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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Everybody just remember to not to take things personally.

My mom calls it being "touchy". It is exhausting to go through life feeling affronted every time someone happens to brush against my particular sensitivities. Wait. That sounded smutty. heh

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I'm banning the word Crisp. It makes me want to run out and buy a $2 apple

carry on.

I can't find any! Costco had them but must have had a run because they are there no more...my local grocery doesn't carry them so I guess I'll have to send out a search party because I really like the crisp, crispy honeycrisp apples.

Oops I did it again!

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But first night I just thought solemn and somber and joyless were buzzwords for where is my funny sexy man that is supposed to entertain all the friends I talked into going and now all they're going to get is.... singing :cryingwlaughter: So I laugh at that, not someone's real opinion on the show. It's not the end of the world if it's not universally liked. Nothing is.

You are right, and that's why those words carried a subtext into the conversation thereafter.


I'm banning the word Crisp. It makes me want to run out and buy a $2 apple

carry on.

BWAH. I :F_05BL17blowkiss: Couch Tomato :lilredani:

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Heeee.....at our house it was like this -

I have good news and bad news - The Good news? Everybody is not thinking of you personally when they do or say something.

The Bad news - same thing!


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Does anyone not going to a concert or anymore concerts need any merchandise?

OMG, Me, Me!! :PickMe-1: (hope I'm not too late)

I would love a scarf. Did I read they come in red with white lettering and off white with red lettering? Has anyone seen the poster?

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It is exhausting to go through life feeling affronted every time someone happens to brush against my particular sensitivities. Wait. That sounded smutty. heh
Oh yeah! I'll take that "affront" and raise you a "rub me the wrong way" .... if I can get a certain hot singer babe to brush up against my particular sensitivities!! Mama!!
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I think sometimes we all need short term memory loss so we don't carry last week's feelings into today's conversations but we're human. But I think we'll be ok.

God, this struck home.

Things at work with me lately and then last night for Kenny and his softball league board meeting. He's the prez and has been working like a dog with a group, trying to figure out how the league can group the girls so that everyone gets a chance to play, but the ones with REAL skill and interest in the sport can develop, too. Lots of parental 'opinions', fo' sho'. Anyhoo, he came home last night and said he finally 'blew up' at one particularly obnoxious woman.

Now those of you who've met my hubby, maybe you can understand how unusual this type of behavior is from him. He said that the couple of women on the board who've been working with him for years were sitting there with their mouths hanging open, totally shocked that he was saying the things he said and expressing such anger.

Yeah...well...sometimes even saints get pissed off, you know? :P

It's sooooo hard to take something negative and then move on. I'm still trying to climb out of my funk after my dressing down here at work and turn that conversation from lemons to lemonade, but I'd much rather sulk and groan and moan (unfortunately, not in the good way)...it's so much tougher to accept responsibility, look for something in the mess to learn from and then set your course with determination not to repeat mistakes.

So as I said before, "I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up."


But before I become him.....


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I don't happen to think there is group think on any Board. I really think that the only thing Clay Fans have in common is the love of Clay Aiken. [despite the Media attempts to pigeonhole us] I think everyone percieves Clay in their own way, through a combination of truth and their own perceptions....and a whole lot of projection. Which vision is right? Damn if I know. All I do know is that I love his VOX, his heart, his personality, and his humanity. And even after four years he still takes my breath away.

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I don't happen to think there is group think on any Board. I really think that the only thing Clay Fans have in common is the love of Clay Aiken. [despite the Media attempts to pigeonhole us] I think everyone percieves Clay in their own way, through a combination of truth and their own perceptions....and a whole lot of projection. Which vision is right? Damn if I know. All I do know is that I love his VOX, his heart, his personality, and his humanity. And even after four years he still takes my breath away.

I have no problem with that..but then again I think we're on totally different wavelengths when it comes to group think. Nobody is saying every and all.

Eh to the media. I embrace my middleagedness...and hell I fit the profile more than most anyway. That stopped being a thorn in my side 3 years ago.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Muski.... I want a real one. Hey when I get my new computer maybe I can come over and we can listen to cellstream side by side and you can teach me all about wireless connections and getting a router. :cryingwlaughter: And rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kenny. heee. I've met the man and wow I'm shocked. heee. He such a sweetie.

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KAndre thinks for a minute, then points her finger and laughs at the world's least scariest admin...

Eh, I think there is a fair amount of group think on any message board, Clay-related or not. You have a self-selected group of people with common interests and it tends to be much more fun for most to have one's opinions agreed with. I think that's human nature. It still doesn't take away from individualism though.

As for which vision is right? I keep telling you people, MINE.

I don't wanna be Clay Aiken when I grow up. I'm very fond of occasionally being totally unreasonable. And pissing people off. Wait, maybe that is Clay.

Ultimately, I agree with kf (except about the Beatles...and poetry about dead trees), it's all cool/OK/fine. Except for the stuff I don't agree with. Remember, consistancy is the hobgoblin of small minds.

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Has this picture been posted here?






I'm usually all about the closeups. Eyes and lips and stubble.

But this pic. This pose. Those clenched hands. Doing strange, wonderful things to my girlie parts.


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and I won't beat a dead horse... if there will be no bus lines, maybe a little blog to that affect. CLay's safety is of utmost importance but so are my girls freezing their asses off.

And their tootsies, too..... remembering standing in the freezing cold in Williamsport last year wearing mules with no hose. Fortunately, I had some dirty socks in my pocket (long story), and JaMar held me up in the throng of yet to be lined up fans (before we knew about lines) while I put them in. You could get trampled there. It was so worth it. But I'd hate to endure that without a happy ending. Just tell us, Clay. We can handle it. Promise. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Me too, me too. I felt the need to focus in on this:


Funny, I'm having quite a hard time focusing when I look at that.

Good LORD he's a magnificent specimen. So long and lean and, and... where was I?


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KAndre thinks for a minute, then points her finger and laughs at the world's least scariest admin...

As for which vision is right? I keep telling you people, MINE.

I don't wanna be Clay Aiken when I grow up. I'm very fond of occasionally being totally unreasonable. And pissing people off. Wait, maybe that is Clay.

KAndre... :cryingwlaughter: Not sure which of your statements made me laugh the hardest... BWAH!!!

Here is something from CH that may answer the question about a busline...

IU Gal wrote:

One of my local friends ran into Jerome at the box office and had a few minutes to chat. He said Clay was mad at him last night because he failed to line up the fans for the bus line after the concert. She was not able to compose herself long enough to ask if there would be one tonight.

He'd better wear one of his scarf/hat combos tho... he has to stay healthy! LOL

Muski... Wow... she must have been REALLY obnoxious to get Kenny to go off on her! Man! Keep on keeping on and you will get where you want to go re the takedown at work. Responsibility, yes, but don't forget the essential step of forgiving yourself. You can't really go to the next level without letting go of the old level and self-forgiveness is a must do in the process. [/philosophical address]

jmh... thanks for the focused picture... it is now my desktop! The man looks soooo good back at his slender self. Did you see the endorsement he did for his chef? Bless the chef!!!

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jmh... thanks for the focused picture... it is now my desktop! The man looks soooo good back at his slender self. Did you see the endorsement he did for his chef? Bless the chef!!!

I missed this. What about a chef??

ETA: nevermind - I saw it on the CB.

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HEY! Am I in the right board???

Was there a concert last night???

I can't believe we only have ONE picture from last night???

I see lots of opinions about opinions. I wanted to comment on it but then...when will this gerbil wheel stop...sooooo

may I please request for more PRETTIES!!!!

GAH...that vest is gorgeous on him. He sure lost some weight!!!

Can we talk about the concert now??

As I listened to the concert I was truly amazed at how well the stories are working for me. I am truly impressed with the first stories and the readers. I thought he did a great job choosing stories because they really were not maudlin...but inspiring and life affirming. I did cry buckets with the second story but the resolution was so hopeful and confirms my belief that we have the power to overcome the loss we experience. I am hoping someone can do clack of the whole stage so we can have a glimps of the atmosphere Clay wanted to create.

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