK, better now.

Was talking to my sister about my cousin's surprise wedding and the topic changed to music and when screaming was good music and I remember ed Layla - Now if Clay was have a song to replace WDC, it could be Layoa - not much singing, but he could dance to it, heh, heh.

I say my cousin's surprise wedding because I went to her sister's daughter's weddig 3 weeks ago and no one mentioned it or that she was even dating someone special. This was my closest cousin who for some reason stopped meeting with me for lunch or dinner or holidays and stopped e-mailing me. I missed her son's wedding in Columbia (The country, I didn't think it was really a great safe to travel to alone since the prime minister had just been assignated by a cartel and there really wasn't enough notice to arrange vacation, etc). Well, I guess I know what she has been doing for the last 3 years now.

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It's really been tough this past week trying to keep up, but I have been reading every night, I just haven't had the time to do much posting.

Now my art exhibit has been hung and the artist's reception is over, so maybe I'll have a little time to participate a little more.

First and foremost let me welcome all of the newbies, it's great to see new screen names and read new opinions

Keepingfaith, let me add my name to the long list of admirers of your post from a couple of nights ago. I enjoyed it almost as much as Clay's blog. I was encouraged to read that an interest in Clay was reignited by the AI5 finale and hope there were others like you out there.

Paris Hilton - I for one was pretty upset when I heard she had been let out after only serving 2 days, I don't think that sends a message to her or anyone else. I'll save my sympathy for someone sitting behind bars that is innocent of the crimes of which they are accused. However, that said, I suppose this means we will all be sentenced to 42 more days of non stop coverage of the Paris Hilton saga.

The message board shut down at the ofc, I guess I'm pretty much in the dark as to what was going on over there, but thanks to some of you who did read and post there I think I get the picture. What a mess, and of course the one who ends up catching the flack is Clay. I'm not aware of any case where a fan has owned up to having any responsibility for causing Clay a problem in the media, when undoubtedly some have. Disclaimer: I'm not pointing fingers, because I wouldn't know which direction to point, just voiceing an opinion.

luckiest1, thanks for your posts that are always filled with excitement in anticipation of the upcoming tour, I hope you get RHW and all of your other wishes for the tour (mostly because I love a lot of the same ones)

Waves to ldyj

I wish I could respond to all of the great posts I've read in the past few days but there were just too many.

You guys are just too good.

Clay's blog was great!!!

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I appreciate so much the kind words from so many about my Friday night post. Every now and then I do feel the need to expose my thoughts and feelings and for quite a while I've confined that to PMs with my friends at OFC. I especially appreciate The Moving Finger quality here -- having writ, it moves on.

Who was looking for a Paul McCartney review? I just listened to Memory Almost Full for the first time today. First, I love Paul McCartney, and his concerts are spectacular, but his recorded music hasn't done much for me lately. This album started that way for me too ... sounded like standard issue Macca at first, but I was distracted and wasn't giving it my undivided attention. Until Mr. Bellamy came along and gave me a head snap. I sat down and listened. And it unfolded like a rose petal. That Was Me was a kick! House of Wax -- I had to repeat that one three times, a dead giveaway that I've got a huge favorite on my hands. So by the end I know it's totally brilliant. And I hadn't even given the first few songs a true listen yet! Now I have and my verdict is: I think this is the masterpiece McCartney has been waiting 40 years to write ... and wouldn't you just know he'd do it when he's 64. It's so Paul. Yep, I'm nodding my head. I'm glad it's No. 1.

Edited by keepingfaith
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So I did get out for a bit...went to lunch, took my neice rock collecting and duck watching. It's been a very nice day. Then I came home and watched the Atlantic City JBT concert and now I'm smiling ear to ear. This latest controversy - whatever. I think I've gotten it out of my system. It's at the point now where you start to say the same things over and over and over again - maybe in a thousand different ways but it's still the same damn thing. I think that's when hurt feelings and misunderstandings start to creep in and things get personal. I'm sure somebody didn't agree with me the first time I said it and vice versa. So, I'm going to try now to refocus on the upcming tour. Ok that was easy cuz concert Clay is freakin' great and I just got a reminder of that. Everybody, pull out some sort of concert video and watch it. Next thing you know you'll be in your happy place.

Atinal..you have been missed. Good luck with your show.

Did someone mention covers? I'll send him a memo to remind him that we don't need really need them. They only end up on the floor anyway. Ah, but if he insists I'll just put it down to the fact that someone likes to show off how well he can build a tent on the bed.....will he EVER grow up?

Karen Eh you crack me up. I swear we've been on the same board for a long time and yet I feel like I'm just getting to know you. Can't wait to meet you in so cal.

I hope Carrie is kicking butt today... Go Muski Daughter.

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I thouhgt I would bring this from TWOP - it is on the Kathring McPhee thread - apparently her people misbook a DJ and there are some fans who had an issue. The DJ posted this on his web page.

KAT DRAMA - Once and for all..

Thursday, June 7th, 2007, 8:26 pm EST [General]

Okay! Kat fans, PAY ATTENTION:

I'm writing this once because I'm getting increasingly frustrated by e-mails from McPhee fans that don't know the whole story and are writing me angry e-mails.

1) It makes Kat look bad when ever other word in your e-mail about how you thought we didn't handle the interview professionally starts with an F---.

2) Maybe you should realize that weeeeeee were the ones that were promised Kat -- and they didn't deliver.

A timeline:

LAST WEEK - They reached out to us asking if Kat could come on the show to promote an event in Washington DC. We were excited and quickly agreed. They had some requests. First, that we PRE-PROMOTE starting on Monday that Kat was going to be LIVE IN STUDIO to talk about this event. Second, that there would be no personal questions. We agreed.

MONDAY - Her people call us and ask if she can do other radio station interviews, we agree (normally this is a no-go). We just ask that she honor our time of 8:15 live in studio. They reply that she is only going to do a phone interview with a station in Baltimore and maybe something with another station.

TUESDAY - I get an e-mail from her people saying that she won't be able to come in after all because of 'time constraints' (read: they double booked her). I reply that we had a deal, we are holding our end, that's a problem THEY need to work out. We go back and forth until about 7p when they send a 'nevermind, we'll see you tomorrow' e-mail.

WEDNESDAY - We pre-promote Kat (per our agreement) all morning and we get a call at 7:58a and are told that 'Kat's plane was late from LA and that she just landed and would not be able to make it in live.'

She was flying on the red-eye from LA. Don't you think any good media handler would check to see if her plane was on-time EARLY in the day to be sure that she would be available for the interviews that were promised? Why did we only get a 20 minute 'she's not going to be there' heads up?

Also, her phone call was very clear, no cell breakups, car noise, nothing. Sounded like it was from a hotel. Listen and see for yourself (click on-demand).

Finally, check any flight tracking website. The last non-stop redeye flight landed at Dulles at 5:57a. USAIR 6508 and United 82. The next non-stop wasn't until around noon.

We got a call that Kat was live in studio at the Baltimore station shortly thereafter from a listener. How did she make it from Dulles to Baltimore (btw, you have to pass near Rockville to get to B'more) in less than an hour at 8a with rush hour traffic?

These are facts. No spin.

Slam us, go-head. We agreed to have her on, we followed the rules. They didn't tell the truth. Kat could have had a little more fun with Ally. She could have said "You guys know you're not supposed to ask me personal questions... what's wrong with you?" Rather she just got mad.

I don't blame her.

I don't blame us either.

PS: Before you tell me it was "God and the weather" it was perfect in LA when her flight took off. No rain, nuthing. Matter of fact, LA is in their worst drought in YEARS. The mayor is asking people to take less showers!?!

PPS: There were no delayed flights (other than a Com-Air from Syracuse, NY that was 12 minutes late) at Dulles that morning. Nothing more than 12 minutes late.

I think the first part of this should be posted on all Clayboards

He also posted this above that.

:To the IDOLFORUM bloggers for Kat

I can see all of your posts... it's not a secret plan if you post it on a website. (Read below for more information)

Poor Kat, they even had a pod cast -where the intern never asked her about what she was tryng to "pimp" and only asked her questions about her personal life, which the staton had agreed not to do.

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Why yes, if fact I am an enormous geek. An enormous geek with a persistent earworm, tenqueberrymuss.

I love geeks. All types of geeks. But what you posted? That was so very cruel, especially before dinner. But I'll forgive you because you posted pretties. That works on so many levels. CG gets a special hug too for the pretties as well.

atinal, I've missed you. I'm sorry I won't be able to see your show. Keep us posted on it.

I didn't watch concert clack tonight, but I did watch "The Devil Wears Prada." Meryl Streep is soooooo good. Clay connection? Well, the film ends in Paris, and I started thinking about his comments about the city in the blog, how he thought it was overrated or something like that. Well, his thoughts were mine too...but now I'm looking at Paris and saying, "hmmm...looks nice." I'll do almost anything for that man.

keepingfaith, I listened to the new McCartney album today while I was cleaning. Now, I'm one who has really liked a lot of his albums lately -- and I really liked this one as well. I found it very Wings sounding, actually. I will listen again more, that's for sure. luckiest1, I'm going to listen to it a few more times, and then post in your Macca thread.

Did someone mention covers? I'll send him a memo to remind him that we don't need really need them. They only end up on the floor anyway. Ah, but if he insists I'll just put it down to the fact that someone likes to show off how well he can build a tent on the bed.....will he EVER grow up?

Heh. You funny, Karen Eh? Me likey.

muski, keep us posted on the softball tournament.

As for the events of the day in the fandom...I think I'll just hide. Sometimes ignorance is truly bliss. Meanwhile, I have this to look forward to -- :TourExcite: :Tour3:

And of course, :DoClay: with or without covers.

I think it's bedtime. 'Night all.

Well, except now he blogs a novel. Off to read.

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Oh My...that was sweeeet. He's a peach. I love him. :wub:


Hee bottlecap

I was thinking more of the Don Williams song (which I have threatend to sing at the top of my lungs all the way from KC to Tulsa if Creole doesn't let me drive...*g*)

Yes yes I know Eric Clapton did a version too but sheesh...Eric Clapton or Don Williams? Puleeeze. :RedGuy:

Edited by jamar1700
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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he blogged !!!! and he said to ignore...and he said difference makes the world go round...hmmm I think I said ignore and don;t feed the trolls somewhere else tonight...

he is tooo cute. So excited about the concert now. I wonder if its memory lane for Clay...like music that meant something in his life. He can add moonriver to that.

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Wow....I'm on the floor.

First I'm LMAO from the whole party thing, and then he gets me all pumped up for the concert tour. (It sure sounds to me like he's planning "Stump the Band, Part II" -- except with the orchestra).

And then....and then...I'm crying my eyes out, because of the end of his blog. Ignore. God bless him.

I love him.

More later.

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I freakin' love that man. He is brilliant...and if he wants to sing Mongolian Polkas to me I will slap my money down to listen. Teacher Clay is all kinds of hawt.

Good luck on the show Atinal. Mind if I ask what kind of art you work with?

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