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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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However, I do think that his own songs could have an added dimension to them. And I don't think I'm alone. At least one reviewer found the song particularly genuine and captivating.

I totally agree with this. It's that idea (which you clearly don't have) that an artist must write to be taken seriously that I have a problem with. I do believe that Clay has a unique ability to express himself that could lend itself beautifully to songwriting. I just don't think he has to do it (and I don't hearing you saying that).

I'm in the camp that believes that he has written, that he says he hasn't the same way he says he can't play the piano or dance--in other words, nothing he could take credit for has been good enough in his opinion to be worth mentioning til now. I do think that anything he wrote/would write that was closest to his soul would likely be Christian music, and that's not really relevant to his current career.

(Pauses to thank the baby Jesus that he doesn't aspire to be a TV evangelist because he could be very successful, and I would almost certainly hate it a lot.)

I saw some of the supersekrit communications back in the day about his writing. I've also read posts mentioning that he played a song he wrote at the "Y" camp, and also that he once wrote a wedding song. The whole thing is pretty confusing, but my feeling is, as in so many other things, that at the end of the day, it isn't any of my business. He's connected with David Foster who is an extraordinary songwriter, and that's more important. The present, and the possibilities for the future, far outweigh the past.

PS. It's also true that assumptions could've been made in all of these cases. I know my sister assumed that he'd written all the Christmas songs that weren't familar to her, and was disappointed to find out that he didn't, until I pointed out that finding and interpreting them was an art as well. I've always admired his ability to choose "covers" (as on the demos) that were not well known, but really suited him and were great songs.

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Oh yeah, clearly subjective because I'm not getting the poignant thingie...I am just so not sentimental about being in love or not being in love - I really don't think I ever worried about it. I know people do, just don't understand why. Not one of my bugaboos.

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Damn it! I love this place! I pop in to just skim and end up eating up every freakin' word you gals write and I'm at work, damn it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

KAndre, thanks for bringing over the link to that article. It confirms what I've thought for a long, long time. I even remember early on Clay saying in response to the question about writing songs that he didn't want to claim writing credits if all he did was change a word or note here or there. THAT, I believe (and this article confirms) is what happens lots and lots....Clay doesn't want or need that false feather in his cap...he's comfy in his own expertise---vocalization, interpretation, presentation---he's a natural genius at those things. Songwriting is more work for him than natural expression, I think.

And we all know how he tries to avoid work. heh.

Now...off to download the MOAM of which you all gah over.... :DoClay:

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Ok, now I have WKRP In Cincinnati and Thank You For Being A Friend competing for space inside my brain. Aaaaaahhhhhhh.

LAA? I personally love the lyrics (and can relate to them as well). I love that he wrote them himself, and have no doubt they are heartfelt. But I don't necessarily think that he connects any more to lyrics he's written, when he's singing, that to lyrics he hasn't. Um, ISY anyone? Solitaire? YWT? ICMYLM? Even frickin' TITN? To me, he seems to feel some of them just as much....or at least you coulda fooled me with some of those performances.

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I watched the Michigan MOAM clack, but I'm not sure it accurately captures what it was like to experience that song live. Quiana was groovin' on her stool, the orchestra was blasting, and Clay was ramping up the intensity as the song went on. I think you could hear how quick the crowd was to applaude, and the standing O went on and on although Clay tried to gesture the crowd to sit down. Unh Uh, man, you deserved every second of that ovation and every single one of the audience screams. MOAM was THE song of the concert for me, although Listen is getting all the attention.

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JMO I took my sister with me to Tulsa and she said she had a hard time understanding a word he said or sang in the classics medley. She likes Clay and voted for him on AI, but she doesn't follow him like us die hards. I warned her not to say anything negative in front of the fans, ahead of time, though. cryingwlaughter.gif I came away with the sense, though, that she would of preferred seeing another concert like the one I took her to in Hastings, Kansas at the state fair. Where he comes out of the stage singing WTSHNN. His solo MOAM tour. Be gentle when you throw those tomatoes at me. Remember, I have already stated I had a great time at my concert.

oh no tomatoes...you are of course entitled to your opinion. If I was given a choice...I do think I would choose NAT entrance over ATDW...it was dramatic. I think the only thing I find exasperating about criticism is when people dwell too much on the what was and what could've been and fail to enjoy whats in the here and now. I think the most important thing is that you and your sister enjoyed it. If I had my druthers...I would love more songs too. I love the banter...but I would love to hear LNM and BW. we just can;t get enough!!!!

I do think Clay will try to have different set ups for his tours. I imagine he will have other opportunities for fancier productions.

Can we revisit this topic of Clay saying he is not a songwriter again? HEE I'm one of those who believed he had tried to write songs when he was younger. I believed that because of what Diane Bubel said, or at least my memory of what she said. Of course you know I suffer from ICRS. LOL I know Clay said she miscommunicated on Oprah, but how can you miscommunicate something like that? I watched the show and my memory is that she told Oprah that Clay used to come to their house with songs he had written, and practiced singing them to her. I don't understand why she would say he wrote them if he didn't communicate that he wrote them. Am I remembering what she said wrong? If they were just songs he liked, as he is saying now, then surely she would of recognized them, and know they weren't new songs.

well diversity is great right? Cos I had the opposite reaction to you. I remember when I first saw that...I felt that Diane made a mistake and Clay knew that but didn;t know how to correct it. I don;t know what made me think that ...if it was the very tiny change in his facial expression when she said it but I just never took what she said to heart. I can very well see why they can make this mistake...When Clay comes to their home...it is mostly for Mike and I can see the little conversation about his singing could be just in passing. I also think that the songs may be CCM songs. I remember his choices of songs to sing in the hometown connection were a bit obscure...wouldn't be surprised if he let them listen to the songs in the Demo...if she didn't hear them before she could presume he wrote them. I just don't see why he would lie about this at this point.

I know Clay has said many times that he is not a songwriter, I agree with everyone on that. I feel, though, there is a difference in him saying he doesn't consider himself a songwriter than saying he has never written or tried to write songs before. Thanks for telling me what was said in the meet and greet. I haven't seen too many reports on the last few M&Gs, so I wasn't sure what is being reported.

oh I agree...I would bet he tried to do it at one time...I mean how would he know he is not good at it if he never tried.

songwriter - is he trying to disavow the Peanut the hamster song now? sniff, sniff poor little thing buried and now forgotten.

BWAH...well there you go...then he has written at least one song...hee

Ding dang you, lickiest! I had finally pried that bastard out because I KNOW I never watched the frickin' show and you go and put it back! Crap! Crapitty crap crap crap!

damnit...now you've infected me...

charles in charge of our days and our nights...

chalrles in charge of our wrongs and our rights

OMG that is cheesy!!!!

LAA resonates with me. Now, I could be projecting, but those words, "Maybe I've convinced myself, I've really been in love before," seem especially poignant coming from him. "Maybe this song has no meaning to him, but I feel like it gives me a peek into his soul. When an artist sings a song he wrote, there is that inclination to believe that he has actually felt the emotions he is expressing in music. It can feel a little more real, somehow.

Now, I don't believe he must write to connect to an audience, be a true artist, or be taken seriously. However, I do think that his own songs could have an added dimension to them. And I don't think I'm alone. At least one reviewer found the song partichttp://findingclayaiken.invisionzone.com/index.php?act=post&do=reply_post&f=6&t=359

Finding Clay Aiken Fan Forum -> Replying in An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodderularly genuine and captivating.

I love "Lover All Alone," not just because he wrote it, but because I remember what it felt like to wonder if I'd ever really fallen in love, or if I ever would. There was a time, when I was a single girl in my thirties, when I thought, "Could be, it's all just a waiting game." I wanted to "share my everything," but had no one to share it with. I still know a lot of single women who ask me hopefully, "Do you know anyone?" I think he captures something in this song that many people can identify with on some level.

But it's a subjective thing, clearly.

WORD...JennaZ...thanks for sharing my brain the past few days...oh forgot to say that I hope your little TV speculation turn out right.

LAA...all I know when I first heard it ...I bawled. Not because it was Clay's composition...but because it made me think of my own life...don;t get me into it, but it truly hit home. Hee and I remember I ended up writing a rant against Clive after that cos we all thought at the time it was part of the cd that was rejected...hee. Now I think we should thank him cos it might never been written if he didn't "mandate" for a cover CD.

I watched the Michigan MOAM clack, but I'm not sure it accurately captures what it was like to experience that song live. Quiana was groovin' on her stool, the orchestra was blasting, and Clay was ramping up the intensity as the song went on. I think you could hear how quick the crowd was to applaude, and the standing O went on and on although Clay tried to gesture the crowd to sit down. Unh Uh, man, you deserved every second of that ovation and every single one of the audience screams. MOAM was THE song of the concert for me, although Listen is getting all the attention.

hee...when I saw the clack I was like...woah...I wish I was there cos I can see the intensity and just know that this little video does not capture what y'all experienced. thanks for articulating it so well so we can have a tiny glimpse of your experience.

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So nobody has watched dhl7777's Listen yet? I'm still on the floor.


I'm at work and I watched it. Listened to it. I'm aware that a few people walked by my office, but I'll be damned if I know who they were. He's so....into it. His fingers never stop on the top of that mic stand--in, out, around, through...gah.

And he never takes his eyes off Quiana, his beautiful lips moving to her words...and when he doesn't hear the harmony and/or chooses to sing in unison, I found myself on the edge of my seat waiting, waiting for the sweet, rich sounds of his voice coming in with the PERFECT blended tones and notes....I mean, there are a couple of harmonic choices he made that made goose bumps and shivers take over .....

Damn. What a musician. What a man. :Thud:

MOAM was beautiful, too, but I think you're right, bottle. I'm SURE there was more to that performance than the video clip presented...I'm still thankful to LauraQ, though, for sharing this :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Now STOP telling me about new CLACK! I'm swamped here at work and I mean it! :angry2:



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I watched the Michigan MOAM clack, but I'm not sure it accurately captures what it was like to experience that song live. Quiana was groovin' on her stool, the orchestra was blasting, and Clay was ramping up the intensity as the song went on. I think you could hear how quick the crowd was to applaude, and the standing O went on and on although Clay tried to gesture the crowd to sit down. Unh Uh, man, you deserved every second of that ovation and every single one of the audience screams. MOAM was THE song of the concert for me, although Listen is getting all the attention.

OMG - I just watched this!!! It was very compeling vocal-wise.... I hope another video surfaces to show what bottle was talking about!!


OT - I need some new music for my ipod.... any suggestions?

fwiw - I am all alone in the Harry Potter thread!! Come join me?

Edited by cha cha trusty
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fwiw - I am all alone in the Harry Potter thread!! Come join me?

Haven't read it yet, as I am busy following the real-life exploits of another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand. Maybe I'll get to Harry during the travel to California break.

I do need to smack my sister upside her head though. She kept yammering on about just wanting to know how it ended, so I lent her my book. She read the last few pages and blurted out "Blah Blah Blah" - a major plot point that I didn't want to know. Crap!

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Haven't read it yet, as I am busy following the real-life exploits of another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.

Bwhahaa! I'd not shy away from calling him a wizard, too! He certainly knows how to cast a spell...and although Harry might have a Sorcerer's Stone, Clay--- in addition to his weighty wand---has some impressive stones of his own, fo' sho'! :hubbahubba:

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fwiw - I am all alone in the Harry Potter thread!! Come join me?

Haven't read it yet, as I am busy following the real-life exploits of another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand. Maybe I'll get to Harry during the travel to California break.

I do need to smack my sister upside her head though. She kept yammering on about just wanting to know how it ended, so I lent her my book. She read the last few pages and blurted out "Blah Blah Blah" - a major plot point that I didn't want to know. Crap!

oh no not the infamous epilogue that has become the center of HP controversy...hee

well we are waiting for a few people to finish reading so things are still in spoiler tags but I think after this weekend we will start to discuss it fully...cos I loved it and been torned between Clay and HP the past few days.

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I love "Lover All Alone," not just because he wrote it, but because I remember what it felt like to wonder if I'd ever really fallen in love, or if I ever would. There was a time, when I was a single girl in my thirties, when I thought, "Could be, it's all just a waiting game." I wanted to "share my everything," but had no one to share it with. I still know a lot of single women who ask me hopefully, "Do you know anyone?" I think he captures something in this song that many people can identify with on some level.

But it's a subjective thing, clearly.

Jenna, I totally understand what you are saying. If this song had come out 10 years ago for me, I'd be crying everytime I heard it. I do love the song, but part of it for me is that I'm past that point in my life, now that I'm happily married. I think that's it, at least. I will say that the two phrases you picked out are two of the strongest in that song.

I totally agree with this. It's that idea (which you clearly don't have) that an artist must write to be taken seriously that I have a problem with. I do believe that Clay has a unique ability to express himself that could lend itself beautifully to songwriting. I just don't think he has to do it (and I don't hearing you saying that).

Again, jmh and I share a brain. Would I like him to write more, especially with the promise he's shown with LAA? Oh hell, yes. Does he have to for me? Nope. And I think it patently unfair that those who write songs seem to get more credence than those who simply interpret.

I'm in the camp that believes that he has written, that he says he hasn't the same way he says he can't play the piano or dance--in other words, nothing he could take credit for has been good enough in his opinion to be worth mentioning til now.

I think that's where I'm at too in my beliefs regarding his possible past songwriting. He really seems to be Mr. Perfectionism in regards to several things in his career, like those you mentioned. IMO he needs someone to "push" him and say "that was pretty darn good, keep it up." And that goes for his dancing too! Hee.

but my feeling is, as in so many other things, that at the end of the day, it isn't any of my business. He's connected with David Foster who is an extraordinary songwriter, and that's more important. The present, and the possibilities for the future, far outweigh the past.

jmh....I love you man. [tm soppy beer commercial guys]

KAndre, thanks for bringing over the link to that article. It confirms what I've thought for a long, long time. I even remember early on Clay saying in response to the question about writing songs that he didn't want to claim writing credits if all he did was change a word or note here or there. THAT, I believe (and this article confirms) is what happens lots and lots....Clay doesn't want or need that false feather in his cap...he's comfy in his own expertise---vocalization, interpretation, presentation---he's a natural genius at those things. Songwriting is more work for him than natural expression, I think.

I was hoping someone would bring that up, because I remember that as well. I get the feeling that this particular songwriting, as mentioned in this article, would almost be dishonest to Clay (MY words, not his). If he's gonna do something like songwriting, I think he wants to do it 1) "right", and 2) where it truly is his own.

So nobody has watched dhl7777's Listen yet? I'm still on the floor.

I did! It's amazing. I do wish, though, that we could combine the sound of LauraQ's with the visuals of this clip. That would be perfect!

I watched the Michigan MOAM clack, but I'm not sure it accurately captures what it was like to experience that song live. Quiana was groovin' on her stool, the orchestra was blasting, and Clay was ramping up the intensity as the song went on. I think you could hear how quick the crowd was to applaude, and the standing O went on and on although Clay tried to gesture the crowd to sit down. Unh Uh, man, you deserved every second of that ovation and every single one of the audience screams. MOAM was THE song of the concert for me, although Listen is getting all the attention.

Does anyone know a libby63?

It's missing the very beginning, but it gives a bit more of Clay's body language, and isn't as shaky. It is a masterful performance!

cha cha trusty, I'll be there in the HP thread when I finish the book -- I've got about 300 pages yet to read! I should be there by the end of the week.

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So nobody has watched dhl7777's Listen yet? I'm still on the floor.

I did! It's amazing. I do wish, though, that we could combine the sound of LauraQ's with the visuals of this clip. That would be perfect!

We can....I'll ask goldarngirl if she can do that for us. I'm dying to get home and watch this stuff you are all raving about! I currently have hoo-da-bop-a-deeda going through my head. *waves to cindilu2*

ETA: EEEEEEEEE, I see Sorry and A Thousand Days have now been vaulted from SH. Dang, why isn't it time to go home yet?????

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Does anyone know a libby63?
It's missing the very beginning, but it gives a bit more of Clay's body language, and isn't as shaky. It is a masterful performance!

Yes, yes, yes! Can you feel and see how the electricity and intensity built as that song flowed along? I'm sorry to keep harping on this one performance, but I really think it was transcendent. I'm also afraid that the feeling is going to start slipping away from me as time goes by and my memories dim a bit and get smudged by Clack from other concerts.

And, hee! If you look closely at the end, you can see a glimpse of Ethel standing up getting ready to testify. "It's all good!"

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Yes, yes, yes! Can you feel and see how the electricity and intensity built as that song flowed along? I'm sorry to keep harping on this one performance, but I really think it was transcendent. I'm also afraid that the feeling is going to start slipping away from me as time goes by and my memories dim a bit and get smudged by Clack from other concerts.

Testify it, Sister bottlecap! I totally get it, especially from this clip.

And, hee! If you look closely at the end, you can see a glimpse of Ethel standing up getting ready to testify. "It's all good!"

I thought I saw her. Cool.

BTW, this libby person has several clips up from last night...

Yes, it includes the ripping off of the jacket. *sigh*
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Sweetie, unlike SOME places, we can deal with "unwanted" elements. Post what you like. We will either agree or disagree, perhaps mock a little, allow you to mock back, and then move on.

*interrupts the intelligent conversation to throw herself down on her back in front of KAndre and whisper in a husky voice.... mock me... pleeeeeeeease... mock me!! * brows.gif hapydancsmil.gif

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Sweetie, unlike SOME places, we can deal with "unwanted" elements. Post what you like. We will either agree or disagree, perhaps mock a little, allow you to mock back, and then move on.

*interrupts the intelligent conversation to throw herself down on her back in front of KAndre and whisper in a husky voice.... mock me... pleeeeeeeease... mock me!! * brows.gif hapydancsmil.gif

Hey its tagalong!!! welcome to main...

like your avie...

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Sweetie, unlike SOME places, we can deal with "unwanted" elements. Post what you like. We will either agree or disagree, perhaps mock a little, allow you to mock back, and then move on.

*interrupts the intelligent conversation to throw herself down on her back in front of KAndre and whisper in a husky voice.... mock me... pleeeeeeeease... mock me!! * brows.gif hapydancsmil.gif

Nobody mocks like KAndre!! It's hawt!

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Sweetie, unlike SOME places, we can deal with "unwanted" elements. Post what you like. We will either agree or disagree, perhaps mock a little, allow you to mock back, and then move on.

*interrupts the intelligent conversation to throw herself down on her back in front of KAndre and whisper in a husky voice.... mock me... pleeeeeeeease... mock me!! * brows.gif hapydancsmil.gif

Hey tag! If you're into domination like this, you'll fit right in. *g*

In the meantime, another new favorite piece of clack....dlh7777's ETYGA from Sterling Heights. 0:15 to 0:22 is especially nice....


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Does anyone know a libby63?

It's missing the very beginning, but it gives a bit more of Clay's body language, and isn't as shaky. It is a masterful performance!

Yes, yes, yes! Can you feel and see how the electricity and intensity built as that song flowed along? I'm sorry to keep harping on this one performance, but I really think it was transcendent. I'm also afraid that the feeling is going to start slipping away from me as time goes by and my memories dim a bit and get smudged by Clack from other concerts.

And, hee! If you look closely at the end, you can see a glimpse of Ethel standing up getting ready to testify. "It's all good!"

Awww crap bottlecap, you made me tear up all over again! I can't help it...I've been all smoopie/yammy/hormonal, (don't mention hormonal around Clay in case a conductor's baton is nearby, k?) ever since the concert. When he clenches his fists and pounds on his knees and nearly lifts himself off the stool at the end...just freakin' GAH!!

(sorry, not doing coherent or articulate at the moment)

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What's Sexy? ... I think someone with a great sense of humor has to be fast, quick witted and smart. With Clay his brain and wit make him every bit as sexy to me as tight jeans or a provocative dance move. It is his ability to not take himself too seriously, his playfulness, and maybe the pure love of performing that says SEXY to me, of course I don't mind the tight jeans and provocative dance moves, just adds to whole "package" ahem
ITA atinal - the only thing I will add to the Classics is it/isn't it? discussion is that for me, his subtle moves have always been waaaay more sexy. His Tulsa Opposites Attract hip thrusting - which I didn't think were subtle at the time - gahhhhhhhhh - do much more to raise my tingle factor than the current camp. But the camp is Clay and I also love that he's happy and having fun with it - it's that old joy factor that I love to harp on so much *g*. I also agree with ldyjocelyn that I would love to hear him do Yeah - they'd be cleanin' me up in aisle 3!

Seriously, though, what is really sexy to me? PISSY CLAY. I flove me some pissy Clay. I don't care why or to who he is being pissy to. I just love it. I love it when he is dissing on his fans and they eat it up. They don't even care, or can't see, that he is making fun of them. That's an art many people don't have. He is a master. I love his razor sharp quick wit. I love it when he exudes confidence. When he sings the shit out of something and knows full well that he did. I love the bangs I love his talent I love everything about him for the most part.
WORD Clayzor! I could not have said this any better!

Okay, to summarize - I love pissy, subtle sexy, playful, happy, confident, brilliant, singing-man, Clay. Gee, I'm really stepping out on a limb here, aren't I? I guess you can just put me in the 'I'm Easy' column *g* Add to that that he's generous and kind and loves kids and I'm officially toast . . . God, I LOVE this man!

. . . I came away with the sense, though, that she would of preferred seeing another concert like the one I took her to in Hastings, Kansas at the state fair. . .
I love that you mentioned this Clayzor - it was definitely one of my favorite concerts! But it was actually in Hutchinson Kansas - I know because I can look out the front windows of my house and see the tippy-top of the grandstand where he performed that night. *g* I wish I had known you then ! I had 7 Clay fans staying with me for two glorious days - 8 would have made it all the more fun! What incredible memories

- is he trying to disavow the Peanut the hamster song now? sniff, sniff poor little thing buried and now forgotten.
nahhhh Play - you know the true classics never die :)

OK, I have freaking Charles in Charge going through my head, over and over. I blame Clay and Co. I don't believe I ever watched that show in my life!
bwah! For me, it's The Jeffersons - cannot get "to a deee-lux a-part-ment, in the skyyyyyy" out of my head! and the vision of his dancing - lmao every time! I love the TV themes and the fun he's having with it! I was vegging this morning and the TVLand channel was on - All In The Family, followed by The Jeffersons, then later in the morning, Full House. Damn if I didn't know all the words - I couldn't say that before DCAT07 - this couch potato thanks you Clay! I also couldn't wipe the smile off my face while I was singing along - my 13 year old looked at me kinda funny (what else is new? *g*) and I said "blame Clay!" which became our family's mantra long ago :cryingwlaughter:
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Yo, tagalong! Welcome...really. We mock, we tease, we taunt, we disagree, we snark and drool and laugh our asses off here...all the while exercising our right to be adults with free choice and free speech.

Novel concept, I know, but we make it work. heh.

Gah to the subtle (as subtle as CLAY"S pelvis can be) pelvic thrusts! So....suggestive....yes. That is all. :Thud:

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