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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Loved the screencaps of AI Rewind...can't wait to see the first show!

27 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

38 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

58 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

84 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

87 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

Everyone have a great day!

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From CH

ETA a couple of screencaps from the AI2 Season Opener thanks to our generous Anonymous donor:



~~~heh, I wanted to see them.... /suparsekritmod weee!

We need these on the new page.

There's just something about seeing Clay's name in print on a TV screen!! I'm excited about Idol Rewind tonight!! It's on at 10 PM. The cable guide says that at 9 PM it's Kelly and Justin, and then at 10 it's NY auditions. I haven't investigated reuns of Rewind, but it's probably re-aired again before next Saturday!

keldanker - Here's how to program your DVR. Point the remote at the screen and push buttons!! You'll figure it out!! :clap:

I am - therefore I edit. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Hee. I suppose I should start checking when I get AI Rewind. I have WGN so I probably don't get the new show until tomorrow. I do love those screenies!

Thanks supersekrit provider! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


Ummm CG I hope you still have the two TOA recommendations I pm'd you cuz I'm not sure I remember what they are.


eta...meant to say YAY! for the Phillies and the Cubbies! Nice to see some teams get in that aren't always at the top of the food chain!

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eta...I'm sitting here listening to the geese honking as they travel over my house, heading south for the winter. I don't know if I should be sad that another summer of Clay has ended or happy because another winter of Clay is on the way.

Oddly, me too...do you live in Toronto? :lol: Although I hate winter, it is cool to hear them in their travels. They ARE talkers, aren't they?

We will hear flocks of geese honking as they south for the winter in a couple of weeks here in Colorado. It's cool to look up and see them flying in formation. Some of them actually stay in Colorado for the winter, since we have a lot of sunny days and quite a bit of mild weather between the snowstorms.

Just checkin'....nuthin to see here....

Well crap, that didn't work!

Oh...now it did! Sorry, folks, talking to myself as usual...I had to get a pretty new avi to match n=my new designation!

Wheeeeeee!! :RedGuy:

Welcome to the body guard club! Your new avi is great.

WHHHHEEEEEEEE for AIR showing today!! Looks like it will be on at 5:00 every Saturday here, on a channel that I actually get. 'Course, I'll probably download every single show, anyway, just to hear Clay's voice, and later to see him. Which reminds me - I'd better make a trip to Best Buy soon to get an external hard drive, or there won't be any room for AIR. Most of the memory in my laptop is taken up by clack.

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Then we're both sick puppies, Wanda, becoss I got a big ole grin on my face just at seeing Clay's name! :nana:

ETA: Or what lovethatguy said. :cryingwlaughter:

I was going to say "Jinx"! Do you remember that old kid thing or are you still a kid? By my terms these days, anyone still with their natural hair color is a kid. hee.

I don't even remember what my natural hair color is. :( It's been awhile since I've seen it. As a kid we said "Jinx you owe me a coke". Nowadays I think it's something about *pinky something*????

I have a new item to add to my list of 'things I've done for Clay, but will only tell my board-friends'. I discovered that in my incomprehensible cable package, I do not get the superstations (WGN and KTLA for me) that would allow me to see these shows 'live'. The only way to get said channels is to subscribe to the Movie Network package, that in turn allows me to add the Superstation package. Thus, I do get to view the Aiken...package. I do believe the cable companies are run by Satan. Oh well - on the bright side, now I can watch Dexter. Heh.

I upgraded my cable package a few years ago just to see Clay on Nickolodeon and MTV. Always meant to change it back, but never got around to it.

I have to work today but will be leaving early to see (hear) Clay on my teeeeveee. One tv listing shows AIR on at 4:00 but another one shows a baseball game at that time and AIR not until Sunday night. But on the 50/50 chance that I might get to hear my bf, I'm ditching work. In all other things I'm a rational, responsible human being.

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hmmm when I look it up on zaptoit it is showing as WGNSAT so I suppose this is different than just regular WGN which is what I get and which doesn't appear to be showing anything of the sort.

But I also get it on a local NBC station on Mondays at 3 am.

Guess who will be taping? :cryingwlaughter:

eta...Now I'm really confused. When I go to my cable listings WGN is listed as WGNSAT.

Now SQUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEE! There it is on Sunday at 7!

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YAY!! Overnight my TV Guide listing has changed, and we're having the NY auditions at 1 pm on Fox. :cheerleader:

Then tomorrow they'll rerun the last show of last year (Where are they now? season 1) Hee. Then WGN tomorrow night at 8 pm will show NY Auditions. As of yesterday no one was showing the Audition show til next week, according to the online listing for my area.

Then next week the shows are on at completely different times. Guess you have to watch the listings carefully every week to find it. Now why do I have butterflies in my stomach all of a sudden??

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Don't know how to work the DVR that I think is on my digital cable box and can't get the VCR to tape anything anymore.


I have the same thing and I investigated the DVR with digital cable box thingy and found that they will provide the DVR free (it's another box) and then charge $10.00 a month for the rest of it's life in my house. Did ask if I a purchased DVR from somewhere else would work with the cable but I didn't get any kind of reassuring answer so I'm thinking hmmmmmmm maybe not. It's possible that you have the same set up. My TV says something is recording when I hit the DVR button but nothing ever records and that's where the box comes in....no recording without the box.

I'm going to think on this for a while. I have a TV carrier on the wall and the digital box and anything else that connects to the TV has to have a second carrier below the digital box. I'll probably end up doing it but I'd really like to know if a puchased DVR would work. If your VCR doesn't work that tells me that the answer is no. :wacko::ph34r:


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keldanker - Here's how to program your DVR. Point the remote at the screen and push buttons!! You'll figure it out!! :clap:

I am - therefore I edit. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hee! Thanks for the advice. :cryingwlaughter:

Toots, I think that is the likely case. I'm sure there has to be an extra charge for DVRing. The cable people don't like to give anything away for free that's for sure.

I just reread the schedule and it seems that the 8 p.m. showings are on Sunday after all. That's good if I miss it on Saturday. Heck, that's good even if I watch it on Saturday. I can watch it again on Sunday and then download it and watch it anytime I want. Not addicted. Nope. Not me. :whistling-1:

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Is there going to be a spoiler thread, pretty please??? :lilredani:

The NY auditions come on for me at 2am tonight, but I neeeed to read about it earlier.

Not trying to postho, but I just saw your question. There's an AI2 RW thread here at FCA already. Perhaps we could post spoilers there.

AI2 Rewind Thread

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One tv listing shows AIR on at 4:00 but another one shows a baseball game at that time and AIR not until Sunday night. But on the 50/50 chance that I might get to hear my bf, I'm ditching work. In all other things I'm a rational, responsible human being.

eta...Now I'm really confused. When I go to my cable listings WGN is listed as WGNSAT.

Now SQUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEE! There it is on Sunday at 7!

On my listings, the 5:00 pm WGN episode has now disappeared. Maybe it was pre-empted for baseball? So looks like I will watch at 8:00 pm on KTLA.

YAY!! Overnight my TV Guide listing has changed, and we're having the NY auditions at 1 pm on Fox. :cheerleader:

Then tomorrow they'll rerun the last show of last year (Where are they now? season 1) Hee. Then WGN tomorrow night at 8 pm will show NY Auditions. As of yesterday no one was showing the Audition show til next week, according to the online listing for my area.

Then next week the shows are on at completely different times. Guess you have to watch the listings carefully every week to find it. Now why do I have butterflies in my stomach all of a sudden??

well crap... now thanks to baseball (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) I don't think I get the show until tomorrow at 5 PM. I look forward to all the reports.

:cryingwlaughter: Is anyone else totally confused as to when and where to watch this show? Jeez, you'd think they don't want people to see it, the way it's showing at different times, stations, etc. Maybe it's becoss Clay really did win and they don't want people to find out?

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According to my TV guide channel it's supposed to be on in 35 minutes. Now whether it will actually one....be on and two....be the right episode waits to be seen.

Meanwhile, why does it feel like the fandom is holding its collective breath?

I see you lurking Karen Eh! Now get back to studying!!

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I hear Clay!!

Just got in and heard two Clay voice-overs. The first was exactly the same as was done before by ??? maybe Ryan.

Julia DeMato was up and her voice-over was changed, but not really Clay speaking - just reading.

I almost don't recognize the voice because it doesn't have Clay's rythyms or phrasing.

I'm going to have to listen to the original tapes to see how much they've changed Clay's script. Some of it sounds very, very familiar.

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According to my TV guide channel it's supposed to be on in 35 minutes. Now whether it will actually one....be on and two....be the right episode waits to be seen.

Meanwhile, why does it feel like the fandom is holding its collective breath?

I see you lurking Karen Eh! Now get back to studying!!

BWAH!! I'm printing something. Honest!

I finished my BIG essay last night....er....this morning.....er......at 4:00 A.M. Whatever you want to call that. I have two lectures to listen to, one assignment, and a quiz to do before I can leave for lunch. Oh, and John came home from his latest trip yesterday. I wonder if he has work to catch up on. No AIR for me until later, and maybe worse no eHP lunch unless I get almost all of this done first. But my hair is wet, my pants are laying on the bed and things are falling into place.

I hope.

Thanks for the push.....I really suck at self-discipline.

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I'm not sure that I want to sit through all these awful auditions to hear Clay read trite comments, especially when I've heard them before .

does that get me branded as a bad fan????????????????????

Just saw Frenchie's audition for the first time. She could sang!

Clay sounds more engaged talking about Frenchie & Julia!

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I'm not sure that I want to sit through all these awful auditions to hear Clay read trite comments, especially when I've heard them before .

does that get me branded as a bad fan????????????????????

Nope. I'm sure someone will be along to agree with you soon!!1!!11!!!

Not me though. :cryingwlaughter:

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