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#16 Veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

Couch Tomato

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    • Do you ever get the idea that people who declared to love Clay unconditionally, have conditions?
    • Thing is, you can't live someone else's life for them. You only get your own.
    • Oh, the humanity!
    • being yourself is the coolest thing you can do.
    • Cool melts in the warmth of anything real.
    • Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants!
    • "Harder! Harder! Faster! Faster!" "Gimmee more!"
    • It was so much more simple when it was only about love.
    • You can't legislate intelligence
    • One of the things I admire about Clay is his ability to keep on doing the backstroke while everyone else is in the 500m Freestyle
    • I hope he's counting and nibbling on his toes
    • Good Morning!! I love that Clay Aiken dude!
    • There is something excruciatingly and wonderfully manly about that man---yet all the while painfully gentle and tender.
    • I'm confused and concerned, Clay...BLOG ME!
    • Whew, it is over. That was DECON 5 averted big time.
    • Now back to the normal nuttiness. laugh.gif
    • "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."

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*shivers about how horrible KG looks and sounds*

I need to get that thought out of my head. I know, I'll post the animation again, since it's a new page!! Hee.


I was at the gym, gliding along on the treadmill listening to Scarlett's Houston clack and that ugly bitch was on TV with Larry King. Didn't bother to look or read the captions but I'm kinda curious........did she spew shit about Clay? What a pig!

Scarlett, that clack from Houston was just like sitting in the chair next to you. Beautiful work.

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When does Idol Rewind start, and does anyone know what station it's on?

You can check where it's showing locally on the American Idol website. My Fox station showed Season One, but prempted it like lots because of Saturday afternoon sports.

I refuse to use the View New Posts button, and no amount of nagging can make me. PPPFFFTTBB! :imgtongue:

I think it's on both Fox and WGN from Chicago. Not sure about the new rewind but the old one played twice on Sunday.

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Is that the Houston concert? Cos if it is I have to confess I never noticed the Rivet at the show!!!!!

I can hardly take my eyes off of his face. I guess we all have our button pushing points and the face is it for me!

I love to study Clay's entrances into anything! It is just funny to me how he makes an entrance in so many different ways. That's how I knew immediately, when he came on stage in Long Is. that he was sick. He was just so stiff! Geesh! His body...body...what were you thinking?

I love the View New Posts button... I use it every night when I get on...

Talk about sucking up*g*

And getting on what may I ask?? Do you have one of those Giddy Up things that Kandre has? Gosh sometimes I even crack myself up!!

New subject to go on into the next week.....Clay was just so stiff in Long Island...merrieeee you are such a smutter.

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Okay, I'm caving.

I've been writing imaginary posts in my head for weeks and weeks now, and well, waiting for something to sneak up behind me and push me into the pool with all of you.

And now xxx4clay has gone and tipped me into the deeeeeep end with her biggie sized avatar...

After seeing it three pages in a row, I think I'm going under for sure.

I know these are friendly waters, but guys, I can't swim, :believeitornot: so somebody better rescue me fast.

eta: Hey, I don't really need to be rescued from the pool, just the deeeeep end where the smut is over my head.

Yep, this girl was at the Houston concert, fourth row, with binoculars and didn't even notice the rivet.

I am pure through and through, :6: , or maybe just blind. :whistling-1:

Sigh, now I'm going to be a dog walker forever. (kicks self for not posting imaginary posts) :grrrr:

:da_best: FCA

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Sigh, now I'm going to be a dog walker forever. (kicks self for not posting imaginary posts) :grrrr:

:da_best: FCA

BWAH!! Now you'll have to post 50 times. Haha. Great SN!!

JMH. I'll go to Shanghai with you! When's the best time?

Well, not right away, but let's do it. Shanghai and HongKong.

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I am listening to my Ultimate IT CD. Thank you for your recommendations jmh. I forgot how much I loved it. A fun walk down memory lane.

Thanks. We probably had as much clack for the whole tour then as we do now for one concert, and didn't have all the fancy dancy stuff. Mimefan's NAT full concert audio is pretty fantastic, if you want to venture farther down memory lane. I'm sure CU has those. Greensboro, Houston, and a few more? Anybody remember?

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jmh, I really appreciate that you compiled those 'ultimate' collections and have given such good audio suggestions over the past years.

Last night, I had to buy another Italian Charm watch. My battery died and instead of replacing it for $7.00 or $8.00, I just buy a new watch on e-bay. Anyway, the new fashion is that most of the watches have something on the faces, a cartoon, a sports team logo, etc. All I wanted was a plain one, so I purchased a 'mood' face, one that should change color with your body temperature. Except about 3 minutes after I bid, I found a plain black face with numbers instead of lines so I wanted that one and bid as well. All night I kept hoping that the other person would bid higher then me on the first watch. Nope. I won the 'mood' watch and I won the black watch.

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Doing my nightly google - something about CLay and about the emmys' - I think the Clay mention - though curious - they need hits? - makes it worthy of main.

Emmys: The Last Great Reason to Avoid Television Until May

I’m not saying that Ryan Seacrest single-handedly killed The Emmys last night — he obviously had a lot of help. Here’s basically how it went. He came out and tried his standard routine on American Idol, where he looks around and points out celebrities in the audience. The problem, of course, being that he was at the Emmys, so instead of five celebrities (and that includes Clay Aiken), there were hundreds of celebrities (and that includes former Vice President Al Gore). So, Ryan saunters over to the Desperate Housewives section and chats up the ladies.

It’s then that you realize they have the celebrities in stackable plastic chairs — which is fine if you’re talking about Eva Longoria, but Helen Mirren is a dame for pete’s sake! And then there was the surround seating that left many of the big winners of the night sitting behind the stage all night. As James Spader put it, “These are the worst concert tickets I have ever had.” And, lets remember, he was in Stargate.

BWAH for James Spader!

In the end, it was The Emmys’ worst ratings in nearly a decade. Thanks, Ryan.
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I am listening to my Ultimate IT CD. Thank you for your recommendations jmh. I forgot how much I loved it. A fun walk down memory lane.

Thanks. We probably had as much clack for the whole tour then as we do now for one concert, and didn't have all the fancy dancy stuff. Mimefan's NAT full concert audio is pretty fantastic, if you want to venture farther down memory lane. I'm sure CU has those. Greensboro, Houston, and a few more? Anybody remember?

Thanks jmh, I'm looking and Clack Unlimited and Clayversity vaults and I'm not finding it. CV had some audio compilations at one time, but when I click on that it just takes me back to the parent directory.

Edit: I think I might have found it at CU Thanks

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Continuing with the tour

Forum #5

Remember, feel free to start new topics or make suggestions for new activities. They are always welcome and all will be taken into consideration.


In this forum you'll find Clay related "fun" activities.

The sub forums are:


This is where we hold our chats and listening parties. Our next chat is Thursday. I will start posting reminders today.


This is a new forum. Make of it what you will. Add any emoticons to the thread and I will work on uploading them to the forum. I promise I promise!!


Got something to say, creatively speaking about Clay? It goes here.


Not much going on in there... any ideas? Feel free to start something.

Forum #6


Well when FCA began, it was the intent to be a place where people from all boards could gather for fun stuff. So we had a lot of forums aimed at that. The focus has changed somewhat but we'd still like to know what's going on out there.

Clay Nation

In this area you can post links to new web sites, share posts from other parts of Clay Nation, post interesting projects ..whatever. If it ain't happening here, you can post it in this thread.

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I am listening to my Ultimate IT CD. Thank you for your recommendations jmh. I forgot how much I loved it. A fun walk down memory lane.

Thanks. We probably had as much clack for the whole tour then as we do now for one concert, and didn't have all the fancy dancy stuff. Mimefan's NAT full concert audio is pretty fantastic, if you want to venture down another branch of memory lane. I'm sure CU has those. Greensboro, Houston, and a few more? Anybody remember?

Thanks jmh, I'm looking and Clack Unlimited and Clayversity vaults and I'm not finding it. CV had some audio compilations at one time, but when I click on that it just takes me back to the parent directory.

CV is moving to a new vault server so the files probably aren't there now.

Here's the CU folder for Houston: Houston. They're right in with the video. Greensboro, Raleigh afternoon and evening. Seems like there's another. Ah, Greenville. Just click on mime_fan in each one.


HAHA. Love you too couchie. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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finally...FINALLY! I can go to bed....I've done all I can do with the danged conference schedule until I get back into the office tomorrow....

evidently, I have a new boss. whoop.

I just watched the Idol 2 Rewind promo!

OH, joy, joy, joy! I cannot WAIT! I'm being serious....I still think Season 2 is the best of them all...not JUST because Clay came into my life then, but also because the final three were all so very good and the final 10 were great in the group numbers....and there really did seem to be connections between the contestants..

Anyhoo...that put a smile on my grumpy face before going to bed, so I'm glad I peeked in here before turning off the computer...G'night, all :F_05BL17blowkiss: ...I promise I'll be in a better mood before I come back with my next post.... :blush:

PS...and watching xxx's gif of gah again, I have to agree with whoever said that watching that rivet 'GET DOWN' is quite riveting.... :Thud:

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to ladyjocelyn!

In honor of your birthday, I went to the store and rented a variety of "A's", so you could be a
l.gifa.gifd.gify.gif for a day.


Unfortunately, I'm a poorly paid mod and the funds for your A's had to come from somewhere, so the subject of this board will have to be known as ClyIken for the remainder of the day. Sorry dude!

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OK, I had another Clay dream. Well, not that kind of a Clay dream (there were no thighs involved). Suprisingly, since that animation has been ingrained in my brain. Thank God we are planning to concentrate on the Houston set of montages first!

So, Clay came to my city for a concert. Anyone who is familiar with London, I think it was the old Ice House. But it was a weird set up, we had 2nd row, they were benches, not seats, kind of like Chautauqua but with no backs. And they were wide so that some people sat on the front of the bench, and others sat on the back, which was awkward. I'm pretty sure this was inspired by Canandaigua, where 2 rows were on one level, then a step up, then another 2 rows. So far, so good, right? Makes perfect sense. Heh. So the stage was in another room, but we could see it through a doorway. There was a whole section of seats in there, that were much better than ours, and were normal seats, to boot. But I was happy. They started playing a promo video with all sorts of footage of Clay, and a running dialogue. There were screens in our room too. We were yelling and screaming about the footage and my son told me to stop it, the concert hadn't even started yet. Then (and this is where it gets weird) these guys start walking across the front of our room, kind of like a parade, carrying things that relate to Clay. I don't remember many of them. One was a bed. An old bed. It fell apart and they started to load it into a moving truck. The one guy reaches over and hands my friend heartsocean something and says "you can keep this". It's all dusty and dirty and cobwebby so she hands it to me instead. I see it's an old something-or-other, but it has 4 sides and each side has a b&w picture under the dirty glass. One is of Vernon. One is of Vernon and some friends. One is a waist up close up of Clay, about 10 years old, with freckles and glasses and no shirt on, holding up a trophy he'd won for swimming. BWAH. I never saw the 4th side. I was too busy hugging that dirty thing to my chest like it was the best treasure EVAH. I told my friend she could have it on weekends! And then I woke up because I knew it was time for my son to have his shower.

Thanks for the Idol Rewind clip. I can't wait for the show to start. I checked and I will be able to get it in the evenings on WPIX or KTLA. I can also get it on my Detroit FOX station but not until 1:30 am.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ldyjocelyn! BWAH, bottlecap!

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