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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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OMG!! It was meant to be a joke!! I thought I'd set my avi to some really freaky ugly dude and try to blame it on the board update, just to mess with coiuchie's head. :lmaosmiley-1: I've been laughing my ass off reading here this afternoon. Y'all are just too helpful

Bookwhore, you are baaaaaaaad!!! I wondered why your avi was the only one that got changed. You need a spanking! :thdom2:

Only if Clay does it. :whistling-1:

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I know you will change to the original green when you can, right?

That is the plan and we'll try our best. Ya'll need to send Ansa lots of hugs though. And if for some reason she can't get it exactly the old way..it will be different than other boards so ya'll will know where you are :cryingwlaughter: We are out of rush mode though....and into slow and steady wins the race.

Oh and I'm still trying to figure out Bookwhore's punishment. Whips aren't good enough. :cryingwlaughter:

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Heading home--first time in a long time I've actually left after only 8 hours here! Anyway, I got some songs mixed up with mine on my iTunes here and since the library's on shuffle, I get all kinds of stuff. Well, Justin Timberlake came through my speakers a couple of times on and off today. After the last song "Cry Me a River", Clay's "Classics" came on...


The VOX.



That is all.

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a million dollars to whoever can figure out how to get rid of the little white boy/not Clay next to our screen names. I think it has something to do with personal picture but I can't seem to get rid of it.

couchie - I think I found it.........

Nope that wasn't it!!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Couchie, I don't know if you can get rid of the little guy or not. The other Invision boards I'm on have the same little guy.

Hmmm, lucky, maybe you're right - it show who's online. But why isn't my little guy orange when I'm online?

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a million dollars to whoever can figure out how to get rid of the little white boy/not Clay next to our screen names. I think it has something to do with personal picture but I can't seem to get rid of it.

couchie - I think I found it.........

Nope that wasn't it!!

OK - I went to "Change Personal Photo" in my control panel and uploaded a photo....... it doesn't change the little white guy.....

but if you click on the dropdown menu next to my name - you'll see the pic I uploaded! (It doesn't animate tho...)

I think it's right that if it's colored the person is online, if it's b&w, they aren't. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

or not......... :whistling-1:

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I'm so glad that Clay got to go to his HS reuinion. Wonder if he choppered in? And just out of curiousity - how does Careless Whisper know that Clay went?

Careless Whisper wrote:

Apparently, Clay attended his 10 year high school reunion over the weekend <snip>. The daughter of a friend of my manager was at the reunion and said Clay was there, too. That's all I know. <snip>

Oh, very cool! I'm so glad he was able to, and chose to, go. Hope he had a helluva good time!

OMG!! It was meant to be a joke!! I thought I'd set my avi to some really freaky ugly dude and try to blame it on the board update, just to mess with coiuchie's head. :lmaosmiley-1: I've been laughing my ass off reading here this afternoon. Y'all are just too helpful

Bookwhore, you are baaaaaaaad!!! I wondered why your avi was the only one that got changed. You need a spanking! :thdom2:

Yay, my quotes work again! ....and bookwhore, you win the prize! Gottem! (Got me too, but I ain't tellin')

Yup....everything seems to be working! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And yes, the little guys tell who's online. CV works the same.

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KarenEh, those quilts are beautiful. My friend is a quilt enthusiast and goes each year to a show in Sisters, Oregon where you find those types of quilts. They are just outstanding and you captured them perfectly. Thank you for sharing those pictures, the colors are so vibrant

ansa and couchie, thank you for entertaining us with all this new stuff. :allgood::ilovemypc:

I miss the pretty green

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Testing the newness. It is a lot like recently updated CV.

Just learned like to do this the other day


Read that Clay went to his HS reunion. Isn't it great that the fans found out after the fact. He's become a lot more savy, good for him! :clap:

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Well, I seem to be full of nothing new, so let me add this. I was under the immpression taht Clay was not unpopular in high school that he had a few groupies by then. Wasn't ti middle school that was the problem?

I didn't have any interest to go to my high school reunion, did anyone here go to theirs?

Yes, I was in the nerd group in highschool, all of them moved out of state for good after college. The popular kids ended up married young and clerking in liquor stores and such. Now, my college reunion, I have been to 3.

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Well, I seem to be full of nothing new, so let me add this. I was under the immpression taht Clay was not unpopular in high school that he had a few groupies by then. Wasn't ti middle school that was the problem?

According to LTS, if I remember correctly, Middle School was definitely the toughest time for Clay, as well as the beginning of H.S. BUT --

By senior year, I was just as popular as anybody else. I joined the student council. I was in charge of homecoming. I headed up Winterfest. I did the announcements on the intercom. I had gone from being school bottom-feeder to being one of the most well-liked students in school. It was surreal.

My recognition had nothing to do with anything external. My mama still wouldn't buy me nice clothes. I still had big old glasses and hair that nothing could be done with, mainly because my mom cut it in the kitchen with a towel wrapped around my neck. I was still skinny and uncoordinated.

The onlly thing different about me was how I felt about myself.

Learning To Sing, pages 104-105

play, I agree -- I was nerd kid, and yet I was one of the few that moved away from home and actually found a career. But I did go to my 20 year H.S. reunion and rubbed a few noses in it. *g* (Nah, not really....but I felt like it...)

I'm glad Clay got to go to this reunion (if it is true -- I still have an aversion to "friend of a friend" sometimes...) without the fans knowing about it.

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I'm glad Clay was able to go to his reunion. I've never been to one of mine. Moved away right after high school and the timing of the reunions just never worked for a trip back home at that time. We have lived no further than 20 miles from my dh's high school for years and he has never once been invited to a reunion. Not that he cares. Oops, have to go pick up dd#2 from dance practice.

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But I don't remember where I heard the Clay had groupies comment - someone he knew said he had groupies and it got passed around the message boards.

When I went to high school, a boy danced on American bandstand (as a youngest member - we were babies then!)and he used to walk down the hall giving out pre autographed pictures of himself. Now, I could care less since my sister controlled the TV after school and made us watch Jocko's rocketship from Newark instead of bandstand, so I never knew why he thought it was such a big deal. Actually, I still don't. I bet he goes to every reunion. When someone called my Mom and left their phone number in hunting down students, I called them back and found that all the people they were looking for and couldn't contact were my friends, so it was pretty much a 'why bother', I wouldn't know anyone.

I am beginning to suspect that the majority of Clay fans are self described nerds and I wonder if that has something to do with the need some have for Clay be cool

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I think I have been to one class reunion and that was a 10year. I only went to that high school my senior year. The school I went to for the first three years, closed the end of my junior year. Thirty students from that class went to the new school with me so I wasn't alone. My first three years of high school I did not fit into any particular group. I was a cheerleader, but did not fit the stereotype since I was a good student. You know you are nerdy when you are president of the latin club and your teacher buys you as their slave for a day at a auction.

I sure Clay went there looking fantastic. I hope he took someone with him to enjoy the evening.

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Doesn't anyone else feel slightly sad that Clay had to sit though Quiana's singing, not that he didn't enjoy it, but after running around in the heat, he had to sit there instead of cooling down for 3 or 4 extra minutes to show a bunch of mostly older folks how to be polite?

Yes, it made me sad that he had to do that... I couldn't believe the number of people I saw run out at Sterling Heights... I was embarrassed... I mean, there is NO way Quiana didn't see those people get up and run out... ETA: I know people say they only pay to see Clay, yada, yada, but I guess it's just showing good manners to wait until it's really intermission unless you're already starting to pee in your pants... and I guess because I really like to hear Quiana sing, it colors my opinion a little too...

And HS reunion... yeah, I went to two of them - ten year and 25 years... ten wasn't too bad, most of the nerds I hung around with came to it so I had a really good time catching up with people I really liked in HS... 25 had fewer people and although I still enjoyed myself, I discovered that even 25 years later, the popular girl clique lived on! My girlfriend and I, two not popular girls, headed into the ladies room for the reason it's there (silly us) and there stood several of the popular girls and of course as soon as the door opened, they stopped talking/gossiping... gotta love it.

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Oh and I'm still trying to figure out Bookwhore's punishment. Whips aren't good enough. :cryingwlaughter:

*Crosses BookWhore off "Nice Librarian" list*

Ah'm sawry. Here are a couple of ideas:

1. Make me watch Conan every night for a week.

2. Make me subscribe to Kathy Griffin's weekly newsletter.

3. Make me listen to Justin Guarini CDs CD.

4. Make me read Harlequin romance paperbacks for a year month week tomorrow. Nah, that ain't happinin'.

I think I got the Acronym thingie to work. :whistling-1:

Glad Clay got to attend his high school reunion---I'll bet he had a great time. And I hope those who treated him badly turned pea green with envy when he walked in the door. :cryingwlaughter:

I hope he had a good time, too. I'm guessing that he kept a pretty low profile. I don't see him arriving with a famous date, or helicoptering in. I think he'd want to try to fit it and be 'Clayton'. But then again I don't know nuttin'. I do hope he looked hott and sexy and powerful and successful and that all the girls who snubbed him drooled and gave him a standing 'O".

I'm glad Clay got to go to this reunion (if it is true -- I still have an aversion to "friend of a friend" sometimes...) without the fans knowing about it.

I had to laugh over the manager's daughter's friend association, too. I'm not doubting CarelessWhisper at all, mind you. But I always get a chuckle over the 'my plumber's ex-step-grandaughter's proctologists neighbor' who has an inside scoop.

I love the board changes, BTW. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks to everyone who has to do all the jimmying and fixing behind the scenes. Are we missing some emoticons? Can someone explain the 'codebox' to me? I promise...no more tricks.

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