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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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As to my previous comment "I hope Roger gets all that he deserves"- I don't know what he has or has not done for Clay. I don't buy into conspiracy theories. AND I don't HATE him. <snip>

It is funny because this harmless phrase is the one being used at the OFC to rag into Roger. You never know when something innocuous will be given another meaning - sometimes it makes it difficult to post anything without getting it misinterpreted. :cryingwlaughter:

Ah, just another day in Clay fandom.

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Can you imagine a Clay fan PR person having to rep for any other idol or singer?

Oh, but this person would be Clay's full-time publicist! They would be telling Clay what to do, guiding Clay's career, setting his schedule, choosing his songs and producers, arranging his personal, philanthropic, and family life, dictating wardrobe and hairstyle placing Clay mentions and arranging appearances all the time!

Not to mention, posting on fan message boards in all her ample spare time.

And I found out last night there are now two blogs out there exposing other fans. BWAH. Please lord, don't let me get this in my google alerts. What a bunch of loons. I'm trying to figure out where Clay fits in all this. Some of these people need to apply to be a CIA operative. Or get a life... one or the other.

I think they need to have Clay's attorneys issue a cease and desist order. What they are doing is criminal in my opinion and I think the fans being targeted should press charges.

I'm not sure his attorneys could do this, and even if they could, I'm not sure they should. It would associate him with this madness directly and bring more publicity to it.

I agree that it crosses a line and is completely wack. I wish fans had never gotten involved in defending Clay from JP, but it's way too late now. It's become part of what this fandom is, and not an attractive part.

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Clay narrating AI Rewind?? Awesome!

Roger gone? :shrug: Doesn't enter my stream of concsiousness (sp?) . I actually posted here or at CV that I hoped the new publicist was a Clay lovin woman. I was actually joking - sometimes joking doesn't translate well in the printed form. I just hope whomever replaces Roger recognizes Clay's immense talent and has a great working relationship with him. I have no idea if Clay and Roger had a good or bad relationship. I think only they know.

The President's Cup in Montreal starting in a few minutes!!! Whoohoo!!! I'm so excited! I love Mike Weir - another "adorkable dork".

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Unless the fan has a shit load of connections in hollywood, newspapers, television, entertainment then they are useless to Clay and everybody else Roger was involved with, uh no thanks.

And you know, I don't need Clay's publicist to be a Clay fan. I need them to do be damn good at their job. Like my cousin said, I don't have to like this shit, I just have to sell it. A clay fan? messy, emotional, not objective, and a crap load of baggage. No thank you. Can you imagine a Clay fan PR person having to rep for any other idol or singer? Oh I'm sorry, MNF, Daughtery is not available for that ..but here, you can have Clay Aiken! Oh you need a rock god to join the superstars of heavy metal tour? How about Clay AIken LOL.

You are absolutely right. I do think it might be a good idea if Clay had a personal publicist in addition to his RCA person. However, I had to laugh when I was reading elsewhere when someone suggested that a personal publicist should work for Clay and only Clay. It seems to me that a publicist would be selling a service and would have clients (multiple) just like a management company sells a service and has clients (multiple). I don't think some of these people understand how the real world works. In the end it is completely Clay's decision how to handle his career.

And I found out last night there are now two blogs out there exposing other fans. BWAH. Please lord, don't let me get this in my google alerts. What a bunch of loons. I'm trying to figure out where Clay fits in all this. Some of these people need to apply to be a CIA operative. Or get a life... one or the other.

Good points Play.

And Jenna...I hope you're right. I guess I'm like ldyj..keeping expectations relatively low although..heh, Clay being pervasive? I like it!

I admit I don't often go wandering too far on the internet, but just what are these fans exposing about other fans? That they are in cohoots with swamp creatures? I just don't understand why anybody wants to get involved with that mess in any way. Or is it something else?

Idol Rewind: I'm excited to see what they do. I've only seen small bits of the Season 1 rewind.

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Have we seen this yet?


American Idol is the number one television show in the world with almost 60 million viewers per week. In just six seasons, it has become a part of the American landscape and a passion to its viewers; a show that has bridged cultural lines, crossed generation gaps, united families and rekindled the American dream—all in a few short hours during each Idol season.

Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul tells the stories that television cameras will never see—true, uplifting and entertaining stories told with humor and candor that will leave readers laughing, crying and feeling moved and inspired.

In this book, those closest to the heart of American Idol—the contestants, the producers, the behind-the-scenes crew, and the fans—share their tales of audition excitement, backstage elation and tears, and lives changed forever. Here is the stuff that dreams are made of—inspirational stories of being discovered, and for the lucky few . . . of reaching superstardom.

If you go to the website above, and click on the banner, it says "Including stories from Clay Aiken, Jordin Sparks, Carrie Underwood, Ruben Studdard, Blake Lewis, Melida Doolittle, and other top 10 Idols from every season." It also says that there will be podcasts with interviews from "the top Idol winners," plus a chance to win tickets to the AI8 Finale.

This is different from the "Chicken Soup for Special Needs," which benefits the BAF.

Amazon order link

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Keldanker...I don't go around in search of the crap either which is why I'm always so completely in shock when I get a new bunch of :hitsfanrs5: all at the same time. I couldn't read more than 3 minutes worth of Chexxxy's blog cuz I felt dirty. I mean, people out there actually believe they are talking to Clay and have been talking to Clay online? Huh? People are that damn gullible? But then again, why should I believe anything she has to say. Frankly, if it's true, people need an intervention not an expose. And to dig yourself deep in the muck for god knows how long to I assume help Clay? Or to be right? How is any of this helping Clay. I thought I was reading a script for The Unit. I think people are addicted to drama. I really do. I think JP would have been long dead and buried if the fans had just ignored him. Now there are many factions out there to expose other factions ..and it amounts to a 100 noodys feeling like they are suddenly somebodys. After I shower I will crawl back to my hole and stay here. Two weeks after the crap first hit in 2006 I bowed out. Didn't read the blogs. Didn't follow the crap. I managed to be a Clay fan without making myself a part of the story. So did 90% of the rest of the fans. I wished the other 10% had followed suit.

hmmmm I need to look into that Amazon sponsered link heh.

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Makes me grin that Clay is the first one mentioned on that Chicken Soup blurb. And it ain't alphabetical. :lilredani:

I have still never seen one of the fan-police sites or blogs, and hope never to have the displeasure. Hard to believe that people have so little in their lives as to spend their days and nights on shit like that. Cowardly fucks.

It's also mind-boggling to me that there is so much knowledge (fictitious or otherwise) about Clay's publicist, or any other member of his team. I enjoy pop culture, tv and personalities as much as anybody going, but I couldn't tell you the name of even one member of any other celebrity's staff.

So... fans are pimping themselves for Roger's job? BWAH! Considering what happened to Fran, there are a couple of wannabe fameho's I'd almost wish that on. *cackles*

Edited by cindilu2
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Clay narrating AI Rewind?? Awesome!

Roger gone? :shrug: Doesn't enter my stream of concsiousness (sp?) . I actually posted here or at CV that I hoped the new publicist was a Clay lovin woman. I was actually joking - sometimes joking doesn't translate well in the printed form. I just hope whomever replaces Roger recognizes Clay's immense talent and has a great working relationship with him. I have no idea if Clay and Roger had a good or bad relationship. I think only they know.

The President's Cup in Montreal starting in a few minutes!!! Whoohoo!!! I'm so excited! I love Mike Weir - another "adorkable dork".

Yes Mike Weir is cute as a bug

Someone I'd really like to hug


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Geeeezzzzzzz! I go away for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose!! :Ahh:

So as for this Roger/new PR person business - I know nussing!!! (tm the Sgt in Hogan's Heroes - what was his name?)


I've been spending time working on Photoshop Techniques - both trying to come up with stuff to teach and writing tutorials and answering questions over in that thread. :imgtongue:

Ansa has been helping - a big THANK YOU to ansa!! :da_best::giveflowers:

But it's still a little lonely over there - so please come visit!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


A couple of message board/upgrade questions:

  • is it possible to get the
expand the writing window button back on the reply window?

can we have more emoticons in the drop down menu?

is there still a limit on number of emoticons in a message? (apparently 11 is one too many!)



I'm excited about AI Rewind - Second Season finally starting!! :nana:

Here it's on Sat at 10, we will probably be out at the movies, but I have my recorder set!!

Can't wait to see exactly what Clay will be doing!!

:Boss: :bananaflip::yahoo:

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Yes Mike Weir is cute as a bug

Someone I'd really like to hug


EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Someone who actually recognizes Mike Weir's name!!! Whoop de dooo!!! I ususally get blank stares when I mention him. I actually cried when he won the Masters. Of course, the fact that my DH is a pro-golfer and knows Mike has something to do with it but I would love him regardless.

My two loves - oh - and you can throw James Spader into the mix too! :hubbahubba:

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Yes Mike Weir is cute as a bug

Someone I'd really like to hug


EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Someone who actually recognizes Mike Weir's name!!! Whoop de dooo!!! I ususally get blank stares when I mention him. I actually cried when he won the Masters. Of course, the fact that my DH is a pro-golfer and knows Mike has something to do with it but I would love him regardless.

My two loves - oh - and you can throw James Spader into the mix too! :hubbahubba:

I live in SW Ontario, canuck. There might have been *one or two* Weir related articles around here when he won the Masters. Hee! I'm a pro-golf fan too. Love me some Fred Couples - always have and always will. And Payne Stewart was a fave. And Phil Mickelson (one of the few people I've ever really changed my first impression opinion of).

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Heh - Hold off on ordering anything from Amazon, until Couchie gets a link!!! Then we have to post it on every board that will let us!!!

The special needs book definitely benefits the BAF, it is mentioned on their sight, but the American Idol one is supposed to as well, but I have not seen any non-fan verification of that.

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(tm the Sgt in Hogan's Heroes - what was his name?)

cha cha, I do believe that was Colonel Klink.

Why yes, I DO have a number of useless trivia tidbits in my brain, why do you ask? :lilredani:

I say "Pfffttt"! to all the bloggers and their inside sources and their sooper seekrit messages from Clay and their self-righteous pledge to protect Clay or destroy him and their cowardly 'outing' of anyone who doesn't agree with their bullshit or...

I think you get my drift. B)

On more important matters: Does anyone else have a burning desire to know what Clay was wearing and what his hair looked like when he went to the reunion? :RedGuy:

No? Just me? :unsure:

All righty, then.... :DoClay:

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Oooo something I actually know something about (as opposed to the Music Industry!) *g*

Mike Weir won the TOUR Championship here in Houston. I used to watch Payne Stewart play in his band, (Jake & the Flounders) after our tournament (Shell Houston Open) and I can remember all of us crying in the office when I got the call from CNN about his plane. We really liked him and he was our Champion one year. Phil Mickelson hasn't come to our tournament in a couple of years (boo hiss). His Dad is really sweet and well, Freddie Couples, he is such a cutie!!!

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being the sports ho that I am, the next time clay takes a break for a year (Bwah ha ha) I want to do some sporting travel... go to various ballparks, see a Tiger golf match (write down Merrieeee in insider connection notebook heee), check out Serena for a tennis match etc. I looked into seeing the Timberwolves the night before Clay's concert in Minneapolis and they have no game..boo hiss..and the night of the concert..they are actually playing MY team. Hilarious.

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(write down Merrieeee in insider connection notebook heee)

Hee if anyone is in Houston during the Shell Houston Open (3/31-4/6)....I know someone who can get you some good seats!!!!(tm Beverley)

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Re: AI Rewind clack:

We will be getting "clean" broadcast quality clips of AI Rewind from a secret source.

Some tidbits that have been passed on/confirmed for your info:

It's true that Clay is the narrator, that he gets onscreen credit as "Narrated By".

His voice is heard throughout the bulk of the episode.

Weee! Thanks secret source!

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Oooo something I actually know something about (as opposed to the Music Industry!) *g*

Mike Weir won the TOUR Championship here in Houston. I used to watch Payne Stewart play in his band, (Jake & the Flounders) after our tournament (Shell Houston Open) and I can remember all of us crying in the office when I got the call from CNN about his plane. We really liked him and he was our Champion one year. Phil Mickelson hasn't come to our tournament in a couple of years (boo hiss). His Dad is really sweet and well, Freddie Couples, he is such a cutie!!!

Aww - Payne! Loved him - he was a huge supporter of our PGA event in Vancouver. His wife, Tracy's, brother stayed with us for the Senior British Open in Scotland a few years ago. He told us about the time when Payne died and about President Clinton calling Tracy - it warmed my heart. Did you know that after his plane crashed, the only thing they found was his wedding ring? Oh crap - now I'm all nostalgic.

Edited by canuck2010
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(write down Merrieeee in insider connection notebook heee)

Hee if anyone is in Houston during the Shell Houston Open (3/31-4/6)....I know someone who can get you some good seats!!!!(tm Beverley)

I'll make a mental note of that. I always meant to ask you what your job was. I knew you mentioned several times about it having to do with golf. My husband is a huge golf fanatic. I think the term golf widow was coined for me. Hee

I don't really enjoy the game that much. I've tried playing. I have clubs, shoes, etc. Membership to the local country club, yadda yadda, but it hasn't rubbed off on me. I loved Payne Stewart and his golf pants. That took some guts. I was saddened by his death. My favorite golf star was Greg Norman. Tall blonde Aussie in black. :Thud: I love those aussie men. Now Tiger is so freaking unbelievable. What skill he has.

I fell at work yesterday and am home today. That is why I have been on and off the boards today. Waiting for hubby to come home from Dr. I'm so nervous.

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It has always seemed kinda amusing to me that some are sure Clay would be a superstar if only he would stop being Clay.
This is so profound and right on.

And jamar! Genital? Can genitals be singular? There's genitalia, I know...I suppose if he has just one of something that he's supposed to have two of it could be a genital? I can just hear it now...

"Man, I can't believe you did that! You got ball!"

It has always seemed kinda amusing to me that some are sure Clay would be a superstar if only he would stop being Clay

I think this quote is quite profound as well.

...now as for the genitalia...a boy in my son's high school honors history class got into a knock-down, fist throwing, kicking fight over (are you ready for it?) gun control...and ended up having to have one of his balls removed as a result. (yes, sounds like an episode of Geeks Gone Wild, doesn't it?) At graduation all the other students stood and cheered holding up one finger and shouting 'padiddle'! (one headlight-car game)

And I found out last night there are now two blogs out there exposing other fans. BWAH. Please lord, don't let me get this in my google alerts. What a bunch of loons. I'm trying to figure out where Clay fits in all this. Some of these people need to apply to be a CIA operative. Or get a life... one or the other.

More and more the boards remind me of that quote from the Julia Sugarbaker character on the old Designing Women TV show. (Yes, Clay is right. I do remember these old shows :P)

I'm saying this is the South. And we're proud of our crazy people. We don't hide them up in the attic. We bring 'em right down to the living room and show 'em off. See, no one in the South ever asks if you have crazy people in your family. They just ask what side they're on.

Maybe that's why Clay loves us all so much. It's his good southern upbringing.

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