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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Man, I need to watch that clip again....
The ultimate AI5 clip for me is Scarlett's XviD. It's divine! I particularly love the spot where Clay looks directly at Simon and gives him the most devilish little smile imaginable! Ooooooo it's so RICH!

Hey, I loved the hair. I loved it dark. I loved the long bangs. I loved it on September GMA and Kimmel. I loved it on Larry King. I loved it on Tyra. I loved it at Christmas. I love it now.

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My guests have left! :woohoo:

Summer break is over and I started back to work today!!! :sad52:

I am, dead on my feet, tired!!! :drugsneeded:

I know I wanted to say something..YAY..I've missed you around here Clayzor. Hope to see more of you! Well there is that work thang! LOL.

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Oh, Idol the Musical has closed. Im shocked I tell you -- SHOCKED.

LOL! Now I'm glad they were, on the whole, fairly nice to Clay and Clay fans. However, given the reviews I'd heard here, and reports that there were nights with only 3 people in the audience, I can't say I was holding my breath for Broadway. At least Clay got to see it. I would have loved to hear the razzing by Angela and company after that show!

Thanks for the recap, Lickiest!

Great photos, Claygasm! Glad you brought them over!

And Gibby, isn't FCA refreshing?

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heee I just talked to my SIL who went to Pala and she wants to read recaps, she wants to know if she made the clack, and she wants ATDW, and she wants Lover All Alone, and any time Clay is in the area she wants to join us. She loved all of you guys that she met.. And she wants me to come babysit her kids one weekend in October. I said yes to all of the above LOL..so back to so cal I go.

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070812_Knoxville_NotCoolBanter_stacia_large -- this file has Clay's comment about never being so close to kicking out an audience member. You can see his expressions pretty well, though it's more a long shot/semi-full stage shot.

Very interesting discussions today. I didn't mind the article by Ms. Pickle so much, but her blog felt harpy to me. If she can't understand why we'd go to multiple shows, then she just hasn't been lucky enough to have been bitten by that wonderful Aiken bug! Me, I'm thrilled for being bitten!! What's that old sentiment we have around Clay Nation? Something like if you get it no explanation is necessary, but if you don't, no explanation is possible... I still think there's a LOT of truth in that.

:Tour3: 3 more sleeps till Claytime again!!! Unfortunately, lots of work and other busy until then. Not much time for Claying in between for me this week.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: and good night!

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can you see I am behind????? yup just reading this.....

we were over in the corner at the restaurant......we really should have made firm plans...and next time I will listen to those voices in my head.......lol....dont know WHY I figured it was FCA people, just had a feeling....

You were there??? Damn. I don't think I even remember seeing anyone else there! Guess I was just thinking of the margarita that was waiting for me!

Summer variey show? Makes me shiver. All I can think about is A Clay Aiken Christmas....

Yup I was there....there were tables on the other side of the dance floor at the front of the building...we were in a big one in the corner....

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Can someone tell me (since I am never going to catch up) what prompted this discussion about Clay and TV/variety shows that I am reading everywhere? Was it just a m&g comment? And also, have there been any m&g recaps from shows after Cary yet?

I'm back at work, and so far I haven't done anything but read recaps and look at pretty...um...business related pictures. One ended up on my desktop, and it involves someone swinging a towel over their head while their shirt rides up and they show a bit of skin.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :medium-smiley-070:

PS can someone turn up the heat? It's frickin' cold here! ::brrrrrrrrrrr::

Edited by lickiest1
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Can someone tell me (since I am never going to catch up) what prompted this discussion about Clay and TV/variety shows that I am reading everywhere? Was it just a m&g comment? And also, have there been any m&g recaps from shows after Cary yet?

I'm back at work, and so far I haven't done anything but read recaps and look at pretty...um...business related pictures. One ended up on my desktop, and it involves someone swinging a towel over their head while their shirt rides up and they show a bit of skin.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :medium-smiley-070:

PS can someone turn up the heat? It's frickin' cold here! ::brrrrrrrrrrr::

Yup...he said that they have some project in development. That is why people are speculating about a show. But no other info than that. It could be anything.

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Thanks, ansa.

FYI there are a couple of cute Asheville m&g recaps over on OFC. Nothing major but one of the women had a photo album of her concert experiences through the years, and it sounds like Clay had a lot of fun looking through it, and commenting on all his different looks and hairstyles.

He apparently said he felt like he was losing his voice a bit but he couldn't figure out why, must be because he was tired. Could have fooled me - I thought his voice was wonderful for all 3 of my shows!

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From the Cary M&G posted by shenwren:


M&G: In your OFC blog in March, you told us some upcoming events and you ended by saying “more things (actually some really exciting ones are in development still…” Anything you can share?

Clay: They’re still in development. That’s why you don’t know. Then he went on to say – but there are some things being discussed – some in the last few weeks, right Mary? (I didn’t see Mary’s reaction).


M&G: What about a tour next summer?

Clay: If some of those things in development occur, they might prevent a summer tour. (This is what I understood him to say, but maybe someone else that was there can clarify this better).

I think this is what started this round of speculation.

As always ... we'll see.


*throws licky a sweater*

I'm always cold at work. I feel like such fool with a jacket or sweater on in the middle of 104 degree temps outside. But I'm a comfortable fool. Mama would be proud.

When I worked at the HS the Teacher's Lounge was always the coldest place in the building...fall winter and spring...I often wore my coat to lunch. :cryingwlaughter:

Edited by jamar1700
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play, your sister is KIDDING, right? Those speakers were set for a freakin' Megadeath concert! I seriously thought about getting earplugs but my little mind said, "Deafness? Or possible seeing Clay do something pervy? Hell, I can sacrifice a few cilia!"

Couchie's is hilarious, y'all! But for some reasons made rude noises with the rest of the room when informed of my introversion...I have a special kind of introversion, people! Hmph!

ACAC is the ONLY piece of clack I have never watched again and don't miss it. However, my butt will be three inches from the TV if he does some sort of summer variety show - because Tony Orlando and Dawn and seriously tight pants come to mind...

I was one who thought the entire AI5 setup was to mock Clay...and then he stepped out and fucking PWNED AI...he went old school on their asses...All your base are belong to us indeed! I thought and still think he looked foine...I think it was a great change from the spikes, but I do like long and sort of dark...

I think the intense internet fans, of which I am one, can't just watch Clay objectively. We bring a lot of other stuff in with us like... the idol hate, the how will this be received by everyone else, the feeling that everything must be perfect and a lot more. I loved it and recognized it as a great TV moment. Anyway, this is why I giggled when the Knoxville reviewer said we give Clay a pass on everything - in WHAT universe. There's nobody harder on Clay than his fans.

does a quick dance step

I knew I wasn't intense, no matter what that man with that straight jacket said...I just can't get into how stuff is received by everyone else...because Lord know most people just don't make sense to me. I was looking at another of MSNBC's little guilty pleasures things (they seem to do them periodically) and in the music they have Bobby Sherman's "Seattle" (which I loved back in the day and will be adding to my WMP list shortly), Ray Conniff (the name is familiar for for the life of me I don't know why), Journey/Steve Perry, Justin Timberlake (the person self-identifies as twenty-something straight guy), Meat Loaf (described as "uncool"). And again, Lord knows how much I dislike what lots of other people love (I have NEVER seen an episode of Friends - Yay Me!). But yeah, there is no one in the world harder on Clay than his fans and some of them are so fucking self-righteous about it...

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I took the dog out this morning in shorts and a t-shirt.....must have thought I was still in NC or TN. I froze! They tell me by the weekend it will be high of 20 C (about 68 F) going down to 9 C at night (about 50 F). Yikes! And I am supposed to be going camping the weekend after that with the kids. Better bring the mitts and toques.

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Clay doesn't know why he's losing his voice? Good Lord, that MUST be snark. In the Clack he's yelling all the time!

Don't you sit down!

I feel the SPIRIT!

I'm COOOOOOL! Hallelujah!

etc. :cryingwlaughter:

jamar, I never said how glad I am I got a chance to meet you in person in LA, even though it was a brief encounter. :F_05BL17blowkiss: It's always cool to put a face to a board name...

Well, in a few days I'll be on a jet plane once again----another cross country jaunt. I'd used my free roundtrip Southwest to reserve this flight and it's a good thing. There are SOOOOOO many ($$$$$) reasons why I shouldn't make this trip, but hopefully it won't be a bank breaker. I'm really looking forward to Orlando, especially---this will be my first "last" show of a tour! :TourExcite: :Tour3:

But between now and Friday morn, I got me a MESS of work at work to do....It's such a bad time for me to be leaving the office that I haven't even told my coworkers this time the REASON for my 'vacation days' :unsure::ph34r:

ETA: KAndre:

I do like long and sort of dark...
BWAH! So you've 'hinted' at in varous conversations, my dear....BWAH! Edited by muskifest
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Clay doesn't know why he's losing his voice? Good Lord, that MUST be snark. In the Clack he's yelling all the time!

Don't you sit down!

I feel the SPIRIT!

I'm COOOOOOL! Hallelujah!

etc. :cryingwlaughter:

Hee, as long as he keeps shouting "WHAT?' when he wants us to sing to him, it's all good to me. I freaking love when he does that. Brings me back to days of old, like the Jingle Balls and the time he was up in the lift at the hockey game in Raleigh. ::fangirly sigh:: Yep, I can see I'm gonna get lots of work done this week.....

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Clay doesn't know why he's losing his voice? Good Lord, that MUST be snark. In the Clack he's yelling all the time!

Don't you sit down!

I feel the SPIRIT!

I'm COOOOOOL! Hallelujah!

etc. :cryingwlaughter:

heee that cracked me up this morning.... well 4 more shows to get through and he can give it a rest.

the more I think about an outside project the more I like it..of course we are just assuming this project isn't music related heee. It could simply be a duet or a one man show on Broadway (swoooooooooon), or anything. But I do think will need either a duet with some radio popular person or an outside project to let folks get to know him again. Radio just hasn't been accepting and it' s more than just payola. And hopefully when he does get radio they play the songs without trashing him. And depending on the internet for instance -- that would require people to actually click on Clay. No, he needs TV in some form or fashion. And I hope he gets something there -- and maybe not even a solo project but with a partner or small group of people. I've always thought that "The View" like show for younger folks would be great. And he'd be part of an esemble as he plays so well off people.

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Ah, Lickiest, we're just having fun speculating over his brief reference to things "in development." Television leaps to mind, but it really could be anything, including something we might consider fairly minor. However, the fact that he seemed excited makes me think it's something good.

Of course, "development" is a still a very tentative term. It's far from a sure thing.

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Hey, I'm all for Clay in whatever medium we can get him. I look forward to new and exciting things. :) If there is no summer tour next year, I may cry but my visa will be very happy.

Is it time to go home and watch clack yet???????

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Can someone tell me (since I am never going to catch up) what prompted this discussion about Clay and TV/variety shows that I am reading everywhere? Was it just a m&g comment? And also, have there been any m&g recaps from shows after Cary yet?

The "summer variety show" came from an amalgam of Clay saying in a M&G that he has some things in development, that something in development may preclude a tour next summer, and the Houston Chronicle interview where he mentioned being interested in doing a variety show, among other things, ... put it all together and, voila, fan speculation turns to summer variety show.

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Can someone tell me (since I am never going to catch up) what prompted this discussion about Clay and TV/variety shows that I am reading everywhere? Was it just a m&g comment? And also, have there been any m&g recaps from shows after Cary yet?

The "summer variety show" came from an amalgam of Clay saying in a M&G that he has some things in development, that something in development may preclude a tour next summer, and the Houston Chronicle interview where he mentioned being interested in doing a variety show, among other things, ... put it all together and, voila, fan speculation turns to summer variety show.

Which, of course, now has to be true. I mean, really....if it's what WE'RE talking about, it's a fact, right?

[/the way things always seem to turn out in this fandom for some reason]

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For me it's just fun speculation. I do think we think "big" things when it might be something small as Jenna said or something that might not even come to fruition. But it's not fun speculating about a walk on role in Private Practice.

Clay also mentioned that he would love to do a children's book using JNT05 story.I hope he gets to do that too.

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But it's not fun speculating about a walk on role in Private Practice.

Oh, I don't know -- remember the time when the fans thought Clay might have a walk-on part on ER one week? That was actually entertaining for a few days. (And it truly DID last a few days too. Heh.)

Clay also mentioned that he would love to do a children's book using JNT05 story.I hope he gets to do that too.

*does librarian happy dance*

I like speculating....but generally when I've gotten a few more facts lined up. I don't need to know everything, but I like a few of the details set first, and then I'll fill in the blanks with what I'd love to see. Right now, this whole thing doesn't have enough for me to even begin to speculate.

*joins KAndre in the worship of Tony Orlando and his tight pants and hopes that Clay follows suit*

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*joins KAndre in the worship of Tony Orlando and his tight pants and hopes that Clay follows suit*

Ah, but ldyjocelyn...there's that pesky tailoring issue again. Where the HELL would they find a codpiece to fit him? Dare he go ala Kramer re: his 'boys'?

"They're OUT there, Jerry and they're LOVIN' it!"


No way! As Clay would say, "This is a FAMILY show!" :whistling-1:

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jmh is torturning us

Chat topic suggestions We're going to plan another "fast forward" chat for after the concerts -- please post suggested topics on the linked page.

I believe Jenna mentioned doing a "tour book" for htis tour awhile back. I like the idea so we can toss it around to see if something is feasible. Perhaps it can be more of a tour keepsake/FCA yearbook type thingie. Just a couple of things to look forward to between this tour and the next one. Any ideas welcome.

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