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#22: Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should


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  1. 1. What should be our next poll title???

    • Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!
    • Brown hair and red hair and blonde hair, OH MY!
    • Is He Harboring Weapons of Mass Seduction?
    • "God help us with the dancing part."
    • I love the new hair, and the hair from last week, and the hair from next week.
    • I can pretend he's the little Shetland pony I wanted to play with as a child.
    • He is a man of many parts and all of them can park on my couch anytime!!!
    • When I pushed the Clay button, his voice pushed all of mine.

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Big admin post at CV pretty much explains it, I think.

I had a poster try to involve me in this bullshit and when I wouldn't follow her lead, she tried to turn it around so that it was ME giving the information...crazy bitch.

I want that person and a couple of her cohorts to have some accountability here...

It is the craziest shit I've ever read in my life....

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Big admin post at CV pretty much explains it, I think.

Yes, if you're a member at CV I would recommend reading dudley's Admin post on the matter, as it explains the situation in a fairly clear way. That's as much as I feel like I need to know about it.

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OK, a semi synopsis:

Last Christmas, someone claimed to be preggers with Clay's Love Child. (this may or may not have been a fat non-English speaking Romanian). A fake Clay also showed up, contacting a variety of people in the fandom. Fake Clay whined at them and have cybersex with them and convinced them they were working on his album with him. The preggers person convinced people that Clay had issues and she had issues and she needed support from Clay's loyal fans. Apparently she got lots of stuff. She had twins or a singleton or something. One twin died, and Faye stole the live one. And Clay left Raleigh home to watch it. Or she tried to sell a single baby. Or a fan was gonna adopt it. Notwithstanding all of this, Clay hit it again, and oops, she's preggers AGAIN. And since Clay apparently only hits it with his mighty super sperm and it's not necessary for them to actually speak to each other, she needed a M&G to tell him about the second pregnancy.

And that seems to be the believable part.

ETA: I haven't read the CV post - this is a synopsis of what I've gathered. I didn't tell people because I swear I thought this was the stupidest story on God's Green Earth.

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Those who thought they were "helping" Clay called on me to give my "professional" opinion on some of the bullshit they were spewing. I refused and tried to convince said person that #1 Clay would NEVER talk to a fan about any of it and #2 she'd lost her mind to think he would. I, to this day, can NOT believe they believed this stuff.

I guess having a connection is more important than having the common sense to question.

Sorry, I'm a still bitter about what she tried to do to me, I guess.

I'm done talking about her part in all of this.

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BWAH!!! That's a RIDICULOUS story. And fans actually bought that story? Yikes! So sad for them. It sounds like this person has mental health issues. I'm sorry that it got as far as it did, but KUDOS to Clay for confronting her.

lilyshine, I'm sorry you won't make your concert! *HUGS*

And *HUGS* for Couchie, too. Good luck with your family situation!

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I've read the CV synopsis. My eyes are still rolling in my head.

I've read KAndre's synopsis. I'm still cleaning mac & cheese off my monitor.

Best. Synopsis. Ever.

KAndre, have you considered a career in soap opera writing? I think you have a natural gift!

The fact that some people still believe this soap opera is proof that they will believe whatever they want to believe.

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OK, a semi synopsis:


And that seems to be the believable part.

ETA: I haven't read the CV post - this is a synopsis of what I've gathered. I didn't tell people because I swear I thought this was the stupidest story on God's Green Earth.

Been a fan for 4 years now ... and sure i don't "know" Clay ... but at the same time i do "know" a great deal and think i have a good general impression of the man, the person, the performer. I know he's not perfect, he can choose a bad direction, or make a mistake, or have a 'bad' day the same as anyone. I will forgive and forget his boo-boos, as i hope to be forgiven mine. The rare "stories" that don't kind of "fit" in my picture are going to be attached to a huge salt lick cement block and dumped in the ocean (sealed against water pollution).

I wrote the above at CV .... but really ... this stuff is so unbelievable.

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Those who thought they were "helping" Clay called on me to give my "professional" opinion on some of the bullshit they were spewing. I refused and tried to convince said person that #1 Clay would NEVER talk to a fan about any of it and #2 she'd lost her mind to think he would. I, to this day, can NOT believe they believed this stuff.

I guess having a connection is more important than having the common sense to question.

Sorry, I'm a still bitter about what she tried to do to me, I guess.

I'm done talking about her part in all of this.

{JJ}---- :F_05BL17blowkiss: You can't make this shit up. LOL!!

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BWAH! omg! Where's play? She must have SOMEwhere in that infinite folder of emoticons and gifs and whatnot, one of Clay's


Dang, if THIS story is true, I'd better not even LOOK at a PICTURE of the man if I don't want to get preggies.

And I don't even have a viable target anymore of that mighty Aiken Seed!

BWAHBWAHBWAH! :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter:

(and also :cry4: that there truly are such disturbed people and that Clay and his team were driven to such measures as to have the M&G filmed. utterly amazing.)

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swoooooooooooooooooooon. Go on Clay with your bad self.

How can smart women be taken into such a mess. I don't know Clay either but i know enough. I just don't believe Clay would have cybersex with random fans. And the day I buy a car for a millionaire's offspring, commit me. Other than that...I just feel sad for those taken in. It's a sad sad situation.

Thank you for all the hugs. I really need them. CG I am thinking of you today and I hope and pray all goes well for your dad.

ON a brigher note.... I hear it's very cold in heartland country!

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swoooooooooooooooooooon. Go on Clay with your bad self.

How can smart women be taken into such a mess. I don't know Clay either but i know enough. I just don't believe Clay would have cybersex with random fans. And the day I buy a car for a millionaire's offspring, commit me. Other than that...I just feel sad for those taken in. It's a sad sad situation.

Thank you for all the hugs. I really need them. CG I am thinking of you today and I hope and pray all goes well for your dad.

ON a brigher note.... I hear it's very cold in heartland country!

That's a brighter note? :lol:

Aww, you get my hugs too!!!

I can't even know what to say to all the stupidness. It's just stupid. LOL! I have seen people fall victim to the wanna be close to Clay so they believe the bullshit of bullshitters no matter how far-fetched. I shake my head that they can do it, but I guess common sense just isn't for everyone.

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swoooooooooooooooooooon. Go on Clay with your bad self.

ON a brigher note.... I hear it's very cold in heartland country!

Now, Couchie, you wouldn't have wanted to have bought that coat for nothing would you?

This latest stuff is pretty wild, I must live in a Clay fan vacuum, I never heard anything about this. There really must be some pretty gullible people out there. I'm in the "you couldn't make this shit up camp" too

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From notacanuck at CH

Minneapolis Star-Tribune

A Christmas Clay Ride

Q What are your plans for Christmas?

A My mother and I are going to do a UNICEF trip to Mexico in the aftermath of the flood. I've done UNICEF trips to Uganda, Indonesia and Afghanistan. Possibly my brother, too. We may all spend our family holiday on a UNICEF field visit in Mexico this year. It'll be the first time that we've not done the same old thing for the holidays.


Q How did your role as Sir Robin in "Spamalot" on Broadway come about?

A They started asking me last year if I'd consider "Spamalot," and I didn't know anything about it. So I got tickets to see it in November of last year, and I thought this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. We were busy at the time so I didn't have the ability to do anything with them. So they asked again this summer, and I went and saw it again and I thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life. It's not traditional Broadway at all, which is why I think people enjoy it. That's why we decided to give it a shot; it's something completely different than anything that I've done or people would expect us to do. We're excited about it.

Q What's with your new look with the long bangs and darker hair? You look more emo than elfin.

A Oh, my goodness. I've actually had that since 2006. It was just an idea that it was a time to change. We were putting an album out in 2006, and I don't know why people want to change stuff. The idea was to make me look older and more mature, I think, with darker, non-spikey hair. And now I'm almost 30 years old and I really don't want to be older and more mature. I think I need to go back somehow.

Q When was the last time you talked with Ruben Studdard?

A Last week. We keep in touch quite a bit. He's one of my best friends. Just last night, he did me a favor and performed at the UNICEF Snowflake Ball fundraiser in Los Angeles. I was on tour this year and couldn't perform so I called him up and asked him if he would.

Q There was a rumor that you are going to tour together.

A He and I were both surprised by that rumor. He's quite busy with his things, and I'm busy with mine. We're keeping our friendship alive and our business relationships don't cross paths very often.

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Poor baby, having a hard time adjusting to getting older. So does this mean he'll be going back to the spikes in a year, in order to "look younger?"

What a great interview!

Hey couchie, maybe you'll run into Faye and Clay at the Mall of America!

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swoooooooooooooooooooon. Go on Clay with your bad self.

How can smart women be taken into such a mess. I don't know Clay either but i know enough. I just don't believe Clay would have cybersex with random fans. And the day I buy a car for a millionaire's offspring, commit me. Other than that...I just feel sad for those taken in. It's a sad sad situation.

Thank you for all the hugs. I really need them. CG I am thinking of you today and I hope and pray all goes well for your dad.

ON a brigher note.... I hear it's very cold in heartland country!

Analysis re bolded part - they ain't so smart....

I am reeling from all this and waaaaaaa! I don't have time to read all about it!! :cry4:

But I also heard that it was discovered several months ago that a private message board where fans thought they were really talking to Clay and were taken in to his inner online circle... well... they were just ... ummm... made fools of taken in. So to speak. (if this has been mentioned I apologize and also if you are already done talking about this I apologize twice. I don't have time to catch up and I really shouldn't even be here!!)

Carry on...... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

eta: big hugs for couchie and CG :hugs-1: :big hug: :garfieldodie-grouphug:

As for driving to Williamsport tomorrow...... :smokelots:

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Can't wait to see Clay and his mouse on Broadway :cryingwlaughter:

Gawd, I love him!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that his mouse is back. It must have taken a vacation for a while! :pocketmouse:

I'm grinding my teeth looking at a clearing sky and absolutely clear roads, but I know when they predict 100% chance of heavy snow, I should stay put.

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