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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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OK well all I heard so far is that Clay confronted the supposed pregnant woman in the meet and greet...I don't know any details and I'm not going to participate in any hush hush under the cover nonsense. This is part of the problem.. all this so called investigations and whipering behind the scenes. That just caused more problems. If people would just put shit out and stop trying to act like their personal info puts them closer to Clay we would have never had this thing drag out so long. Because the first I would have heard that people were talking to CLay in PMs and he was out getting the fandom pregnant I wuold have told them they are fucking crazy. I'm sorry if anyone here was naive enough to believe it but really... a reality check should have come a long time ago if everything had been aired.

My family kinda blew up last night. It's shocking and sad and I'm trying to figure otu how in the world I had no clue. So game playing is not on my agenda today.

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{{{{couchie & family}}}}

My only issue is there are several conflicting rumors of what happened in the M&G...and the entire situation sounds completely psychotic. Clinically psychotic.

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So, do we throw out what we've heard and see how similar they are or what? It doesn't matter to me, either way...I don't know if people really want to discuss it or just put it on the back burner with the rest of the crazy shit that happens in this fandom.

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{{{{Claygasm and Dad}}}}}}}

{{{{Couchie and family}}}}}}

I seriously have NO clue wtf the latest M&G stuff is about. I really try not to frequent any of the 'secret' threads, and I don't ever get involved in the gossip stuff. Lordy, that sounds sanctimonious, and I swear to god I don't mean it to. It's just for me personally, it's too hard and I honestly don't wanna know about any of the shit. So this is the very first I'm hearing about any of it, and I gotta say I'm baffled!

Fear - I simply love your recap(s). I can feel your joy at the experience!!! Thank you SO MUCH!

Gosh, I'd kill for his hair. Hair and eyelashes. GAHHHHHHH!

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Just take everything with an oceanload of salt - there is (hopefully) some truth at the heart of this - but there is so much second-, third, fifteenth-hand information floating around in the biggest game of Telephone I've seen in years...

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I haven't even heard any rumors. I've been living under a box - a box covered with snow - recently. I'm nosey enough that I hoped someone posts what all the strum und drang is about -- or I may just have to make up my own story which would be much more lurid than the truth. What ?? Clay impregnated seven people at one M&G M&F.

Bad news is that I decided to forego Williamsport. I'm pretty sure I could get down there without problems, but getting back would be a whole 'nother ball of wax. I've driven Route 15 in the winter and although they do a great job of plowing, the mountains between the NY border and Williamsport can be tough. (OK, so they aren't the kind of mountains you have in the West, but they are high and hilly and twisting enough for us.) I just can't see spending an extra night in Williamsport! Of course, now that I've decided, the storm will track further south and won't be a problem.

All you brave people, take extra care on the roads Sat. night and Sunday.

Hugs :F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone. I started to say "to all who need them" but EVERYONE needs one once in a while!

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Just take everything with an oceanload of salt - there is (hopefully) some truth at the heart of this - but there is so much second-, third, fifteenth-hand information floating around in the biggest game of Telephone I've seen in years...

Yep, that's my whole problem with at least the M&G part of it from last night. I've not read a report from people who were there, I've just read "friend of a friend of a friend" things. Makes me just sit back and say "whatever."

Wait... What?!! Is Clay Sperm gonna be offered on the online store or something? Frozen, or to be delivered live and in person? 'Cause I've got an untapped home equity line just sitting there unused ...


Me on telephone: Hello, honey?

Hubby: Yes?

Me: Can I use our life savings for something REALLY special?

Hubby? What is it?

Me: Just a chance to bear Clay Aiken's child.

---long silence---

Hubby: No.

Me: Damn.


couchie, I'll keep you in my thoughts as prayers too.

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{{{Couch Tomato}}} What a heartbreak!

As for the M&G gossip, it's just that, we don't KNOW anything. Some people elsewhere are taking gossip as truth, but we don't even have a first hand M&G report. Just what someone said someone told someone else.

{{{Lilyshine}}}, sorry you are missing the concert. You are smart not to take chances with this storm, IMO.

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{{{couchie & family}}} It's especially tough when families have problems at Christmas time.

My mom called me a few minutes ago to ask me if I remember where I was on this day last year. She reminded me that she was having her 2nd cancer surgery, so CG, I really know where you are at today. On the bright side, she is cancer-free and doing wonderfully. She plans to drive out and join us for the Christmas holidays.

I think the best we can do in this latest WTF situation in the fandom is to try and stay away from the rumours and gossip and wait for some first hand M&G reports to come in. There were 5 other people there, hopefully one of them sees fit to post something.

{{{lilyshine}}} We are just sitting here nervously, listening to weather reports and hoping that somehow, someway, this storm will miss us and we will be able to drive to Erie on Sunday. Not looking promising for us either, though.

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Bringing this concert recap over from Sue4AllYouDo at CB, via CH:

Just got back from Morristown and all I can say is one word....PERFECTION !!!!! Not only from Clay and the Girls, but from that wonderful venue. This is a venue that has been under renovation for the last 12 years, so I've been told tonight by the staff, but it was well worth the wait!!! The sound system was the BEST I'VE EVER HEARD, and when Clay opened his mouth to sing the first note, I just knew tonight was going to be his best vocal performance EVER!!!! And, IT WAS !!!! Not only did he sound magnificant, he looked magnificant and VERY HAPPY !!!! The bangs returned tonight along with the long jacket. Clay was VERY animated tonight when he sang. His very large hands and long fingers were very expressive tonight and he was clowning with Angie and Quiana a few times, especially during DSIAFCD. I am still in awe of the "Sound" of tonight's concert. I'm willing to bet that this is going to be the concert to get for the audio version for each and every song.

Good Morning, Guys!!! I'm back again first thing this morning because I just can't stop thinking about the way the show sounded last night in Morristown, NJ!!! I was SOOOO impressed that I'm considering joining their membership, and I don't even live close to Morristown!!!! As I was telling my husband about the show this morning, there was something I wanted to let you guys know. Last night, before Clay sang DSIAFCD, he introduced the Chelsea Symphony once again, and for the final time of the tour. He said "I'm losing these guys tonight" and he sounded as if he was dissappointed about it. I got the feeling that he really loved the Chelsea Symphony and the 4 (or 5 ???) times that they accompanied him this year and last. They stood up and faced the audience after Clay talked about them, and we gave them a standing ovation. Then, they turned to Clay and THEY all Clapped, bowed their heads, and their smiles at him were from ear to ear!!!!! Truly, very touching moment, and very sincere...one great set of professionals to another fellow professional. It was one of those moments that you will always remember.

*sniff* Sounds like a wonderful concert!

ETA: Eeeep! I just noticed that I am two posts away from 2,000. What happens then? Do I change from Executive Producer to something else? Do I get dancing bananas? :lol:

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Oh man, now I REALLY want to see DSIAFCD clack! That sounds like a sweet touching moment for all involved.

Besides, I'd rather watch that than read about other things...

luckiest1, I'll have to check, but I think you need to hit 2500 to change your designation again....

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I trust ya'll to use your judgement. I'm just pretty convinced that the doom and gloom of the fandom was influenced by people who thought they knew Clay and was passing on his feelings in a hush hush believe me I KNOW kind of way. I will never believe any rumors or insiders again.

Not sure what happens at 2000 heee - maybe nothing. I'll check later.

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{{{{couchie & family}}}}

Two of my three grown (chronologically) children have not talked to each other in almost 6 years. They had a big blow-up and that's all they wrote. Haven't had a whole family Thanksgiving or Christmas or... since. I feel for you, couchie! It hurts!

Here's hoping we hear a first hand recap, cause I'd like to know the truth. I read that one of the other M&Gers was the one to out her, not Clay. Then I heard that someone really admired how he handled it, so I'd just like to know.

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To add to my recap, a few of my not so great photos:

Here is one with Clay making A & Q hold the note longer in DSIAFCD:


A cute but very fuzzy one showing the great hair. It really looked blonde to me.


Gawd, I FLOVE that 'looking-at-his-watch" picture! It's Primo Clay Aiken! :cryingwlaughter:

and Fear, I also especially FLOVE this part of your recap: He smiled so much, and boy is that ever contagious, I thought my face would crack and fall off smiling back. The Jesus medley was so unholy. Love the contagious smile thingy because ain't it the truth?!?!?!? and Love the oxymoron of the Jesus medley being unholy! BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

Ah yesssss...the rumors, the friend's friend's account, the legal issues, the audacity of the man!, the poor judgment he used by doing 'it' in a M& G!, the...

:rolleyes: Yeppers, I'll sit this one out until there's something really juicy and real to slurp up.

And yes, jumpingjacks, it is luscious and thick and long and thick.... :Thud: And maybe, cha cha, that's the sword they gave him for the play, but it's way too short to be Clay's sword. :cryingwlaughter:

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Awww...demmit! Would somebody please just tell the rest of us what's going on? I think it goes without saying that everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt and that at this point it's all rumor. But if it's going to be alluded to in every other post, I for one would appreciate knowing what everyone else is talking about.

Couchie, I'm so sorry for whatever is going on in your family right now. This is a hard time of the year. I hope it can all work itself out. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Wait... What?!! Is Clay Sperm gonna be offered on the online store or something? Frozen, or to be delivered live and in person? 'Cause I've got an untapped home equity line just sitting there unused ...

Start cornering the turkey baster market!

Here's hoping we hear a first hand recap, cause I'd like to know the truth. I read that one of the other M&Gers was the one to out her, not Clay. Then I heard that someone really admired how he handled it, so I'd just like to know.

Couchie, I think all families are dysfunctional. It is just a question of the degree to which they are dysfunctional.

Too bad we don't have M&G clack. *g* :cryingwlaughter: As note-taking was admonished, absent an ex cathedra report (are blogs ex cathedra?), I hope some legitimate reports of whatever happened at the M&G surface, so this episode doesn't become another "Clurban" (hee!) legend.

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Hi y'all. I'm way behind. Don't know nothing about nothing vis a vis the M&G, except little hints that something happened. Drives me nuts. Bookwhore, I completely agree with what you said. Somebody tell us clueless people what is going on.

I'm trying to decide whether or not to head to Williamsport tomorrow. They keep changing the weather forecast for here and there, so I'm still on the fence.

This morning I was trying to get the lights on the Christmas tree and I got totally confused about how to plug the strands together. Now I've been doing this for 30+ years pretty much on my own. I was also having a hot flash at the time. A totally frightening feeling that I didn't know what I was doing. Had to walk away, get a drink of water, take a moment and then it made sense again. Maybe I need medication! :hangin:

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Hee-hee...once again I am on the outside looking in! Have no idea what the hey is going on regarding last nights M&G. Dang!

Hugs to CG and family. I hope all goes well.

Hugs to Couchie...been there, done that...not fun.

Maybe I need medication!

That's where the concert comes in.....pinkglasses.gif

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