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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
    • Cut The Crap And Show Us Your Willy
    • [He's] a top quality human being
    • Clay Aiken: You are a Man of Character
    • Clay Aiken... bringing brainy back!!!
    • the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Meanwhile, YSRN did you really call me a Witch with a 'B'? awww, thank ya. Just so you know, the red leather jacket has only been loaned out once -- to you. Now I charge $1 per pet. Last time I looked I had over $20 in its pocket.
Aww, I feel all speshul! Hee. Nice to see you... did I mention that? :lol:

I LOVED THE 2006 AMA hair, too. The whole outfit was to die for. YUMMMMMM! I loved the pic posted by ialreadyam. Here's another yummy one:


Ha... I just connected. Knoxville is the AMA shirt! No wonder I love it! And that hair is delish!

And lookie what I found. I'm more organized than I thought.


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What was the time differential between Snowflake and AMA .... wasn't it like three days? I don't think the hair actually changed, just that he was outside in the wind at Snowflake, and styling at the Kodak Theatre. I prefer windblown, outdoorsy and messed up, which is what that coiffed AMA hair would look like after I got through with it!

GAH I love his hair. And I love his feet, which is why I also love his shoes. Man, the boots at AI5 knocked me down.

AI5 sexy man -- head to toe -- does it for me ....


And especially the eyes ...


Not to mention Hot Man on Martha!


And has this been forgotten? NEVER!!!!


jmh, where is your cache of sexy boots pictures? Throw down, girl!

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Two more pages of catch up. Heh.

Just a little passing note about people bossing others around in line. It AINT just Ethel. Honey, I have been pushed, shoved, ordered around (and I hesitate to add I may have done a bit of that myself as I had to be held back from tackling an obnoxious witch-with-a-b who insisted she was going to stand to the side and just take ONE flash picture of Clay as he went by). Some people just stand out more for obvious or less than obvious reasons, and they may be annoying, but they're not alone!

Yep, I've encountered quite a few 'helpful' fans in bus lines. Many times, they are helpful. Jerome is only one man and there are hundreds to thousands of people who don't always seem to 'get' the concept, especially the first-timers. So I don't usually have a problem with people trying to be helpful. I didn't attend the Knoxville line, so I can't comment on that.

I still post there, but I keep it light and fun and just resolved myself to the fact that If I want to get into deeper discussions; I need to go to boards that are less restrictive and allow me to be me.

Here, here! This is true of more than just CV. I think it's pretty cool that we seem to be a melting pot of posters from other boards who maybe got a bit frustrated....and we are all finding each other here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Is there a link to the factors involved in picking the best clips? Is this strictly best audio? It's frustrating to listen to clack where Clay, Quiana and Angela are burning it down and the orchestra is just not cutting it.

Also are we looking for a "pure" extract, or including things like boisterous crowd reaction, Clay giggles, etc. Because for pure sound, it's pretty clear that there are a half dozen shows that will corner the market here, the ones with great orchestras and acoustics.

I have a system when ranking audio.....first, I listen to one version from each show, just to get the gist of the performance. I usually try pick ones where Clay sings the whole song (i.e. doesn't miss lines because he's laughing or bantering or whatever). And I usually pick ones where the ARLG doesn't kick into gear. Other than that, I don't critique Clay's voice much, because I am not one who hears 'vocal strain' or anything. He always sounds good to me. As for quality of orchestra, unless I hear a bad note, I don't generally take that into consideration too much, because again, I am just not that discerning.

Secondly, I take all the venues where I've put a check mark, and then I listen to all the different recordings of the song from that venue. I pick the best of each based on quality of recording, audience chatter or noise that is distracting, and of course, completeness of clip.

Thirdly, I listen to the winners from each venue with a check mark and put them in order of preference. Sometimes, I'll give an honourable mention to a version where Clay maybe does something unusual or funny, just because it CMSU. :)

So I got home last night thinking I was just about ready to post my rankings for RHW and WISYS, and then I checked the vaults and realized there were over a hundred new files to download since Friday. So I queued them all up, and tonight I will grab the RHWs and WISYSs and add them into the mix and then finalize my rankings. Then it is on to the more difficult task of ranking the bits and pieces of the medleys!

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Jumping in to say :Morning: to everybody here. Those yummy pictures can drag anyone out of lurkdom!

I see a lot of familiar names here...some who I have known since the beginning of this fantastic ride and some who I have met along the way.

Thanks to chacha trusty for poking me to come over here! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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jmh, where is your cache of sexy boots pictures? Throw down, girl!

WAH - I have to work, and I can't find them in my photo account. Sawwwy.

Wait--found two!!



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Gibby, I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! :scream: You titled this picture "Wallet"?


WALLET?!??!?!? Is THAT what pokes out at you in this pic? Huh?

Am I the only one who sees Clay "large and in charge" :o :blink: here in more ways than his swagger and height? :hubbahubba:


I think you're slipping, my friend... B)

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I just finished watching the Fort Myers "Barry Manislow" banter from darling Scarlett. I didn't realize how fast the man talks until he





Incredibly funny clack!

I simply LURVE that AMA picture of him striding out with Tori. Large and in charge indeed....and I didn't even notice the crotch! Hee.

BTW, I'm thinking that if Clay ever takes a peek at a few of the message boards and sees all these saved pictures of his feet, he'd be :cryingwlaughter: . Then, if he saw Waldo albums....OK, I'm not even going to go there.....

*hugs tightly top-of-the-page buddies jmh and YSRN*

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So this morning I'm in Starbucks and see that they have Lyle Lovett's new album on the counter entitled .....

It's Not Big, It's Large

And I instantly think ... hmmmm this should be a Clay Aiken album title. But then I realize that Clay's would more appropriately be titled ....

It's Not Large, It's Colossal

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First posts are kinda scary.

Thank you for telling me about your board couchie

I really enjoyed spending our fabulous day in 5th grade with you. You are a hoot!

Welcome lovethatguy and TLS...and other newbies...

I just read on an OFC thread that AI Rewind Season 2 begins September 29th, beginning with a "red carpet event" in Hollywood. Can't vouch for the information, but I'm now officially praying for the entirety of Season 2 in XviD.


I hope thats true cos that is my all time favorite season...even without Clay...

I bet Clay will get a lot of new fans ....

BTW...checked out the birthdays today and

:00003653: to HUUUGS

So this morning I'm in Starbucks and see that they have Lyle Lovett's new album on the counter entitled .....

It's Not Big, It's Large

And I instantly think ... hmmmm this should be a Clay Aiken album title. But then I realize that Clay's would more appropriately be titled ....

It's Not Large, It's Colossal


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Oh man, where are my manners? Welcome lovethatguy and TLS!!!

I just read on an OFC thread that AI Rewind Season 2 begins September 29th, beginning with a "red carpet event" in Hollywood. Can't vouch for the information, but I'm now officially praying for the entirety of Season 2 in XviD.


I hope thats true cos that is my all time favorite season...even without Clay...

Oh cool. I'm going to love seeing these over again, although I have them on my computer. I thought the group sings were great. And then there was that skinny red-headed dude.....

BTW...checked out the birthdays today and

:00003653: to HUUUGS

Ditto that! Happy birthday huuugs!

For the fresh meat newbies: if you put your birthday in the correct spot on your profile....we'll notice. Oh boy, will we notice. Dancing chickens are not unheard of. Dancing Waldos are not either.


So this morning I'm in Starbucks and see that they have Lyle Lovett's new album on the counter entitled .....

It's Not Big, It's Large

And I instantly think ... hmmmm this should be a Clay Aiken album title. But then I realize that Clay's would more appropriately be titled ....

It's Not Large, It's Colossal

You so funny. It so true. Hee!

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Our avies aren't twins anymore, cindi - but I lurve your new/old one!

ETA - Top of the page! Darn Yay! Does this mean I'm going to have a good day at work?? I sure hope so -

Hee - I didn't want to hurt anybody, Gibby.

I reallly wanna use this one, but the board only allows up to 90x90. Poo!


Is anyone else besides me wondering just what was he doing with those lips right before that picture was taken, to make them all swollen and puffy and lucious like that?

**takes a moment**

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I just read on an OFC thread that AI Rewind Season 2 begins September 29th, beginning with a "red carpet event" in Hollywood. Can't vouch for the information, but I'm now officially praying for the entirety of Season 2 in XviD.

I watched some of Season One, but it was hard to find on my Fox affiliate because it got moved around constantly to accomodate baseball and football games. The Season One shows had a lot of interview footage with the various contestants (but not Kelly, I don't think), so there could potentially be new Clay stuff, plus backstage footage we haven't seen before.

Based only on what we know so far, Clay should have some good TV visibility this fall and early winter, and I hope it helps boost Christmas show sales even further.


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Based only on what we know so far, Clay should have some good TV visibility this fall and early winter, and I hope it helps boost Christmas show sales even further.

bottle, from your lips to god's ears!

and speaking of "lips'.....

Our avies aren't twins anymore, cindi - but I lurve your new/old one!

ETA - Top of the page! Darn Yay! Does this mean I'm going to have a good day at work?? I sure hope so -

Hee - I didn't want to hurt anybody, Gibby.

I reallly wanna use this one, but the board only allows up to 90x90. Poo!


Is anyone else besides me wondering just what was he doing with those lips right before that picture was taken, to make them all swollen and puffy and lucious like that?

**takes a moment**

OOOOooh, I become jell-o without a mold when I look at this. I sooo adore this avi!! :Thud:

Quick...someone grab a mop!

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Heh, this time I went 8 pages without posting. Only 25 more to go!

So, here I sit up in Canada. I have classes starting online this Monday and most of my pix from the summer tour to do and get uploaded. It's a tough job when you're a clack ho and can't seem close that media player without "one more time." I think someone should write and sell a download manager called "Tourniquet".....

This CMSU.

Bottom line for me is...this is supposed to be fun. There's no point in being here, for me, if it isn't and while I do have opinions......yes, I really do sometimes.....the fun part is the most important thing for me. The rest I just find all very fascinating. Oh, and the pretty is good, too. I like the pretty....and the voice and all the great people I've met.


I am going through luggage and tires faster than my kids went through diapers in 1986. Thank God, luggage and tires are cheaper.

BWAH, and so true.

Dead horses are quickly converted to glitter glue.

That's about as sticky as it ever gets.

Well, that's a lie. It gets sticky quite often around here......hence, all the laundry.

Okay, am I the only one who has her shrine in the laundry room?

I prefer Tied, you know.

***Checks for typos, doesn't see any.***

Seriously, can I borrow some of your wit? I'm usually a day late and a dollar short, it takes me so long to come up with anything funny. You are a breath of fresh air!

We do have serious discussions and we don't always agree, but we do always treat each other with respect and we don't beat any horses dead! I wouldn't stand for that! I'm a vegetarian!


You know I don't think any of us really think that it's all puppies and roses here. I think it's just that there is so obviously no Group Think going on here. Yes, it's okay to not like Clays hair. But it's also okay to actually like it too. I can say I like ATDW or Clay's choice in clothes/hairdresser/songstylin's without being accused of just blowing smoke up Clay's ass. And yes that has happened to me and others I know.

And it certainly has happened to me as well. I like to be able to say I like things without getting stomped on for it or accused of being an angelwinger or the positive police. Because I really do like 99.9% of things that Clay says or sings or does or is. And for the 0.1% that I don't like, I usually keep it to myself, because that's just how I am. So shoot me. :RedGuy:

Honestly compels me to say that I have from time to time thought, "What in the hell did he do to his hair??" but I've avoided posting such things because I didn't want to be part of a 20-page thread on how he should fire his stylist and doesn't care about his public image, etc. etc. etc, ad nauseum, especially since my hair usually looks like shit. I have no problem with differences of opinions, just meanness. I haven't seen any sign of that here--and believe me, I've looked.

Yep, the meanness is what irks me. So glad there is none of that here.

I just read on an OFC thread that AI Rewind Season 2 begins September 29th, beginning with a "red carpet event" in Hollywood. Can't vouch for the information, but I'm now officially praying for the entirety of Season 2 in XviD.

YAY! So I guess it's time to renegotiate the channels on my satellite dish? Last time I had to trade FOX NY for FOX Detroit, I think, so I could get that morning news show that Clay was on....KTLA? Something like that. My son is gonna kill me, I'll mess up his Saturday morning cartoon lineup again! :lol:

OK my quick board story....chose the name luckiest1 in my previous fandom (figure skating, more specifically Elvis Stojko figure skating). I was lucky because I lived in the same town where he trained and therefore could watch open practices and stuff like that. Believe it or not there was quite the online faction to that fandom. Caught Clay on AI2 by fluke because my daughter watched it and kept bugging me to come and hear these good singers (Clay & Ruben) so I finally relented somewhere near the beginning of the season (but not in time for the auditions). Starting really watching around Billy Joel night and got hit with the frying pan of talent when he sang Solitaire. Was online at the site that spawned the Clayboard (what was that called again? it had some media files) before the finale 2 show, because I read spoilers somewhere and knew that he would sing BOTW. My first home board was TTC, then it fell apart and I was a refugee at the Clayboard for a while, but never really felt at home there. Eventually started posting at the CH and made that my home for a couple of years. I also have CV and OFC memberships and post the odd time when the mood strikes me. When all the ATDW shit happened I started feeling like I was fighting an uphill battle because I was in the minority and getting in trouble for saying things that, to me, did not break any rules and made perfect sense. I felt as though many, many people had been taken over by aliens or something with the RCA hate and especially the put downs of ATDW and the conspiracy theories just were OTT. I came here sometime last year but it has been a gradual change. I now call this home and don't read anywhere else on a regular basis because it just makes my blood pressure rise too much. Thank God for this place or else I think I might have just said goodbye to the online fandom altogether (although I do believe it is entirely possible to hold onto my fandom without the online part). My passion is live Clay. I've attended 29 concerts and counting. I'm usually with my daughter (she's 22) except that I have 2 up on her....and she's never let me forget it. :eusa_whistle:


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<-------------just wanted to give you a chance to drown in these pools of emerald green......

in case I'd want to switch it up...



oh and muski, when are you going to do something about that chapped lower lip... :eusa_whistle:


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Oh Lordy, those lips were just made to be kissed. I know, I know, but that's what I want to do with them because they are so full and luscious and .....................where was I?

And they are attached to that big brain and that HC.

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Trying to get caught up is hard...

First you're all talking about shoes, so I trot off to find this picture to post...


but when I get back here you're not talking shoes anymore, you're talking...


(well, I swear it was either that, or wallets. I don't remember)

...so back I go to photobucket, but then by the time I get back again, you're on to...


So, I've decided just to look at something pretty until you all decide.



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So this morning I'm in Starbucks and see that they have Lyle Lovett's new album on the counter entitled .....

It's Not Big, It's Large

And I instantly think ... hmmmm this should be a Clay Aiken album title. But then I realize that Clay's would more appropriately be titled ....

It's Not Large, It's Colossal

Wrong, wrong, WRONG! Well, this and Gibby's overlooking the purdy the AMA pic she posted makes me think I must have become a bit too subtle....


so here ya go:

AMA pic:---check out the lovely fabric being pulled taut across the crotch...that ain't no sock in there!

Album title:---"It's Not Large, It's Colossal" just won't do it---try "It's Not Large, It's Beautifully Humongous!"

those lips are killin' me here :Thud:

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And lookie what I found. I'm more organized than I thought.


There they are! :wub: See? I was rigtht.....he does have on pants.

Y'all are making it hard for me to pretend to work today, with all these pictures and whatnot.

ETA: I'm finally caught up, gorging myself on pictures of long pretty shoes. Having trouble breathing....blood pressure up......think I'm on the verge of a shoegasm.

Anyone got a cigarette?

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