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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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The picture of Clay and Sasha and the jeans is now on the front page of the OFC!


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Hey Lu-ceeeeeeeeeeeeee, I'm Ho-o-o-o-ome!!!


I've been trying to catch up reading and am still hopelessly behind.

I missed the picture of the FCA crew at LV preparty! Wah!

I got to meet so many and missed so many that I'm :F_05BL17blowkiss: and :cry4: both!! (I ain't naming names!!! I'll forget somebody! )

I can't believe I missed KarenEh!!!!

And, yeah, that shirt is SO-O-O SOFT!! I can just imagine stroking Clay's arm and how ni-i-ice that would feel!!!

I'm still travel-weary, but at least there was no 5 hour delay on the return trip!

Play! I'm glad the cast removal turned out to be a good thing!

Okay - I'm off to make dinner for DH and me. When I make spaghetti sauce, I make loads and freeze, so it makes for an easy dinner, thank goodness. I have piles of laundry. And, according to KIM, we have only 45 days to Christmas and I ain't done nuttin' yet! (Or according to this Holiday Countdown site.) Not to mention Thanksgiving!

Latah, y'all!!!

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Took me quite a while to catch up today....

rohdy...good luck with your project...once you are ready we can put something up about it on the FCA website...

I am so excited about the Hollywood episode...I watched the original several times and I think Clay was only on 3 times so its cool that they did a whole new edit to put more of him in. I heard about his UM rendition that brought the house down...I always hoped that we can see that.. and now we are!!! I do wish we can also see his groups performance.

Clay and wobbly skating...I think he exaggerated for effect but I do believe he was truly wobbly. He is used to hockey skates which is very different from figure skates. People that learned on hockey skates have a hard time stopping when they first use figure skates because of the toe pick. I remember one of my favorite feel good movie cutting edge and how the hockey player kept falling when he first tried figure skating. Clay looked very confident when they were gliding...he was wobbly only when they were trying to stop.

I do hope we see a video of the skating lessons.

once again...thanks so much for all the beautiful pictures...recaps. I promise to update FCA this weekend with pcitures and recaps of the skating event.

thanks to all who ordered the pins. We would appreciate it if people can share the link with other pin collectors...thank you

and thanks to cindilu for the design

BTW...lots of cool new pix for next weeks banners...I am open to new submissions.

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Hey KarenEh of globe trotting fame, what are you doing now? You have to post every once in a while and tell us about your adventures. :00000467:

KAndre, did you go back to the dentist and get that tooth you used to have fixed, replaced or whatever they were going to do to you? :cry4:

Scarlett, where are the striped socks you are making? Do you make them out of wool? If we are ever in the same place at the same time I would absolutely love to go on an adventure with you and KAndre. I don't do roller coasters or scary shit because I'm a real wimp! Now ice wine I could do! :trink3:

Thanks to all who provided the pretty pictures and the exciting accounts of the evening. I wonder if he and Shae Lynn had met previously? They seemed so friendly :lipstick: Do you suppose he says "so many women, so little time"?

Zena, did you come back here with an account of your son's operatic debut or are you still swollen with pride?

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I'm back home in Oklahoma and just now getting caught up. Gibby & Couchie, sorry we missed each other...maybe next time.

I really can't wait to see this on the telecast...I am so anxious to see how Todd interpreted AIW...I bet it was pretty dramatic. I also don;t think the available videos would hurt the show after seeing it. It really has a very limited scope. I do thi it may just promote it and make people want to see the show after seeing Clay;s great performance...

My daughter was sitting in Section 104, 4th row. She told me that when Clay hit the glory note, Todd began a spin and that Clay and Todd finished at the exact same time. She said it was awesome!

Hope this works...here are a few of my favorites shots that I got.

HELP! I've tried everything...what am I doing wrong? Using Photobucket.

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My daughter was sitting in Section 104, 4th row. She told me that when Clay hit the glory note, Todd began a spin and that Clay and Todd finished at the exact same time. She said it was awesome!

I will look forward to seeing that in the broadcast. Todd is truly an amazing spinner.

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CG -- don't look at this next one, you won't like it (there's a hug involved, and your jellus nature will just come out again....)


HANDS OFF MY CUTE BOYFRIEND!!!!!!! :thdom2: :thdom2:

GORGEOUS pictures all you talented women!!!!

And remember - You need a C to have a CUTIE!!!!!!!

Quite a reaction CG :cryingwlaughter:

What's your feeling on this one? :imgtongue:


:thdom2: :thdom2: :thdom2: :thdom2:

cameocat posted some pics at CV. I thought she caught some great expressions.

(I made them thumbnails because these are huge puppies)

th_LasVegas543cameocat.jpg th_LasVegas535cameocat.jpg th_LasVegas094cameocat.jpg

He is just soooooooooooo CUTE!!!!! (Except in that last one where he is being manhandled by that blonde beyotch who has her hands all over our boyfriend!!!!)

For those who don't like CD spoilers......SCROLL!!

Looks like this has been "held" for the new CD as follows from Brent Paschke's myspace.

I took "FORGET I EVER KNEW YOU" down because it is now officially on hold with Clay Aiken, who just finished recording it. This is amazing news for me, and it's also positive feedback on my journey, since it was written entirely alone.

Forget I Ever Knew You

Current mood: rejuvenated

Category: Music

This is a song Greg Critchley wrote. I met Greg when I first moved to L.A. in May of '06. I've now played on several of his demos and we're now also starting to co-write some songs together.

Greg is not only an incredibly talented musician but I also consider Greg to be one of my best friends here in L.A. He's a very insightful guy and has been a great friend and inspiration for me not only as a musician but also as a single guy in the biggest and most competitive music capital in the world.

Greg usually co-writes but he's recently written a few songs on his own. He called me to play guitar on this one in October. I told Greg that I thought it was one of the best songs he'd ever written. Greg and I recently went through the same situation in our life and this was Greg's reflection on his situation. I feel his lyrics in this song are incredible and they ring very true to how I'm feeling in my life at this point also.

I wanted to put this one up because I was very touched by this song and it's lyrics and I feel it came through in my performance.

Forget I Ever Knew You has apparently been removed from the site pending it appearing on the CD....but I REALLY like the other things I am hearing on his player on his myspace. It's very personal, of course, but this is the kind of music I love to hear Clay sing (kind of funky, bluesy ballads) and I'm excited!!

I wish we could have heard this song, although how one singer sings it is not necessarily how another does.

But....... Does this mean Clive is FORCING him to sing nothing but BALLADS when we all KNOW Clay really wants to be a ROCK!STAR! ? <snark>

rohdy...I'm another one who just didn't get a chance to respond to your post earlier. Sorry.

I like the book idea. Even if you didn't get a huge response, what's wrong with having only 29 books donated in his name? One for each year. Still sounds like a nice gesture.

Laughn....thank you for this. And you're right. The idea should be to collect books, not to try to distract from the kazoo attempt.

Which is the whole reason I started this idea....the kazoo's just give me the shivers.

I thought if I offered (what I considered) a better....quieter idea....birthday solution, people would jump at the chance.

This (fan orgainzed stuff) is not something I would normally do......but embarassment over kazoo's in Kalamazoo...

Well....I figured, something's gotta be done!

Maybe I will regroup and just go with the book idea anyway and hope it distracts a few kazoo-er's and produces at least 29 books.

For those who are interested, this is the group anxiously awaiting the books....

Kalamazoo Communities In School

Bagels and Books

The Summer Bagels and Books events were very successful. Many thanks to all of our volunteers who came to read with the elementary school children. The children loved having the readers there, and, as was true in May, each child was able to keep a book. Books were provided by a Kalamazoo Community Foundation’s Spirit of Community grant and a private donor. Some books were also provided by the Ready To Read program and Kazoo Books.

Thank you everyone for you thoughts.....and sorry about my whining. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hey - I went to elementary school in Kalamazoo!! I will always have a soft spot for Kalamazoo. I wish I could have gone to this concert.....

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And keep the ideas coming. I have no clue what I am doing.

Arrrrgh.....I hate not knowing what I'm doing!!

But I will figure it out.....

I'd say you're doing a pretty darn good job!! :clap:

What a wonderful idea! I'm sorry I missed your initial post about the books... I love books and any time there's an opporunity to pass that love on some how, I'm in!! Luckily I'll be going to this concert, so I can take some with me. I, too, would be interested in any recommendations on what to purchase. I'm ok with going with my gut but if there are any that anyone knows of that would be good ones, I'd love to have some ideas. I never pass up a chance to hit the book store so this is gonna be some fun for me! Yippee!

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rohdy I went and posted backing your book idea at the CB. I'm the one who mentioned the Mikayla book!

You know one of the things I just love about Clay...I know you are all holding your breath for this one.... I really admire how he goes out there, does his thing and quite frankly doesn't give a hoot what people say about him! He really looks goofy hamming it up on the skates yet he does it anyway. Now we all know he does skate but he chose to go for the comic effect despite what critics might say. That man must be so comfortable in his own skin.

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Clay looks really great in those photos. I think when I called LadyJ on the phone all I could say was he looks great. I might have said that three or four times.

I'm loving this book idea and it looks like it's taking off, thank goodness.

More Vegas stuff --Thanks Goldarngirl for snagging those tables for us. It was nice to meet you. I so admire the work you and Luckiest do with the videos. He's a fascinating subject, isn't he.

So when I was losing my money gambling I had a great time chatting with this guy as we both played wheel of fortune. You know, we kept getting spins over and over..but we would win 30 or 25 or 20 quarters. But it was fun cuz I know I played my same 20 for about 1 1/2 hours. Anyway, this guy went to the ice skating show and had a great time. I'm not much of a clayverter of strangers and well I didn't have to be. Clay did all the work. He was really impressed with Clay's voice. That was nice to hear.

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I swear there is something new to celebrate every single day of late. I LOVE it!!!

I love the pics of Sasha handing Clay the skates. Those look like they might acutally BE his hockey skates. They look big enough. However, the brown ice skates are the same ones from rehearsal so must have had to do with his "lesson".

I'm sure there was other stuff we didn't actually see....or at least hear. Tracey and Brian were talking (I imagine to a camera) for a loooooooooooooong time before the show officially started, and we couldn't hear a word they said, but I'm guessing it will show up somehow on the show. Can't wait to see the final product!!

I can't believe how much stuff I still have to work on before going to Hawaii next week for my son's wedding!!!! Ack!!!!

I managed to get one whole picture processed last night, but it is very pretty. Well, Clay is very pretty anyway.


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about the girl hug pic, i am so jelous of her, but she is so lucky to hug him. sorry about the fangirlyness but i could'nt resist!

Hey we're all about the fangirliness and unreasonable jealousy here at FCA. No need to apologize! :imgtongue:

I'm sure there was other stuff we didn't actually see....or at least hear. Tracey and Brian were talking (I imagine to a camera) for a loooooooooooooong time before the show officially started, and we couldn't hear a word they said, but I'm guessing it will show up somehow on the show. Can't wait to see the final product!!

That's for sure! I can't wait to see how this show is edited together for TV. I wanna see more of the skating lesson footage, 'cause you know it's probably hysterical!

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about the girl hug pic, i am so jelous of her, but she is so lucky to hug him. sorry about the fangirlyness but i could'nt resist!

Don;t apologize...sounds like you fit right in...

Perma...great picture...

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