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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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The first photo person asked him about his meetings in NY to which he replied "it was none of our business"! OOPS. He then added that they were business meetings and why were we interested anyway!

Thank you Clay. I'm not one to want to know his "business," just that I want him to be successful. But I know for some of the fans, their fandom revolves around his business dealings. Just doesn't sound like that much FUN to me, and from this answer, I get the feeling that Clay doesn't really want people to know that much either.

Hey, ldyj, we sure see eye to eye on this one. :RedGuy:

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I am more interested in this

Clay did ask if there was any video on the message boards of the fall. He really doesn't care if we as a "family" see it but that he doesn't want it to go out where Inside Edition, etc, can use it. He is just tired of all the crap.

I wonder if he did not want the sexy back listed. - insider is a clue word ....or I could just go back to downloading and watching clack.

I downloaded the regina clack and completely cracked me up. I loved his face when she said she heard him on the radio. Thanks for the referral, who ever did it.

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bwah...you a lawyer Bottle???

I think as we said before...I can see him considering fans suggestions or complaints...but would only change thigns if he agrees that it needs changing. HE is still the boss of him...hee

LOVE this!!!

I told him that several people asked me to tell him they wanted him to keep blogging with what is going on so that people won't make things up. He laughed and said his blogging wouldn't stop that...the fans would still read what they wanted to into what he had written but he would try to do better with his blogging. And he left the room taking his charm, good humor and beauty with him.

SOOOOOO true!!! people are never satisfied. If they don;t like his answer or info..they will make it up...they will say its spin or they will look for some coded message.

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Totally - hugs to you during this stressful time.

This is cute....someone took the Tampa TV medley and put subtitles over it.

Loved this ldyjocelyn - very cute! I could watch his Perfect Strangers and TV Medley clack endlessly! Thanks for the link!

and here's this :F_05BL17blowkiss: just cuz

Quick answer (as I am mentally composing my recap. Slooooooooowly. With white space too!) Yes, there was booing by a "famous" member of the Clay Nation when Clay mentioned Ethel. I walked up to her and asked her if she did this. She said yes. I walked off. There was nothing to say to her, because she was certainly old enough to know this was bad behaviour, and simply didn't care. Too many people have said, "oh, she's just bitchy on the boards - she's really nice in person." No, that was nasty bitchery in person too. I though it was amazingly lacking in class, courtesy and common decency - and hypocritical as well, since she was being just as famewhorish as anything Ethel has done. I'm quite sure she's getting her little "props" in private (and some in public) - which is why Clay's extremely pointed snark ("Don't you like black people") was so apropos.
Thanks for the clarification KAndre - wish I'd been there to see you walk away - probably would have given you a standing 'o'. :clap: I've been avoiding her posts on all boards for a long time.

I wonder if the "offer" included that person leaving the show? Now that would have been well deserved karma if they had been escorted out.
I was told that someone who was there overheard Jerome's offer and it did include an escort out but the person's response was that she did not want her money back or to leave but instead wanted Jerome to tell Clay that he shouldn't reward bad fan behavior. Jeesh. . . :glare: :whatever:

Thanks for bringing suebee's recap Jenna - Clay has a definite "line" that he won't let the questions step over - I'm glad he's comfortable enough (or gritchy enough *g*) to tell us it's none of our business. Because it's just not.

I spotted that too Bottlecap - the man wears his tap shoes well, doesn't he? and I bet he'd win the stare down every single time - he's that good! bwah! cracks me up

Personally, I would have liked to see more elaboration on the the "fuzzy balls" theme. Where's Muski when we need her? :cryingwlaughter:

and oh yeah, what cindilu2 said too :Thud:

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I was told that someone who was there overheard Jerome's offer and it did include an escort out but the person's response was that she did not want her money back or to leave but instead wanted Jerome to tell Clay that he shouldn't reward bad fan behavior. Jeesh. . .

Let me rewrite this so you know who I am talking about.

Pot meet kettle.

Edited by playbiller
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bwah...you a lawyer Bottle???

Nope, but I have watched "Law & Order" from time to time. B)

Ah, if Clay wasn't consistently inconsistent, this fandom wouldn't be nearly as much fun as it is. There's sumpin' for everybody, whatever their point of view is.


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bwah...you a lawyer Bottle???

Nope, but I have watched "Law & Order" from time to time. B)

Actually, I was expecting you to say, "No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night."


Ah, if Clay wasn't consistently inconsistent, this fandom wouldn't be nearly as much fun as it is. There's sumpin' for everybody, whatever their point of view is.


That's really the beauty of HIM as well, isn't it? I mean -- he's human. Just as we all are. We all have inconsistencies in our lives and our opinions -- he just seems to celebrate them all that much more.

Love him so very much.

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I gotta say, I loved so many of his responses.

Yes! His business is HIS business. Fans don't have the right to know everything.

Yes! There is Clack he doesn't want on tabloid television. He wasn't kidding about that fall footage, folks.

Yes! He doesn't read the message boards much, and he makes decisions based on what he wants to do, not what the fans tell him to do.

And Yes! He recognizes that fans will read what they want into what he writes.

Of course, people will find a way to explain away anything that threatens their viewpoint.

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And while you're re-reading your blogs, dude, you might want to check out your 6/28/07 post about being in NYC with Jesse and the rehearsal orchestra listening to the songs for the DCAT. That implies to me that you spent just a little bit more time on rehearsing than the single day in your living room that you referred to in your banter last night.
Thank you! I was thinking while driving home this evening that I had read somewhere that there was a rehearsal orchestra. I just couldn't remember where. You've saved me from a sleepless night.


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I started to write a 'reflection' of this tour while I was on my flight home today....and stopped. I found myself getting into too much detail about the individual concerts and that's NOT what I wanted to do. Lots of people have reported about what happened at each concert. What I wanted (still want) to do is process what has happened BECAUSE of the tour. I really want to because something tells me it was important to my 'role' in this fandom and Clay's continued place in my life. I hope I can get it done.

Just read that last paragraph and it sounds ominous and I didn't mean it to. I love the man and I love being his fan....for me, this series of concerts was so very revealing about both of us---him and 'us'....and I want to write about it....that's all.

Home again, home again....just in time to give Carrie a quick hug before she and the two girls who spent the night here last night got on their bikes to ride over to one of the other girl's house for another sleepover. (Yeah, I missed you too, honey...bwah!) Alex was all excited because she made $6 at work today at the coffee shop! :RedGuy: And Kenny talked to me in the car about how a friend of ours told us about acid washing our concrete floors for much cheaper than other treatments. (Bwah again...I love my husband...)

On the plane I watched Frisco's classics, then Houston's, then Orlando's....and I got an idea of just how great it would be to see someone with video montage skills put together a thing showing the progression of his performances in this part of the show... Go look at Frisco and then Orlando---it's a riot to watch---like two different people.

Interesting stuff about the booing and Clay's treatment of it...he's such a good man.

And yeah, cindilu, I'd do him, too. :hubbahubba:

Edited by muskifest
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Not to beat a dead horse, but I just watched the pre-WISYS banter. There's nothing like seeing & hearing something to put it into context. I thought that Clay handled the booing situation extremely well, which is no surprise. He didn't get angry or give a lecture, but gave his POV in a lighthearted way. Wow! He said what needed to be said, but didn't do it in a nasty way. It's amazing that I can still find things about this fascinating man to marvel at.

I love all of the animations from this tour. Here are a few:






ETA: Welcome home, Muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by Gibby
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Wanted to bring over what we have been working very hard on....Please spread the Love!

Thanks so much


Finally an opportunity to own your own piece of Clay history and in the process support the BAF.

Go NOW to eBay's Charity Giving Works listings and then spread the word.


Clay Aiken's original signed "Classic Medley" score.



Clay Aiken's 2006 Joyful Noise Christmas tour "Baton!"



And finally,

Clay Aiken "Crafted Purse", SIGNED By Clay, Faye, & Diane Bubel.



Thank you for supporting the BAF and please spread the word

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Wow, I'm just missing all the fun.

Who would have thunk I could love him any more. I'm not surprised someone finally booed loud enough to get Clay's attention.... I see that the hissing has grown. And just the descriptions of how Clay handled this is making me swoon. But alas, I see that the idiot can't see that her behavior is even worse than the behavior she condemns. In Atlantic City for me, it was cries of SHE HAD HER TURN, hissing, and then preceeding to tell perfect strangers all around them of Ethel's crimes against humanity. And I'm sure that they would never believe that THEY were disrupting the concert more than Ethel. Geesh. I love that man.

Take care everybody!

KAndre - what in hell are you doing on the mod front? heeee.

You guys are making me misty with your post tour wrap ups.

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Wanted to bring over what we have been working very hard on....Please spread the Love!

Thanks so much


Finally an opportunity to own your own piece of Clay history and in the process support the BAF.

Go NOW to eBay's Charity Giving Works listings and then spread the word.


Clay Aiken's original signed "Classic Medley" score.



Oh God. Why am I not rich? I would sooooooooooooooo love to bid on this. Up to $510 already!

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And while you're re-reading your blogs, dude, you might want to check out your 6/28/07 post about being in NYC with Jesse and the rehearsal orchestra listening to the songs for the DCAT. That implies to me that you spent just a little bit more time on rehearsing than the single day in your living room that you referred to in your banter last night.

Thank you! I was thinking while driving home this evening that I had read somewhere that there was a rehearsal orchestra. I just couldn't remember where. You've saved me from a sleepless night.


I think this rehearsal orchestra was more for the use of Jessie as he developed the arrangements. From what I understood of that blog Clay only listened to how the medleys came together or the whole concert probably but they really didn't rehearse with Q & A. I am sure his statement of one rehearsal is exaggerated but I can imagine that they simply came together in Clay's house to go through the vocals of the songs but the only rehearsals with the orchestras were during the sound checks before the show.

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Oh man, I want that score sooooooooooooooo badly. Alas, I'm not that rich.

However, I will keep an eye on the baton. I could actually USE that, since I conduct my bell choir at church. I mean, I probably wouldn't (because I wouldn't want Jesse's autograph to wear off), but I COULD.

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I think this rehearsal orchestra was more for the use of Jessie as he developed the arrangements. From what I understood of that blog Clay only listened to how the medleys came together or the whole concert probably but they really didn't rehearse with Q & A. I am sure his statement of one rehearsal is exaggerated but I can imagine that they simply came together in Clay's house to go through the vocals of the songs but the only rehearsals with the orchestras were during the sound checks before the show.

*nods head* Uhhuh. And in watching the Clack, it sure looks like it is Quiana who says 'once' (in response to Clay) and he runs with it.

I will admit that I am one of those who doesn't care for the Ethel Show. However, I also firmly understand and appreciate that it's Clay's show and he clearly chooses to include her. He's proven how well he can ignore unwanted audience participation, and with her he doesn't. So I try to take the advice I so generously offer those who don't care for a particular song, or parts of the show - it's only a couple minutes - deal with it.

Somebody wrote upthread that she hopes this person whom he called out doesn't turn to the dark side. Why? Because she might write ugly things about him on message boards? BWAH. :cryingwlaughter:

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Bwah cindi ... :cryingwlaughter:

Not sure it's such a long trip for some...just sayin'


Kandre :clap: Good for you!

So many others have already said the type of thing I would say about this issue. I could just WORD Jenna's posts on the subject ... so I will.

I'm old enough to know that the only persons behavior I can change is my own. If more people came to that realization it would go a long stretch to eliviate some of the goodfanbadfan bickering that goes on. I can't change the boobirds behavior anymore than she can change Ethel or Clay's behavior.

So I will take a deep breath and my own advice and move on and ignore.


Acck! :scream:

Had a storm roll through here last night and was without .... power! For almost 4 hours. *sob* I'd make a lousy pioneer ya'll. Thank God for my trusty 2 X 2 Watchman that serves no other purpose in my life and also acts as a nifty flashlight (which would be handy to have around now that I mention it...) But after looking everywhere I could think of and after having a scavenger hunt to find all the candles in the house I was stuck because I don't have anything to light them with. Finally find a really crusty old book of matches on a shelf in the cupboard. !!! Duds, I tell you...every single one of them! Who knew matches had a shelflife? Alas...that seemed like my last, best chance for cozy candlelight... but then somewhere in the recesses of my overcrowded brain I remembered one of our local fans having some cute little matchbooks made for the ATDW release party! And of course I only need to stroll over to my Claybox sitting between the TV and the computer and --- VIOLA --- there they are ... in a liittle gift bag right on top!

It's true!

Clay really does light my fire! :RedGuy:

Edited by jamar1700
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Hee cute story Jamar...glad your Clay fandom came in handy in this situation...

just watched the preWISYS video and it told me several things. First of all...it seems that its Quiana that was most disturbed by this mean behavior. She was the first to note the booing behavior. Its clear she does read the boards cos she seem to know what bitchiness has ensued on line.

Clay not only pointed out the booing person but also another person that rolled their eyes. He is soooo observant. I also think he clearly showed what fan behavior he thought was inappropriate...I hope this particular fan finally got a clue

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Hmmmmm.....I don't have any problem with someone getting Clay's attention (although I thought the Regina thing in Orlando went on a little too long) - but what I don't like is if someone who has gotten attention from Clay expects special treatment from other fans.

I don't care who goes to all the concerts, I do get squicked by them standing around sorta posing because they go to all the concerts. Same with other "prominent" fans - I really only care about Clay, I don't appreciate someone jumping up and down in front of me yelling memememe, and I don't see why I should feel honored meeting a "prominent" fan, which in some cases seems quite expected.

Attention from Clay? all righty. Attention and recognition from other fans because of that? Nope - to me, THAT is the famewhore thing. Heh, sounds like he DOESN'T reward bad fan behavior - his definition is perhaps quite different than what some think - attention during a concert, attending all the concert - yay! he has devoted fans! But messing with his personal life and/or business dealings? Reeks, and I feel he is quite aware of those people, he seems to rarely forget a face or a name or an action directed at him or his dealings - and seems to reward that behavior.....accordingly.

Anyway, I lovedlovedloved all three Florida shows I attended, and in Orlando, Clay's voice sounded so low and warm and buttery and a bit raspy, that, um, I forget what I was gonna say......

One of my favorite things in Orlando was when all three of them were riffing and imitating each other, that was fabulous! I love that Clay has his "family" - I can hear him sing by himself just by popping a CD in a player, the concerts have so much more depth and entertainment value, I hope he keeps Q & A with him for a long long time.

Suebee gave me a ride home from Orlando, and she was so fangirlie and on cloud nine that it was hilariously and charmingly endearing, she had notes scribbled all over, I would have to say I enjoyed her M&G almost as much as she did.

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Attention from Clay? all righty. Attention and recognition from other fans because of that? Nope - to me, THAT is the famewhore thing.

I've been having a hard time understanding why I feel a certain way about some fans, and a totally different way about others. This, however, makes perfect sense to me. It's a power trip WITHIN the fandom that makes me go "blech." Now, I don't read much elsewhere anymore, so I don't know how much some of these fans that Clay notices in concerts crow about it afterwards. If they do, then I'm troubled by their actions and words. If they don't...well, then I'm troubled that OTHER fans can't deal with it.

It's something I'M gonna have to deal with, I guess.

On another note, I reread suebee's M&G account again this morning, and for some reason, this paragraph stood out for me in this reading:

The two late-comers, the winners of the Ticketmaster auction, were a mother and daughter combo. The mother stated her daughter wanted to be a singer and did Clay have any advice for her. At first he said he didn't but then asked what she liked to sing and when she listed a wide list of stuff like jazz, pop, etc, he told her to find a genre she liked and stay with it, don't sing every style there is out there. At this point, he mentioned that Jesse had certain styles he likes and wanted Clay to use them in the Christmas show but Clay said that folks expect certain things from him in concert and he wasn't going to change it up that much.

To me, this sounds like a paraphrasing of what Jaymes told Clay -- "stay in your lane, but don't be afraid to swerve a little." I think this little section gives me a clue of what they are shooting for with the next album -- he's not going to change his style all that much. He might vary it a bit, but for the most part, I really think him talking about "upbeat" means lyrically rather than tempo. I'm not saying that he won't sing a fast song or two, I think he will. But my crystal ball doesn't really see Rock!Star!Clay appearing any time soon. What I hope for, though, is some more blue-eyed soul, like IYDKMBN. I would consider that "swerving" a bit. *g*

Glad you had a fantastic time djs -- and to ALL those who got to attend those shows.

I just hope CG is managing to stay awake at work this morning....

:F_05BL17blowkiss: back at PuddinsJoy....

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he seems to rarely forget a face or a name or an action directed at him or his dealings - and seems to reward that behavior.....accordingly.

WORD! And this is both reassuring and.....

creepy. :unsure:


I agree with whoever said this (can't find you, sorry!) that the only thing about the Orlando show re: fan stuff that got on my nerves was the Regina thing---cute in the beginning, but not so much as it went on and on and on and on....he changed up his whole Classics thing for it and it was just too much fo me...

But he WAS gorgeous in Orlando---funny that he said Jamie didn't get a chance to fix his hair that night and I thought his hair looked fantabulous! Hello?

sigh....and now back into the real world---or at least into the world that the unfortunates who do not live and breathe everything Clay Aiken THINK is real... :whistling-1:

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Clay not only pointed out the booing person but also another person that rolled their eyes. He is soooo observant. I also think he clearly showed what fan behavior he thought was inappropriate...I hope this particular fan finally got a clue

I think that is probably too much to wish for. But we can always hope! There is quite the discussion going on over at the OFC in the Dear Clay forum this morning about the whole situation....some interesting posts, some hysterical posts.

Hmmmmm.....I don't have any problem with someone getting Clay's attention (although I thought the Regina thing in Orlando went on a little too long) - but what I don't like is if someone who has gotten attention from Clay expects special treatment from other fans.

I don't care who goes to all the concerts, I do get squicked by them standing around sorta posing because they go to all the concerts. Same with other "prominent" fans - I really only care about Clay, I don't appreciate someone jumping up and down in front of me yelling memememe, and I don't see why I should feel honored meeting a "prominent" fan, which in some cases seems quite expected.

Attention from Clay? all righty. Attention and recognition from other fans because of that? Nope - to me, THAT is the famewhore thing. Heh, sounds like he DOESN'T reward bad fan behavior - his definition is perhaps quite different than what some think - attention during a concert, attending all the concert - yay! he has devoted fans! But messing with his personal life and/or business dealings? Reeks, and I feel he is quite aware of those people, he seems to rarely forget a face or a name or an action directed at him or his dealings - and seems to reward that behavior.....accordingly.

Great post. ITA.

To me, this sounds like a paraphrasing of what Jaymes told Clay -- "stay in your lane, but don't be afraid to swerve a little." I think this little section gives me a clue of what they are shooting for with the next album -- he's not going to change his style all that much. He might vary it a bit, but for the most part, I really think him talking about "upbeat" means lyrically rather than tempo. I'm not saying that he won't sing a fast song or two, I think he will. But my crystal ball doesn't really see Rock!Star!Clay appearing any time soon. What I hope for, though, is some more blue-eyed soul, like IYDKMBN. I would consider that "swerving" a bit. *g*

You mean, he isn't going to sing about butts and handcuffs on the 2008 album? *cries* :cryingwlaughter: Seriously, though, I am really looking forward to hearing what ends up on the next album. And I am also really looking forward to seeing what changes Clay will make for the Christmas tour in 2007. I watched a BYLM clip last night from one of the Florida concerts, where he said something like he just couldn't do it without Angela and Quiana, and it made me wonder how it must have felt for him last Christmas, touring without them. I am so happy that we've had it confirmed that the whole gang will be there this year.....not necessarily for my sake, because as long as Clay is on the stage I am happy, but for his sake, because he really seems to value their friendship and support.

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Oh, gag me with a spoon. I just saw on the Yahoo home page that Ryan Seacrest is going to host the Emmys...I'm still gagging from hearing that he's going to 'host' a Red Carpet type thing at the freakin' Super Bowl!

What is HAPPENING in this world of ours? :blink:

On a more FUN note...isn't it wonderful how carefree Clay is now with sharing 'the boys' with us? I mean, almost every stool shot is a beauty...And when he's moving around on stage, they're just dancing along with him...

As I said to CG and Becky, it makes me think of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer goes commando and says "They're out there, Jerry, and they're LOVIN' every minute of it!"

:cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

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