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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Just thought I try and post. Not very good with computers, so any changes sometimes are scary.

Had a very busy weekend. I mentioned on Wed. that I was helping with our used book sale at our local library. These are books that patrons donate to us to sell. Well I just counted the money to deposit and with sellling books at $.25, magazines at $.10, and vhs, cd, or dvd's at $1.00 we made over $3400. This is the best we have ever done. It took us last night over two hours to clean up. I know this upset some people, but any left over books were placed in the dumpster. We gave people the option of free books while we cleaned. We start collecting again for the next sale in January starting today. We have limited storage space, I think we had over 15,000 to start this sale.

I am not sure I like the blue, but whatever we do I am sure I will get use to it.

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Ok...I am trying to get the colors back...its a bit funky now so just be patient.

I probably will get it looking right by tonight. being a mom is interfering...so do;t worry if the colors are a bit puky at times...its all part of the transition.

wow this reply box looks different.

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Thanks, ansa. Kiddies have to come first!

I attended five summer concerts ... Frisco, Tulsa, and 3 of the CA ones. In San Diego, I had a front row table (but had to sit in the back of it so not technically front row ... right?) but anyhoo, this was when I first saw Clay stay on the stage to listen to Q sing this. It is also when I saw him turn to A and mouth the words I bolded above and I honestly thought I was going to faint ... he was so darn sexy. I never would have thought that one of my most powerful reaction during the SPHR Tour would be when Clay wasn't even singing but was instead, sitting in the dark watching his back-up singer/friend sing and he was mouthing these words toward A. Wowza! I'm so glad Thank4Clay caught this moment in her LA video, although my menory of this is still replaying in my mind from my view I had of him in San Diego.

This exact same thing happened to me in Knoxville (but I was in 10th row centre). I just about died, and when I mentioned it to a few others at intermission, only one of them had seen it as well. Glad to know it was captured on video - I will have to go and watch that!

I got my "online" start during the 1998 Nagano Olympics on a skating forum. I was/am a Michelle Kwan follower.

Yep, I got online at the beginning of the same season, ultimately because of the Olympics. I was a big Elvis Stojko fan, and I belonged to a few message boards and lists for that purpose. In fact, a bunch of us met at a hotel in Milton, ON for the two men's events and watched them together live (which was something like 4 or 5 am). It was a hoot! Not the result, of course, we were all devasted for a while, but it was my first experience with meeting people who I only knew from a message board.

Hmmm....I keep trying to hit the quote button to quote Cindilu2's post about her swears *g* and I can't...it just jumps away and throws me up to the top of the page? hmmm....others seem to be able to quote...??

Yep, same here. I had to do these quotes manually. I sure don't miss that!

ETA: The OFC is back up.

Edited by luckiest1
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Ooooh now I have blue and green! What's that they say about change? oh yeah good as a rest! Ha!!!

My quote doesn't work and I have IE

Quote looks the same to me - man, this greeny blue is odd!

Where the hell did that little frowny man come from?

None of my little buttons are working..

but I can manually stick them in.

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Weird. I'm having trouble editing..when that worked fine earlier.... ok.. I'll look into that.

KANDRE you're able to quote someone with no problem? What browser do you use. Also can you edit with no problems?

yeah little man must go LOL

ETA: Chick, I can even edit you, no prob!

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I'm using IE 6.0 (my office is so old school, it ain't even much funny)

checking editing in FastReply:

none of the button are working either

but the manual stuff is.

Are y'all hitting "quote" or "reply" - I'm using reply. I'll try quote though...

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The little frowny man came from those post icons...

The quote isn't working for me either, just the reply.

But looking at my info bar at the bottom of the page, I've got an error on page message.

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Geez - this is the best the board has ever worked, buttons that never worked before are working - Netscape 7.2

Doesn't anyone else feel slightly sad that Clay had to sit though Quiana's singing, not that he didn't enjoy it, but after running around in the heat, he had to sit there instead of cooling down for 3 or 4 extra minutes to show a bunch of mostly older folks how to be polite?

Maybe I am just too sensitive about thing like that , but I tend to stay in my set until intermission just because - well, maybe it is because I am "thrifty" and want to get my money's worth.

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{{{Bookwhore}}} Didn't know about that. I guess I'd forgotten his old image -- the one that sticks to my head right now is of him leading merrieeee and others by the hand (just like in kindergarten) at the Asheville busline.

Would love to see the picture of you standing up to him!!!

I have a pic of me standing next to him!!

[testing posting box stuff - none of the drop-down menus are functional!]

[and where's the aclaimed insert acronym button?]

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As couchie alluded to, much of the stuff working/not working seems to vary by what browser you're using. I'm lucky in that I have both Mozilla/Firefox (version AND Internet Explorer (version 6.0.lotsofnumbers), and have been doing comparisons. The blue color, for me, seems to be only in IE; I've got green in Firefox. Quotes, for me, work in IE, while they do not in Firefox. The little pull down menu next to member names (on the left hand side) works in IE for me, doesn't in Firefox. So there are definitely some compatability issues....

Hmmmm....I see above me that this isn't always the case. Let me confer with the admins for a second....

Uh...edit again...never mind. See what couchie says below, it has to do with the "skins" (our basic overall design scheme that Ansa can change and set up.

playbiller -- I hear ya on the "Clay needing to stay on stage" during Quiana's song. I went to two early shows, and was amazed at the number of people who left during it. Made me mad too -- I personally think it's rude.

But I dearly love that clip of Clay singing along with Quiana. I also noticed that in Scarlett's WPB clack, where Quiana is on Clay's lap. He's singing along there too...and it makes me melt. *sigh*

He's so dweemy.

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I have IE 7.0 buncha numbers and I have no drop down menu next to the board names!

Or in the reply box.........

Just FYI!

What is "Toggle Side Panel"? Is that where the emoticons are supposed to be? (there ae none)

eta: edit counter works......

Edited by cha cha trusty
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ok my quote doesn't work either...but all the little other little editing attributes work. Must have quote...for those using quote successfully ..what browser are you using.

heee... muski stop smuttin' up our problems...wait..never mind..that will take people's minds off it.

have trouble ticket in for the quote/edit problems.

checking emoticons and font now.... :whistling-1::clap:

Color text and enlarge text

Checking image link..............................



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OK..here's the problem...

everyone look to the bottom left of your page...

Make sure your skin is set to IPB 2.2.0 - as long as it is all the new features should work correctly.

We'll be getting rid of those other skins, and then working to make all the changes to the new default skin...well as soon as we figure that all out :cryingwlaughter:It might take a few days...

This is jacked fun

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