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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Hi Bottle :rolleyes:

@#*&((#%^!!@$Q%Grrrr(*)(^^% no AI2 rewind for me today. Stupid @@#$Q%%$# TV schedule anyway.

No clack until Sunday night? @#$%()_(*(&^&^if they change the $%*(( schedule again tomorrow I'm going to :breakpc2::badmood:

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I have Direct TV Muski so I only get it on WGN tomorrow at 5 PM and then again on Monday.

I will not be sporked I will not be sporked. Whewwwwwwwwwwww..No I'm not done but I have ruled out 14 shows...know my top 3 pretty much..have 6 others that might makeget an honorable mention or get tossed or take the place of one of my top three. I think I'll rest for the night. YAY.

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OK, where did these new emotions come from?? They had me laughing out loud!!!


:bow28: (Obviously, this one was custom made for KAndre!!)


:attitude2: (Custom made for soooooooooo many at FCA!!!)


:woman: (Another custom made for KAndre!!)


:pirateship: (Not sure what this one is all about, but it CMSU!!)

Yup - I am avoiding doing my homework.........

Edited by Claygasm
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W'all, blow me down... :o

I actually get KTLA or WGN or whatever its called on my satellite, out here in the official middle of nowhere and I, yes me, got to hear Clay talk about the olden days of AI on my very own teevee (tm Raleigh) from 7 to 8 this evening. :ura:

I've been flat out with a yucky cold the past four days and today is the first day I actually felt like I might try being vertical for awhile. We've been having gorgeous fall days up here and it was awful watching them go by while I was feeling too miserable to move. :angry2: So, anyway I was outside painting the dog house and just came in for a drink of water and dh had the television on.

Now I would know that voice ANYWHERE......I didn't even give up the remote during the commercials much to my dh's disgust. He was trying to watch football....hee...Yeah I know I must have it bad cuz I didn't even mind looking at simon so much.....dh had the nerve to suggest i put it on mute. :thsigns053: The man obviously doesn't recognize fine, fine elocution when he hears it. Fine, captivating, exhileratin' expressive, smoooooooooth, north caralahnin elocution...

He did great, dontcha think? :flirtysmile3:

And then when it was over, right down to the teeny weeny credits....Then I remembered my uncovered paint can standing outside on the deck. YIKES!! My black lab now has a white nose, and there were a few gold and red leaves I fished out of the paint but otherwise all is well.

Ummmm..... can someone, if they're allowed to that is, explain why so many of you seem to be afraid of K'Andre, like you are her minions or something? I get that it is something about songs....I think, do you have to sing for her?

and... and.... will there be clack?

:bolt: by now, off to walk mah white muzzled black doggy..... :tongue57:

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Ummmm..... can someone, if they're allowed to that is, explain why so many of you seem to be afraid of K'Andre, like you are her minions or something? I get that it is something about songs....I think, do you have to sing for her?

and... and.... will there be clack?

:bolt: by now, off to walk mah white muzzled black doggy..... :tongue57:


Zena..we are rating the songs from the summer tour. Each person has a song, or two or three and tomorrow night is the deadline to finish giving your recommendations for the song you chose or had forced upon you by KAndre. Lucky is posting all the recommendations over at FCAM.

Kandre has promised to do nasty things to those that don't finish...like listen to non pro-tooled Brittany..and look at naked pictures of Keith Richards. EEK. I might just work through the night.

I'm kinda worried about my pals Muski and Clagasm. It was nice knowing them. heee. Hope I won't need another admin after tomorrow too.

ETA: the right link to FCAM

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Hi Bottle :rolleyes:

@#*&((#%^!!@$Q%Grrrr(*)(^^% no AI2 rewind for me today. Stupid @@#$Q%%$# TV schedule anyway.

No clack until Sunday night? @#$%()_(*(&^&^if they change the $%*(( schedule again tomorrow I'm going to :breakpc2::badmood:

Damn toots, you're so eloquent! I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm still pouting over not getting to hear my bf tonight.

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I feel for you guys, I really do. When I went to sleep last night, I thought I was going to be one of you. FOX's main station in Raleigh WRAZ changed their schedule around overnight. Being properly in the mood after that, I also watched the TV Guide Close-up of Clay tonight. It had been awhile since I've seen it. I swear I think it was longer and had been added to. None of the errors corrected of course--like confusing IT and the NAT. Clay vocabulary I'd never heard before. Stuff like that. But I think it's really a positive profile that does show some sides of him and us. I don't know that he comes off as the guy I feel like I know, but he does come off as likeable and quirky. Lots and lots of love for ATDW coming from Clay. Lots.

The Rewind was a rewind, but with Clay narrating it. Definitely scripted, not earthshattering new clack, but I'm enjoying it. I wasn't planning to watch til Atlanta, and I avoid audition shows as a rule, so they definitely have me in their pocketsss by having him narrate. I'm very pleased about the billing and the way he seems to have some measure of power in this process. Seems like a win-win all around to me.

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I wouldn't have watched AI Rewind for anything until I found out about Clay narrating the show. I've watched his Idol performances, either through Clack or Youtube, but I always click off before the three stooges speak. Now that he's involved and to such a great extent, I'll be watching as many as possible. I just love to see what a great job he does and I get tickled pink about it.

It is also so great to see that they wanted him enough to give him such a prominent roll in the program. I hope he made big $$$$$ for this and that people in the industry take notice.

I'm very proud of him. :)

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See, merrieeee hasn't seem to have started her reviews and I have appeared in her house. I have a spork and a iPod filled with interesting things. I have access to a herd of pimply 15 year olds.

I know where all you people live.

I know where you post.

The IRS lives in fear of me.

Solo is trying to save you by mentioning that midnight at the International Date Line would only be fair - I've heard rumors of this thing called "fair" - I'll look into it.

KAndre "the sporker"

Edited by merrieeee
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See, merrieeee hasn't seem to have started her reviews and I have appeared in her house. I have a spork and a iPod filled with interesting things. I have access to a herd of pimply 15 year olds.

I know where all you people live.

I know where you post.

The IRS lives in fear of me.

Solo is trying to save you by mentioning that midnight at the International Date Line would only be fair - I've heard rumors of this thing called "fair" - I'll look into it.

KAndre "the sporker"

Its 1:30am here. I was thinking of going to bed.

Maybe I should reconsider........ :unsure:

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This is keepingfaith.

Really people, this is serious. Merrieeee is making small squeaking sounds and I know she's really really sorry now. Don't let this happen to you.

KAndre is making noises too, but they are more like BWAHHHHH!

I'm sorry I had to be here to witness this. It's not pretty.

Save yourselves.

Edited by merrieeee
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Its 1:30am here. I was thinking of going to bed.

Maybe I should reconsider........ :unsure:


Hey eHP... help some sistahs out please...Give KAndre some ice wine..or what's that ice cream we were talking about a couple weeks ago? Calm her down so she will be a little lenient on those that don't complete their missions. I know I'll squeeze it in tomorrow sometimes between the football games and my boyfriend in AIR. heee

Uh CG..who you leaving your clack to? :cryingwlaughter:

heee Scarlett, you aren't helping!! Et tu Keeping Faith? You shouldn't be fully indoctrinated yet.... heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!

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This is Scarlett...

*covers ears wth hands* I can't bear to listen to this. No!!! Please!!! No!!!

(Solo is a pussycat compared to KAndre)

It's Solo.

She's not lying. The noise got so bad that I had to abandon the room. Flexing my slapping hand had no effect of KAndre. She left for a second but now she's back. We're sending someone out for the Blue Bell Black Cobbler ice cream. No ice wine. But a lot of scotch to disinfect merrieeee's wounds.

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BWAH--y'all are cracking my shit up!! :cryingwlaughter:


Weren't y'all doing....lunch????

Keepingfaith here ...

Lunch? Why yes. I remember something about lunch. That was a loooooong time ago.

KAndre won't let anyone get away from the crime scene. We're being held hostage until all the recommendations are in. If you people ever want Scarlett to finish uploading your favorite clack .... you know what to do.

Help us.

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This is Scarlett...

*covers ears wth hands* I can't bear to listen to this. No!!! Please!!! No!!!

(Solo is a pussycat compared to KAndre)

It's Solo.

She's not lying. The noise got so bad that I had to abandon the room. Flexing my slapping hand had no effect of KAndre. She left for a second but now she's back. We're sending someone out for the Blue Bell Black Cobbler ice cream. No ice wine. But a lot of scotch to disinfect merrieeee's wounds.

Maybe throw in some of the Bluebell Banana Pudding Ice Cream too. It was also yummy!!! It might help.

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This is the Sporker (and no, you don't have any proof that this is anyone else).

Listen up.

I need clear, concise recommendations in small denominations placed under a rock in the DCAT thread. Do not contact the police. Do not attempt a rescue. Leave some ice wine too.

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Oh poor merrieee. But you know me, always looking for the good and I see two things here.

1.blackberry cobbler ice cream

2. You've found a great way to get your post count up. :cryingwlaughter:

Maybe throw in some of the Bluebell Banana Pudding Ice Cream too. It was also yummy!!! It might help.

Now that's what I'm talking about LOL.

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Uh CG..who you leaving your clack to? :cryingwlaughter:

I would have said you or muski, but since you two are in the same position I am........

I MUST go to bed. I MUST. (Although now I suspect I'll have nightmares of sporking!!!!)

We have until midnight tomorrow, right? And is that midnight eHP time or midnight eastern or what????

****Calculates how long it will take KAndre to get from Houston to Philadelphia and plans her escape....****

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