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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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ldyj, it looks like you uploaded some St. Louis clack to the vault. I'm soooo looking forward to downloading it, once I'm finished uploading mine. Whew, it takes forever to get that stuff in the vault.

Wheee! Can't wait - but so far I don't see it in the vault. It seems as though it is taking a long time for clack to come through this tour, but I think that is probably because there are five shows in a row with no break. I bet we see a slew of clack get uploaded this weekend!

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I was just surfing and ran across an MP3 site based in Russia that charges 1 dollar to download an album and 10 cents to download a song.they claim they are completely legal, but I don't think that would pay the song royalties. must be why it is Russian. So, if you don't want to illeagally download, you join this site for free and paypal them your fees. Or you can give them your credit card number if you dare.

I've been using a Russian site for about a year now... credit card and all. They charge .19 a song tho, and they don't have every.thing, but I did download the entire Beatles catalog about a month ago for cheeeeap! :) I figure I bought the album, then the 8-Track, then the cassette.... I'll be damned There's no way I'm paying for that stuff again.

Don't tell anyone. :lol:

I never get my Clay stuff from there tho. Heh.

ETA... Oh Yay!!! ldyjocelyn's clack is up!!!

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Many, many hours ago I made a post asking for an explanation of a post. All I wanted was an explanation. A few posts later I got (although I just read it....)

Maybe I'm missing something here - and truly I am not trying to stir the turd, as our boyfriend might say - but is there something wrong with someone thing that FOR THEM, IN THEIR OPINION they found the concert somber and solemn?

Actually, I was laughing about the dichotomy, because it just goes to show how different perceptions can be. I was also making a teensy (tiny, miniscule) joke by substituting "opinion" for "complaining" based on our board discussion earlier about how much is too much where expressing opinions is concerned.


I think the difference is when they use 'somber and solemn' as a condemnation, not merely their own personal feelings about the show.

And yes, I also meant THAT. And of COURSE those who want to express it in a condemning or non-condemning way are certainly FREE to do so.

And no...the perceptions of "sober" and "solemn" and "joy" are not mutually exclusive.

I was LAUGHING, y'all!

It just struck me as F-U-N-N-Y.

And so, I was expressing my OPINION that it was funny. That's it. That's all.

I'm going to go get my giggle back now.

That was all I was asking for! I am glad it was supposed to be funny and only sorry I didn't get it because now I feel stupid.

But I guess that post wasn't the only post which was misunderstood. Looks like mine asking for an explanation was misunderstood too.

I will not go on with this subject past this post. I agree with parts of many posts - too many too bother to quote. My greatest fear is that this board will become one of two things: Either a board where anyone who ever offers a criticism of Clay gets attacked, mocked or scoffed, which is why I fled my first board, at or a board like the one muski mentioned, the last board she was on before FCA, and the last board I was on before FCA, where that poor dead horse was constantly being beaten. Lately it seems to have become both.

I freely accept my role in that happening. But I alone am not responsible. I just have to believe this is just a bump in the road.

Keepingfaith, I know what you said I told you after Frisco was true, but to be fair and in my defense, it wasn't said in quite the callous manner your post made it seem. And I was far from the only one who felt that way. Also, if you recall I also said numerous times that I was thrilled you loved it because your first time should always be special.

As to chexxy's board, my opinion of it is not favorable. I know someone who has changed definitely not for the better since being "brainwashed" by that board. I am no longer close to her, but I know someone who is and even she says how much she has changed to the point of she no longer enjoys being around her. I also know for a fact some of the things that board has done in the name of defending Clay that IMO border on criminal actions. I respect it if someone is friends with her, but I have nothing but contempt for that board and its owner. Perhaps her intentions are pure, but her actions that I know of are not. But its her board and I guess she can do whatever she wants - no matter who it hurts or what lies it spreads. I will also admit to being nervous about some members of that board being here. I realize it is probably just paranoia, but I admit it has crossed my mind that they are here to spy. However, I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, so I give them the benefit if the doubt.

Like others here, this board saved my online fandom. I think I may have been one of the first to refer to it as my home board. That was a little over a year ago. I just don't want to see this special place go down the path my first two boards did. Change is natural and inevitable, but change for the worse is not. It hasn't happened yet, but lately I have seen many red flags. Perhaps that is why I have been so defensive. I am defending my home. I've lost two already and I don't think I could stand losing a third.

I am very much looking forward to seeing somber/hot/solemn/hot/joyous/hot/reverent/hot/serious/hot/spiritual/hot Clay on Sunday. I suspect seeing him looking so hot and listening to him sing purdy will make everything all right.

Now back to drooling.

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cindilu - your calendar wallpapers are great, but I'm totally blown away by your 'mesmerizing' wallpaper. It looks fantastic on my computer screen! I don't think I'll be changing it for awhile!

I like "mesmerizing" a lot, but I haven't changed to it, because I'm so mesmerized by "captivating" that I can't let it go!

It's time to look at pictures. And this first one ... Lord have mercy on my soul ...







But that first one is mesmerizing me and captivating me, besides kicking my ass and killing me dead. One more time ..... with feelin' ...


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ldyj, thanks for the clack showing the whole stage. Clay's got himself a teeny little pedestal to stand still on all night, doesn't he? I didn't realize he was completely alone, separated from the girls and everything -- standing in a sea of musicians. Boy has to be itching to get off that thing once or twice... :lol: I never would have imagined him putting himself up there like that on such a small space.

I haven't been a fan of the falsetto in DSIAFCD in the past, but last night's little trick with the hand cupping the mic and the triple falsetto kinda got to me. Me likey!!

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I haven't been a fan of the falsetto in DSIAFCD in the past, but last night's little trick with the hand cupping the mic and the triple falsetto kinds got to me. Me likey!!

YSRN, you are me! When I saw that...for some unknown reason I felt a little....flutter in my girlie parts. :hubbahubba:

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I haven't been a fan of the falsetto in DSIAFCD in the past, but last night's little trick with the hand cupping the mic and the triple falsetto kinds got to me. Me likey!!

YSRN, you are me! When I saw that...for some unknown reason I felt a little....flutter in my girlie parts. :hubbahubba:

heeee...when don't you feel fluttering in your girly parts. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clay looks really really really REALLY good. long and lean. I need that freakin' chef of his. I want somebody to fix me interesting tasty healthy meals. ok whine over...

I'm loving the falsetto more too..I always liked it but the one he did in Vegas..wow that was extra special. He has really taken control of his instrument.

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Does anyone want tickets to Waukegan, K'Zoo and DC cos I am dead. Those pics are to die for!!!! How much better looking can he get? My heart just cannot stand it. How can I love this guy so much?

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