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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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Hi Guys! I thought I'd drop in and tell cindilu2 how much I like the new banner. It's a great one!

We got to Baku on time Sunday night and with our bags...insert shameless plug for Lufthansa. I have learned many new things since I've been here.....one being that in some parts of the world there is no such thing as a residential street. This is one of them. We went house/apartment hunting today and saw some really interesting (in a good way) houses......in the most unlikely locations. The first house we looked at was a beautiful 3,000 square foot home, 4 huge balconies (why I don't know) but the house was very very nice.....asking rent......furnished $5200 a month. YIKES! Want to see the next door neighbor?


You don't get that everyday in Katy, Texas! The "structure" in the background housed some chickens that spent most of the time we were there chasing each other around the yard.....free-ranging like mad. There is shopping here though!


And this was the view this morning from my hotel room window....National Bird...the construction crane.


Later, I began what will be the first of many pilgrimages.


I've managed to keep up with the board, if you don't count the 20 page hole somewhere in the middle. I couldn't for the life of me find out what Carrie did to get grounded. I found out I'm not going to miss fifth grader after all, and I want to thank ldyjocelyn for the AMA pix a few pages back. One of them is my new wallpaper....not the smiley picture, though. I like that one too much and I'd get no further than my desktop in the morning. Dayum, that was one hellava shot!

I know I'm interrupting the flow of the convo about son lyrics and all but I'm too pooped to parlay any thoughts on that subject into words except that I am a huge fan of Cohen and Dylan. I am enjoying the discussion, though. I'll be here reading. It's hard to imagine that it's daytime for you guys since it's after midnight here. Getting used to being on the opposite shift as everyone else is going to take some getting used to. I was online this afternoon for a bit and could not figure out why it was so dead in Clayland.....then it hit me that you were all asleep in your beds while I was stroking silk rugs in the market. Tomorrow, one more house and some picture taking for me....but I am going to get some of those rugs when I get here after Christmas.....well maybe one at a time. They were just amazing!


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The issue that Don Imus's comments brought to the fore awhile ago is similar to this. Imus claimed he was just saying things that black musicians say every day, so what's the big deal? No harm was meant. When kids sing along to songs with lyrics that are racist, homophobic, demeaning of women, and so forth, without thinking, is it harmless?

Obviously "spinning balls" and all that is on a whole different level than this. Sorry. I'm a lyrics person, and I can't imagine completely ignoring the lyrics of a song, but even if you can, would you be able to ignore lyrics that express things that would be offensive to you if spoken?

Thinking about it - yeah, I can and do ignore lyrics that would normally be offensive - just as I accept some offensive speech in some comedy routines. Imus, for me a) wasn't a black musician (and I think members of a group can say things that nonmembers cannot because the context is different); b ) just because black musicians said it doesn't make it right either; c ) the comments had no redeeming value - entertainment or otherwise.

It probably doesn't help that half the time (especially when I was younger), I had no clue what many of the lyrics actually were. Like I was listening to a Greek song the other day and if I can track it down will download it. Don't have a clue as to what it meant. Just really, really, REALLY like the song. Something about the rhythm of the words just worked for me. Another example of a song that I just loved the rhythm of the words (because the melody alone doesn't rock my world):

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Madman drummers bummers,

Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat

In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat

With a boulder on my shoulder, feelin' kinda older,

I tripped the merry-go-round

With this very unpleasin', sneezin' and wheezin,

the calliope crashed to the ground

The calliope crashed to the ground

But she was...

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Some silicone sister with a manager mister told me I go what it takes

She said "I'll turn you on sonny to something strong,

play the song with the funky break"

And go-cart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart to see if it was safe outside

And little Early-Pearly came by in his curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a ride

Asked me if I needed a ride

But she was...

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light

She got down but she never got tired

She's gonna make it through the night

She's gonna make it through the night

But mama, that's where the fun is

But mama, that's where the fun is

Mama always told me not to look into the eye's of the sun

But mama, that's where the fun is

Some brimstone baritone anticyclone rolling stone preacher from the east

Says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in it's funny bone,

that's where they expect it least"

And some new-mown chaperone was standin' in the corner,

watching the young girls dance

And some fresh-sown moonstone was messin' with his frozen zone, reminding him of romance

The calliope crashed to the ground

Again, I think Mr. Springsteen availed himself of some mind-altering help - and I'm still not sure if these are the right lyrics, because frankly I always did a LOT of mumbling through the song...but I mumbled happily away.

I wanna silk rug. Of course, it would be covered in cat hair in seconds, but it would be gorgeous for awhile!

I am seriously avoiding work right now. I mean, seriously.

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Heheh. I thought for years it was 'revved up like a douche'.

And no, I did not have any chemicals on board at the time.


KarenEh! It's just so amazing to think you're on the other side of the world, and yet right here with us. It all sounds like such an adventure. And I'm so glad you have your camera with you!!!!!!

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Ain't even gonna try to catch up before posting. Some of us have to work. :(

I'm not a lyrics person.... I'm a soul music lover and some of that stuff has the stupidest lyrics ever. But they are classics and I love them. So it's a combination of things including the singer.

You are me! There are dozens of songs that I just love, I'll be bopping around, singing along and finally realize that the lyrics are FILTHY and there's no way I'd let some of those words escape my lips if I were just speaking. For example, Usher's Yeah is a great song to dance around to, but some of those lyrics.....well I think they'd make a sailor blush. The first thing that usually appeals to me in a song is the melody, then the voice, and lastly the lyrics. The exception would be that if the voice is really awful it would negate any redeeming qualities in the melody.

... You laughed at me...you said you never needed me...but I do love you. Still.

I think it's a pretty song with some nice words put together well but I could never listen to it because all I wanted to do when I heard it was tell him to grow a spine and leave the bitch in the dust. It's what I call a "carpet song." To me the lyrics as a whole say Here...I'll just lie down while you walk all over me.

Simple Plan's Perfect is another example of song that seems to have meaningful lyrics but is sort of a one perspective song. It's the one where he whines to his Father.

I'm never gonna be good enough for you


I'm sorry I can't be perfect

I've just known too many of those guys I guess. So I have this image of the Father in the story thinking ... Perfect?! Just get a job and move out of my basement pothead! :lol2:

Awwww, {{JaMar}}, you're such a mushy, sentimental fool.

My least favorite lyrics:

I want you I need you

But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you

Now don't be sad 'Cause two out of three ain't bad


Thanks but no thanks, buddy.

Worst lyrics, evah....

Fly robin, fly

Up, up to the sky.

Fly robin, fly

Up, up to the sky.

Fly robin, fly

Up, up to the sky.

WFT???? is that song about? Surely it's not just about a bird? Is this a 'druggie' song?

Best song lyrics evah!! (For me, anyway) are the lyrics to The One, by Elton John.

I saw you dancing out the ocean

Running fast along the sand

A spirit born of earth and water

Fire flying from your hands

In the instant that you love someone

In the second that the hammer hits

Reality runs up your spine

And the pieces finally fit

And all I ever needed was the one

Like freedom fields where wild horses run

When stars collide like you and I

No shadows block the sun

You're all I've ever needed

Baby you're the one

There are caravans we follow

Drunken nights in dark hotels

When chances breathe between the silence

Where sex and love no longer gel

For each man in his time is Cain

Until he walks along the beach

And sees his future in the water

A long lost heart within his reach

:cry4: I bolded my favorite parts, but really I could have bolded the entire song. The last part just rips at my soul.

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Like I was listening to a Greek song the other day and if I can track it down will download it. Don't have a clue as to what it meant. Just really, really, REALLY like the song. Something about the rhythm of the words just worked for me.

My favourite music apart from Clay is anything sung in a foreign language! I love Julio Iglesias singing in French but not in English, adore Middle Eastern, especially Turkish, Moroccan and Indian. I think one of my all time faves has to be Tuvan throat music! These singers are from the Mongolia and can produce 3 or 4 notes in their throats at once.

I just feel the resonance of the music and I prefer not to understand what they are singing about. In fact one time I sat down with my Turkish/English dictionary (doesn't everyone have one?) to translate a whole song and was disappointed finally in the words.

I often listen to Clay just enjoy the beauty and purity of his voice and don't pay attention to the words.

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eeeeeeeeeeeeee KarenEh! Wow... your posts are gonna be fun. Well as my dear cousin used to say a lot..LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. Seems that might not be a concept that is understood in Baku. So, tell us about McDonalds!!

I know I've sung to a catchy tune over the years with horrid lyrics but don't much much of a habit of it. I can't stand certain words and I don't care who says them. Am not much of a believer in taking back power by giving words other meanings. And just cuz to prove I'm more of a sports fan than Jamar..I recently read up on the whole Isaiah/Madison Square Garden bruohaha and I find nothing more ridiculous than Isaiah saying that calling a black woman a bitch or ho is not as bad as when a white man says it. And oh yeah Isaiah, you were misquoted. OK. right.

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I probably am a lyrics person (although I think Ravel's "Bolero" says a lot without any lyrics!), but I'm fairly easy about them. Some of the rap lyrics above do leave me scratching my head. This song contains some of my favorite lyrics ever; IMO, the song is really all lyrics as the melody is simple and the singer wasn't exceptional, but it did win an Academy Award:

I'm Easy - Keith Carradine

Please stop pulling at my sleeve if you're just playing,

If you'll not take the things you make me want to give,

I never cared too much for games and this one's driving me insane.

You're not half as free to wander as you claim.

I'm easy, I'm easy. Say the word, I'll play your game,

As though that's how it ought to be. I'm easy.

Don't lead me on if there's nowhere for you to take me,

If loving you will have to be a sometime thing.

I can't put bars on my insides; my love is something I can't hide

I still hurt when I recall the times I've tried. I'm easy, I'm easy.

Take my hand and pull me down.

I won't put up any fight, because I'm easy.

Don't do me favors, let me watch you from a distance,

Cause when you're near, it's hard for me to keep my head.

When your eyes throw light at mine, it's enough to change my mind

Make me leave my cautious ways and world behind.

I'm easy. I'm easy

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luckiest1 thank you for the lyrics. Interesting, but not surprising changes. I wonder what an artist has to do to change the lyrics. Do they need approval from the person who holds the copyright?


For me lyrics are only one part of the song that interests me. It's usually guitar riffs that catch me. With Clay it's simply the voice. Although there are some songs that speak to me, lyrics-wise, I don't listen to most specifically for the lyrics. There are times when I'll be getting into a song and then reject it because I find the lyrics or subject matter objectionable or disagreeable. Sometimes it just reminds me of something that I don't want to be reminded of. Usually if I find something in the lyrics objectionable I can't enjoy the song anymore anyway.

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I had no clue one could rev a douche (which sound horrific in so many ways) - but that's what I thought it was too.

If I'm being completely honest, I actually thought it was 'wrapped up like a douche'. Oh yeah, horrific is a good word. BWAH!

ETA: KAndre, the kung fu dude was David Carradine. LMAO!!!!! And in the useless information department: Keith Carradine most recently played the psycho killer, Frank, on Criminal Minds.

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:cryingwlaughter: I could post the lyrics to "Kung Fu Fighting", but those are just awful!

The grasshopper mention was hysterical!

Keith did write a very pretty song. One I would love Clay to sing, however, I just don't think it is one he would ever pick.

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It has never bothered me when anybody else doesn't like the music or books or movies or whatever else that I happen to like. Art is subjective. What speaks to me may scream at someone else, or not make a sound. And stuff I couldn't stand for years, I later grew to love for unknown reasons. And things I once loved eventually wore out for me and I discarded. Everything artistic is in a state of flux and I try to avoid self-limiting definitions of absolute likes and absolute dislikes -- because I still change. Thank goodness. I hope to never stop changing.

My closest friend for years was a huge Neil Diamond fan. She loved the guy. No, she ADORED him. Now Neil is one of those guys that I know he's talented and has had a phenomenal career, but I've never liked him at all. I saw him in Houston when I was in high school when he was singing "Solitary Man" with the black leather jacket and attitude, and he didn't do it for me and has never been able to turn me around. But, I never told my friend I didn't like him. She loved him tooooo much for that. So I guess that's the line for me, there was no reason to upset her by telling her that I didn't like her musical icon. Who knows, maybe one day old Neil will hit me with something and win me over. I did hear him sing Dry Your Eyes recently in The Last Waltz dvd and ... eeeeee, it moved me. I may be waivering.

That's why I don't understand people who aren't fans of Clay yet feel the need to go out of their way to tell his fans how much they don't like him. So, what's the gain there for anybody? I may say I really don't like _____ and if you say it's your favorite song, I'm like "oops, sorry" -- but if you tell me in advance that ______ is your favorite song, I wouldn't tell you it sucks, unless you specifically asked me. What makes a song great is when enough people are of the opinion that it's great. And when that's the case, it's a great song whether I think it sucks or not. Music has had a huge impact on my life, and the things that mean the world to me are things no other opinion could ever invalidate. I'm a music junkie pure and simple (and a news junkie) and if it touches me, if I feel it in my bones, or if it expands my consciousness, that's that. And nothing and no one can change it, but me.

Then there's what I consider throwaway stuff. Because if you tell me you love Pee Wee's humor, I can very easily tell you to your face that that sucks. Yeah, because that sucks. And I know that nobody loves Pee Wee so much that my opinion of him will cause any loss of sleep! OMG, now somebody here is going to love Pee Wee more than life itself. I can feel it!

To the controversy regarding the lyrics of ATD -- from the beginning I've heard people say they don't like the trite lyrics, i.e., spinning balls. Buy why is that trite? Balls can do many things besides spin. Some roll. Some bounce. And some just lie there. When I hear the word balls -- spinning is not the first thing I think of. hee

Would the song lyrics have improved if it had been "spinning like a wheel" or "spinning like a top" or "spinning like a broken record", or "spinning like a drunk in bed?"

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Heheh. I thought for years it was 'revved up like a douche'.


I spent over 30 years singing along with the do, rae, me song (or whatever it's called) "Tea, a drink with Janet Grey"

I always wondered who the heck "Janet Grey" was! :RedGuy:

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All this talk about "douche" reminds me of SNL the other night ... The Douchebag Of the Year competition. To me, the funniest part was introducing the judges and the "Gene Simmons" character had the designation "King of the Douchebags" under his name. That CMSU big time. And Fred Armisen was the best douchebag ever playing Gene Simmons!

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I just want to say that Keepingfaith is just as nice in person as she is on-line.

Telling people that their opinon sucks is not my thing - now you have to realize I spent years on the boards debating politics, baiting the opposition, pretending I was one of them just to cause them grief - not nearly as much as they did it to my group and not nearly as meanly. My baiting was to introduce a topic and slowly change it a little until it became a meaningful discussion to me. Like the frog put in cold water and the heat is slowly turned up until it dies never noticing tghat you were boiling it. So, I would go into an anti abortion discussion and slowly introduce gun control by talking about a story where a pregnant woman who was shot and her fetus was killed and wasn't that murder.........0. That was my trolling style and I was proudly banned again and agian. And I did call Sam Donaldson a media whore who only reported on surface stories and said he did not do the indepth work of investigation in an on -line discussion and got banned by my ISP from CNN.com. I am much nicer now - this is a fan group, not a life and death discussion like politics are. So, yes, I do think I know when I am being outright offensive. With borderline offensive, I am probably off more than I should be.

Of course, later I also spent a good deal of time carefully discussing politics without using any offensive words toward any politician on an overly cautious everyone must be nice board - the plus side is that no one else could use them and that made me more temparate and my opponents more reasonable. It is interesting now that only one side is represented on taht board, the opposition can never seeem to post there without taking cheap shots and getting banned. How careful do you have to be there? I called Corey Clark - Craggle and almost got banned because it was considered disrespectful of him. You could talk about his legal problems, you could tgalk about his bad hair, but you could not make fun of his name.

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Before I dig into my pot roast and mashed potatoes, I just want to say I love you guys...you always make me smile! :F_05BL17blowkiss: and :cryingwlaughter:


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Would the song lyrics have improved if it had been "spinning like a wheel" or "spinning like a top" or "spinning like a broken record", or "spinning like a drunk in bed?"

Maybe....but not as improved as if they were "spinning like a lucky beyotch on Clay Aiken's beautiful humongous....


Yeah, that's right.... I'm :naughty2:

Wanna make sumpin' of it? :evillaugh:

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Would the song lyrics have improved if it had been "spinning like a wheel" or "spinning like a top" or "spinning like a broken record", or "spinning like a drunk in bed?"

Maybe....but not as improved as if they were "spinning like a lucky beyotch on Clay Aiken's beautiful humongous....


Yeah, that's right.... I'm :naughty2:

Wanna make sumpin' of it? :evillaugh:


ETA: Geee, well gosh, since I'm on top I should say a little more than that. hmmmm

spinning whatevers never bothered me...it's the whole fighting the whomever's for the whatevers heee.... every now and then it makes a good movie...but most of the time it doesn't ..but Scarlett's explanation for why she likes it so much made me look at it with fresh eyes.

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Oh, God, I've just been off lost in the wilds of the Internet looking for a hoarde of Woody's Cookin' Sauce, and I stumbled on a message board dedicated to bringing Woody's back (there is a message board for everything). The reason I'm sharing this little piece of info (aside from my sheer joy at finding it will soon be back in production) is that there was someone just BASHING others on the board for moaning about their loss and failing to read where it was posted it was coming back!! I kid you not. Bashing over frigging cooking sauce. :rollseyes

The world is not a civil place

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I didn't see your food board but yeah it's amazing what folks can fight over. But also one person's bash is another person's disagreement. I've had my share of disagreements and people taking what I said and turning it into a personal attack. It can be surprising as someone else said today. I remember saying something off the cuff about the Clelly, and how the shipping of that had gone way too far and you wouldn have thought I attacked 3 generations of this person's family because she was a Clelly fan. I'm often surprised at what pushes buttons and sometimes I am on alert for stuff I think there will be a throw down any second and everything goes great. It's part and parcel of this medium. It's sometimes every bit as frustrating as it is fun.

ETA: it was duckyvee I was shaking my head in agreement with today

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Hee hee. What a fun catch up today!

We're all revved up (deuces or douches...take your pick) about a few seemingly controversial topics so we can have this not-so-agreeable chat sometime in the near future. It almost sounds like we're looking for something to fight about. Which I think is sorta ironic given the Clayfanmessageboard culture we all know and love.

Anywho...I'm not sure that we're destined to have publicly announced predetermined chat topics. :cryingwlaughter:

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