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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
    • Cut The Crap And Show Us Your Willy
    • [He's] a top quality human being
    • Clay Aiken: You are a Man of Character
    • Clay Aiken... bringing brainy back!!!
    • the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Have fun................

So we have to mail the money in. I thought we can paypal. I'll mail in what I pledged anyway no matter what.

Thanks for the welcome. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Meanwhile I'll go to my quiet room and :scream: until I feel better.

Edited by leeana
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Just as long as Clay does better than Kellie ("I'm blonde, y'all!") Pickler, I'll be happy. And as long as he's really funny. And HAWT. And is sweet to the kids. And Hawt. And gets his jabs in at Foxworthy. And wears a fab suit. Did I mention I hope he looks hot? 'Cause I do. And no lime green vest and bowl cut please!

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I was kidding about the glow sticks - I think the comparison was that people were openly taking pictures there - that would be the difference - the policy of no cameras was still the same.

I will have to go and read the whole blog to see if there were metal detectors.

At dinner, our friends from Orlando said that they'd never seen metal detectors at the venue though they've been to other shows. One of them asked a security person and the explanation given was that they were for "safety reasons." (Hey KAndre, he probably heard that some big time rapper/producer was in the audience)

My guess is that the cute guy was a bit exhausted (he was going to perform for his 5th night in a row), his contacts started acting up and he really needed some relief from the flashes. If metal detectors keep him safe and healthy, so be it. Frankly, after standing in line next to a fan in LA whose friends could not dissuade her from taking in her camera that they all knew was going to flash (because she claimed it took the most perfect Clack ever and even showed us -- uh, not!), I'm almost ready to vote for metal detectors.

In case anyone's taking early bets, I think he's a lot smarter than people think and will do exceedingly well today!

Edited by Scarlett
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I was kidding about the glow sticks - I think the comparison was that people were openly taking pictures there - that would be the difference - the policy of no cameras was still the same.

I will have to go and read the whole blog to see if there were metal detectors.

At dinner, our friends from Orlando said that they'd never seen metal detectors at the venue though they've been to other shows. One of them asked a security person and the explanation given was that they were for "safety reasons." (Hey KAndre, he probably heard that some big time rapper/producer was in the audience)

My guess is that the cute guy was a bit exhausted (he was going to perform for his 5th night in a row), his contacts started acting up and he really needed some relief from the flashes. If metal detectors keep him safe and healthy, so be it. Frankly, after standing in line next to a fan in LA whose friends could not dissuade her from taking in her camera that they all knew was going to flash (because she claimed it took the most perfect Clack ever and even showed us -- uh, not!), I'm almost ready to vote for metal detectors.

In case anyone's taking early bets, I think he's a lot smarter than people think and will do exceedingly well today!

I was just going to ask if the metal detectors were a permanent fixture. I hope its jsut for that and not some other security risk that TC may have some concerns about.

BTW...WOW your audio is just fantastic...

WY...I should say is the perfect song to test your camera's audio capabilities...those high intense and very powerful notes can hurt ones ear if the equipment or the acoustic is not very good. scarlett's audio from ft myers were smooth as buttah...

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No bets from me! I think he's very smart and well read. Aside from the obvious detractors with all their usual extraneous bullshit, he'll wow them. I am a fan of the show and very interested to see how he interacts with those smart kids, and they are really smart.

I really need a spell checker.

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Scarlett, no bets, I have always known that redhead is very smart. Me? Just nervous, is all.

BTW: Loved your interchange with Mr Rock Star. You were so cute , I swear, I was laughing my head off watching the clack. I done saved it , safe and sound in my external hard drive. :clap:

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In case anyone's taking early bets, I think he's a lot smarter than people think and will do exceedingly well today!

I think he's exceptionally smart, it's just some of the questions on their website were tricky. And then I'd get one but think that's too simple and they're trying to trick me and so I'd get it wrong.

I'm in mommy mode, I'll admit it, I so want him to do good and not be embarassed. :clap:

eta: someone is going to have to tell me how to quote someone so their name is still there but not their entire post.

Edited by sheiladownunder
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eta: someone is going to have to tell me how to quote someone so their name is still there but not their entire post.

Either hit the "Quote" button and "Add Reply" at the bottom of the page, or hit the "Reply" button on the post you want to quote. Then, in the post box, you can delete everything but the relevant section of the quote, and the name and reference will stay there. You do need to be careful that you leave the




in place so the quote box stays in tact.

I also find the "Preivew Post" button to be invaluable, so I can check how the post will look before I submit it.

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If he doesn't do well -- he'll have new material for his next concert tour. *g*

You know I hadn't thought about it this way, but you're right. I'm sure if he doesn't do well he'll handle in graciously, and won't take it nearly as hard as his fans will. So....you think if he bombs there will be cries of "It was a conspiracy! They didn't ask [insert name of other celebrity] hard questions like that!"

ETA #2: The Eagle has landed!!

Oh Good Lord, my heart gave a huge leap when I read this. Nervous? Me? Nah!!!

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Interesting to read that blog, Play. I checked the Orlando Sentinel and didn't find any reviews for Taylor's show .... but I enjoyed rereading the Clay review and seeing their online pictures!!






First the picture of Clay looking like Macca singing "Yesterday" -- and now this one that sends me back to a sea of green in a yellow submarine ...


And just for you LadyJ ....


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This is from CH:

Someone from the OFC has a phone at the taping and they are communicating with someone in the OFC chat.

They reported that they are just now being seated.

Just when I think i'm over being fangirly I read something as silly that and I get excited all over again! I can't wait for the important reports like.....glasses/no glasses...hair...clothes.

I'm not worried about the show itself. He's never let me down yet!

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In case anyone needs something to pass the time and calm the nerves, I've been reading old recaps that I never got around to reading, and found this one at CV. It's loooooong, so I posted it in the New Hampshire thread. It's got a schmoopie moment with a child, a male enjoying the show, and lovely, funny details about the show. You can find it here: DCAT Tour - NH.

And it gives me a segue into something I wanted to say--I've said it before, but reading this recap reinforced it. I know some of the long term fans have been unhappy with some of Clay's humor this tour, with the long banter sections, the medleys, the girl's solos and the like, but I think these are the very things that have appealed to a lot of the husbands, sons, and other male attendees. I've never heard so many positive reports of men enjoying the show, or of so many husbands agreeing to go. (Pretty strange for a tour supporting a supposedly boring covers album isn't it?) Clay really is such a guy sometimes, and guy appreciate that. It's good for his image, and for expanding his fan base. If he never wins over the male audience, he will never be more than Clay with his Claymates, which, BTW, is fine with me, but I just think those who want him to increase in popularity and be more accepted might have to accept some things they don't like as much for that to happen--so he can appeal to a wider demographic.

Which is related to the Foxworthy show, cause Foxworthy's humor in his comedy shows is perfectly awful to me, and being that he's the host and sets the tone, not everything Clay says or does on this show may be funny or appealing to all of the fans--but, just possibly, it might appeal to others, and it's a good thing if Clay broadens his appeal beyond "the three thousand."

I'm getting a little bummed just thinking about a new thread title. I want to stay all up on him ... screaming Yeah! Yeah! for a long long time.

Yeah! Yeah! I'm with you on that one.

Edited by jmh123
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This is from CH:

Someone from the OFC has a phone at the taping and they are communicating with someone in the OFC chat.

They reported that they are just now being seated.

Just when I think i'm over being fangirly I read something as silly that and I get excited all over again! I can't wait for the important reports like.....glasses/no glasses...hair...clothes.

I'm not worried about the show itself. He's never let me down yet!

Oh riiiiiiight, merrieeee. And just when was it that you thought you were over being fangirly? It had to be one of those times when I wasn't around.

I'll never forget your reaction at the Tulsa busline! Okay, okay, OUR reaction.

And ldyjocelyn, you too!!! I remember how you were trying to call Couchie that night, ....... how EEEEEEE and crazy were we all?

Edited by keepingfaith
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So....you think if he bombs there will be cries of "It was a conspiracy! They didn't ask [insert name of other celebrity] hard questions like that!"

:lol: Um, yes. :)


Ooo, yummy!

I'm getting a little bummed just thinking about a new thread title. I want to stay all up on him ... screaming Yeah! Yeah! for a long long time.

Me too!!! I think we need to have a part deux, or a menage a trois or somesuch French thing...

Go Teacher!Clay!

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And just when was it that you thought you were over being fangirly?

I think it was between 11:50 and 11:51 last night!

Then I came to my senses. Hee!

Oh and for your information I did not act like I was 12 in Tulsa, no wasn't me :eusa_whistle: ...that was in Asheville when I joined hands with Jerome and skipped down the lawn!!!

keepingfaith :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Clayzorback - I guess you aren't a CV member and I'm not signed in here at the office BUT - you're in luck!!! I have a whole bunch of them posted on my website!




:RedGuy: I had a bunch of witty things to add but they are all from about 35 pages ago.

I went away for the weekend and just got back last evening about 5:30.

This is where I was and what I was doing! alfredosantos.com & Art et cetera

I used to live up there and Alfredo is a friend of mine. If any of you ever go to the Catskills, be sure and visit!

So I am now 35 pages in the void - you all sure were chatty while I was gone!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Can't wait to hear what happens at AYSTATG? -- I guess I'll have to go to the spoiler thread???


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