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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Bad day? Pshaw!

Let's just say that it started with another standoff with my younger daughter (which resulted in another month added to her being grounded, by the way. It was until Thanksgiving; now she's without a social life to speak of through 2007. Basically, she's been stripped of any and all privileges and she has been charged with changing her behavior in order to earn them back---one by one. Let's hope we can start 2008 with a better attitude, shall we? <_< )

Work---our big conference in Denver is two weeks from now and it's down to the wire. It's just a very stressful time...not any real disasters going on, just too much to do....I was at the office until 8:30 last night---a good 12-hour day. :cry4: Not going to do that again...the area around our office is NOT a fun place in the evening (you know where it is, right, couchie? NOT good :unsure: ) and I didn't feel safe waiting for the bus. Taking stuff home tonight to work on in my comfy home.

I can't believe the horror of what's happening in So Cal.

We need yet another Clay pic to make us feel better (lineyI LOVE that pic of him showing us his body :hubbahubba: )



Isn't it amazing that a guy can look like this--


and also look like this?


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The last several days have been a series of :badmedicine: days. I have finally succeeded in running away from myself (temporarily at least) and the significant others that have been causing my brain to combust and my :laught31:

Today, during a quick stop at my doctor's office to have a prescription refilled.....(why yes I love, :drugsneeded:) he went all thorough on me and well, :281: apparently I have high blood pressure.

Now, that couldn't be the stress.... :treadmill: could it????? (See siggy for clarification)

End Part 1 of self absorption post.

I am continuing to pray for all those affected by the fires in South California. Thousands of miles north and east, up here in Winnipeg, Canada, the fires are at the top of all the headlines.

Nature can be so wild and unstoppable at its worst; so devastating in its power even as we try, against all odds, to prevail against it in order to protect what we have invested so much in. Strangely, the wind was howling here today too and taking my breath away the moment I stepped out of shelter. On the prairies, once the wind takes hold of fire or snow or whatever is in its path, we have learned to get out of the way. Of course, there is so much more space out here for the wind to wear itself out; not nearly as many people or as much infrastructure to wreak havoc on.

In the business we're in, weather is everything. It has wiped us out more times that I care to remember. I've stood and watched it; completely unbelieving what was happening in front of my eyes, and crazily prayed for a miracle.

These disasters leave such scars on the decimated land, on the people they affect, and it takes so many little miracles for healing to begin, and to gain the strength to begin again. I believe in miracles.

{{{{{Idyjocelyn and family}}}}}

Beginning of Part 2:self absorption post....

K'Andre, I am the root canal queen, and I have the crowns to prove it. I am working up the courage to make another appointment for November 6th, when the rest of the Claynation will be in LV living it up. :headbangerf:

If I'm going to be miserable, I might as well be totally miserable. :bomb:

Now, I've gone and got myself all depressed with my own post. Duh! I think I need... :needclay:

See y'all later.

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Let's just say that it started with another standoff with my younger daughter (which resulted in another month added to her being grounded, by the way. It was until Thanksgiving; now she's without a social life to speak of through 2007.

I'm sorry. :console:

My confession?

I never once had to ground my kids. They never had to have curfews either.



I used to just hate going to the dentist. Then I got referred to a periodontist and I f'love him. He's so gentle :flirtysmile3: After he'd been treating me for awhile he told me he didn't really care for my dentist either and he recommended that I see HIS dentist instead. And I f'love her too. I really think the dentist makes a big big difference. I do.


I got my Omaha Clay show tickets from my friend today! :clap:

I knew that she had them for awhile...all nice and tucked away in her safe in her tornado room, deep in the lower level of her house....*g* But it's sooo nice to actually see them...and hold them and kiss them and lick them. :wub:


Here I am....on the top of the world...sorry to those effected by the fires and other RL heartaches and general crap. Some guy was in the library bitching about the annexation to us (again) and all the hassles it has spawned for us, like address changes and whatnot.

I said... Perspective...at least we aren't burning.

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Thank you to all those who reviewed the audio Clack from the summer tour. Your recommendations helped me put the finishing touches on my SRHP Selected Songs CD (I know y'all call it DCAT, but SRHP is fixed in my brain). I have a 3.5 hour drive tomorrow afternoon, and Clay will keep me company. Again. He's the best, isn't he?

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Let's just say that it started with another standoff with my younger daughter (which resulted in another month added to her being grounded, by the way. It was until Thanksgiving; now she's without a social life to speak of through 2007.

I'm sorry. :console:

My confession?

I never once had to ground my kids. They never had to have curfews either.


Show off. :grrrr: I was grounded my entire adolescence and so was my daughter. I'm proud to say that neither of us learned a thing from it. :cryingwlaughter: We're both too hard-headed to learn a lesson, especially if we know it's good for us.

I'm terrified of dentists, too. And I have three of my wisdom teeth. I just don't get having them taken out if they're not causing any problems. Now that I think of it, both of my kids (21 & 23) still have their wisdom teeth, too. Hmmm....maybe it's a genetic thing?

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Bad day? Pshaw!

Let's just say that it started with another standoff with my younger daughter (which resulted in another month added to her being grounded, by the way. It was until Thanksgiving; now she's without a social life to speak of through 2007. Basically, she's been stripped of any and all privileges and she has been charged with changing her behavior in order to earn them back---one by one. Let's hope we can start 2008 with a better attitude, shall we? <_< )

Muski, I feel your pain. Our youngest is difficult too, and doesn't want to change a darn thing. I sympathize with you and wish you the best luck! At least you have a supportive hubby that can share the parenting frustrations.

Those pictures were HAWT!! My, our boyfriend is a fantastic male specimen.

The last several days have been a series of :badmedicine: days. I have finally succeeded in running away from myself (temporarily at least) and the significant others that have been causing my brain to combust and my :laught31:

Today, during a quick stop at my doctor's office to have a prescription refilled.....(why yes I love, :drugsneeded: he went all thorough on me and well, :281: apparently I have high blood pressure.

Now, that couldn't be the stress.... :treadmill: could it????? (See siggy for clarification)

*HUGS* I hope the stress and the medical problems both get better soon!

I'm sending up prayers for the FCAers in S. California. What a scary time!

And now, for something completely random. Have you ever seen a bird that likes to dance in time to music? I think Snowball is hysterical. If you enjoy watching the first dance, click on 'Snowball and Huey' on the right.

Bird Lovers BlogSpot

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As for dental matters, my cavities have been reduced to zero by using a nightly fluoride rinse. A dentist recommended it about 10 years ago and I haven't had a cavity since then! When I've had root canals, I prefer seeing an endodontist, who is a specialist in that area. My dentist thinks he can do a root canal, but in terms of pain relief and expertise in the procedure, an endodontist is the best choice.

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Oh, I'm here - just generally filled with self pity because this is my week for the dentist. Crown today, root canal Friday...and I'm a horrible, babyish dental patient.


heeee..snap out of it you big baby. I had a dental appointment today. Had to endure the floss lecture but my teeth are great condition. Of course I won't tell you how I switched dentists 3 times cuz they kept telling me needed to have my wisdom teeth pulled and then they showed me the video about how I could die so I refued to do it for years and years and then my new dentist that I love to peices finally convnced me to do it and I got all four pulled and all I needed was one tylenol to get through it. Did I win the big baby award? heh.

Amateurs! I win the biggest baby award when it ocmes to entist becuase I am such a big baby I refuse to go!! I haven't been since my senior year of college, which was mumbleymumbley years ago. I know I should, but the thought of it freaks me out!

That year was also the last time I was at the doctor - other than a dermatologist. I needed to name a primary care doctor with my insurance - I picked a name out of a book. I am TERRIFIED of needles. I mean phobic. I know I should go to a dctor too.

But I don't.


Couchie - congrats!!!! Woo the hell Hoo for you!!!!! :clap: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I have 2 tickets I need to get rid of for the Holiday Skating Show- They are FREE!! Just pm me with your address & I'll mail them to you asap!! I posted this at CV this AM & so far no takers. Come on you know you wanna go, somebody, anybody!!

I've got my ticket but thanks for the offer. I'm sure someone will take you up on it.

Only a week and a half before I leave for LV. They start deconstruction of our kitchen tomorrow and I'll be gone all day. The new cabinets will probably go in when I'm in LV. Luck or good planning?:31:

Talked to my son in OR, he said he read in the New York Times that Clay will be in Spamalot. Didn't know it made the Times. He doesn't usually follow entertainment so it must have stood out for him to see it. :7:

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Well...I'm sure we could get into quite the discussion about parenting and whatnot...thing is, we haven't had to ground our older daughter yet and she's 16. But this younger one. Completely different temperament, different everything. The only obvious difference in our 'upbringing' of the two is the presence of my mother in our home the entire first 11 and a half years of the younger one's life. I do believe that has something to do with her attitude of 'immunity'; her sense of entitlement. Mom was always there to give Carrie all the attention she craved, comfort when her mean ole' parents said no to her, complicity in getting around the rules. Mom spoiled her for sure and favored her (over Alex) conspicuously.

I'm not blaming my mother for our difficulty in dealing with Carrie, but I do think her influence was a factor in shaping Carrie's attitude.

Anyhoo....we can only do what we think is best, you know? And my hubby and I can only hope that somewhere, as we flounder around, we'll stumble onto SOMEthing that will reach through the stubborn, defiant, totally headstrong approach she has decided to take with us to get back our wonderful, fun, full-of-life daughter. :wub: She's in there, but dang! She's making us hard to appreciate that girl lately. <_<

Ok...enough of that.

I'm home. Just left the freakin' office and said, Hell with it! (although I DO have some work I need to do before a meeting in the morning... :rolleyes: ) Gonna watch Bones and House---woohoo! Maybe have a glass (or two) with hubby...but before all that:...a peek at one of my favorite all time pics:




and then, of course, there are those shiny black pants of gah:


a little (big) sumpn' sumpn':


and a pic that never fails to make me pause....and savor....and fall into fantasy:


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Well...I'm sure we could get into quite the discussion about parenting and whatnot...

Or not. Since I just always figured I got lucky. :believeitornot:

Me, too!

I would not win any mother of the year awards, but my kids are great. I figure I'll find out what a horrible mother I was in about ten years. My kids will tell me everything that I did wrong.

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:balloons: Yay Couchie!!! :tomato::balloons:

Hawtt banner, merrieeee!!!

Well...I'm sure we could get into quite the discussion about parenting and whatnot...

Or not. Since I just always figured I got lucky. :believeitornot:

Me, too!

I would not win any mother of the year awards, but my kids are great. I figure I'll find out what a horrible mother I was in about ten years. My kids will tell me everything that I did wrong.

Um, I was going to post this.... then thought better of it... but figured what the, my kids are who they are...

I'm sorry. :console:

My confession?

I never once had to ground my kids. They never had to have curfews either.


<v.smlvoice> mine too. and they had dinner ready everyday by the time I got home. I miss them. </vsv>

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I figure that only some of what I do as a parent will determine how my kids turn out to be. Parents are simply not omnipotent, as much as we might like to be. So, the best parent in the world might have a rotten kid, and a rotten parent might have a fantastic kid. Kids will make their own choices.

That said, of course I'm going to be the damn best parent I can be. But, I'm not going to blame myself for all of my kids mistakes. Nor can I really take complete credit for their accomplishments. Kids have, and will exercise, free will, sometimes with good results, and sometimes with not-so-good results. The most important thing to me is that, whatever their choices, they know that I will always love them. Knowing that you're loved and valued helps so much with the lows, and highs, in life.

Okay, enough shmoopieness. Toots, I'm glad you used this emoticon earlier in a post about teeth. :15: I had been wondering how the heck someone would work it into a post, and by golly, you did it!

ETA: You want dancing, Muski? Here ya go!











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Lordy, I just heard on the news one million evacuees in the California fires. That is just unbelievable. Many prayers for all dealing with this.

Couchie congrats on the new job. Is it full time or a part-time position? I'd love to hear more about it.

Muski don't feel bad. All kids come in with their own life lessons to learn. Some just have a harder curriculum. I've raised 3 and we have many a laugh looking back. It will get better :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I figure that only some of what I do as a parent will determine how my kids turn out to be. Parents are simply not omnipotent, as much as we might like to be. So, the best parent in the world might have a rotten kid, and a rotten parent might have a fantastic kid. Kids will make their own choices.

That said, of course I'm going to be the damn best parent I can be. But, I'm not going to blame myself for all of my kids mistakes. Nor can I really take complete credit for their accomplishments. Kids have, and will exercise, free will, sometimes with good results, and sometimes with not-so-good results. The most important thing to me is that, whatever their choices, they know that I will always love them. Knowing that you're loved and valued helps so much with the lows, and highs, in life.

That's pretty much what I meant. I have great kids, but I'm not taking the credit. My mom had six kids, each one very different from the other. Parents have some influence, but a lot of it is in the genes. Some of us just get lucky.

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My husband and my oldest son are dentists. My husband retired about 5 years ago, so my son is now my dentist. liney23 I have had root canals and crowns over the years too. I also have one implant which is great....was not really a big deal to have it done. It's just like a regular tooth. I even forget that it's there.

Since I think this is my first post here ( I've been lurking for a while), I leave a couple of pictures.




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Well...I'm sure we could get into quite the discussion about parenting and whatnot...thing is, we haven't had to ground our older daughter yet and she's 16. But this younger one. Completely different temperament, different everything. The only obvious difference in our 'upbringing' of the two is the presence of my mother in our home the entire first 11 and a half years of the younger one's life. I do believe that has something to do with her attitude of 'immunity'; her sense of entitlement. Mom was always there to give Carrie all the attention she craved, comfort when her mean ole' parents said no to her, complicity in getting around the rules. Mom spoiled her for sure and favored her (over Alex) conspicuously.

I'm not blaming my mother for our difficulty in dealing with Carrie, but I do think her influence was a factor in shaping Carrie's attitude.

Anyhoo....we can only do what we think is best, you know? And my hubby and I can only hope that somewhere, as we flounder around, we'll stumble onto SOMEthing that will reach through the stubborn, defiant, totally headstrong approach she has decided to take with us to get back our wonderful, fun, full-of-life daughter. :wub: She's in there, but dang! She's making us hard to appreciate that girl lately. <_<

Ok...enough of that.



Muski... I kid you not... I had to stare at this picture 5 whole minutes before I figured out what it was! :cryingwlaughter:

and then, of course, there are those shiny black pants of gah:


Ah... Black Leather Pants Thread... do you still have the posts about going shopping for the slinky basketball shorts. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my life! You single-handedly won us the Clammy for Funniest Thread you know! :cryingwlaughter:

I think you are right on about your mother and Carrie. All you can do is the best you can do and love them anyway. I have 3 kids. 2 of them had trouble-free adolescence and are successful adults. My oldest gave me fits. Talk about rebellious! She wrote the book. I was constantly worried she'd run away. Once she got her driver's permit and could see freedom at the end of the tunnel, she calmed down a leetle. Sorta.

She is now 39. Couple of years ago we were talking and she told me that I had never told her I loved her and she had felt unloved all her life. Could have knocked me over with a feather. My middle DD, when I asked her, said that she couldn't remember, but that she always felt loved cause I was always there for them and would chauffer, nurse, sew costumes/prom dresses, decorate rooms/cakes, etc. Two DDs. 17 months apart, same parents, same home... totally different reality.

What pearls of wisdom do I have, grasshopper... go with your gut... and don't blame yourself or take it personally, whatever happens! They chose what reality they want to see. Good Luck!!!

Gibby... WORD!

Shamrock... WELCOME!!!!

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Well my family seems to be out of danger. Talked with my SIL and oceanside was spared...really no damage to their town. She said their cars are covered in soot and the smoke is bothersome but they know how lucky they are. She goes back to work tomorrow....the kids back to school on Monday. Hopefully all of the fires will soon be under control.

Muski..first paycheck...dinner and drinks on me!! I'm no cheap date. heee. Ooh I'll have money just in time for Cha Cha's visist!!

hmmm any tax experts around here? I'm sure I need a new laptop...for work and all.

JumpingJacks-- showboat. heee. Other than my wisdom teeth no major work..but yeah I've had a cavity or two.

ialreadyam: It's a supplemental part time job..work from home, create my own hours, basically internet research and data entry and it will pay my rent every month which leaves the rest of my money free to do..oh I don't know... stuff. heee. Unfortunately I can't really stalk support Clay full time as I still have somewhere to be 8 to 5 daily.

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Oh my gawd ialreadyam, I just got home and saw that 1 million had been evacuated, 10 wildfires raging out of control. I don't think there is any hope until the winds stop. My heart goes out to those people who lose everything and to the firefighters who never get to rest.

To you moms with the teenagers, my worst kids are the best adults. No way to know what to do at the time other than just love them and let them know everything you do is for their own good. Mother was the hardest job I ever had. Working mothers have a difficult situation because we have stress from the job, stress from the kids and stress from thinking we aren't doing the best job we can with either the job or the kids. No easy fix for the problem other than just go with your heart. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :cry4:

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:00000441: Hey, thanks for "dancin' Clay" , Gibby!!!!! That boy was born to moooove!!!!

Have to share a funny story about how my fangirly :blush: comments caught up to me today. About a month ago, I bought some of my favorite skin care products from a cosmetics counter; not cause I really needed them, but because they were all done up in a pretty pink bag with a special promo for proceeds going to Unicef. I really should learn to stifle my philanthropy :31: hee hee, and put more cash away into my dwindling ticket fund....

Anyway, the perfectly decorated saleswoman noticed me reading the fine print, and came up to me, all primed to extol the virtues of this particular wrinkle warrior. I just laughed and told her I was reading the Unicef bit. She surprised me then, and we got into quite an interesting talk about the third world and Unicef, and do I dare say it, Unicef ambassadors.

Now, how could I walk away from a lead-in like that? I mean, could I? Course not!!

And she had heard of Clay. A little bit of everything. I recognized something familiar in her eyes. Could it be;

I looked again; yep, there it was. :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba:

"But," she remarked a little sadly as she rang up my contribution to Unicef and a lovelier complexion, "from what I hear he wouldn't be interested in the likes of me."

I raised my eyebrows, and surrendered my Mastercard, " You have a computer?" She nodded. " Ever watch YouTube?"I asked as I signed. "Check out some of the videos from this summer's concerts, and see what you think." Oh was that me talking??

I must admit I shook my head at myself really hard when I got home and unpacked the day's shopping. Maybe the wrinkle warrior would work so well she wouldn't recognize me if I happened that way again.

She musta seen me coming today. "I know you; you're the Unicef lady! How are you enjoying your skin care products?" I fastened my gaze on her shoes; the "skin care products" had not been out of their pretty box, and I had the lovely lines to prove it. :lipstick:

She waited, and I looked up at the grin on her face, " I watched those videos; i watched a lot of videos.....and I have my eye on Clay Aiken. Another :hubbahubba: I'm in love with Clay Aiken. She was gushing...

She was almost disappointed to hear he was doing a Broadway stint; seems she didn't think he should waste his talent.

I think Clay must of heard her in New York. "I always loved Mick Jagger, :thsigns053: but Clay's even got him beat. "

She skeered me a little. I am undecided whether to feed her clack in the hopes of discounts and/or beauty tips, or shall I just give her Couchie's email address? :lol2:

eta: congratulations, Couchie, good for you!!!!!!

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