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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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BWAH, cindilu2.

I never saw the first half of season 2 so I'm kind of looking forward to watching it, and having Clay's voice narrating makes it all that more worthwhile, to me. I wonder if as the series goes on, he might loosen up and veer from the script a bit?

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Well, that was interesting. I didn't see the first 20 min., but the only time I saw Clay's name was in teeny tiny script with the rest of the credits while Frenchie was doing her 2007 interview.

Main comment I have is that the tone of auditions has really gone downhill since the first seasons. It has become much more common for the contestants to yell back, for judges' shouting matches, escalating insults etc. or at least it's now edited to look that way. Controversy sells.

As usual, I can't wait for AI to get out of the auditions and on to the "real" stuff.

Edited by lilyshine
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From moonhead at CH:

It's on here...

BWAH...I didn't even recognize Clay's voice at first...duh.

He's doing great! Intro'ing each of the auditions that will follow in Rewind....you can really hear his "voice" and personality. Very descriptive and enthusiastic (the good enthusiastic).

Clay is doing the voice over narrating (quite a lot of it), but it also shows Ryan and his intro'ing that happened during the actual AI2 episodes.

I'm guessing he is reading from a script because it is very smooth, no hmmm'ing or hesitating. But it doesn't "sound" like he is reading...he's doing wonderful!

BWAH...someones singing "big butts"...Baby Got Back!

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Anybody want to keep it spoilered or can we put our observations on Main? Since it seems to be coming on at every time possible?

I'm actually finding the whole show interesting as I actually liked AI2 - watched subsequent seasons as well, just never got into it as much. Surprise, surprise.

It was still fairly fresh - even the bad auditions, and there was a better balance between bad and good.

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Yep Kandre..that's one of the major differences between season 2 and the couple of seasons I watched after that...much more balance in the auditions. And really almost everyone who made the top twelve actually had their audition shown. No major prodections for one or two people which only gives them a major leg up IMO.

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I have to work today but will be leaving early to see (hear) Clay on my teeeeveee. One tv listing shows AIR on at 4:00 but another one shows a baseball game at that time and AIR not until Sunday night. But on the 50/50 chance that I might get to hear my bf, I'm ditching work. In all other things I'm a rational, responsible human being.

Bookwhore... bolding mine... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: This is sooooo me, too!!! :cryingwlaughter:

I have a tivo box my daughter gave me, but have never used it... so I have to figure out how firstest! But, I've had it a month, so this is just the incentive I need.

Why are there so few hours in the day??? I need at least 2 more... :cryingwlaughter:

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You guys are killing me. It was so much easier when we all just had to tune into Fox at 8:00 on Tuesdays, wasn't it?

The first showing of AIR starts at 5 pm EST for me and then is repeated on different stations five more times by tomorrow at 6. I plan to watch the 1:30 am show just so no one will be around to bother me...or keep asking what I'm grinning about. :P

And what time should I be at your house? :P

No cable here, so I gotta hope AIR actually gets shown on the Fox affiliate tomorrow afternoon like the TV Guide says it will. I'm not convinced that it won't get bumped by baseball, football, or NASAR somehow.

Is there AIR Clack yet?

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I just spent wasted a half-hour trying to get my disk of the original AI2 New York audition to play. It's officially dead. I'd really like to compare scripts. Anyone know where I can download it? It's not at CU and the CV vault is still being shifted so it's not there.

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Season 2 fulleppies

OK don't think we have all the audtion eppisodes up..I'll leave the link anyway for those who want the other eppisodes.

Give me 1/2 hour and I can put up the first episode..

ETA: never mind..thought I had the other audition eppies sitting on my hard drive.. apparantly not... I have them all on DVD..... somewhere.

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You guys are killing me. It was so much easier when we all just had to tune into Fox at 8:00 on Tuesdays, wasn't it?

The first showing of AIR starts at 5 pm EST for me and then is repeated on different stations five more times by tomorrow at 6. I plan to watch the 1:30 am show just so no one will be around to bother me...or keep asking what I'm grinning about. :P

And what time should I be at your house? :P

No cable here, so I gotta hope AIR actually gets shown on the Fox affiliate tomorrow afternoon like the TV Guide says it will. I'm not convinced that it won't get bumped by baseball, football, or NASAR somehow.

Is there AIR Clack yet?

Hey bottle, you are welcome to come over and watch it at 1:30 am with me :flirtysmile3:

Seriously, I'm only home during that air time. I could watch it sooner though...want me to bring over the VCR tape? :imgtongue:

I don't have a TV Guide, but this is what I pulled up online for our area

WGN (60) Sat. @ 5 pm

WJBK Sunday @ 1:30 am

WUPN (12) Sunday @ 6 pm

WGN (60) Sun @ 8 pm

WUPWH (636) Sunday @ 6 pm

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I've set my DVR (and Toots, don't even think about it. A DVR is worth $100 a month--$10 is nothing.) and now I'm impatiently waiting for 4 oclock here on the West coast. Hopefully, someone will upload it before then.

I'm practically panting at the thought of hearing Clay's voice. (and just thinking about the money he's making!) It just makes my heart so happy.

I can't get a damn thing done--anticipatory sloth.

Edited by wandacleo
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As one who has never seen the audition episodes of AI2, watching Rewind with Clay telling the story is captivating. Frenchie was awsome. Julia DeMato sounded better than I remember her.

And Clay. I don't need credits to recognize the narrator, and AI2 watchers should know that voice immediately. But good for credits, because that indicates the size of his check. Of course every second of this show is scripted. But it's also very Clay in delivery. Going up to a commercial he says ... one contestant made the judges stand up ..... but it wasn't Steve. Made me laugh.

I thought it was interesting that the audition line in NY was limited to 1500, and Frenchie was 1498.

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As one who has never seen the audition episodes of AI2, watching Rewind with Clay telling the story is captivating. Frenchie was awsome. Julia DeMato sounded better than I remember her.

Julia was great...until she had a real audience to sing to. Stage fright killed Julia.

mps3 for season 2

for anyone interested...I do have many of the mp3s from that season up at fcam --

The season 2 songs I still listen to on my ipod today are from Trenyce, KLO and Rickey. Ricky has a beautiful voice IMO as does Trenyce. I'm sorry they didn't get more out of idol. I do think they would have had they been in later seasons.

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