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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Yes Mike Weir is cute as a bug

Someone I'd really like to hug


EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Someone who actually recognizes Mike Weir's name!!! Whoop de dooo!!! I ususally get blank stares when I mention him. I actually cried when he won the Masters. Of course, the fact that my DH is a pro-golfer and knows Mike has something to do with it but I would love him regardless.

I saw Mile Weir at the Shell Houston Open two years ago! canuck2010, please excuse me for being dense but you're in Vancouver or am I mistaken? If you are, you might be acquainted with one of my husband's good friends. He isn't a pro-golfer, but was an assistant coach of the hockey team until recently and I think he was involved in a lot of golf "stuff" when he was there....charity events and things like that.

On more important matters: Does anyone else have a burning desire to know what Clay was wearing and what his hair looked like when he went to the reunion? :RedGuy:

No? Just me? :unsure:

All righty, then.... :DoClay:

No, not just you. Move over and make room from me on that bench. I'll share my bag of popcorn with you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I have been sitting here waiting for the first picture to show up in someone's blog.

***Ooooh...nice view from the top. I can see Panama from here.***

Edited by Karen Eh?
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I love watching golf on TV. My husband does not understand, finds it boring to watch. We live were the Buick Open is held every year and work it. Our job is a volunteer job to make money for our ski patrol. Thus my job is to pick up the garbage bags and take them to the dumpster. My back by the end of the week is gone. Many people alsways ask if I see Tiger. My answer is yes, but I try to hide when he passes my garbage cart. By the end of the night, I just do not look very good!

I do not have cable, I know now days that is hard to believe. I have to wait to Sunday night at 11:00 to watch rewind. Since I have to be up at 5am for work, it will have to be taped. l missed a lot of the second season, especially the start because I was teaching a

class and taped it from the time of the top 12. By the time I got home and put it on, it was to late to vote. I was finally home the last two weeks, and could not get one vote in for Clay.

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saw Mile Weir at the Shell Houston Open two years ago!

You were there and you didn't come see me? I'm crushed! Oh wait did I know you then?

gbmifan :da_best:

We could not run our tournament without the wonderful volunteers.

Edited by merrieeee
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I have been sitting here waiting for the first picture to show up in someone's blog.

Yep, me too, KarenEh...but then right after thinking about that, I feel kinda guilty :11: about 'needing' to see a picture of him during his 'private' time, you know? :unsure:

Ok...I'm over it. Pass the popcorn, babe! :POP: :27:

Edited by muskifest
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By the way...what the Hades is THIS thing? Its rather limp physiognomy goes against all that's sacred to a smutter.


UGH! Unfortunatley, I've seen those all too often. :angry:

Jeez people, I'm trying to get caught up here and y'all keep talking. And I've got to work and have a life, too.

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Can't wait for Rewind, I hope it is on a jillion times a week so I can hear him talk. Dunno what spoilers would be, unless in this version he wins.

They did do a re-do of the first Dancing with the Stars when Kelly Monaco "won" and most people loved John O'Hurley. Just sayin'

As for Rewind, I don't think they would ask Clay to narrate if they didn't feel he brought anything specific to the program. If all they wanted was generic descriptions or introductions, it would be far cheaper and easier to hire some nameless voice-over specialist. I tend to believe that what they want is his perspective and personality. I'm guessing that it could be like those commentaries you get on DVD's, where you have the director and/or actors discuss the film as it plays. If so, even if we don't see Clay as he talks (and we'll still see him as a performer on the show), what we could get could be interesting and potentially far more pervasive.

Even his comments about Keith and his "Like a Virgin" performance should be funny!

I'm saying this is the South. And we're proud of our crazy people. We don't hide them up in the attic. We bring 'em right down to the living room and show 'em off. See, no one in the South ever asks if you have crazy people in your family. They just ask what side they're on.

Maybe that's why Clay loves us all so much. It's his good southern upbringing.

:cryingwlaughter: So that's why he's so hands-off with the fan club. He's used to crazy people.

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I saw Mile Weir at the Shell Houston Open two years ago! canuck2010, please excuse me for being dense but you're in Vancouver or am I mistaken? If you are, you might be acquainted with one of my husband's good friends. He isn't a pro-golfer, but was an assistant coach of the hockey team until recently and I think he was involved in a lot of golf "stuff" when he was there....charity events and things like that.

I am in Vancouver. I'm not sure who you're referring to because charity golf tourneys and hockey celebs are a big thing here in the Summer. I suspect you're referring to Darcy Rota and if so, I dont know him personally but my DH certainly does. A fabulous guy! :)

musicfest I'd be all over that "reunion pic" if one existed!!! :cryingwlaughter: I have no shame! :blush:

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Loved Freddie Couples...his first wife was a problem and I think she jumped out of a building to end her life. The golf community is very private and those things aren't exactly spread around. Interesting how they protect each other unlike other sports. I loved Payne Stewart as well and the day he died we all cried. He had the smoothest swing of all...such a shame, such a loss to golf and it's fans.

I'm an avid golfer, been playing for many years. Wonderful exercise both physically and mentally.

I'm watching the international, of course rooting for the US. Most of the players, if not all, play on the PGA tour so it's sort of weird set up.

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Another Payne Stewart fan here. It was so sad when he died, and I was watching on CNN that day hoping for some kind of miracle to save them, but of course it was impossible. I also love Nick Faldo, who's a commentator now, and I love to watch Tiger play because he's a frickin golf genius.

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I was working in the TOUR Championship HQ that day and the first we heard of it was when CNN called to me ask if it was true about Payne's plane. Talk about shock! We all went numb and then we cried. We kept hoping against hope that it would land OK but it was not to be.

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My middle son loves golf. Tried out for the gold league at high school level, but did not make the team. That is hard when 8 kids are picked out of of school of 2000 kids. His favorite player in Freddie Couples. He even has a set of his clubs. His best friend in high school was named Mr. Michigan for his play their senior year. My son would joke that if he made it on the circuit, that he would be his caddie. After colledge his friend went to qualifing school but did not do well, now he is in law school. My son just plays every one in a while. I have not played in 3 years. I was never good.

Yes, I to would love to see pictures of Clay's reunion. But I also respect his privacy and understand we may never see any.

I miss him, and know he needs down time, but I wish he would blog.

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I think Jerry Aiken said that Clay didn't have time for golf right now, but that he was trying to get a golf tournament scheduled to benefit the BAF, and that Clay would attend...

I say it's a shame Clay doesn't have time for the game right now. I think he would have no trouble addressing the ball.



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Good morning/afternoon,

I haven't even tried to check out other boards because i just don't want to read any of the rabid shit about Roger one way or the other. And (oh, sweet Jesus, save us all!!!) a FAN???????!!!! taking over for Roger. Now, that's a plan.

One of my friends sent me a copy of one of those crazy blogs "outing" Chexxxy. She had no clue what was going on and wanted to know if I knew anything about it. Honestly, the blog was scary crazy. I just scanned it and deleted it. Such garbage. Why can't people just love Clay and be sappy and happy.

Honestly, I've gotten to the point where, when people start trying to run Clay's life and career, i just move on and pretty much ignore them. It's so boring. I can't help but feel that Clay feels the same way. I mean, some of the people on OFC (and other places) are just plain lunatics. He would be nuts to give them any mind.

AI--I'm just happy as shit we'll be hearing that wonderful voice talking. AND, it's good publicity for his new album.

I hope he's making a pile of money for the gig.

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So, I'm behind. First there's that on-line compendium of misinformation where there was one thing and then another and another. Then I got Shanghai'ed. Heh. Then I had to get down and finish up a job application that ended up being about 1/2 inch thick. So I missed a couple of topics.

High school reunions--I have one coming up in November. There's an e-mail list via which people been posting memories and photos and so forth, and I can't remember 95% of these people at all. I'm going for the sake of a few folks I remember and like, but it's going to be a bit freaky. My last year of high school was rather hellish.

Clack legacies. By coincidence awhile back I ended up distributing the clack of a fan I didn't even know. She was a great grandmother who died, I assume from natural causes (although if the very young From Claygary can be a great grand-mom, maybe I've assumed wrong). Her family posted a request in the CH public access thread, and I responded. The family obviously had some knowledge of the fandom, because all the really, really valuable stuff that I expect she would've had wasn't included--no rare pins, no AIW, no autographs. It was really sweet though that they wanted the things to go to fans who really love Clay like she did. Most of the stuff they sent was stuff we all would already have, so I sent a lot of it to Japan to the New Clay Fans, which made them very happy. The main recipient, the one I initially contacted, is a fan originally from Indonesia married to a Japanese man--has two very young children, and she wasn't able to come to the concerts this summer. She posted on the CB looking for a Rolling Stone, and then I asked if she or anyone she knew wanted this or that, and after a couple of e-mails like that she said, send everything, they want it all!! They paid the postage to send it all first class!

I didn't send a bunch of teen magazines and other magazines that aren't cover stories, just random pictures, and a bunch of Clay TV appearances on video, which they couldn't have used and I doubt anyone wants. Not sure what to do with that stuff. It was quite the experience getting these boxes by fedex and looking at someone else's lovingly gathered collection. At first I couldn't do anything with it--it was kind of overwhelming. I had to let the vibe settle or whatever. Anyway, her collection looked a whole lot like mine, and probably a lot of yours too.

Congratulations to sylvie and Carolina Clay for the beautiful grandbabies, and thanks for the pictures!!

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Actually, "I know nussink" was Sgt. Schultz :imgtongue:

THANK YOU!!! I thought of Col Klink but he was the colonel! Not the Sgt. Thanks to both of you for answering the question.

It was Sgt Schultz!

Speaking of German - I rec'd this amusing email yesterday and thought I'd share!

Scroll at will!

German Versus English

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5-year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English."

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.

The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w"with "v".

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.

If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.

Kary on!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Merryclay, don't forget how the vocal fans did not want him to do this, the death of his career, they said. I loved it, went to 5 shows, 3 in NJ and two in NC and went to the GMA in between. Loved it, loved it! But during that time I sat near some fans who thought there were parts Clay should fix. BWAH - gotta love them, maybe.

ETA - I'm the tops, I'm the colesium

I'm the top, I'm the mublety muph museum

Edited by playbiller
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Or as the Beatles/John and Paul would say - "The Toppermost of the Poppermost!"

Yes - I loved the JBT - went to 5 shows also - it was terrific!! I had the audios on my commute forfreekinever! Still love them!!


whoever mentioned the board kicking you out - yes - it's happening to me! Just about evertime I reopen the board I have to sign in again!

I panicked when the upgrade happened because it wouldn't let me in and I couldn't remember my password! (finally found it)


who is a good emoticon-maker??? I would like to either find out the technique, or get one made for me (if you're willing)!! Please PM me or post here - no matter!! Thanks!! :da_best:


eta: did you know "full edit" takes less time to open than "quick edit"??? :D

Edited by cha cha trusty
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{{{{{{{{{International Team}}}}}}}}} We pretty much sucked today - good thing it's a four day tournament. Well done so far Tiger & Co. (at least Mikey got half a point. yay)


Lurved the JBT even if I only saw it through Clack!! Have tons of the medleys on my Ipod and listen to them on a regular basis! He rocked big time with that concert. "The Singin Fool" - tm Jesse Vargas.

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JMH - you are good people!!

Loved JBT - just a whole bunch of good fun.

I personally don't see any difference between those out to get Chexxxy and Chexxxy. It's all the same to me. People messing around in areas they don't belong and as far as I'm concerned all the motivation is a little whack. Where will it end. If you're worried about innocent members of the fandom being taken in by con artists..give them a lesson on the internet and how all is not what it seems. We're all adults here. I used to get upset at the Crazy claymate label - but unfortunately we were too busy worrying about the wrong ass things like how old we are and whether we wear deeliebobs or are too over the top at concerts. Maybe a good old fashioned lesson in common sense would have been more appropriate.

rewind...really excited about it now. So Ansa was mentioning that we might get a rerun of last week before the new season starts..maye the second airing or Sunday? I'll find him heee. If Ruben gets a lot of face time I know people will be upset. I don't really care. He'll be a part of it with his singing every week, with his extra duty narrating and hopefully some new interviews.

What's this about AI not being 19? How can that be? This is American Idol. The common man doesn't give a damn who owns it or who's putting it together but E19 would never just give away its syndication rights would it? Any involvement from Clay will signal that all is well between Clay and "American Idol" that he hasn't forgotten where he came from (to the average person out there) Clay has been invited back more than anybody else and treated well. Who cares that they skipped a year. There are way more guests to schedule in and he had nothing to promote during the season. And didn't it turn out that Clay had something important to do on the same night as Idol Gives Back? I'm sure Clay has mixed feelings about the show. I don't blame him for not following it every second of every season anymore. And there are a lot of big egos involved with that show... but I've always thought of Clay and Idol as "family." Maybe it's the Carringtons and not the Waltons but family nonetheless.

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