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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Have a safe trip Merrieeee and enjoy the show!

Could someone explain to me the reason for Clay cupping the mic during the falsetto in DSIAFCD...that move just totally fascinates me.


In my opinion, I think it's just Clay. He is always expressive with his hands and body when he sings. *takes a moment* I personally think that being forced to stand in one spot all night makes him find other ways to expend his energy. *takes several moments*

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I like the screen caps, cindilu! Just out of curiosity - did you do them from the large wmvs, or from the mpegs? I'm wondering how much clearer the screencaps would be from an mpeg rather than a wmv.

Gibby, those are from the mpegs, and I also cleaned them up a bit in PSP. I use BPS

Decompiler for screencaps and that is the best I could do. Sowwy! Hopefully someone has better software than I.

No need to apologize, cindilu! You took some great screencaps. When my week slows down I may try to do some more. The mpegs on my computer are actually a higher resolution than the mpegs in the vaut, so I'll be interested to see how the screencaps look.

I'm packed and today I'm "leaving on a jet plane" to see my gorgeous boyfriend! I cannot wait!!!!

Here I am frantically d/l Clack to put in my iPod for the trip. You know how you need to take those essentials on a trip well my ClayiPod is one of my essentials now. How did I ever do without this stuff? Ah, the wonders of modern technology. I d/l the mp3 files transferred them to iTunes and now instantly I can have them with me! Ain't it grand?

See a lot of you guys real soon. I'll be the one with the silly grin on my face cos I'm going to see CLAY!!!!!

Did I tell you I love that guy? Oh I did? Well it bears repeating, don't ya think*g*

Have a wonderful time, merrieeeee! I still have a silly grin on my face from Wichita. Boyfriend just does that to ya! And I totally agree about the essential technology for a trip. My Clay vids and tunes always have to be with me!

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Could someone explain to me the reason for Clay cupping the mic during the falsetto in DSIAFCD...

In my opinion, I think it's just Clay. He is always expressive with his hands and body when he sings.

I'd say that it has to do with the actual sound that he's going for. It prevents the sound from "escaping" so the audience gets the full effect of the falsetto.

But I may just be full of shit too.


Couchie :cryingwlaughter:

The thing I don't like about playing Spider Solitare (or any computer Solitare) is there is no way for me to cheat. My X-MIL used to get soooo mad at me when I cheated at Solitare. I'm like...It's SOLITARE! Who the f' am I cheating? :idk:


YAY for the strike being over. But really I wasn't too worried. Had it gone on long enough to effect Clay's run in January it would have pretty much killed the Theatre District and no one was going to let that happen. E's friend who works in an off Broadway Comedy Troupe Show won't be happy tho'. They've been raking in the bucks.


The Twin's made a big trade yesterday and sent away their starting SS. *sniff*

Their beautiful, cute, hawt starting SS. I mean sure we really need a power hitting DH but still...


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Bringing over this South Bend recap from Claycub at CH cuz it made me smile big.

My South Bend Re-cap

You may remember how I confessed to being disappointed after listening to the first cellcert. I afraid it would be too reverent, too slow, disjointed with the stories. And most of all I was afraid I would miss the banter and the personality.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Someone mentioned earlier that this is the most polished and professional show he has given us to date. I agree. The show was abso-freakin'-lutely AMAZING in every way. The arrangements are spectacular. The VOX is in it's finest form evah. The stories fit perfectly into the program.

Most importantly, to me, the Personality is there 100%. He still does the giddyup (LOVE!) and the little snuggle/hug thing. And hundreds of other facial expressions and gestures that are so totally Clay. He debacles the bejeezus out of the mic stand. He does banter. He cracks me up. Not two days before he told us that fart jokes and grinding were not gonna be anywhere in this program. Then he talks to us about strippers. I love that man. He was talking about a song called "I'm in love with a Stripper?", cracked himself up (which cracks me up) and mentions it several more times. "I tell Jesse to play this pretty music while Ahm talkin and I'm up here talkin about strippers". BWAH. I adore the irreverance. He just can't help himself. He just has to interact with us. I predict more banter as this tour goes along.

I am still very much under the influence of the Aiken fog, so I will just throw out some random observations.

MDYK is a religious experience. And not in the way it's intended, I'm sure. At one point during the song I found myself clutching the lady next to me. It was spontaneous and we reached for each other at exactly the same time. You know when you are near the height of arousal and you just gotta grab something and hold on as you go over the edge? It was exacty like that. Lord, I am suprised I wasn't struck down right then and there. *g*

OHN is buttah. And I am not talking about Parkay ifyouknowwhatImeanandIKNOWthatyoudo. *g*

I was second row center PIT so I had a spectacular view. At one point I was fascinated to watch his chin (or rather the underside of his chin) warble as he did the vibrato. I hope someone gets clack of that. Sorry, I cannot for the life of me remember what song it was.

Pink's story was absolute perfection. Perfectly written and perfectly delivered. Clay got a kick out of it too. Laughing several times and he still had a big grin on his face as he went into the next number.

I love to watch him completely lost in the song, often with his eyes closed. Then suddenly he will open his eyes and scan the audience. I just love to watch him. Period. *g*

I adored the ITMWTOTY/HYAMLC medley. The whole thing was very sexy. I was quite jellus of the mic stand.

I love all of the new songs. They are fabulous. I even really really liked Angela's. And I am usually not a fan of her voice.

Quiana is stunning.

Clay's voice completely and totally blew me away. I have no idea how he can improve on perfection but he continues to do so. The low notes you can feel from the top of your head, pauses somewhere in the middle to wake up your girly parts, then zings all the way down to your toes. At other times it just wraps around you like one long extended caress.

I LOVED the hair. It wasn't combed straight down this time. But more brushed to the side. I got forehead, people! I'm convinced that was a shoutout to me[/delusional]. He is so thin, in a good way. The shoulders and the cheekbones were to die for. The suit fit him perfectly. Nobody wears a suit like our boyfriend. Nobody.

Jamie is very pretty and very tiny. She must be a size -1. And my goodness she has a thick accent. I love southern accents. I was so suprised when she spoke that I laughed out loud in delight. So I am probably on the list now. *g*

And just a heads up to those who are spoilering themselves (*cough*cindilu2*cough*) that jojoct's clack is up!

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And there is this article about Michael Smit's Christmas tour

With a little help from his friends

Eat your heart out, George Bailey.

Christian music star Michael W. Smith has dubbed his holiday tour "It's a Wonderful Christmas" after the symphonic Christmas album he released in October. What's more, he'll perform every show with a guest symphony, including the Erie Philharmonic on Sunday at Tullio Arena.

That makes Smith happier than angel who just got his wings. He's played with orchestras before and loves it.

"There's something about Christmas and orchestras and things being lush," said Smith i


Eric Borenstein, executive director of the Erie Phil, said the orchestra is excited about backing Smith on Sunday, as well as Clay Aiken for his holiday show on Dec. 16, also at Tullio Arena.

"We are certainly into the holiday spirit, and these are great opportunities for our orchestra," Borenstein said. "We're delighted to be invited. I know the music that these other guys do -- Michael and Clay -- and it is top quality and worthy of the Erie Philharmonic.

"We think these are great opportunities for us, and they're really different holiday programs than the hometown holiday program that we provide [on Dec. 8]." <snip>

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Thanks for bringing that over luckiest! I cannot WAIT till Sunday! I have first row balcony so I should have a good view from there. :)

Then in 2 weeks in Williamsport I have a row 3 seat! EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!

:xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a: :XmasRed: :xmas07a:

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ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...


THREAD TITLE? And I'm leaving the photos cuz it's cute CUTE CUTE.

"If I tried to be cool," Aiken says, "it would be like your parents using slang and sounding weird."

Heee THREAT TITLE? Loving the articles. Thanks for bringing them over.

I'm packed and today I'm "leaving on a jet plane" to see my gorgeous boyfriend! I cannot wait!!!!

Merrieee have so much fun...

Rhody I hope you had a great time last night..can't wait to hear from you.

I kinda like that they tell you when you're coding is all fubared.

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Have a wonderful time, merrieeeee! I still have a silly grin on my face from Wichita. Boyfriend just does that to ya! And I totally agree about the essential technology for a trip. My Clay vids and tunes always have to be with me!

Gibby, this is a show barometer for me, as I watched this show, I noticed I was smiling almost constantly. I left the theater feeling like I had Jack Nicholson's joker smile frozen on my face. Remember, it seems so long ago now, there was a quote that got bandied around a lot, "being a Clay Aiken fan, was being in a constant state of celebration"? I don't know why that quote popped into my head, but it just seems so appropriate. If I focus on why I'm here, why I enjoy this man so, why his voice reaches me like no other, I can maintain my own "constant state of celebration" There really is so much to celebrate.

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"If I tried to be cool," Aiken says, "it would be like your parents using slang and sounding weird."
This made me BWAH out loud all alone here at my desk because I SOOOO understand what he's talkin' 'bout. My kids always tell me to stop if I say things like "Yeah, I'm down widDAT!" etc...

I don't get it. :huh:


Damn, he's lookin' good. /[understatement of the century]

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Holy crap!!!!!, I'm toast, I just watched JoJo's WTOW. It is gorgeous. I think I may have a new favorite. It almost has an Andrew Lloyd Webber flavor to it. I really loved it in person, but to be able to see his face while he's singing it. Gah! and I don't do Gah very often. Attenion Muski. Don't look at his nose.

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Attenion Muski. Don't look at his nose.

Oh crap, atinal! I've been celebrating over the consipicous absence of copious nasal foliage in the most recent Clack...are you saying that he forgot to pack his grooming tools for South Bend? :cry4:


Actually, as I was perusing and :hubbahubba: at the beautiful pics so far from this tour, I couldn't help but wonder.....

Has any OTHER celebrity had so many close up and personal views of the inside of their nostrils before? :blink:

:DoClay: (nose hairs and all)

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It's a very crisp day here in my part of No California, not quite into the 40's yet. In honor of our friends from the north who are freezing their butts off, I'm going to sacrifice and go play golf. Yeah Baybee...golf.

I listened to AIW from last night and that low rich beautiful voice just gets me way down deep....his low rich beautiful voice is back in full swing. I loved it!!

Think I'll take a little mangy looking Honey Crisp apple with me!

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Nice to be able to join all you lovely ladies during the day for once! I was at work for barely 1/2 hour this morning when I got a call from the nurse at my son's school- he was sick and I needed to come get him. Turns out he had a migraine- which he is prone to- and had thrown up. I had intended to bring him home and head back to work, cuz I've got TONS of cases to clean up before my 2 week Clay extravaganza (starting at Wilkes Barre next week! :laola0: ), but he wanted me to stay with him. I figure, at 14, he's not going to request the pleasure of my company much any more, so I better take it while I can!

I wasn't even at work long enough to change my old wallpaper on my computer to one of Cindilu's new ones. (That was what I was doing when I got the phone call.) I should have a new one up for Clay's birthday tomorrow, though! :fest09:

It's nice to see that some people who originally were disappointed in Clay's concept for his Christmas concerts have come around after they actually got to experience them. I just wish they could reserve judgement until then. I've never actually listened to a cell-cert (I know- BAD Clay-fan) but I can't imagine that you can get a truly accurate feel for the show until you've seen it in person. I can't wait!!

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OK...NOW I am almost paralyzed from sensory overload of the gorgeous Clay!!!!


I have to admit I haven't been doing too much gasping and melting with pictures of the past tour...BUT THESE....OMG!!!

I haven't even been able to watch a single download!!!!

This tour will kill me I think...

THANK YOU for all the pretties....keep em coming!!!

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It's nice to see that some people who originally were disappointed in Clay's concept for his Christmas concerts have come around after they actually got to experience them. I just wish they could reserve judgement until then. I've never actually listened to a cell-cert (I know- BAD Clay-fan) but I can't imagine that you can get a truly accurate feel for the show until you've seen it in person. I can't wait!!

Ya think?

Clay is a constant surprise and I just have to trust that he knows what he is doing. he is not a child who needs my professional advice, well, maybe if we were discussing defined benefit pension plans for his staff.

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OMGoodness- I just love all the good press Clay is getting. Lots of positive and I have a feeling we'll get a lot more. I'm so proud of Clay, the concert and I'm proud of all the fans that submitted stories. The stories seem to be blending in nicely.

ETA- I love all the pictures. Thanks.

I've watched some more DLs and I think that Clay and the gang have a winner. The arrangements are just stunning.

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Clay is a constant surprise and I just have to trust that he knows what he is doing. he is not a child who needs my professional advice, well, maybe if we were discussing defined benefit pension plans for his staff.

And i can teach him how to make the best mac and cheese in the world LOL.

Say goodbye to Toots people. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Could someone explain to me the reason for Clay cupping the mic during the falsetto in DSIAFCD...

In my opinion, I think it's just Clay. He is always expressive with his hands and body when he sings.

I'd say that it has to do with the actual sound that he's going for. It prevents the sound from "escaping" so the audience gets the full effect of the falsetto.

But I may just be full of shit too.

Having seen this maneuver LIVE, that's what I'd say too. Whenever he's done the falsetto in the past, he usually pulled the microphone away from him as far as he can. But doing it this way, with the hand thing (cindi, I'm stealing one of your moments here *g*), he gets a similar effect. I thought it sounded fantastic.

Can anyone report if there was a busline last night? 'Cause I need to know if I should be mad at Jerome or not for not organizing one in St. Louis. *g* (BTW, I posted a semi-recap in the St. Louis thread....)

Thank you for your compliments on my clack. I had been given a "heads up" that not many of the "usual suspects" would be there for St. Louis, and that I should seriously consider it. You guys don't know the half of all the "should I/shouldn't I" I was doing the past few days. I'm glad I did it now though, because I do think it shows what I call the theatricality of this show, in the staging. There was some thought put into that, and being close up, it doesn't translate. Yeah, I know -- getting the gorgeous hunk of man upclose is what everyone seems to want, but sometimes, I just feel some perspective is needed too.

Gibby, this is a show barometer for me, as I watched this show, I noticed I was smiling almost constantly. I left the theater feeling like I had Jack Nicholson's joker smile frozen on my face. Remember, it seems so long ago now, there was a quote that got bandied around a lot, "being a Clay Aiken fan, was being in a constant state of celebration"? I don't know why that quote popped into my head, but it just seems so appropriate. If I focus on why I'm here, why I enjoy this man so, why his voice reaches me like no other, I can maintain my own "constant state of celebration" There really is so much to celebrate.

Ah yes, our first thread title here at FCA....and I kinda think it's my personal philosophy of this board.

Anyway...I love what Clay's done with this show. He truly realizes that the holidays are NOT an easy time for some people, and IMO incorporates that into the show with his choice of stories. And yet, there's hope involved, and ultimately, that leaves me with a smile on my face.

Clay is a constant surprise and I just have to trust that he knows what he is doing. he is not a child who needs my professional advice, well, maybe if we were discussing defined benefit pension plans for his staff.

Bwah! And are you advertising for that position?

Isn't my new avatar pretty?

BTW, I'll just post this here now....I'm looking for 2 ticket upgrades for the Merrillville show. If ANYONE hears about them releasing seats, or hears of some good tickets being sold, please contact me! I had mezzanine for St. Louis, and it was beautiful. (I sat in between two sets of people who were going on and on about "them having the BEST SEATS they ever had" with these seats. I was chuckling to myself about that....) But I'm totally selfish, and want to be close for the last show. (BTW, "good" is either pit for the first 3 rows of the regular section. Yes, I'm being snobbish too. *g*) I'd rather not pay a broker, if I can help it.

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Thank you for your compliments on my clack. I had been given a "heads up" that not many of the "usual suspects" would be there for St. Louis, and that I should seriously consider it. You guys don't know the half of all the "should I/shouldn't I" I was doing the past few days. I'm glad I did it now though, because I do think it shows what I call the theatricality of this show, in the staging. There was some thought put into that, and being close up, it doesn't translate. Yeah, I know -- getting the gorgeous hunk of man upclose is what everyone seems to want, but sometimes, I just feel some perspective is needed too.


BTW, I'll just post this here now....I'm looking for 2 ticket upgrades for the Merrillville show. If ANYONE hears about them releasing seats, or hears of some good tickets being sold, please contact me! I had mezzanine for St. Louis, and it was beautiful. (I sat in between two sets of people who were going on and on about "them having the BEST SEATS they ever had" with these seats. I was chuckling to myself about that....) But I'm totally selfish, and want to be close for the last show. (BTW, "good" is either pit for the first 3 rows of the regular section. Yes, I'm being snobbish too. *g*) I'd rather not pay a broker, if I can help it.

Hey ldyj, I haven't allowed myself to watch your clack yet, but thanks for taking it! I think it's always great to have a variety of different angles and views of every show. I will get the chance to see both for myself this time around, as I have close seats for Kalamazoo and Erie, but not-so-close for Merrillville (hee, mine are with yours, as you well know). I'm kind of looking forward to having a wider perspective at the last show. Good luck with your upgrading!

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Oooo, seeing luckiest1 posted reminded me -- what's the status on the song review project? I haven't fully backtracked through this thread to know what's been picked. I'm sure by now, I've gotten any leftovers. For the record, I don't want to do OCOCE, for I did that last year. But I'd love to do MGUCL this year. *g*

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Ah yes, our first thread title here at FCA....and I kinda think it's my personal philosophy of this board.

Dang, that's where I remember it from. That first thread here lasted a long time as I recall, so that title was something I read every day for awhile, no wonder it was back there in my sub-conscious.

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Clayzorback I am a long time member of this board as well as a member of that other board (shhhh). The following statement is not true:
Take out anybody that dares to state they don't like something and have the unmitigated gall to say so.
I'm aware of the thread you mentioned and I even posted in it about some inappropriate videos on You Tube which ridiculed Clay. Yes there are those who would like to counter some of the negativity at the OFCB with positive posts. I doubt it has to do with "anybody" commenting about things they don't like. People had an opinion and expressed it and what they wanted to do about ongoing negativity/hate. So what.

It also saddens me to see this board becoming infiltrated with members, from there, who support this type of agenda and that board owner in her other activities.
Sorry, I did not know I was an infiltrator. I thought I was a regular fan who belonged to multiple boards and who enjoys reading the first hand reports here about events that others attended.

Do I now need to provide a list of the boards to which I belong and have that list approved by others?

Kick me out if you must. It will make me sad but such is life.

ivy..... :word: ..... I'm with you.

There are some over there I don't agree with, but that is the way on all boards.

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Ah yes, our first thread title here at FCA....and I kinda think it's my personal philosophy of this board.

Dang, that's where I remember it from. That first thread here lasted a long time as I recall, so that title was something I read every day for awhile, no wonder it was back there in my sub-conscious.

I think our first thread lasted 6 months heee.

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Oooo, seeing luckiest1 posted reminded me -- what's the status on the song review project? I haven't fully backtracked through this thread to know what's been picked. I'm sure by now, I've gotten any leftovers. For the record, I don't want to do OCOCE, for I did that last year. But I'd love to do MGUCL this year. *g*

Glad you were reminded! Hee, do I have a reputation as a slave driver or what? :cryingwlaughter:

Here is the most recent list (and I apologize if I've missed anyone's request, the pages have been flying since the day before yesterday!)

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Jesus Medley - luckiest1

Mary Did You Know - Toots

Merry Christmas With Love

Jazzy Medley - Gibby

Christmas Waltz - liney23

Who Would Imagine a King (Angela) - ialreadyam

Welcome To Our World - jmh123

O Holy Night - keepingfaith

Hark the Herald Angels Sing/Oh Come All Ye Faithful - ldyjocelyn

Sentimental Medley - duckyvee

Where Are You Christmas (Quiana) - PuddinsJoy

My Grown Up Christmas List - FearOfH2O

Don't Save It All For Christmas Day - couchie

All Is Well - KAndre

So we still need volunteers for OCOCE, MCWL & HTHAS/OCAYF. ETA ldyjocelyn's choice.

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