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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Then we're both sick puppies, Wanda, becoss I got a big ole grin on my face just at seeing Clay's name! :nana:

ETA: Or what lovethatguy said. :cryingwlaughter:

I was going to say "Jinx"! Do you remember that old kid thing or are you still a kid? By my terms these days, anyone still with their natural hair color is a kid. hee.

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I was over "reading" the NewClayAiken blog. The pictures tell the story: US trip to see Clay entitled, I'm not sure why because I can't read a word, "Without Clay"

Anyway, found this there on the current blog page. I love to look at the photos they choose. Is this not the most amazing photo of the most amazing face?


Another pretty:


Edited by jmh123
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I was over "reading" the NewClayAiken blog. The pictures tell the story: US trip to see Clay entitled, I'm not sure why because I can't read a word, "Without Clay"

Anyway, found this there on the current blog page. I love to look at the photos they choose. Is this not the most amazing photo of the most amazing face?


Another pretty:


That first one is cute but to me, he looks about 12 yrs. old in it. Makes me feel a wee bit strange.

No reason............. :cryingwlaughter:

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That first one is cute but to me, he looks about 12 yrs. old in it. Makes me feel a wee bit strange.

No reason............. :cryingwlaughter:

Ah, but dontcha know he'll turn around and look 30 in just a second? Besides, I'm 12 anyway.

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That first one is cute but to me, he looks about 12 yrs. old in it. Makes me feel a wee bit strange.

No reason............. :cryingwlaughter:

Ah, but dontcha know he'll turn around and look 30 in just a second? Besides, I'm 12 anyway.

He is just so cute, and sexy, sensuous and dorky. What an awesome combination!!!

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I hope you survive long enough to enjoy your Phillies CG..cuz KAndre has some serious punishment waiting for us when the clock strikes mindnight on Oct 1. eek. Congrats!! The Mets are a trainwreck right now.

Oh shit!! In the excitement of the Phillies being in FIRST PLACE I totally forgot about my FCA duty!!!!

Do you think we can file for an extension????

An extension sounds great, although I'm almost done. I've got mine narrowed down to about 7 or 8 clips. But I might wait to post them until the very last minute, just for fun. Would that be naughty? It would, KAndre?? Well, then, I'll do it!

:naughtywag: :laught31: :tongue57:

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That first one is cute but to me, he looks about 12 yrs. old in it. Makes me feel a wee bit strange.

I watched the new, higher res Walmart soundcheck clack yesterday (it's been vaulted). I couldn't believe how young he looked! Seriously, many years younger than the guy we saw on tour this summer. How does he do that?

Love seeing those AI Rewind caps. Less than 6 hours til it airs in the first market, right? wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

muski, it's a great feeling when your kids want to come home to see you. My oldest son is away at college, but called to tell me he was coming home this weekend for a visit. I heard him come in late last night (after I was in bed) but it'll be nice to see him roll out of bed this morning for a change.

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I just found out I have to "work" today 9-12. The volunteer who does the morning Sat. shift is out of town and after they've tried everyone else, I'm the ultimate fall-back. Rats!!! That means I'll miss the beginning of AI Rewind.

IF the afternoon person comes in on time and IF there are no crises that "only" I can handle, I should be home and in front of the TV by 12:15.

Is there anyone else who is getting the show at noon EDT?

:claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt: This thing must be obsessing me more than I realize. I dreamt about watching AI Rewind last night, but the people I was with were talking over it and I couldn't hear. What was on the TV were long shots of the contestants just hanging out and AI, dorky, green plaid shirt Clay was all over the place. Since I couldn't hear, I have no idea what the story line was, but Clay was visible all though it! Yeah, only in my dreams.

:grrrr: I really don't want to go into the Gallery today, not only because of Clay, I just DON'T. Sigh, well it's community arts - Clay told me to do it.

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I'm on my way into work also lilyshine, so I can feel for you.

The first showing of AIR starts at 5 pm EST for me and then is repeated on different stations five more times by tomorrow at 6. I plan to watch the 1:30 am show just so no one will be around to bother me...or keep asking what I'm grinning about. :P

hee. Isn't his name cute...? (we are sick women, I tell ya)

eta...I'm sitting here listening to the geese honking as they travel over my house, heading south for the winter. I don't know if I should be sad that another summer of Clay has ended or happy because another winter of Clay is on the way.

Ahhh, the seasons...they are each so lovely... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by laughn
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I can't wait ... and I can't really understand why I'm so excited just to hear Clay's voice on tape ... but he'll be saying things I haven't heard before and ... I am pumped.

This cracked me up! I recognize myself in that reaction, keepingfaith. How funny is it to be excited because Clay will be saying things we haven't heard before? It's like a new song, almost! I love to hear Clay talk, and almost don't care what he's talking about. I suppose he will be following a script, so I don't know how much of 'Clay' we'll get, but his personality always shines through. I can't wait!

I have determined that it is impossible for me to make the simplest post without needing to edit. Oy! Maybe if I learned to proofread.

Edited by duckyvee
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From CH

ETA a couple of screencaps from the AI2 Season Opener thanks to our generous Anonymous donor:



~~~heh, I wanted to see them.... /suparsekritmod weee!

We need these on the new page.

*digs a hole with front paws and buries them for later pickup*

I set the DVR last night for AI Rewind, although around here, baseball games will very likely postpone each and every instance of it shows *waves at AIKim*. I really don't know why I set the DVR though -- might as well just wait for the vault. I'll have to try and remember to watch, though....but I'm going to the zoo today, so this might be a moot point.

i remember the jinx thing as a kid..and if you said it last you couldn't talk until somebody said your name LOL.

Looking forward to it.

I'd never heard of "jinx" until I got on the Clay boards. The one that always keeps popping back on to me was "you owe me a Coke."

I was over "reading" the NewClayAiken blog. The pictures tell the story: US trip to see Clay entitled, I'm not sure why because I can't read a word, "Without Clay"

Seriously cute. I also loved their tour of Hollywood, with the footprints of Johnny Depp and the picture of Godzilla's star on the Walk of Fame.

Anyway, found this there on the current blog page. I love to look at the photos they choose. Is this not the most amazing photo of the most amazing face?


I wondered where you got your new avatar. He's so beautiful...

That first one is cute but to me, he looks about 12 yrs. old in it. Makes me feel a wee bit strange.

No reason............. :cryingwlaughter:

Ah, but dontcha know he'll turn around and look 30 in just a second? Besides, I'm 12 anyway.

Exactly! He looks his age, and then he doesn't, and then he does again. It's amazing, and thrilling, to watch those transformations.

This cracked me up! I recognize myself in that reaction, keepingfaith. How funny is it to be excited because Clay will be saying things we haven't heard before? It's like a new song, almost! I love to hear Clay talk, and almost don't care what he's talking about. I suppose he will be following a script, so I don't know how much of 'Clay' we'll get, but his personality always shines through. I can't wait!

This is me too, duckyvee! No matter what he says, scripted or not, Clay is speaking, and that's pretty darn good by me.

As I said, off to the zoo today, with my niece and her three kids. We only have a small zoo here, so I might not be gone the entire day.....

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Love seeing those AI Rewind caps. Less than 6 hours til it airs in the first market, right? wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

muski, it's a great feeling when your kids want to come home to see you. My oldest son is away at college, but called to tell me he was coming home this weekend for a visit. I heard him come in late last night (after I was in bed) but it'll be nice to see him roll out of bed this morning for a change.

:dancingpickle::bounce: Eeeeeeehhh! Thank you for the screencaps! I too can hardly WAIT to hear words I've not heard before, from a voice I know and love. :lol:

luckiest, you have a son that rolls out of bed in the morning??! You ARE the luckiest1!

eta...I'm sitting here listening to the geese honking as they travel over my house, heading south for the winter. I don't know if I should be sad that another summer of Clay has ended or happy because another winter of Clay is on the way.

Oddly, me too...do you live in Toronto? :lol: Although I hate winter, it is cool to hear them in their travels. They ARE talkers, aren't they?

I'm up early this morning to go to a beadshow in the city, then I'm off to dinner with goldarngirl. We should be back just in time to see if that 1 AM version of AIR is showing up on my teevee. :lol:

Edited by FromClaygary
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I have determined that it is impossible for me to make the simplest post without needing to edit. Oy! Maybe if I learned to proofread.

duckvee you need to do what I do. I consider it a badge of honour! No good literary endeavour is complete without some revision. And since we are all such smart, intelligent and brilliant writers, we need to revise our work before basking in the rightful glory, that is ours once the world reads our masterpieces!!!! (or we just make a lot of silly errors).

As for me I'll go with door number 1! Yeah works for me.

I have to go now so I can preview this post, then post it and then go "Oh crap". and then edit because.......I am a moron at times.

How long till showtime? Boy how silly is it to be excited about hearing our guy read stuff that he probably has not even written, is not live but recorded months ago and we may not even see? I don't think silly at all!

Editing not because I made a mistake...oh no not me, but to recognize the fact I am again Number 1!!

Edited by merrieeee
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I made an October calendar if anybody is interested.


Wheeee! I just looked at my desktop and realized that September is almost over. Thanks! I prefer not to mourn the summer past but to look forward to the awesome stuff we have in store for us this fall and winter.........

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:clap: for the super sekrit source screencaps!! Here in mid-atlantic suburbia, we get Kelly & Justin at 5 p.m. on 2 stations, and THEN we get NY auditions at 6 p.m. and at 8 p.m. on 2 different stations. Then 2 stations reair the NY auditions next week at 5 p.m. before showing the Miami/Detroit auditions at 6 and 8 p.m. Confused yet? I was really hoping for a Sunday airing somewhere because we are often busy with football games in the fall. Don't know how to work the DVR that I think is on my digital cable box and can't get the VCR to tape anything anymore. Thank goodness for super sekrit source clack.


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GAHH!!!! It's a Clay Day again. I love those. I know it'll all be capped and vaulted and such, but I want to see him on my TV, demmit!

I have a new item to add to my list of 'things I've done for Clay, but will only tell my board-friends'. I discovered that in my incomprehensible cable package, I do not get the superstations (WGN and KTLA for me) that would allow me to see these shows 'live'. The only way to get said channels is to subscribe to the Movie Network package, that in turn allows me to add the Superstation package. Thus, I do get to view the Aiken...package. I do believe the cable companies are run by Satan. Oh well - on the bright side, now I can watch Dexter. Heh.

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