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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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We haven't figured anything out yet..but can't wait to meet her!! Or we could always stalk out YSRN's place heee.

OMG PLEASE DO!!! We could have a party and watch clack together and go play tourist in Santa Cruz or wherever you want to go and, and, and... I would LOVE that. Seriously!!! Wanna?

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE seriously...I am arriving on the 28th...and really nothing to do cos its my time and I don't think my Aunt is planning any elaborate stuff for me. We were just going to hang and shop so I can make all kinds of plans before th 1st. Of course my major problem is how to get somewhere but if its accessible by BART...I'm there!!!!

Muski I do hope ou can join us...I hear you might be leaving at this time...but I will also have a couple of days after the concerts so I hope we can figure something out.


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Yeah, some of us don't download at work (Except on very rare occasions. Really.) and can't access youtubes, so we gotta take notes, hope we can interpret what the cryptic scrawl means later ("Scar Syc Class") and download and watch in the evening. And last night, that meant after the cellcert.

Rare occasions, eh? Heh. During tour season, I have about 3 rare occasions a DAY. But don't tell my workplace that -- although I'm sure the IT department knows.

Besides, I watched the classics medley before I left for work yesterday. :medium-smiley-070:

And yes, I'm almost ALWAYS sending emails to myself. "Get new clack." "Download this clip." "Save this picture." Again, I'm sure the IT department is going "WTF? CLACK? WTH IS THAT? Is it illegal?"

EEEEEEEEEEE for cha cha trusty! I'll watch that clack later today....at work. *g*

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A very long winded ticket story, but hang in there, I think it has a nice ending...

At the last moment, still smarting from my not-a-concert in Houston, I decided to see if there were any seats in Columbus up for grabs. I had a friend who posts on several boards going, so I asked her to check around a bit. She found out MsMia, from the CH was unable to use her two tickets, so after much angst (on my part) and a few hundred emails, I get in touch with MsMia. We were going to overnight the tickets, but then I discover she lives just about an hour away, so yesterday I hit the road to pick up the tickets. I could go on and on with the horrors of what would normally be a 50 min drive that took 2 1/2 hours and spans cars on fire and construction woes, but I'll forgo that to tell you that at 6pm I was waiting outside Windsor casino looking for a woman in an orange shirt, while she, unfortunately, was in Detroit at Motor City casino looking for a rather large woman with a black t-shirt. (moi) Much more, even longer story later, with tales of driving the streets of Detroit for the first time and real crazy women wanting Jesus to save them jumping into her car and being on the wrong side from each other at the casino, we meet. :RedGuy:

Best part of the story...MsMia was unable to go to Columbus due to other commitments, but said she and a friend were going to go to Sterling Hts if possible to make up for it. She said she'd be happy to settle for lawn tickets just to see the concert live. I told her, as it happens, I ended up with an extra pair of Sterling Hts. tickets that she is welcome to use. Much happy eeee-ing later we made plans to connect...again. btw...must point out that the casino tag game that was played was most probably my fault, but MsMia is a total sweetheart, and I don't think she hated me too much. :whistling-1:

Here ends the long winded ticket story that really wants to say, my travel/concert buddy is the lovely bottlecap. We hit the road tomorrow going to Columbus


Now to catch up on Clack and frogs and whatever the M&G color will be for tonight...

ETA...bwahhh!!! She beat me!

Son of ETA...

And yes, I'm almost ALWAYS sending emails to myself. "Get new clack." "Download this clip." "Save this picture." Again, I'm sure the IT department is going "WTF? CLACK? WTH IS THAT? Is it illegal?"


Edited by laughn
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EEEEEEEEEE!!!! Besides Sterling Heights, laughn has come up with table tickets and we're going to Columbus on Saturday too! My second and third Clay concerts ever!

:TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE bottle is turning into a concert ho!!!

laughn..what a story!!! gah if we can collect all these interesting anecdotes...we can have a pretty cool diary of a concert ho book...hee.

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See, ldyj, I just make it easy on myself...I just download every frickin' thing. KAndre fondly pats her new 320GB and 500GB external hard drives...

Non sequitur: I think Clay and Faye understand each other much better than any of his fans and that she probably has a better grasp of what he wants or who he is than any fan in existence. Not perfectly - but still better. He also makes jokes about his mother - who is probably well aware of what he's capable of, good or bad. My child (who called me at 4 this morning because it was apparently too difficult to check the time difference between Houston and somewhen in Australia - glad to talk to the dude - even when his friends who didn't actually believe he was calling his mom and therefore commented on the ass they couldn't actually see - and so am mildly grumpy this morning) tells me many things that happen to him and oddly enough, he almost always describes his actions as being saintly enough to make Gandhi jealous. I therefore tend to get corrobating evidence. He then attempts to acquire sympathy from others for my "lack of trust". It clearly doesn't work as well for Paul as it seems to for Clay. When Faye turns into Brittney's mom, then people need to start about her butting out of Clay's business. Feh. Yeah, I'm projecting. I like my projections better than theirs.

Back to the tour: I agreed with ldyj on LNM as well - I've noticed that for many of ATDW a lot of the songs just tend to do a lot of Clay and the piano...

Y'all don't have too much fun in California before I get there!

YAY for bottle & laughn!

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treenuts, I think your description of record label peeps fits every type A multi millionaire business owner I know LOL. :cryingwlaughter: In fact, I think I hear one calling me right now.....scoooots....

With perhaps one exception...although I can't be sure about all wealthy business owners....

Music Industry Execs consume more recreational drugs, alcohol and sexual partners than in any other industry. But the perks are beyond belief and difficult to give up or learn to live without (I'm ashamed to say)

Oooooooo I can't wait to hear what he's adding this evening!!

Please let it be IYDKMBN


I didn't respond to this specific commentary last night for fear of exploding. But, I do want to extend my gratitude to the members who responded offering their viewpoint and opinion that negates this commentary.

And a thank you to those who responded to my writing of my experience which I submitted last night.

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LMF, may I just say that I always rather enjoy when your fire is lighted! That means you POST and that's always a good thing, my friend! Your point of view is always and forever your own and I welcome your voice. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And ldyjocelyn, I've been watching the 'party all night' clip you referred to and I want that baby as my avi ... God, I'll pay good money for an avi of that one!!!!!

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Damn have to really run out bu have to say

YES to YSRN... Muski will you be around on the 29th? I think that's the Sunday. IS that the right day Ansa? I thought you would be heading to the tournament by then. If so, maybe the Saturday can work. weeeeeeeeeeee We can all ride out together to her place eeeeeeeeeeeee I've always wanted to see it. Are you going to work us...make us plant something heee.

YAY for Bottle and Laughn....I'm just loving all these FCA hookups

KANDRE -- WORD on the Faye thing. We don't have a lot of rules here, ok maybe none. Many topics not allowed, or hidden away elsewhere you can talk about here. But, respect for Clay and his famliy is something we'll try to maintain. Not saying you have to like the woman but we're not getting into any psychological discussions here or having angry, bitter messages about her, or even the thought that a fan knows more about that relationship than the two of them. I grew up similar to Clay and it's laughable to me that pepole think they know anything. Sorry if that sounds harsh or adminey...nobody pass out okay?

As for the record business...like any business there are all types. This fandom tends to focus on the one type - maybe even stereotype (which means there is probably some truthful nuggets) but certainly doesn't cover everybody in the industry. Was glad to hear both sides.

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See, ldyj, I just make it easy on myself...I just download every frickin' thing. KAndre fondly pats her new 320GB and 500GB external hard drives...

Non sequitur: I think Clay and Faye understand each other much better than any of his fans and that she probably has a better grasp of what he wants or who he is than any fan in existence. Not perfectly - but still better. He also makes jokes about his mother - who is probably well aware of what he's capable of, good or bad. My child (who called me at 4 this morning because it was apparently too difficult to check the time difference between Houston and somewhen in Australia - glad to talk to the dude - even when his friends who didn't actually believe he was calling his mom and therefore commented on the ass they couldn't actually see - and so am mildly grumpy this morning) tells me many things that happen to him and oddly enough, he almost always describes his actions as being saintly enough to make Gandhi jealous. I therefore tend to get corrobating evidence. He then attempts to acquire sympathy from others for my "lack of trust". It clearly doesn't work as well for Paul as it seems to for Clay. When Faye turns into Brittney's mom, then people need to start about her butting out of Clay's business. Feh. Yeah, I'm projecting. I like my projections better than theirs.

Back to the tour: I agreed with ldyj on LNM as well - I've noticed that for many of ATDW a lot of the songs just tend to do a lot of Clay and the piano...

Y'all don't have too much fun in California before I get there!

YAY for bottle & laughn!

WORD...I actually envy their relationship. I think they love each other enough to know that they can tease each other or that Faye can offer her opinion without feeling like she is intruding and Clay feels comfortable enough not to always follow her advice and argue. I would hope that in the future I will have a similar relationship of love and respect with my daughters. I don't know what's so wrong about an offspring caring about their parents opinion or maybe wanting advice now and then and a parent offering advice when they see it may be warranted.

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YES to YSRN... Muski will you be around on the 29th? I think that's the Sunday. IS that the right day Ansa? I thought you would be heading to the tournament by then. If so, maybe the Saturday can work. weeeeeeeeeeee We can all ride out together to her place eeeeeeeeeeeee I've always wanted to see it. Are you going to work us...make us plant something heee.

I am so jealous. I am picturing this... :ura: :04: :bier:

(note: planting something and getting potted, not the same :P )

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I had to work last night so I missed everything...


Got the big OPL HP Bash tonight past midnight of course so will probably miss everything again tonight...


That said I do have the day off today and I just had a clackathon from last nights show and I just want to say ...

OMIGAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! He looks muygoodofantastique!

He was so cute and funny. And he sounds awesome. The last note of SSTBTHW was just out. of. this. world. Yeah....I kinda like it.



I think he and Faye are tight. I think I understand.

One night when my kids were 13, 15 & 17 my X stood up and announced he was leaving and walked out the door. I was as surprised as the kids were. I spent the next several years picking up the pieces and holding it together, especially for the younger two. We went through some tough shit together, you know. But we got through it together and we got strong. We forged an unbreakable bond that, to this day, we all cherish. I have the utmost respect for the way they live their lives and I know I have their respect.


I do find it ever so amusing that Clay is (IMO) calling his fans on some of their shit. Sorta sauce-goose-gander ... if you get my drift. Hee.


Finally got my Greek tickets in the mail yesterday! Traveling buddy has the San Diego tickets and the Pala Tickets are Will Call so these are the first tangibles I have for the Cali 3'fer.

I'm so excited.

If you get my drift.

:TourExcite: :TourExcite:

I edited...therefore, I am.

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Oh yeah...I'll be here....Not flying to El Paso til Monday night, Jul. 30Th...so we can

party all night! :TourExcite:

Let's do it! (If YSRN is anywhere around, could someone please let her know that a rather diverse group of women will be descending upon her little haven sometime this next weekend? Thanks.) My hubby and the head coach of the team are leaving Sat. in a rented van with all the team equipment in it to drive to Las Cruces...but my two girls and I aren't flying til later, so that weekend is available! :Tour3:

I'll be glad to bring something....

...like :wein::trink4: :704: :bier:


We're packing up for our drive to S. Lake Tahoe around noon or so. We have our first game tonight at 7 pm! Oh, and when I picked up the van yesterday from the car place, the guy I KNOW was there (I've been taking our cars to this place for about 15 years.) I told him what the little twerp told me yesterday about having to pay for this or that...he just looked at me, went to the computer and changed a few things---took off half the cost of the four tires and didn't charge for the alignment---saved me $200! :clap:

I love our little town. :allgood:

P.S. laughn---great story (but not such a great one while it was happening, I'm sure) And yes, Ansa....it's all these tidbits of funny, exasperation, desperation and OMGs! that make the experience of doing Clay all the more special. A collection of them would be groovy.

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LMF, may I just say that I always rather enjoy when your fire is lighted! That means you POST and that's always a good thing, my friend! Your point of view is always and forever your own and I welcome your voice. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And ldyjocelyn, I've been watching the 'party all night' clip you referred to and I want that baby as my avi ... God, I'll pay good money for an avi of that one!!!!!

I will just ditto keepingfaith's point here. Difference in opinion is nice and I always enjoy and trust yours.

Well as ya'll know I can't view Scarlett's fabu clack. So is there another video of what you are talking about here? "Cause you know I will just die if I can't find the sexy Clay stuff.

How is your dad doing, keepingfaith? Did his surgery go ok with the pacemaker? Sorry off topic.

Damn have to really run out bu have to say

YES to YSRN... Muski will you be around on the 29th? I think that's the Sunday. IS that the right day Ansa? I thought you would be heading to the tournament by then. If so, maybe the Saturday can work. weeeeeeeeeeee We can all ride out together to her place eeeeeeeeeeeee I've always wanted to see it. Are you going to work us...make us plant something heee.

YAY for Bottle and Laughn....I'm just loving all these FCA hookups

KANDRE -- WORD on the Faye thing. We don't have a lot of rules here, ok maybe none. Many topics not allowed, or hidden away elsewhere you can talk about here. But, respect for Clay and his famliy is something we'll try to maintain. Not saying you have to like the woman but we're not getting into any psychological discussions here or having angry, bitter messages about her, or even the thought that a fan knows more about that relationship than the two of them. I grew up similar to Clay and it's laughable to me that pepole think they know anything. Sorry if that sounds harsh or adminey...nobody pass out okay?

As for the record business...like any business there are all types. This fandom tends to focus on the one type - maybe even stereotype (which means there is probably some truthful nuggets) but certainly doesn't cover everybody in the industry. Was glad to hear both sides.

I wish to express my thanks to couchie and the admins here for this. I am someone who admires and respects Clay's mother, tremendously. I do not like to see people make fun of her or discuss her in a disparaging way. Especially out in a public forum. It think it is totally disrespectful to Clay. I think Kandre's post is also true. They have a very unique relationship and a very close bond with each other. I can relate to it, in my own life, with my own son. I find some of the things Clay's fans do, in the name of "helping" him, to be unbelievable. Honestly....You can't make this stuff up (tm lightmyfire) :cryingwlaughter:

I did watch some of jojocts's clack this morning. It was pretty good and very clear too. I need to go searching for more clack now.

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Partay at my house!!!


Everyone's welcome of course... treenuts, you're relatively local(ish), right? Come play with us!

Weee!! hyper.gif

Did I mention Yay!?!?!?

Oh.crap.... *starts cleaning*

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I ameven more of a prig - I don't like to discuss Clay's friends too much, they are his friends, I will discuss their functions in his life, bvut not how effective they are as friends - that is for each person to choose for themselves. heavens knows that I have some friends that my family questions me why I bother and I amsure some of my friends that only hear from me annually may feel the same way.

If you can't donwload a clip and can't see you tube, just ask and I will load up some (short) video in my 4shared account where you can play or download. Jut let me know what it is and I will let you know if it is possible. I think it has to be under 50K, but may have been upped to 100k, I need to check. I have done that for people at work before. Just ask.

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Either the world is trying to download CLACK or it's time for a call to my ISP...

wait. that would be the company my husband works for. :lilredani: Maybe I can 'work' on him to get faster connections...

heh...that sounded smutty.

So YSRN....is this a sleepover party? You know...in case I want to maybe have A glass of wine or something... :whistling-1: Wait! When does Ansa get to the Bay Area?

:DoClay: (And by the way, YSRN...that emoticon of the ladies in hats is CMSU! :lmaosmiley-1: ) One can be you, one is me, one is Ansa and one is couchie! Do you have an emoticon with more ladies in case treenuts can make it? :TourExcite:

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Hey, Jamar!

I'll be doing the HP party thang tonight, too. But I already went to the bookstore this morning, got my number, and will be in the first 55 to get the book at our local Barnes & Noble. So I'm not gonna stand in line forever tonight, nor do I need to show up at 5:00 PM to get a good place in line. They're organized! I love it. DD #1 will be going with me, and she CAN'T WAIT to read the book. Good thing I'm buying two copies, cuz I'm gonna read it right away, too!

Wait! This is a Clay board, not a HP board? Oooooops.


Okay, Clay content. I really liked SSTBTHW!! I love how Clay sings it. It was different with the orchestral arrangement, but Jesse did a great job of arranaging it. It helped A LOT that he included drums. And I LOVED Clay's last note - he really held it, and did a little bit of melisma at the end. Verrrry nice!

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Posting this here and in the (newly created) Chautauqua Thread:

From the CB:

IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR CHAUTAUQUA "GOERS"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Just got a phone call from flozie722....She is at Chautauqua and says that you must keep your ticket with you until after the concert because when you go to leave Chautauqua you must surrender it to the guard at the gate. If you do not have your ticket, they will charge you for the entire concert series.

The reason is that there have been repeated instances of people sneaking in to the compound and not paying for either the concert tix or the entrance fee. Remember this is a private compound and they set their own rules.

P.S.... If you know anyone that is attending this concert tonight, please try to contact them with this news. So many are on the road and are not reading the boards.....

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